Ravik's Mercy (Braxians Book 2)

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Ravik's Mercy (Braxians Book 2) Page 7

by Regine Abel

  Ravik bared his teeth in sudden anger. “He was behind that wretched drug?” he hissed.

  I lifted my chin, trying to silence the inevitable shame I always felt when reminded of the terrible things my family had done. The highly addictive drug had caused ravages in the short time Varrek had managed to distribute it before his demise. No cure existed for that addiction, and withdrawal always led to death.

  “Yes,” I said, my tone slightly clipped. “So you understand why I must go.”

  He nodded again. “Braxia is going through troubled times. It isn’t a safe place for a female, especially one as exotic as you.”

  I shrugged. “Anton already warned me of it. His father will ensure my safety.”

  “He will do no such thing,” Ravik snarled, his grip tightening around me.

  My eyes widened, and my heart sank.

  “You would deny me entry to your world?” I asked, my eyes flicking between his.

  “While wisdom dictates that I should forbid you access for your own safety, I will not. However, no other man but me will give you his protection. It will be my shield over you; no one else’s.”

  My stomach flip-flopped at his commanding tone—and the almost vicious look in his eyes—as he dared me to challenge his statement.

  “Someone is possessive,” I whispered.

  Ravik’s hand under the edge of my dress caressed me from the side of my breast to the curve of my bum, this time with zero effort at subtlety.

  “I also do not play,” he said, his voice between a promise and a threat.

  The music ended, and I almost whimpered when he released me, wishing to remain in his embrace a while longer. I hated feeling so needy and chose not to throw myself further at him by asking for a second dance. I shivered. My skin, where his burning hands had held me, suddenly felt cold. Ravik’s palm found its way to my hip as he guided me back to Anton’s private booth. Although I appreciated the feel of his hand on me again, it was on my bare skin that I wanted it.

  We resumed our seats, joined shortly thereafter by Anton and Grace. As soon as he settled next to me, Ravik placed a possessive hand on my thigh left exposed by my short skirt. Although tanned, his skin almost looked white against mine which was quite a few shades darker. I stared at it before looking up at him. He held my gaze, daring me to challenge his claim. Without missing a beat, I responded by placing my own on his thigh. He snorted, then inclined his head in agreement.

  Sensing our hosts watching us, I peered at them. Grace stared with undisguised curiosity and excitement. Anton observed us with a somewhat troubled expression. It didn’t take a genius to guess he felt uncertain of the wisdom regarding any involvement between the Magnar and me. I shared those concerns. And yet…

  “I never knew you were such a good dancer, Ravik,” Grace said, leaning against her husband. “I’ll have to tell Naya. She’ll demand a dance with her ‘Maga Ravi’ before you leave.”

  “You will do no such thing,” Ravik said with a falsely threatening expression.

  Anton chuckled, his fingers fiddling with his wife’s hair. “Our daughter is quite looking forward to seeing you in the morning. She says you and my father give the best pony rides.”

  Picturing Grace’s and Anton’s three-year old daughter hanging on to Ravik’s forehead as he horsed around the living room under her peals of laughter had me chuckling as well. He glared at Anton and then at me. That made me chuckle even more. I could totally hear Naya with her baby voice calling him Maga Ravi. The three children were spending the night at their Uncle Marcus’ place to give their parents the freedom to entertain us and would return in the morning.

  Ravik opened his mouth to respond but abruptly stopped as one of his bodyguards seemed to appear out of thin air. He obviously hadn’t, but I’d been too intent on the Magnar to notice his approach.

  “A word, if you please,” the bodyguard said.

  Ravik excused himself and followed his guard to a room at the back of the restaurant. My gaze followed them until they fell out of sight. Turning back to my hosts, I gave them a curious look. Grace’s shoulders sagged, and her lips pursed into the loveliest pout.

  “I bet he’s leaving,” she said.

  “Leaving?” I asked.

  “For Tagar to interrupt Ravik’s leisure time, something serious must be happening on Braxia.”

  I frowned and cast a worried glance towards the still closed door.

