A Beautiful Ranch

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A Beautiful Ranch Page 15

by Malone, Misty

  "When did you become an adult?"

  "I can't give you an exact day. Why?"

  "Well, was it before you got here?"

  "Of course."

  "Then let's talk about the Gator." She turned red and dropped her head, and Dalton knew she was aware of what he was going to talk about. "When I told you once you learned how to drive it I'd let you take it to places not far from the house, what did I tell you about driving it without asking me first, so I knew where you were going?"

  "I just forgot one time, Dalton. Everyone forgets something once in awhile."

  "We had a good talk about that, and why I wanted to know where you were going and when, so I'd know how long you'd be gone. You said you understood."

  "I did," she said quietly.

  "But yet you took it out again."

  "You weren't around, and I just wanted to look at two spots again so I'd know which one I wanted to paint, so I could tell you where I wanted to go the next day."

  "I wasn't around, but you knew you could have called me. We talked about that at the time you took it out the first time."

  "But I knew it wouldn't take long. I figured I'd be back before you got back."

  "But I wasn't. And when I took the keys and told you you couldn't take it anywhere for two weeks you were upset with me. You told me you finally understood what I meant when I said a spanking is quick and it's over with. Do you remember that?"


  "And I told you that's what you could expect if you took it out again without telling me first, and I mean that."

  "I know," she admitted.

  "My point is, Lilly, you may think talking to you works, but it doesn't. And if I gave you a couple quick taps on your behind, that wouldn't work, either."

  "But it really hurts, Dalton, even now."

  "That's by design, Lilly. It has to hurt a lot for it to make a big enough impression on you. Otherwise it won't make you stop and think first."

  She sat up straighter and looked at him rather guardedly. "Wait a minute," she said slowly. "Are you saying you knew it hurt that much, and you meant for it to?"

  "And it will hurt that much the next time I have to spank you, too," he confirmed. "The whole idea is for you to remember it, and not fondly, and to associate what you did to earn that spanking with that pain."

  She looked at him with her eyes wide open. "You'll do that to me again?"

  "Only if you earn it, honey. I don't enjoy doing it, but I would rather do that and know you're walking around with a sore bottom for a day or two than to deal with the result of those cattle stampeding, especially when they were headed right smack toward you."

  As badly as she wanted to argue, his words hit home. She could have been killed, or in the least severely injured. But more than that, she could see the fear in his eyes as he talked about what could have happened.

  She sighed and her shoulders slumped. "Okay, good point," she admitted.

  He held her tighter in his arms, hoping she sincerely did see what he was saying. He decided over the next few days he would attempt to make sure she was indeed a true believer.

  They talked and cuddled a little longer, until Dalton was sure she was okay and in a much better place after this second spanking. He stood, taking her with him. After another kiss he told her, "I want you to stay here at the house the rest of the afternoon."

  He watched as she backed up and looked up at him, fury in her eyes. He gave her time, not saying a word, and watched as she worked through her anger. When she nodded, he said, "Good girl. There's a couple reasons I want you to do that. It's getting too late to go back out and be back for supper. But what I really want you to do is look at your photos you have, along with what you've painted so far. After supper we'll talk about finishing your painting."

  "But that spot's great. This is going to be a good one, I know."

  "Well, we'll see," he said sternly. "You are not going back in that pasture as long as the cattle are in there. It'll be a couple months before we'll be moving them into a different pasture. I don't know if you're far enough that you can finish from your photos, or maybe we can find another spot outside the pasture where you can finish it."

  "Can I go out this afternoon and look around for a different spot?"

  "No, you may not, young lady."

  "But Dalton, two months from now that spot will look different. I could still paint that spot, but I'd have to start the painting over. The trees will be in their fall splendor, and the grass will even be a different color. I need to go scope it out, see if I can find a different spot to set up where I can still get the same view, the same angle."

