Using the Biker (Curvy Women Wanted Book 16)

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Using the Biker (Curvy Women Wanted Book 16) Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2019 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-981-2

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Curvy Women Wanted, 16

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2019

  Chapter One

  “I’m telling you, the best way to get over that lying, fucking, cheating dickwad is to find a guy that is hotter, sexier, and will do a lot more kinky shit with you.”

  Josephine Lovell looked over at her excited friend, Mandy.

  “You’ve brought me to a biker bar. Why?”

  “I told you, these guys know how to party, and I know just the kind of guy to get you over dickface.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh at Mandy’s constant use of the word “dick” to describe Mitch, her very assholey ex-husband. The paperwork was signed, and she still had the house and the car, as well as a small alimony. Not that she needed it. She was more than happy to earn her keep, but her lawyer felt aggrieved for her, and so forced the alimony issue, especially as she’d put Mitch through college to become the esteemed lawyer he was today.

  “And doing this at a biker party?”

  “Yes, this is a celebration of one of their prospects finally earning their patch. There are no children around, and things are about to get so fucking real. I can’t wait.”

  Mandy had been coming to these parties ever since she started working for the biker, Doc. No other name. It was the name he was known as, that and as the President of the Nowhere Men MC. They had decided to settle in their small town of End Valley. Yeah, she found it rather ironic that the Nowhere Men settled in End Valley.

  She wasn’t going to say anything. Mandy loved working for them in their garage they owned across town. They were far better than the local guy, Wilson, who liked to overcharge for shitty work.

  Mitch always went to Wilson and always complained but refused to go to the bikers’ garage.

  He always said they were a bunch of thugs and criminals.

  Mitch fucking his secretary flashed through Josephine’s mind, and she squared her shoulders. As her ringless finger told the story, she was no longer married. The love she’d had for Mitch had certainly withered and died during the divorce, not to mention the long truth of his infidelity.

  Her husband couldn’t keep his dick in his pants, and now she wasn’t going to keep her pussy from having some fun, especially as it had been over a year since she last had sex.

  “You’re right. I should be here. I’m allowed to be here.”

  “See, I told you. You need to get that idiot dick-fuck out of your life, and you need to start living again.”

  Mandy had never liked Mitch. From the very beginning, her best friend had a very one-sided view of Mitch, and now Josephine really wished she’d paid attention a whole lot more.

  “I need to introduce you to Doc.”

  “No, no, no.”

  “You want to meet him.”

  “Mandy, I want to just relax, and let the night unfold. You think we can do that?”

  “You’re chickening out.”

  “No, I’m not. Really. I don’t want you to throw me at some random guy.” She pulled Mandy in for a hug. “I’m going to get a drink. You want anything?”

  “Sure, sure.”

  She gave Mandy a kiss on the cheek and turned to leave. They had been best friends since kindergarten. Where most girls followed their boyfriends to college, Josephine, or Jo as she preferred to be called, had followed Mandy. Her best friend.

  Josephine hadn’t gotten into college. With a deadbeat father and mother, she had spent most of her later high school years working. That had taken a toll on her education, and she was lucky to have come out graduating at all. She didn’t make the kind of numbers and scores Mandy made. So while Mandy studied, Jo worked, hoping to one day get that second chance where she could make a difference of some kind.

  Then she met Mitch.

  Her focus became him and helping him through college, all the time making up lame ass excuses to where she was now thirty-five and had finally enrolled in a night course.

  She couldn’t even believe she’d waited this long.

  They didn’t have any kids as Mitch didn’t want them, and had often told her he didn’t want to share her with anyone. All the time it had just been another element of his endless control over her life.

  He told her what to wear, who to talk to, how to act. She had always made the excuse he loved her in his own way, but the truth was, he was a fucking dick. No wonder Mandy liked to call him that.

  All of her adult life so far had been about a selfish, cheating, asshole who had fought every single part of their divorce. He’d even asked her to extend their relationship to that of an open marriage.

  When she had thought about the fact she had actually considered it, she was sickened. A marriage was for life, not to be with other people. At least, her marriage was going to be that way. She didn’t judge anyone their views and how they made their relationship work.

  “You’re at the bar! You’ve still not been served. Slick, come on, give a girl a break,” Mandy said with a huge smile on her face. “Jo, I’d really like you to meet someone.”

  She’d been so consumed with her thoughts, she hadn’t seen or heard Mandy approach, and she certainly didn’t see who she was holding.

  “Doc, I want you to meet my best friend in the entire world, Josephine Lovell, but you can call her Jo. It’s what all the good guys get to call her.”

  Mandy had thrust a guy in his late forties in front of her.

  She stood up, feeling mortified at her friend’s lack of anything.

  Doc didn’t look embarrassed or upset.

  “Pleasure to meet this mysterious woman. Mandy talks about you a lot,” Doc said.

