Twisted in Chains

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Twisted in Chains Page 24

by Sam Crescent

  He walked across his main room, past the dining room, kitchen, library, and went straight to his bedroom. His apartment had three bedrooms, but with Skye, she was going to be sleeping next to him.

  “This is your spare bedroom?” she asked, touching the sheets.

  “No, this is my room.”

  She jerked her hand away. “I’ll take the spare bedroom.”



  “I’m not going to force you to have sex with me.” He put her case down on the floor. “You’ll be doing that willingly.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t recall you being like this.”

  He winked at her. “It’s a gift. I get what I want.”

  “By not taking no as an answer?”

  He stepped up to her. “You told me over dinner that your husband couldn’t get you aroused. You had to use lubrication.” He stroked his finger over the pulse in her neck. “You and I both know that’s not true with me. You came on my fingers. I’ve gotten you off time and time again. Now, tell me this, you and Martin weren’t compatible. You wanted something from him, didn’t you?”

  “Don’t,” she said.

  “You like it when I’m forceful like this. When I take what I want and I don’t ask for your permission.” Tears glistened in her eyes. “I bet you even asked Martin to force you, right? To hold you down. Not to hurt you but for you to know that he was the one in charge. That he could protect you just as much as he hurt you.”

  “I don’t want pain.”

  “No, you don’t, but there are times you want your will taken from you.” He stepped forward as she stepped back. He grabbed her hands and within seconds had them pinned against the wall. She was at his mercy. “Martin couldn’t do it because he was a good boy. I bet he looked at you like you were sick for even suggesting it.” The tears fell down her cheeks. “The arguments kept on getting worse, and he called you names. You hated him for the way he made you feel, right?”

  “Stop it,” she said.

  “You think I don’t know what that’s like? You were with me, Skye.” He recalled her screaming for help. He shook his head. “You were just a girl. My tutor, and I was so fucking scared. I know you expected me to fight, to get us both out of there, and I failed you.”

  “You didn’t fail me.”

  “I did. They were drugging me. I didn’t have a choice.”

  “Neither of us did.”

  “They fucked with us though, Skye. They’ve made it impossible for us to move on.” He let go of her hands and tilted her head back. “I remember your screams even in the dead of night. They made me hurt you. Rape you. Take your virginity from you. They were going to keep on hurting you.”

  “I know what they were going to do.”

  “They were monsters.”

  “I know.”

  “They made me a monster.”

  “You don’t go around raping women, Noah. You don’t go around kidnapping people and hurting them.”

  “I don’t. I have no craving to force a woman.” He licked his lips.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  Suddenly, he pulled away. He couldn’t do this.

  “Noah, what’s going on?”

  He sat on the edge of the bed, head in his hands, shaking.

  She touched him, and he wanted to throw her hand off, but he didn’t. As much as he wanted her to stop touching him, he also wanted her to keep on doing it. To know that even as he had taken control, she wanted to be here.

  “I like it.”

  “What do you like?”

  “I like when a woman fights me,” he said.

  Her hand froze on his shoulder. He captured her wrist and looked up.

  “You rape other women?”

  “No, never.” He kissed the inside of her wrist.

  “I don’t understand.”

  He shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.”

  She laughed. “Noah, you got me from my apartment, and we’re having this conversation. Other than my therapist, I’ve never told anyone about what happened, what we went through. I need you to talk to me. Be honest with me.”

  “I like when a woman fights me but is soaking wet. She wants me, but she doesn’t want me.”

  She frowned. “Now I’m confused.”

  He ran fingers through his hair. “Some women and men enjoy … rape fantasies.”

  Noah paused and stared at her.

  She wasn’t looking at him. “I know,” she said.

  “You know?”

  “My therapist. When I told her what happened and what I sometimes imagine being done and with my ex, she gave me some information. It’s not exactly known, but she didn’t want me to feel like a freak. She told me that our first time, or a traumatic event can shape and form our sexual desires. We don’t have any control over what we want,” she said. “I don’t want to be raped. I don’t want to be held down by a bunch of men and used, or beaten. I don’t want what we had.”