  "And you can, but you will not be doing it this afternoon. The cattle have been upset enough for one day. I don't want you going close to that pasture until I'm with you. They may be rather antsy for a day or two, and I want to be there to watch them as you're looking around."

  "But, Dalton—"

  He reached back and swatted her bottom, which was still bare. She tried to pull away from him, but he held her tight. "Do you understand what I said, Lilly, or do I need to make it more clear to you?"

  She exhaled sharply, obviously not happy, but after a moment or two she calmed. "I understand. I guess it makes sense."

  "Thank you. Lilly, I really am just trying to keep you safe. Sometimes you make that difficult, but I'm determined. Now, I've got to get back to work. Look at your painting and your photos this afternoon." He gave her a kiss on her forehead and said, "Behave yourself this afternoon." He turned to leave, closing the door behind him before she had a chance to respond.

  As soon as he left, she started to pick her clothes up to get dressed. She took a minute first, though, to rub her sore bottom. Dalton picked that exact moment to walk back in, shutting the door behind him. "And remember, no rubbing."

  "What? Why not? It hurts!"

  He picked her hands up, removing them from her bottom, and held them in one hand as he pulled her in against him again. "I know it hurts, honey. As it should. After a spanking, there will be no rubbing. You are to let that pain serve as a reminder, until it leaves on its own. If I catch you rubbing after you've been spanked, I'll freshen the pain for you. Do you need a demonstration of that, or do you understand what I'm saying?"

  "No," she answered quickly. "I understand."

  "Okay, good." Before he left again, he asked, "Lilly, will you be going into a pasture without checking with me first again?"

  "No!" she answered quickly, and Dalton smiled as he left.

  She stood there holding her panties and looking at the door. The little bit of rubbing she'd done before he came in had felt good. And she still didn't like him issuing orders. Well, what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. She dropped her panties onto the couch and reached back with both hands and began to rub away some of that awful burn.

  She was facing away from the door, but when the door opened she knew immediately who it was and quickly dropped her arms. The deep sigh behind her didn't surprise her at all. What did surprise her was when her feet suddenly left the floor.

  Dalton picked her up around her waist with his left arm, bending her over. He immediately began spanking her still bare bottom with his right hand. "I can't believe you had to challenge me again this soon, Lilly. I would have thought your cute little bottom was sore enough to convince you to heed my warning. The fact that you were willing to chance it makes me wonder if it's really as terribly sore as you were trying to tell me it is."

  "Dalton, no, stop! It does hurt! That's why I was rubbing. It hurts so bad I can't stand it! Please, you have to stop!"

  He knew she was already sore and it wouldn't take a lot to emphasize his point, so he stopped after a dozen swats. He set her back on her feet, and she did a cute little just-been-spanked dance. Turning her to face him, and taking her hands in his to be sure she couldn't rub, he held her while she cried against his chest again. He once again comforted her while she calmed, telling her it was over again.

she calmed this time, he asked, "Are you going to go into a pasture without checking with me again, honey?"

  "No," she sobbed.

  "Good. Are you going to rub after a spanking again?"

  "No! I promise."

  "Good. Now, I'm going to turn around for a minute. I want you to put your clothes back on before I leave this time. You won't be as tempted to rub again then."

  She nodded and he turned around quickly. He waited while she dressed, smiling when she hissed as she pulled her panties and jean shorts on over her sore bottom.

  He kissed her forehead again and said, "Now, behave this afternoon, and I mean it." This time he held the door for her to leave his office ahead of her. He knew she wouldn't be as likely to rub when she was out in the main house where Stella might see her.

  That evening, Dalton pulled Lilly's chair out for her for supper, as usual. He saw her wince, although it was obvious she was trying not to. Seeing that Clay was at the other end of the room talking on his phone, Dalton leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Are you going to go into a pasture without checking with me first, honey?"

  She snapped her head up, looking toward Clay. Dalton knew she was relieved to see he hadn't heard his question. To her credit, she looked at him as she whispered, "No. Lesson learned."

