Twisted in Chains

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Twisted in Chains Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “We don’t have time to keep on babysitting. But don’t you worry now, we’ll be along shortly.”

  The door was slammed closed and locked again.

  Getting to his feet, Noah moved as fast as he could.

  “Skye,” he said.

  “Don’t touch me.” She sniffled.

  “Let’s get these up your legs. Come on.”

  Noah was used to getting a girl out of her panties, not so much for getting them back inside them. This was new for him, so very new.

  With help from Skye, he was able to work her pants up her thighs, followed by her jeans. He secured the button at the front, climbing onto the bed and pulling her into his arms.

  “You couldn’t hit him, could you? You don’t have the strength. The food is not enough.”

  “I’ll get my strength back.”

  “Noah, something bad is going to happen. You know it is. So do I. I don’t think this is going to be easy for us. Don’t lie to me right now. They’ve checked my…” He saw her legs press together. “They did that for a reason.”

  “I know. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

  “You’re not going to be able to stop it. We both need to realize, this is our future. That woman, whoever she was cleaning up blood, we’re going to end up like her.”

  “No, we’re not. We’re not going to do anything like that. I promise you, Skye. We’re going to get out of this.” He held her tightly against him, trying to offer her comfort throughout the darkness. “I miss going on my runs and eating cheeseburgers. I loved going to the diner. You saw me all the time.”

  “You always had the biggest burger available. Three patties, mountains of cheese and bacon.”

  “I loved the food.”

  “You’re trying to distract me?” she asked.

  “Is it working?”

  “A little bit.”

  “I know it doesn’t seem like we’re going to get out of here, but we will. I know we will.” He had to have hope.

  Hope that they’d make it.

  Hope that whoever was doing this to them, would be brought to some kind of justice. Any other alternative didn’t work for him, not even a little bit.

  Humming to Skye, he locked their fingers together.

  “When we get out of here, I’m going to take you for one of those burgers,” he said. “I’m going to want you to eat the entire thing, and as we do, we’re going to be laughing over what happened here. We got through this, together.”


  Chapter Three

  Skye liked it when Noah held her. She didn’t exactly know how, but he made her feel safe and warm. The temperature had dropped significantly, and the room was freezing cold. It was so bad, with every breath they expelled, a cloud puffed into the air.

  “Have you ever watched Titanic?” she asked.

  He laughed. “Yeah, but I’m not going to be pushed into the ocean.”

  “He was already dead before he was lowered into the water.”

  “I never understood how she did that, just let him go.”

  “I think I’m impressed with your movie knowledge. I didn’t think jocks did anything but play football and look in the mirror.”

  “Hey, we do a hell of a lot more than that.”

  “Oh, yeah, what else?”

  “We happen to sing to ourselves as well. I can handle a tune.”

  He started to sing, and Skye burst out laughing as he was out of key and sounded awful.

  Just as he finished one long, deep note, they both froze as they heard another scream. This time, male and female. It got louder, and there were grunts.

  Noah held her a little tighter, and she accepted his warmth, needing it more than anything else.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “It’s fine.”

  “Do you think they do that on purpose? Have them dragged past our door so we know it’s going to be us next?”

  “I don’t know.”

  She’d come to see Noah’s “I don’t know” as “Yes, but I don’t want to freak you out.” It was sweet of him to keep on trying to make her feel safe. In their world, nothing was safe anymore.

  “We’re going to get out of here soon, Skye.”

  “You keep saying that. How?”

  “I don’t believe our parents will ever stop looking for us. They love us.”

  “You always sound so sure of everything.”

  “It’s how I’ve been all my life.”

  “No doubt?”

  “None. Why doubt when I know I can make it happen?”

  “I wish I could be like that,” she said.

  They stopped talking as more screams could be heard.

  “How many people do you think are here?” she asked.

  “At least six, maybe more, I don’t know.” He took her hand, locking their fingers together.

  Most days were spent lying on the bed. She found his warmth far more comforting than she liked to admit.

  “Do you think they’re just going to keep feeding us and leave us alone?” she asked.

  “No, I don’t. I think they’ve got plans for us. I don’t know what they are, but either way, I won’t leave you, Skye. I promise. We’re in this together. No matter what.”

  “To the bitter end.”

  “We’re going to get out of this,” he said.

  She turned her head, staring into his blue eyes. She wanted to believe him. He always sounded so sure of himself, determined. As if he didn’t need to make excuses because it would all be okay.

  Only, she knew better.

  “I know you don’t believe me, but I believe it.”

  “Noah, you’re not getting any stronger. You’re still weak, and I see how sluggish you feel all the time. You struggle not to fall asleep, and I just…”

  “Don’t give up on me, Skye. I’m not done. Nowhere near done.”

  She reached out, touching his cheek. She nodded. “Nowhere near done. I’m with you. Every single step of the way.”

  Skye didn’t know if this was more torture them being trapped in the room.

  “I’ve got to take a leak,” Noah said, climbing over her.

  She kept her head averted as he heard him use the bathroom. They both stank really bad and were in need of a bath, but hadn’t been granted that kind of permission.

