A Beautiful Ranch

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A Beautiful Ranch Page 18

by Malone, Misty

  She and Lilly started putting things back in drawers; Daphne pointing out what goes where. The men righted the table and chairs, cleaned up the broken vases, and took care of sweeping the floors. They made a list as they went along of all the broken or damaged items for their insurance company.

  Stella and her sister arrived as they were finishing the dining room. Daphne told her she expected her to stay with them until they had the house ready to live in again, and she agreed. They all agreed they'd try and get the kitchen ready next. Stella and Lilly planned on cleaning the house, working on it daily until it was ready to live in again. It would definitely be easier to cook at the house and be able to feed Dalton and Clay there, as well, closer to the barns, even if they didn't stay there at night.

  They all worked the rest of the day on the kitchen. It was a disaster. The kitchen was large and well-stocked, and all the drawers and many of the cabinets had been emptied. There were lots of broken dishes that needed to be cleaned up, but luckily there were enough that were still in one piece to allow them to eat their meals there. Doing the inventory for the insurance company was a very time consuming process, however.

  Clay went into town and brought back sandwiches for lunch. They all stopped to eat, then got right back to it. Later, he went in and got Kentucky Fried Chicken for supper. That evening they were tired, but the kitchen was put back as it was. They had a list of all the broken dishes and small appliances that had been thrown down and destroyed. They thanked Stella's sister for her help before she went home.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Brian and Daphne had a full house Sunday night. Monday morning, Dalton went to do chores and Brian went to work. Stella, Lilly and Daphne all went back to Dalton's house and fixed breakfast. Dalton called his insurance company, then arranged to have a security system installed before he would eat breakfast. Once he and Clay ate and went back out to work the women tackled the house again.

  When the men came in for lunch, the women had it ready. While they ate, Dalton thanked the ladies for all their efforts, and told them he would do his room and help Lilly do hers at night after supper. Lilly looked indignant. "Dalton, thank you for your offer, but I have some personal lingerie and other things in my room that would be embarrassing for you to see."

  "I'll help her, big brother. We'll be fine."

  Dalton looked worried. "Those very personal things are exactly what worries me. What if they've done something to one of them and it upsets you? I don't want you to be alone."

  "I won't be alone, Dalton; Daphne will be with me."

  "But if I know you, honey, if something really upsets you you'll hide it. Then I'll know something's bothering you but I won't know what, or how to help you."

  Daphne spoke up quickly. "I know she does, Dalton, but I'll watch her." When Lilly's eyebrows shot up, Daphne explained. "Well, you do, Lilly, but Dalton's right; this is important."

  "If something's upsetting to her, let me know about it, Daphne. Then I can try to help her."

  "Okay, will do," Daphne said.

  "Hey, you two, I'm sitting right here, you know. You're talking about me, planning how to handle me, and I'm right here. You could just tell me in person, you know."

  "You wouldn't listen, Lilly," Dalton said.

  "He's right," Daphne told her.

  Lilly was appalled. She was about to tell them both what she thought of their high handedness, when she glanced over at Clay. The poor guy was doing his best not to laugh, and watching him struggle made her realize how similar this brother and sister duo were. They were both trying to protect her, no matter how ridiculous they sounded. She looked up again at Clay and couldn't help laughing. That was all Clay needed and he burst out laughing, as well.

  Dalton and Daphne looked from Clay to Lilly, and to each other. They both shrugged their shoulders.

  Clay looked over at Lilly again, still laughing. "I'm glad they're both watching out for you like that, and not me."

  "I know," Lilly responded, "but they mean well. Sometimes they just get a little carried away. They're both very special people."

  Clay nodded. "Yeah, you're right there. They are."

  Dalton and Daphne looked at each other again, and Daphne sighed. "Oh, my gosh, I sounded just like my brother did while I was growing up," she said. "I'm sorry, Lilly."