  "I hope so," he answered with a sincere smile.

  After supper, he was happy to hear that Lilly thought she could finish her painting from her photos if he would take her out to get just a couple more photos in the late morning to early afternoon, when the sun was high in the sky. There was one angle she didn't feel she had enough good photos.

  He took her out right after lunch the next day, and then she was able to finish her painting. She and Dalton were both happy with it, and she planned on putting it in her upcoming gallery show.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning, Dalton happened to be walking into the kitchen as Lilly sat carefully down at the table and hissed quietly. Looking around to be sure they were alone, he quietly asked in her ear, "Are you going to go into a pasture again without checking with me first?"

  "No," she said, and neither one said another word about it as Stella came in.

  "Dalton, I thought you'd gone back outside," Stella said. "Do you need something I can help you with? Cold iced tea to take with you to the field today, maybe?"

  "Thanks, Stella, but I'm fine. I just came in hoping to see Lilly a minute before I start baling hay."

  A big smile spread over Stella's face. "That sounds like a good idea. I can go check on my supplies in the pantry," she said as she started to leave the kitchen.

  "Thank you, Stella, but no, please don't leave. This isn't anything personal."

  "Oh, okay," she said, sounding disappointed. Dalton and Lilly both chuckled.

  "Lilly, I know you're wanting to get a couple more paintings ready for the show. Are you going out to paint this morning?"

  "Thank you for coming back in so I didn't have to call you. There are two places I'd like to paint. Can you tell me if either one's okay or if they're too far away?"

  After a couple minutes of discussion, Dalton suggested, "That first spot is clear over on the far end of the ranch, Lilly, but I'm leaning toward letting you go there. There's a lane that goes clear back there, so as long as you tell me you'll stay on the lane I won't have to worry about you getting lost. We haven't had a problem with wild animals back there, either, but since it's the edge of the ranch we're not there all that much, so watch out for them just in case. A couple of men and I will be baling hay a couple fields away, so call if you see or need anything. Do you have your phone?"

  "Yes, and I charged it last night."

  "Okay, good. Do you know how to get there and back?"

  "Yes, just follow the lane over beyond the pond."

  "Okay, you take the Gator and I'll follow you on Midnight to make sure you know where you're going. I'll stop by to check on you and come in with you for lunch. If you need something and come back to the house before that, call me. Do you understand all that?"

  "Yes. Thank you for letting me go there."

  "You're welcome. Just be careful because this will be the first time I won't be able to see you from where I am. I'll get your water cooler ready and put it in the Gator and have Midnight out there. We'll go when you're ready."

  She quickly finished her breakfast and grabbed her supplies. Just as she'd expected, he was waiting patiently for her atop Midnight. She had to smile at the big, handsome cowboy. He was so sexy as he sat confidently on his horse, his cowboy hat pulled down low. Despite her still sore bottom, she thought about how lucky she was. She loved the big sexy man, and she could tell he loved her.

  She led the way on the Gator so she could prove to him she knew how to get there. He stopped long enough to help her get her things in place, then gave her a quick kiss and left, after reminding her first, of course, to be careful and watch her surroundings.

  She set to work, determined to finish at least a couple more paintings before the show. This upcoming show had become really important to her, but she hadn't realized why until last night. As she lay in bed, sore but content, she realized the reason. She'd begun to think of this area, and particularly this ranch, as home. She wanted her show to go well because, in a way, it would be like performing in front of a home crowd. Her paintings were also of this area. Local people would probably recognize that, and she wanted her neighbors to like them.

  She tried to concentrate on her surroundings as well as her painting, but the painting kept winning out. Before she knew it, Dalton and Midnight were there to escort her to the house for lunch. He'd been very slowly helping her get acquainted with Midnight and a few of the other horses in the evenings, and she was becoming more comfortable around them. As he climbed down from Midnight, he reached in his pocket and pulled out a couple small carrots. "Why don't you treat Midnight while I see if I can decipher any of your painting?"