  “Ravena,” Anton said, making me turn back to him. “You should know that Ravik has demanded the privilege of ensuring your protection.”

  I nodded. “Yes. He told me as much in no uncertain terms,” I said in a teasing tone.

  Anton’s serious expression sobered me.

  “Then I would request you do the same for him,” he said, making me recoil in surprise. “The attraction between you two is plain to see. They will try to use you to hurt him. I respect your wish for independence, but please do not make yourself a target.”

  I wanted to bristle at the comment, but something in his demeanor made me realize he genuinely feared for Ravik… and for me.

  “Are things that bad?” I asked.

  “Yes. Worse, even, than anything I could describe,” Anton said, running a hand through his hair. “A third of the population is unemployed and starving. Braxians are proud. Most refuse the relief efforts Ravik has set up to support them until their clans can bounce back. Aside from battle, too large a proportion of Braxians have no trade or technical skills. They have little to no resources worth trading, and among the few who do, many have lost everything because of stupid vendettas over bruised honor.”

  He cast a side-glance at his wife. The remorse burning in his eyes confused me. Grace smiled affectionately and caressed his cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned into the touch before turning his face and kissing her palm.

  What could she have possibly done to him to deserve his vengeance, one that has remorse still haunting him today?

  “Braxia has alienated a lot of former allied planets because of excessive revenge over stupid incidents. They’re not facing embargos, but they might as well be. The Braxians fucked up, yet they expect Ravik to clean up their mess. Those who want to go back to the old ways are fueling the brewing discontent in an effort to overthrow him.”

  Anton’s eyes flicked to the right. I followed his gaze and saw Ravik exit the room with his guard.

  “So I beseech you. During your stay on Braxia, tread carefully.”

  “Your words have not fallen on deaf ears,” I said, in a pledging tone.

  We quieted as Ravik approached, a grim expression on his face. His guard stopped at a respectful distance to grant us privacy.

  “I must return at once to Braxia.” The nerve ticking on his temple and the stiffness of his stance expressed the extent of his aggravation. “It appears everything that could go wrong decided to do so in my absence.”

  “What’s going on?” Grace said, her voice laced with concern.

  “Packs of joarkals have been rampaging through the countryside, and now, it appears a large pack is moving towards the capital.”

  “That’s too early,” Anton argued, his prominent forehead wrinkling in a frown.

  “Exactly,” Ravik hissed. “Something, or someone, has spurred them into hunting a month early. And Caldes’ Guldan guests conveniently happen to have arrived hours after my departure. Pattel just informed me that they are already doing the rounds, trying to garner support from the clans for a potential alliance between our people.”

  “That son of a krillik,” Anton said between his teeth.

  “They’re trying to push you into a corner,” Grace whispered.

  “Yes. But I will not allow it. Come,” Ravik said, extending a hand towards me. “We must depart.”

  I instinctively took his hand. Anton signaled the waitress and told her to put everything on his tab before following us with Grace. The guards awaited us outside next to a stretched hovercar, big enough for six passengers. That we wou
ld ride instead of taking the ten-minute walk back to the penthouse expressed the extent of his eagerness to return to Braxia.

  One of the guards remained in the vehicle while Tagar escorted us to the elevator, but he didn’t follow us up. As the door of the elevator opened on to the penthouse, I silenced the pang of sorrow that made my chest tighten. This wasn’t how I had pictured ending the evening. I didn’t want to see him go just yet.

  But he said you’re under his protection…

  Still holding my hand, Ravik pulled me after him as he headed toward the sleeping quarters. He stopped in front of my bedroom.

  “Pack your things. Be quick,” he said.

  “My things? But… I have a ship and crew…”

  His massive hand wrapped about my nape, his hold firm but gentle. He leaned forward, his lips inches from mine. “They can follow after. You travel with me and enter Braxia at my side.”