  His voice was rough, like he did a lot of shouting, but it had that arousing edge to it.

  “Will you look at that. I really need to go and dance. I have it booked in. Have fun, kids.” Mandy left them alone.

  Josephine was going to kill her best friend.


  Doc had seen Jo’s pictures a few times. Mandy had been blunt when it came to her views on his single self and her best friend.

  “I’m so sorry. Mandy doesn’t exactly do subtlety.”

  “She’s charming.” All the photos he’d seen of Jo didn’t do her justice. She always looked pretty, but being in front of her now, she was a stunner. Her long, blonde hair fell around her in waves, and they didn’t look to be placed there by some kind of hair equipment. She nibbled on her full lip as she appeared embarrassed by her friend’s blatant pimping. Her blue eyes held a hint of promise, and her body, damn! He wanted to fuck her so badly. Just watching her, he was hard.

  Big, juicy tits and rounded hips. Not to mention thighs that were designed to be wrapped around his waist as he fucked her.

  He wanted her, no doubt about it.

  Mandy had been dropping hints for a couple of months, constantly talking about the best friend with the cheating ex.

  He couldn’t believe anyone would cheat on
this woman, unless she had some freaky tendencies.

  “Well, Mandy does speak highly of you. It makes a change for her to, you know, talk about a guy without swearing.”

  Doc chuckled. “She’s been asking me to date you for a while.”

  “Oh no, she hasn’t, has she?”

  “I believe she has commented that your dick of a husband doesn’t know what he’s doing in the sack.” Jo covered her face with a moan. “Told me that I look like the kind of guy you need.”

  “You’re kidding me, right? Please tell me you’re joking.”

  “No joke,” he said. “Let me buy you a drink.” He knocked on the counter. “Slick, now!”

  “I’m so sorry, sir,” he said.

  Slick was twenty-three years old and wanted to be one of the Nowhere Men. He had zero muscle, but his loyalty was there. They just needed to be able to rely on him, and that would come with time and training.

  Within seconds, they had a drink.

  “Oh, Mandy.” Jo looked out toward the dance floor. “Figures. She can make anyone dance with her.”

  “She’s with my son,” he said. Dale was one of the club brothers, and a man he’d trust with his own life.

  “Wow, you have a son?”


  “He … erm … you must have been young.” She shook her head. “I’m so sorry. I’m really not used to this.”

  “You’ve just split from your husband.”

  “Officially divorced, actually.”

  “First husband? Second?” he asked.

  “First and only. I don’t think I’ll be going that route again. You?”

  “Never married. Never will. I was fifteen when I had Dale.”

  “Fifteen? His mother?”

  “She was twenty.”

  “How did that—erm? Isn’t that illegal?” Jo asked.

  “You look cute when you’re uncomfortable.”

  She paused, closing her eyes. “I’m sorry. I don’t know exactly what I’m supposed to be.”

  “Nothing. His mother didn’t want him, and seeing as my dad didn’t want Dale adopted or put into foster care, I took him. He’s my son, and the moment I held him, I knew I’d do anything for him.” At fifteen years old, it hadn’t been easy. He did learn to bag his dick up, and he’d never had another kid . Never found a woman he wanted. Dale’s mother was a rich chick who wanted to have a bit of rough before she went back to her life. From what he knew, she was now married to some billionaire with a couple of kids. Dale wanted nothing to do with her, and she didn’t want anything to do with him.

  It was a win-win for him in all regards.

  “Do you have any kids?”

  “No, none. Mitch didn’t want any children.” She laughed. “I sound like a dumb trophy wife. I’m sorry. Mandy wanted to set us up. This isn’t going great.”

  “Why not?”

  It wasn’t a normal date or even a hook-up conversation, but he rather liked to watch Jo. She didn’t hide. Her emotions were plain to see.

  He liked that.

  “You’re finding this comfortable?”

  “We’ve gotten all the tricky stuff out of the way. You’re divorced, no kids. You want to fuck someone that isn’t your husband. Me, have a kid, I was young. No wife, no other kids, and I’d be happy to fuck you, sweetheart.”

  “You’re as blunt as Mandy.”

  “She’s got a lot of catching up to do. Life is too short, and I’ve got a lot of shit going on. I don’t like to play around. You want to have some fun. I’m your guy. I’ll be up front. I don’t do love or marriage, or settle down. I fuck. I have fun. End of story. Don’t go thinking this is anything but.”

  He took a sip of his beer, wondering if he’d been too blunt, and then got confused by his own thoughts. Why should he give a fuck if he’d shocked her? He wasn’t here to mess around.

  Mandy had been dropping hints about Jo for weeks, and even though he didn’t bite during any of them, it didn’t mean he wasn’t intrigued. He liked Mandy. She was a hard worker for him. She talked too much, but it was refreshing to have someone like her around. She put everyone at ease.