  Lilly giggled and gladly took the carrots and went to Midnight. She held one of the carrots in the palm of her hand and offered it to Midnight, who whinnied his appreciation as he ate the carrot. Lilly ran her hand over the horse's neck before giving him the other carrot.

  Dalton was studying the painting, but also keeping one eye on her and the horse. He'd been happy to see Lilly and Midnight develop a friendship. That friendship had given Lilly the courage to pet a few other horses. He'd encouraged her, picking friendly, very tame horses. She had become relaxed around one horse in particular, a horse named Patches. He always smiled when she wanted to give Patches a carrot or apple or sugar cube before they left the barn. He planned on one day soon suggesting they try getting Lilly up on Patches. He knew she wanted to learn to ride horses and could tell she was becoming more comfortable around them.

  He decided it was about time to put his plan into place. "Yep, just as usual," he said, still looking at her painting. "I haven't a clue what this is going to be. At this stage I can't make out a single thing, but I love watching them transform into a work of art."

  He made it over to her, where she was still petting Midnight, and he was loving it. "Thank you, Dalton, I think." She giggled a little. "I think that was a compliment, wasn't it?"

  "Absolutely. I know it's going to be great; I just can't see it now." After he held her face in his hands for a nice kiss he said, "It looks like you two are good buddies today. How about we ride him back to the house?"

  He could feel her tense a little, but luckily, not much. "But what about the Gator?"

  "It'll be fine here. You parked it close to the clump of trees, so no one's going to bother it. Not that I expect anyone to even be out this way, anyway. What do you say; are you up to riding back to the house? I promise I'll hold on tight."

  Her mischievous smile Dalton had grown to love appeared. "Well, if you'll hold onto me real tight, how could any girl say no to that offer?"

  He grinned as he shook his head. "Brat," he muttered, and chuckled at the indignant look she gave h
im. He smiled and helped her up onto Midnight, then quickly swung up onto the horse behind her, wrapping his strong arm around her waist. He knew she liked that part, and to be honest, so did he. He turned Midnight toward the house and let her take them back to the house at a casual pace. He never felt Lilly tense, which was a victory of sorts. He knew that slowly but surely he was making progress with his little cowgirl wannabe.

  They got to the house and he slid off, then took Lilly around her waist and set her on the ground. His heart swelled as she reached up and gave him a quick kiss. "Thanks, Dalton. That was fun. I'm glad you talked me into trying it." She turned to walk into the house, leaving him staring at her with a big goofy grin on his face.

  After lunch, they both enjoyed the slow gentle ride back out to her painting. Dalton helped her get the cover off so she could continue working before leaving for the afternoon. She once again tried to watch out for animals around her, but was concentrating more on her work.

  When Dalton came to escort her to the house for supper, he studied her painting while she picked up her tools of the trade. "I'm not sure, but I think I may be starting to see something here," he said seriously.

  "You do, really? What do you see?"

  "A 1956 Chevy. It's green, with a blue racing stripe. And there's a hot babe standing beside it wearing a skimpy little red bikini."

  A horrified Lilly quickly looked at the painting again. "What? Where do you see that?" She hadn't looked at Dalton yet, so she missed the big grin on his face.

  "Right there on the canvas," he insisted. "But what I don't understand is why did you put a racing stripe on a '56 Chevy? They didn't have racing stripes. And they certainly didn't have skimpy little red bikinis in '56, either, so this must be a present day hot babe looking at a vintage car, huh?"

  Lilly finally looked over at Dalton, her mouth hanging open, and saw the grin on his face and the sparkle in his eyes. "Oh, you," she said as she slapped his arm. "You had me worried. I thought it really was looking like that."

  He pulled her into his arms for a kiss. "I'm sorry, honey," he said sincerely. He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist as he looked again at the canvas. "Actually, I was serious. I think I am starting to see the picture this time."


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