  Noah groaned, and she looked at him to see him stretching his arms above his head. He did look so tired all of the time. It concerned her because he was still getting food, and yet, he didn’t have energy for anything.

  They both tensed as someone came to the door. No one moved, and the bolt slid into place. Noah stepped close toward her, and she waited for whatever was about to happen.

  “Well, well, well, it looks like it’s your two’s time to party.”

  Noah took her hand, and she climbed off the bed, stepping beside him, trying to take comfort in his touch.

  “Aw, isn’t this such a touching scene? I think I’m going to throw up,” accent guy said.

  He looked at Noah with a smirk on his face.

  “Well, darlin’, time to go.”

  “I think I’ll stay here.”

  Of course, he had guards with him, and before long, four other men were in the room, all of them larger than her and Noah.

  “Hey, what are you doing? Get off her. Leave her alone. She’s done nothing wrong.”

  Skye screamed as her hair was pulled. She was dragged out of the room, and she tried to fight just to make the pain stop.

  They wouldn’t let her.

  The long corridor was cold, and she noticed five more doors, which they passed. Down a long flight of stairs. It was a tight fit, but the men held onto her and Noah. She heard them following.

  Her stomach turned. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know something bad was about to happen.

  “What are you taking me?” she asked.

  She whimpered as something struck her back, hard. The one thing she hated more than anything else in the w
orld was pain. She didn’t like it and often avoided it.

  Now was one of those times she kept trying to avoid it, whimpering as her hair was tugged again, twisting her left and right, using it as some kind of steering wheel, to make her move.

  All the while, she heard Noah grunt, curse, and demand answers. Even now, he thought he was the one in control.


  The room wasn’t too small or too big. Kind of strange to Noah as he looked at the room. His arms were tied together, not that he had the strength to fight. Skye was held, and she kept gasping as the guy who held her kept yanking on her arm or hair without a care to the fact he was hurting her.

  Noah didn’t know why he was here or what the hell would happen. So far, they’d been left alone for hours, days, weeks?

  No, it couldn’t be weeks.

  He couldn’t believe they’d been left for weeks. They shared a room, but it hadn’t been for a long time, surely.

  “Welcome to your room,” one of the men with a beard said.

  A chill ran down Noah’s spine as the one holding Skye threw her across the room. She hit the wall, and he winced as he heard the crack of her head against it.

  She fell to the floor, the tips of her fingers touching the blood that was already seeping from the cut.

  “Fuck, check on her.”

  He was so tired. He wasn’t used to being this helpless.

  “Get up bitch!” There were three men, and now the third one was onto Skye, picking her up off the floor.

  She was crying as he lifted her up and with the back of his hand, hitting her again.

  “Leave her alone.” He tried to fight the guy who held him, but it was no good. He couldn’t get free.

  The man holding her was covered in ink, and the dark lines of his tattoos stood out against his pale skin.

  “Let him see,” he said.

  Noah was held as the inked man grabbed Skye’s hair, twisting it around his fist as he tore at her shirt.

  The seams gave way too easily, and Noah didn’t like where this was going. The bra she wore was stripped away by a knife as the inked guy slit across the fabric. Her tits spilled out.

  He didn’t see them though as the inked man cupped them hard, his fingers digging into her flesh.

  “Stop, please,” Skye said.

  “Oh, baby, we’re just getting started. Don’t worry. You won’t have to fuck my cock this time. Soon though. I’ll get to tear you a-fucking-part with my dick.”

  She cried out, and whimpered as the inked man thrust against her ass.

  “Are you ready, jock?” The one holding him suddenly cupped his dick.

  Noah jerked away, taken aback by the touch.

  He didn’t know the men’s names, and the one near him burst out laughing. “I think we have a shy one here.”

  “Oh, they’re always shy, but that’s okay. They’re going to do as we want.”

  Noah didn’t know what to do as the cuffs around his wrists were removed. He wanted to attack, to try to get himself and Skye free, but he couldn’t do it. His body was so sluggish and against three large guys, he didn’t stand a chance, not with how one of them was holding Skye.

  “Strip down, boy,” the inked one said.

  He didn’t do anything.

  One cry from Skye, and he saw they had a knife pressed to her throat.

  “Don’t,” he said.

  “Her blood will be on your hands, boy. I got no problem ending her miserable fucking life. Do you want to be responsible for that?”

  “Stop, please, stop.” He couldn’t think right now. “My family has money.”

  “Don’t give a fuck about your money, boy. Get your dick out now.”

  He quickly stripped down his jeans, shoving them to his ankles. His hands shook with the movement.

  “Damn, he’s hung. We’re going to be using him a lot,” one of the men said.

  Before Noah could grab his clothes, they were being taken away, tossed out of the room as the men laughed at what they saw.

  The one who held Skye grabbed her face. “Look at him, princess. Look at that dick. You and that dick are about to put on a show.” He shoved Skye hard so that she fell to her knees before him.

  Tears spilled down her cheeks, and Noah couldn’t console her.

  Each of the men had knives or bats, and a couple had guns. The threat was clear to see. His heart raced, and he felt sick to his stomach as he knew what was about to come.