  Lilly went to Daphne and gave her a hug. "It's okay. I do appreciate both of you caring so much about me. I think you see that Dalton watching out for people is a good thing, so you do the same thing, without realizing it. In a lot of ways, you're just like your brother, and that's a compliment." She got up and went to Dalton. "They don't make 'em any better than this man."

  Dalton scooted back from the table and pulled her down onto his lap. His arms went around her as his lips descended onto hers. He kissed her gently, then with a hand behind her head pulled her closer for a much more passionate kiss. When Clay cleared his throat, Dalton stopped only long enough to say, "Not now, I'm busy."

  Clay and Daphne both chuckled, and sat back and watched, both smiling. When Dalton finally came up for air, he looked at Clay. "Now, what did you want?"

  "Not a thing, boss. Not a thing."

  "That's what I thought," Dalton said. He looked at Lilly and asked, "So you'll tell me if you find anything that bothers you?"

  They all laughed except Dalton, who had a very serious look on his face.

  "I will, I promise," Lilly said.

  He rewarded her with a big smile and a kiss to her forehead. "Good."

  It took them two more days to get the house put back in order, but after the first night at Clay's and two nights at Daphne and Brian's, they were finally ready to stay at the house again.

  It was difficult for Lilly when she and Daphne cleaned her room, but not for the reasons Dalton was afraid of. Her clothes, including her undergarments, were all strewn around her room, and whoever had broken in had taken her tubes of paint and squeezed it all over her clothes. That bothered her, but she couldn't say exactly why. Dalton had talked to her about it a couple times, but it hadn't helped. It still bothered her greatly, but she just couldn't put a finger on why. She thought that the fact that she didn't know why it bothered her so much was part of her problem. If she knew why, she was sure she and Dalton could talk it out.

  Not only did it bother her, but she couldn't get it out of her mind. Maybe it was so problematic to her because they ruined almost all of her clothes since that paint wouldn't wash out. They were her personal belongings, and they had to have done that for the sole purpose of ruining them. That thought was disgusting, but she didn't think that was the main problem.

  She was thinking about it when Dalton came in for supper and found her sitting on the couch in the living room, staring straight ahead. She didn't even notice him until he sat down right next to her. He put his arm around her and pulled her over to lean on his chest. "Haven't figured it out yet?"

  "Huh-uh," she sighed.

  "I had a thought today. You told me one time that your paints are special to you."

  "They are. They're the tools of my trade. I take good care of them because they take good care of me."

  "Is that what has you so upset; they abused your paints?"

  She was leaning against his shoulder and he couldn't see her face. He was waiting, but instead of hearing her answer he heard her sob quietly. He pulled her up onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. "What is it, honey? Is that what's bothering you, the fact that they messed with your paints?" She sobbed again, and he held her tighter. "Go ahead and cry, honey. I've got you."

  Stella came in looking for them to tell them supper was ready, and was concerned. "Is everything okay? Do you need anything?"

  "It's the break in, Stella. She feels violated. Tell Clay he can go ahead and eat if he wants to. I'm going to hold her a little while."

  "Certainly," Stella said. Before she left, she looked at Lilly with sincere eyes. "Lilly, Dalton loves you and will keep you safe. He'll take care of you. You tw
o stay here until he's held you long enough that you feel the truth in that." She turned and was out the door before either of them could say a word.

  Dalton held her tightly in his arms, neither saying a word. He ran his fingers gently through her hair. Twice he leaned down and kissed the top of her head. After five minutes she looked up at him. "Did you know Stella was so smart when you hired her?"

  "I don't think I did," he answered softly, "but I do now. Maybe I should give her a raise."

  "Probably," she said casually. "I'd never let her quit, either."

  "Yeah, that's a good idea," he said just as casually. A couple minutes later he asked, again in the same lazy, casual manner, "Feel any better, honey?"

  "Yeah, I think so," she responded, still in a slow and casual way. "I think I needed that cry."