  “I don’t want to hurt a woman.”

  “I get what you want,” she said. “I do.”

  She took his hand, and that one action meant so fucking much to him. When he turned to look at her, he saw she was still crying. She reached out to touch his cheek, and he discovered, so was he.

  “You don’t have to cry,” she said.

  Getting to his feet, he tried to walk away. He didn’t cry. The last time he allowed any tears had been with that bastard. He’d vowed to never cry again.

  Skye wouldn’t let him go. She held onto his hand, and as he tried to get away, she followed him. He attempted to pull his hand away but she let him go only to throw her arms around his waist.

  “Skye, stop. I want to get a drink.”

  “You wanted me to talk about it, and now I’m not going to let you get away with this. You don’t have to be alone, Noah.”

  He stopped fighting her, staring up at his ceiling. “I shouldn’t have brought you here.”

  “Have you been with many partners?” she asked.

  “Yes. During my marriage, no. I remained faithful to her. Afterward, I fucked my way through a lot of women. Most of them mean nothing to me. Models, actresses, socialites. Someone to make the pain go away.”

  “Then why are you wasting any time on me? I’m not important, Noah. I never have been.”

  He captured the back of her neck, holding her in place. “Don’t ever put yourself down like that. Not now. Not ever. You’re important to me.”

  “And you’re important to me, Noah. You don’t have to hide who you are. I get it. I remember what we went through. The pain. The fear. There are times I wake up and I can still smell that mattress. I wonder how many men and women had died before us.”

  “You know they did it on purpose,” he said. “They took people, brought them together and then worked to break them down. To make them hurt each other.”

  “I know.”

  “They did it to get paid.”

  “We’re not them, Noah. We’ll never be them.” She touched his cheeks.

  He didn’t let go of her neck. His gaze was on her plump lips.

  “I would never hurt you,” he said.

  “I know. I trust you.”

  He stepped her back, forcing her up against the wall once again. She didn’t fight him. The hard buds of her nipples pressed against the dress. “You look sexy in this.”

  “You have good taste.”

  “You’re going to look even better out of it.” He grabbed the neckline and tore it from her body, going from her neck to her waist.

  She let out a moan. The bra she wore was a distraction. The lace was so sweet, but it hid her nipples from his view and he wanted to see her.

  He tore it away and threw it to the ground. He didn’t want it in his way.

  “You ruined the dress.”

  “It was getting in my way.”

  She pouted.

  Noah leaned forward, sucking on her neck.

  “I’ll buy you another
one. You don’t need a dress to look sexy to me.” He licked over her pulse before biting down.

  “You’re going to leave a mark.” She gasped as he bit down a little harder.

  “That’s the point.” He stroked his tongue over the bite. “I want every single man to know who you belong to.”

  “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “You can’t give me a single reason why we shouldn’t.”

  “You’re my boss.”

  “That makes it all the more fun to know you’ve got to be nice to me.” He kissed her hard, sliding his tongue against her lips, before breaking from the kiss and trailing his lips down to her neck. “Tell me, Skye, you think you’re the only woman who has fucked her boss?”

  “We haven’t fucked yet.”

  “We’re going to. Tonight, in fact.” He took her hand, placing it against the hard ridge of his crotch. “You feel that? That’s what you do to me. I can’t wait to be balls deep inside of you. I’m going to fuck you so good.” Running his hand up and down her body, he moaned, needing her.

  Suddenly, Skye began to tear at his clothes, getting him naked. He loved her touch, relished it. He needed it more than his next breath. She drove him crazy with need and longing.