  My stomach clenched under the heat of his body so close to mine and the domineering intensity in his eyes. I realized he’d been closing the distance between our faces when the firm cushion of his lips pressed against mine. I leaned into him, my palms splayed on his chest. His tongue invaded my mouth like a conqueror, leaving no doubt about who was in command. The taste of the Dantorian wine we had drunk with our meal lingered on his breath. Too soon, he lifted his head, his obsidian eyes boring into mine.

  “Be quick,” he whispered.

  His thumb caressed my bottom lip before he dropped his hand, turned around, and marched with determination to his own room a few feet down the hallway, on the opposite side from mine. Knees wobbling, I entered my bedroom and hailed my First Officer Sarah on the com.

  “Sarah,” she answered.

  “I’m leaving immediately for Braxia aboard the Magnar’s ship. Please have my Falcon ready and on standby,” I said while packing my few toiletries in the bathroom. “I’m hoping there’s room in his shuttle bay for it to fit. Otherwise, I will need Tommen to bring it to me on Braxia. I will give you confirmation shortly.”

  “Understood,” Sarah said.

  “Ravena out,” I said before ending the com.

  I quickly changed into black leggings and a long-sleeved, dark-grey sweater. While it irked me to continue to hide my genetics, Anton’s warnings still resonated loud and clear in my ears. Until I had a better understanding of the situation with Ravik’s crew, and on Braxia, discretion sounded like a wise approach.

  It took me minutes to gather my things. I hadn’t really unpacked anything, since I’d only planned on spending a single night on Venus Hive. A soft knock on my door startled me.

  “Come in,” I said, closing my bag.

  The door partially opened, and Grace’s heart-shaped face peeked in. She carefully looked around the room, as if to confirm I was alone. I laughed and waved her in.

  “You’re not interrupting anything naughty.”

  Her gorgeous face heated, and she entered, clutching a small bag in her hand. The door closed behind her with a soft click. The way she chewed her bottom lip and approached with hesitant steps made me wonder at the contents of the bag.

  She cleared her throat. “I… Listen, I hope you’re not going to find this out of line. So… I apologize in advance if you find any of this offensive.”

  Now she had me really curious.

  I shrugged. “It takes a lot to offend me, but your disclaimer is duly noted.”

  She licked her lips nervously and extended the bag towards me. My jaw dropped after I opened it. I looked back at her with disbelieving eyes. Grace appeared on the verge of running out of the room for cover as she awaited my reaction.

  I burst out laughing. The tension bled from her shoulders, relief settling on her beautiful features.

  “Denax?” I asked, waving the bottle containing a clear liquid. It served as lubricant and powerful dilator.

  Grace’s face heated again. I almost felt sorry for her. That milky-white complexion of hers hid nothing of her embarrassment.

  “Trust me. Braxians cannot mate with humans without Denax, or they will kill them. They’re too big.”

  I smiled, unable to hide my amusement. “I’m not human, Grace. Despite our similarities, we are anatomically different.”

  Her brows shot up in surprise and curiosity.

  “Guldan females never tear.” I tapped the side of one of my horns, being careful not to stab myself on its sharp tip. “Our offspring are born fully horned. They would shred us to pieces if our inner walls weren’t reinforced and flexible enough to adjust as needed.”

  Grace’s lips parted in shock. She stared at my groin like she could see right through clothes and skin at what I’d just described.

  Shaking her head, she looked at me in awe. “You really are made for him.”

  That sobered me.

  “More than you know, Grace.”

  A troubled look descended on her face.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  She hesitated then gestured at the bed, inviting me to take a seat as she herself settled on the edge.

  “I have known Ravik for nearly six years now. He has never reacted towards any woman the way he has with you. I barely know you, but I know you could grow to be very important to him. He’s like a father to Anton and me. In many ways, he made it possible for us and our children to have a safe future together.” Her eyes flicked between mine, pleadingly. “Please, don’t hurt him.”

  “I assure you, Grace, it is not my intention.”

  “I believe you, but…” She hesitated, appearing to look for the proper way to word her thoughts. “Braxia is a terrible place with a dreadful culture. People sometimes do horrible things that haunt them forever. But no amount of remorse can ever erase the damage and the guilt they bear.”