  Jo took a long gulp of her beer, and he watched her throat work. All he wanted was to have those lips wrapped around his dick as he pumped his load deep into her throat, watching her swallow every single drop.

  She licked her lips and stared at him. “I didn’t ask for love. I may have been a useful wife, putting him through school, but it got old real fast. I’m happy to have some fun if you are.”

  Now he was getting somewhere.

  Chapter Two

  From standing in a biker bar, ordering a beer, to a conversation, to sitting in Doc’s office, Jo didn’t have a clue what the fuck actually happened. One minute she was embarrassed by Mandy’s insinuations. Her best friend didn’t have a subtle word or bone in her body.

  Now she was sitting in Doc’s office. The scent of leather, cigarette smoke, and beer was heavy in the air. She didn’t detect any scent of sex, not that she’d have a clue. To know what the smell of fucking was like, she would have had to be having some.

  There hadn’t been a spark in her marriage in a long time. She hadn’t slept with her ex-husband for some time before she caught him cheating. They didn’t connect, and it was hard to want to have sex with a man who looked like it was a chore to be in the same room as you. After finding him in that compromising position, she got herself tested, and was clear.

  Sipping at her beer, she had no idea where to look. This was all new to her.

  “I’m curious, how many men have you fucked?” Doc asked.

  Returning her attention to him, she pressed her lips together, feeling put on the spot.

  “Erm, I don’t think that’s really any of your business.”

  “You look like a virgin, waiting to be taken and ravished.”

  Her cheeks had to be red. Her face was flaming hot.

  “I’m not a virgin. I’ve had one partner.”

  “Your husband.”

  “Guys weren’t exactly pushing down my door. What about you?”

  “I’ve had too many to count.”


  He moved toward her, and even as she didn’t want to, she took a step back.

  “You don’t even have an estimate?”

  “A real man doesn’t kiss and tell.” He reached out, tilting her head back, and she stared into his eyes. He had the prettiest eyes, and from what she’d seen of his lips, she wanted them on her body, as well as his hands.

  She wanted his kiss more than anything else.

  “You’re quite easy to read.”

  Jo didn’t get a chance to respond as he slammed his lips down on hers, silencing any question or protest from her. With her hands clenched into fists at her sides, she didn’t know what to do or to say.

  Hold him.

  Touch him.

  Show him you’re an actual human being with feelings and emotions.

  She touched his arms, feeling the strength even through the leather of his jacket.

  The hand that had rested beneath her chin moved, sinking into her hair. He grabbed the back of her head tightly, almost too much for her to handle. Her nipples went hard as pebbles.

  Doc bit down on her lip, sucking it into his mouth before breaking from the kiss.

  “This doesn’t mean anything. You can fuck without regrets. No one is at home waiting for you. I won’t judge you.”

  She closed her eyes, wanting it so badly. Her pussy was soaking wet, and she’d give anything to just let go.

  Then do it.

  No one is waiting for you at home.

  You’re lonely.

  Stop being this woman that no one wants.

  She was tired of curling up on the sofa each night, a tub of ice cream, and no one to share it with.

  Sliding her hands beneath his jacket, she pushed it off his shoulders, breaking from the kiss to relish the sight as the jacket fell to the floor. She gripped his shirt, pulling
it over his head and marveling at exactly how sexy he looked. His shoulders were thick and full of muscle, all covered in ink. Running her hands down his chest, she moaned as he pulled her close. He went to her shirt first, tugging it over her head.

  She helped him get it off before dealing with her bra herself.

  His groan mingled with hers as he cupped her tits. He pressed them together, leaning forward to slide his tongue across each peak.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful.”

  To some women, having a bigger body was something to be embarrassed about. For Jo, she was happy in her skin. No matter her size or weight, she was happy with herself, and that was all that counted.

  She had lost count of the number of times Mitch would tell her to go on a diet or to consider surgery. Each time she’d tell him to fuck off and leave her alone. She never let his cruelty get to her.

  Pushing all thoughts of the ex out of her mind, she focused on the man who had promised her what she wanted.

  His fingers slid down her body, and before she had a chance to, he was already popping open the button of her jeans.

  She reached for his belt, tugging at it.

  “For a little virgin, you sure know how to undress a man.”

  He finished with her jeans, shoving them down before she dragged his down and knelt in front of him.

  Her face was on fire, but she wasn’t going to back down. She wanted this, and what Doc offered, she really craved.

  It was stupid, reckless, but it was something she wanted.

  Without a second moment to doubt herself, she pulled down his boxer briefs, and his cock sprang out.

  The cock was already swollen, pre-cum leaking out of the tip. Wrapping her fingers around the base of his cock, she took the head of his length into her mouth, moaning as his taste slid across her tongue. Closing her eyes, she took more of him until he hit the back of her throat, before pulling back.

  She didn’t release him as Doc gripped her head, denying her.

  “Suck it properly.”


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