  "Probably. Do you want to talk about it more, or shall we just go buy you some new paints tomorrow?"

  "I don't think I can buy them locally. I'd have to go to a bigger city to find them. Or maybe I should just order some and have them sent."

  "No, I think we should go get you some tomorrow. I think that's why you haven't wanted to paint since we got the house back in order."

  "I think maybe you're right, but tomorrow?"

  "Sure. Why not?"

  "You'd do that for me? I'm sure you've got work to do tomorrow."

  "Clay and the men can handle it tomorrow morning. I want to get you some new paints. I don't want whoever broke into our home to keep you from your passion for one more day. He's not going to win; we are. Tomorrow after breakfast."


  "Yeah, honey?"

  "I love you."

  "I know. I love you, too."

  They stayed right like that for fifteen more minutes, talking softly and casually, before going out to eat supper.

  Dalton was true to his word, and the next day they went and bought her some new paints. While they were there, they picked up more canvases as well.

  Lilly seemed like her old self on the way home. "I can't wait to start painting again."

  "That's good to hear. Do you have any plans, or any certain place you want to paint?"

  "Not really. I have several places I'd like to paint. Where are you going to be working the next couple days?"

  "We're going to be working in the big wheat field behind the barn the next couple days. Is there anyplace around there you've considered?"

  "Yeah, there's a creek that goes behind that. There are several places that would be a good place for a picture that would include that creek."

  Glancing at his watch, he suggested, "When we get home, let's take the horses out there and you can look around. Maybe you'll find a spot that works for you. If I can see you from where I'll be working, I'd feel better."

  "Yeah, me, too."

  He reached over and took her hand in his. "Are you okay, honey? I know the break-in upset you, as it would anyone. How are you doing with it, honestly?"

  She looked at him and spoke honestly. "I know if I try and tell you something other than the truth, you'll know it and be upset, so I won't even try."

  "That's a good start."

  She smiled. "It did upset me. I'm not completely over it, but I'm doing much better. I think I'd be able to paint better, let my mind wander if I knew you were close by and watching out for me."

  Dalton felt his love for her grow with those words. The little lady who'd stolen his heart was now embracing the fact that he watched out for her. He squeezed her hand. "I'd like having you close by for a few days at least, too. I think I'm feeling some of the same things you are, and I'd feel a lot better knowing I can look over there and see you, see for myself that you're doing fine."

  When they got home, they got the horses and rode out. After looking at several locations, she found a spot she deemed perfect. She was atop a small hill, where she could look down into a small valley and see the creek running through. With her being at the top of the knoll, he could see her easily from almost all of the field, so he also deemed the spot perfect. They went back for lunch, both very happy.

  After lunch, she took the Gator with her supplies and he followed behind on a tractor. They both worked hard all afternoon, mixed in with several glances in each other's direction.

  They repeated the process the next day, and the day after that. Things were starting to feel more normal to both of them.

  A week later, they were back to themselves. They'd gotten back into a routine and things were back to normal.

  Saturday, Lilly and Daphne spent the day together. Dalton took her shopping a couple days after the break-in and helped her replace most of her wardrobe, but she didn't feel comfortable shopping for bras and panties with him. He waited in the truck while she ran in and bought a few items to get her by for the time being, but she needed to get more things.

  It was time for lunch by the time they finished their shopping, so they decided to eat in town before going back to the ranch to ride horses. At Daphne's reminder, Lilly called Dalton to let him know they wouldn't be home for lunch. He was fine with it and thanked her for calling to let him know.

  After calling Dalton, Lilly addressed her friend. "You know, Daphne, at first I felt like he was trying to tell me what I can and can't do, and I resented it."

  "I know what you're saying."

  "But, now I realize he just wants me to call to let him know we're eating in town so he doesn't worry about where I am. When I think about it, it feels good, like I have this protective shell around me."