  She had his clothes off, and she was suddenly on her knees before him. Her sharp brown gaze locked on him, staring, waiting. She took his hand, placing it in her hair. He knew what she wanted, and he wrapped her hair in his fist, holding it tight. She let out a gasp, but he saw the unmistakable lust within her gaze. She wanted this just as much as he did. She wrapped her fingers around his length. The feel of her hands on his body drove him insane.

  Skye licked the tip and moaned around his length. He closed his eyes, basking in the feel of her pretty mouth working his cock.

  Over and over, she kept on licking and sucking at him, but she didn’t take him all the way inside.

  Her gaze was on him as she placed her lips to the head of his cock and slowly started to suck him in.

  Noah gripped her head tightly and fucked her face until he hit the back of her throat. He felt her gag, but he didn’t let her go. He worked his cock, sliding in and out, watching as she took him, swallowing as much of him as she could. He loved seeing her give in, seeing her body tremble.

  Tears filled her eyes, leaking down her face. She didn’t wear makeup, but she looked so incredibly beautiful. At his mercy. Ready to take him.

  He wanted to fuck her so hard that he couldn’t think straight.

  “You drive me crazy, you know that?” he asked.

  Pulling out of her mouth, he cupped her face and licked his tongue across her cheek. He tasted her tears. Pushing her to the floor, he slid between her legs. One touch to her pussy and he found her soaking wet. He pressed two fingers inside her cunt, opening her up, making her take him.

  “You’re so damn tight. You’re going to feel this, Skye.” He put his cock to her entrance. No condom. He didn’t want there to be anything between them this first time. He wanted her, every single inch of her.

  Pushing inside, he felt her walls clutch him tightly as he pulled out only to slam back inside.

  As he stared into her eyes, she wrapped her legs around his waist, and he started to pound within her, going deeper than ever before. Grabbing her hands, he locked them above her head, holding her in place, keeping her at his mercy. He didn’t want to let her go. He had no plans to let her go.

  All he wanted to do was fuck her, to take her, to wipe every single other guy from her memory so all that remained was him and him alone. She consumed his every waking thought. Every dream. All of it.

  “Yes, please, Noah.”

  He pulled back with his cock still deep inside her. Resting her ass on his knees, he fingered her clit and watched as she slowly came apart under his touch. Her pussy tightened around him, begging for relief. Her tits shook as she tensed up.

  All he wanted to do was let her go and fuck her to his own relief, but he wanted to feel Skye come around his cock, to have her sweet cunt milking him.

  He pinched her clit before stroking his finger across her, and she came. Skye needed that pain along with her pleasure. She also needed someone to be in control. He needed to find more information out about her. He wanted to know everything about her, and she was too damn secretive for his liking.

  He’d need to find out everything, to know who she’d become.

  Once her orgasm subsided, he pressed her to the floor, holding her in place. He loved keeping her trapped against him, at his mercy. He fucked her hard, making her take every single inch of his cock.

  The slap of their bodies and their moans filled the room, the sounds echoing off the walls. He felt the tightening in his balls.

  Slamming inside her, twice more, he pushed as far as he could, wanting his dick to flood her pussy with his cum, to fill her up and to claim her as his own.

  Each pulse of his cock sent another load of his cum deep within her pussy, and he loved it. Afterward, he collapsed over her but still held onto her wrists, keeping her locked in place. She would have bruises tomorrow as he’d not gone light on her.

  “You are exquisite,” he said.

  Chapter Twenty

  Noah wouldn’t allow her to go back to her apartment. She didn’t like the thought of staying with him. After that first night together, she woke up in his bed alone. A single note lay on his pillow, apologizing for not being there. He had a business trip that had so far taken him one week. He expected to be gone another week.

  She didn’t know everything that was going on in his world, but it looked like another merger with a Chinese company, or at least that was what the news said.

  Turning off the television, she stared at the blank screen, feeling out of place in the large apartment. For the most part, she’d spent her entire week working. Much to her annoyance, Noah had already had her apartment taken care of. The landlord had given her back her rent, and her belongings were in storage. She didn’t know how he managed to work so fast.