  By the haunted look in her eyes, I realized that she was no longer just talking about Ravik, but Anton as well.

  “Do not let his outward appearance fool you. Ravik is a good man who carries a great deal of pain inside. He deserves to be happy. I hope it can be with you.”

  My throat tightened. I didn’t know what Ravik had done for her to give me such a veiled warning, but I understood guilt all too well.

  “We’ve all done things in the past that we regret. What matters isn’t what we did, but what we’re doing now to be better,” I said.

  “I’m glad he met you. Please be safe,” Grace said before hugging me.

  I returned her embrace. At that moment, I realized that my instant affection for Grace had been partially caused by how similar her personality was to my late sister, Sevina. Like her, she had been a submissive, gentle soul with her heart on her hand. She had only ever wanted to live in peace with others and be loved for who she was.

  A firm knock on the door startled us. I didn’t need to ask to know who it was. Grace released me, and we both rose to our feet.

  “Oh!” Grace said. “I almost forgot. Just so you know, if you are using contraception, it probably won’t work with a Braxian.”

  A second, more forceful knock on the door kept me from answering.

  “Come in!” I said, shoving the dilator bottle back into the bag and slipping it inside my luggage.

  The door opened on Ravik, looking even more imposing than I remembered. His eyes narrowed suspiciously at Grace, who smiled at him with a semi-guilty expression on her face. I grabbed my bags and stepped in front of her, breaking his line of sight.

  He refocused on me as I marched up to him. “Ready when you are, big boy.”

  He snorted. “I assure you, little bird, I am no boy.”

  Grace’s chuckle joined mine as Ravik took my bags from me, and we headed for the elevators. My farewells to Anton and Grace were bittersweet. However odd this couple appeared to be at first glance, they were seriously growing on me. I regretted not having a chance to see their children and missing the gladiator finale that would take place the next day. But destiny awaited me ahead.



  Distracted b
y my woman supervising the transfer of her vessel to my shuttle bay, I half listened to Baldur, my ship’s captain, as he gave me his report. I wanted him to go away, his voice like so many gnats buzzing in my ears. Ravena fascinated me and stirred emotions within me that I’d never thought to experience again.

  It frightened me.

  Even before that too brief taste of her, I’d known she would become an obsession and a weakness. I couldn’t understand her obvious attraction to me. By intergalactic standards, nothing about my face would ever qualify as handsome. On Braxia, beauty was not a common trait for males, nor was it sought after. The more feral and bestial the features, the purer the bloodline, and the more fearsome the warrior. Beauty was only required for females. Stunning, smart, and with an irresistible sass that bordered on insolence, Ravena could have any man she wanted. Yet, the scent of my woman’s arousal lingered in my nose, and her heated response at my touch still had my blood boiling with the need to conquer her.

  But what does she want?

  In this liberal era, most prosperous and technologically advanced planets enforced strict rules of gender equality in all aspects of life. A large number of single females came on pleasure barges such as those in Anton’s Hive Network on a quest for exotic entertainment. The many dominatrices and mistresses leading their pets around on a leash were further testimony of how the world had changed, and how we’d been left behind.

  No, we’ve been refusing to change with it.

  On Braxia, a female caught seeking sexual fulfilment would be cast down as a whore and declared a clan toy to be used by any male, at any time—however he wished—for his pleasure. But here in the rest of the world, females were encouraged and empowered to explore their sexuality like males had for millennia. Was I entertainment to her? A fleeting, exotic affair to scratch an itch during her short, planned stay on Braxia?

  While that very probable prospect triggered a dull ache in my chest and ignited an irrational anger deep within, reason dictated it would be the best possible outcome for all concerned. Having such a gorgeous female as my concubine for a short while would gain me praise and admiration. Anything more serious would trigger some major outcry. But even if I wanted to weather that storm, what did I have to offer her? She was the outrageously wealthy heiress of the once, most successful slaver in the galaxy. I was the ruler of a backwater planet on the verge of bankruptcy, if not war.


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