  “Suck him off, princess. Get him hard so that he can fuck you.”

  “What? No,” Skye said.

  Noah hadn’t seen the whip, and as it struck Skye’s flesh, the cry echoed around the room, and he tried to comfort her. He was held back.

  Gritting his teeth, he flinched as the whip came back and hit her again.

  “Suck his cock, bitch.”

  They were both stuck in this situation. It sickened him as Skye crawled over to him. She was shaking so badly, and her tears were a constant stream.

  His gut clenched, and as she held onto his legs, he knew without her saying a word that she was a virgin. Even before the doctor’s forced exam, he’d known.

  He wasn’t.

  The first time he’d had sex was with a woman was at the age of fifteen, and he’d loved every second of it. She’d been a woman in her forties, and she’d taught him how to lick pussy, how to touch a woman until she was screaming his name.

  Skye had never had that.

  The first blowjob she was going to give was after being beaten and whipped.

  “What’s it going to take to make this stop?” he asked.

  “Pretty boy, nothing is going to make this stop. This is it for life.”

  Noah grunted as he was hit in the back. The sudden action made him moan as the pain filled his body. He didn’t drop to the floor though.

  “Come on, pussy boy. Let her suck your cock, or is dicks more your thing?”

  He ignored them and instead, stared down at the girl touching him. She didn’t have a clue what she was doing.

  She held his cock, and as her lips touched him, he closed his eyes.

  He shouldn’t be turned on by her lack of skills, nor should he be turned on because this was fucking abuse, torture, and wrong.

  She’d been hurt. Her screams of pain had filled the room, and it had sickened him.

  Yet, as she sucked on his dick, he couldn’t stop himself from liking it, from feeling her ministrations.

  “Hold her, boy. Fuck her face. Hold her head.”

  He couldn’t fight as the threat of what they would do was there. Stroking his fingers through her brown hair, he held her and slowly started to thrust between her lips.

  Fear filled her eyes as one of the men grabbed her hands off him, and held them behind her back.

  “Fuck her face, or do you need me to force it?” The inked man put his hand on the back of her head and started to force her to take him.

  He hit the back of her throat, and she gagged. He wouldn’t let her stop though, and made her take more.

  Skye couldn’t take it, and he moved out of the way just as vomit spilled up. She emptied the food they’d been given onto the floor.

  “Ungrateful bitch.” The man grabbed her face and rubbed it against the vomit. “Sick slut. You need to learn to swallow cock.”

  Noah tried to stop him, but he was held down. His cock stood out, and he hated his reaction, was sick of himself.

  The men who had rubbed her in vomit, picked her up and stripped her clothes off, and Noah watched as he shoved her into another room.

  “What is he doing?” Noah asked.

  Panic filled him as he heard the sounds of flesh on flesh.

  Skye’s screams. It went on and on, and he had to get away. To help her.

  He couldn’t do anything. Helpless. So fucking helpless to what was happening.

  Seconds passed. Minutes. Why did time seem to go so incredibly slow? He couldn’t handle this. It was too much.

  Just as he was about
to lose his mind, Skye appeared.

  Completely naked.

  Her skin was red as she’d been slapped. Her ass, her back, her stomach, all of it was covered with welts.

  He couldn’t believe what he saw.

  The inked man grabbed her and positioned her over the desk, locking her into place. Her ankles were secured so that her legs were splayed. Next, her hands were held open, and Noah shook his head as the man gripped her ass and spread her wide.

  “Come on, boy. Come and fuck this pussy.”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “You think you’re in a position to question me?”

  “I’m not going to hurt her. I’m not going to rape her.” Noah couldn’t do what they wanted him to do.

  The inked man smiled.

  “Okay. I know how to handle this.” The inked man let go of her ass, and Noah watched as he went to the small cupboard on the wall. “You’re the star of your high school. You’re used to having guys and girls look up to you.”

  He watched as the inked man took down a paddle from the cupboard as well as some lubrication and a dildo.

  Noah could handle anything they threw at him. He was a guy. Skye was just a girl. She shouldn’t be here.

  The inked man didn’t come toward him though. He stepped to Skye and hit her hard with the paddle. Her scream filled the room.

  “Stop it,” Noah said.

  “I don’t hear that. I hear you refusing to do as I say. When I tell you to do something and you say no, this is how you’re going to get punished. I’m not going to hurt you, Noah, I got a feeling you can take it. I’m going to hurt her. Every single bruise, cut, broken bone, or pain she suffers, is your responsibility. So, tell me, Noah, how is it going to be? You going to make me kill her?”

  He slapped her with the paddle.

  “Stop it. I’ll do it,” Noah said.

  “What? I can’t hear you?”

  “I’ll do it. I’ll do what you need me to do.”

  He hit Skye again, and the red of her ass filled Noah with guilt.

  The inked man held the paddle in his hand and moved toward her head.

  “Good, now come here, boy, and show her what it means to get fucked.”

  Noah stepped up behind Skye.

  “You ever fucked a girl before?”

  “Yes.” He answered through gritted teeth.


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