  She struggled to get her taxes in order, and here Noah was, arranging her life to suit his. The blank screen didn’t offer her any advice at all. It only highlighted the fact she was alone and in a place that wasn’t her own.

  Getting to her feet, she ran her hands down her shirt, smoothing out the wrinkles.

  “It’s fine, Skye. This is your place now.” She looked around the large space, turning in a circle. Noah had nothing in his place.

  No pictures.

  No candles.

  No cuddly teddy bears.

  With her old apartment, she’d filled every space with as much of herself as possible. Books, favorite quotes, rugs, pillows. She loved pillows and blankets. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she reached down for the coffee cup and made her way into the kitchen. Opening his fridge, she saw it was packed with beers. No food, nothing.

  “Okay, it looks like I get to starve today. Fun.” She’d been eating food before arriving at his apartment.

  His apartment phone started to ring.

  “Hello, Noah King’s residence,” she said.

  “Hey, baby,” Noah said.

  She rolled her eyes. “Hey yourself. I’ve not heard from you in a week.”

  “I’ve been in meetings for the past week. No time for social calls. Believe me, I’d be there with you.”

  “This is all a little surreal to me. After the night we shared, the details of our lives and you just left.”

  “Business, that’s all it was.”

  “Did you know you had to leave before we shared that stuff?”

  Noah was silent.

  “I see,” she said.

  “I didn’t start it to run away.”

  “You certainly have given me that impression.”

  “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “It’s fine. It’s all good,” she said. “Erm, do you have anything against food?”

  “No, why?”

  “All you’ve got is beer.”

p; “Oh, I don’t cook. There are a lot of fliers. Order in. There is the best pizza a few blocks away. They always deliver hot.”

  “Yeah, I’m not going to go for pizza. You got a problem with me cooking?”

  “No. You can cook?”

  “Living on a small salary, you tend to learn to do everything yourself. It’s one of those boring things that mere mortals do.”

  He chuckled. “You’re anything but a mere mortal.”

  “Look, Noah, I want to look for another place.”



  “I said no. You’re not living in any other place.”

  “With all due respect, you’re several countries away, and I don’t want to live with you.”

  “Why don’t you want to live with me? I’m a pretty good roommate.”

  “You’re going to make this difficult, aren’t you?”

  “Skye, we’re doing this. Stop making everything complicated when it doesn’t need to be. We’re together.”

  “We are?”

  “I thought it went without saying.”

  “I’m so confused right now.” She leaned against the kitchen sink.

  “How are you confused?”

  “Look, Noah, we’re two different people.”

  “I know.”

  She closed her eyes, rubbing at her temples. “We’ll talk about this when you get back.”

  “Skye, I think the way we were together, fucking and what we have, it’s special. I’m not going to give that up.”

  “We haven’t seen each other in years. We’ve got history, but this right now, it’s wrong.”

  “I’ll be home tomorrow.”


  “I’m going now. I’m wrapping this shit up, and then I’ll deal with us.”

  Noah hung up. She stared at the phone, a little taken aback by what he’d said. What did he mean he’d deal “with us”? That made no sense.

  She was being logical. What they shared, it was all down to their past, nothing else. Why was he behaving this way? It made no sense to her.

  As she bit her lip, time passed until she finally forced her way out of her crazy thoughts. “I’m buying food. I’m not waiting around to order.”

  She left his apartment, waved at the receptionist, and walked out onto the busy street. What she loved about the city was how many people were always around. Growing up in a town where everyone knew everyone’s business, she thought she’d be safe. Of course, that had all changed when she’d been stolen, taken from the life she knew, and thrust into a world that still to this day gave her nightmares. During that short time, she’d been taken, the carefree girl she’d been, who only had to deal with high school bullies, was gone. On the way into the supermarket, she grabbed a small basket and started to shop for herself. She didn’t like the thought of this upcoming relationship conversation with Noah.


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