  "Uh-huh," Daphne agreed. "You just have to realize that protective shell sometimes spanks."

  Lilly giggled. "Yes, it does." She looked at her friend and grinned. "You tried to explain that to me before, and I thought you were crazy. I didn't know how you could allow a man to spank you."

  "But now you do?"

  "Now I do. Sometimes I still feel like he's overdoing the protective thing, but then other times it feels really nice. I've finally realized I can't have him protecting me just when it's convenient for me. It's all or nothing."

  Daphne laughed at her friend's words. "With our men it sure is. And I don't know about you, but I'll take the all over the nothing, any day."

  "Yeah, me, too," Lilly agreed.

  After lunch they went home and got the horses ready. Daphne called Dalton and told him where they were planning to go. Dalton okayed the main plan, but suggested a similar spot not too far from there that was easier to get to. The girls were fine with that, and they set out.

  They enjoyed their leisurely ride. They walked the horses, which enabled the girls to carry on a conversation while they rode. When they came to a creek, they decided to stop and do some exploring. The creek was wide, but shallow in that location. Daphne told Lilly how she and Dalton used to play in the water there, looking for and finding crawdads under some of the rocks.

  They tied their horses to some trees a short distance from the creek and walked to the water. They took their shoes and socks off, and Daphne suggested they leave their phones with their shoes, as well, as you never know when you'll step on a slippery rock and land on your butt. They ventured into the water and were soon laughing as they'd find a school of little fishes or a crawdad hiding under a rock.

  They were so involved in the creek that they didn't see or hear anyone approaching them or their horses. Their first indication anyone was around was when they heard a yell, and the horses whinnied. The girls looked up just in time to see the horses running off and a man running to his own horse and leaving quickly.

  The girls were stunned. They quickly made it out of the water and looked in the direction the horses had gone, but they were out of sight. "Who was that?" Lilly's eyes were big.

  "I have no idea," Daphne answered, "and I have no idea what he was doing, but I don't like it."

  "What if he's still around? Daphne, he could be watching us. Who do you suppose he is, and why was he out here?"

  "I don't know, but I think we better call Dalton. We'll need a
ride back to the house, anyway. I sure don't want to walk that far."

  "Me, neither," Lilly agreed.

  "I'll call him because I can tell him where we're at quicker," Daphne said as she called her brother. She quickly explained the situation to Dalton, and then put her phone on speaker.

  "Okay, Dalton, you're on speaker. Go ahead," Daphne said.

  "Can you both hear me?" he asked. Once they assured him they could, he talked to both of them. "Clay was right here and he's already called the sheriff. He and I are on our way out to you, and he sent a couple of the guys to get the pickup. They'll meet us out there. I don't know who this is or what they're up to, but they may double back around and follow you. I want both of you to listen to me carefully and do as I say. Go to the little clump of trees off to the west. Daphne, it's the ones we used to climb. Do you know where I mean?"

  "Yeah, I'm with you."

  "Good. Those aren't far from you, so I want you to go there. Find a couple trees that are easy to climb and do that. If he comes back looking to follow you, he'll be looking at ground level. So get up in a tree and be still. He'll be looking lower, so he won't see you unless he sees movement in a tree. Daphne, I assume your gun is still with your horse?"


  "Okay. In a tree will be safer for you if an animal comes around, too. There are a few coyotes and a wolf or two around there from time to time, but they won't bother you in a tree at all. So just get yourselves up in a tree and wait for us. We'll be there as quick as we can. If anything happens, call me. Can you do that?"

  Both girls assured him they would. They quickly put their shoes and socks on and took off running for the trees. Daphne quickly found two trees they used to climb a lot and helped Lilly up in the first one before climbing up into the one beside it. They sat there waiting, both afraid to move or talk.

  About five minutes later, Daphne whispered, "Lilly, don't move or scream or anything, but slowly look to your right. Does that horse look like the one that chased our horses away?"


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