Where We Belong: Love Returns

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Where We Belong: Love Returns Page 13

by Melissa Tereze

  “Mm, good.” I wrap my arms around her waist. “Now, you can explain yourself.”

  “Oh god, what did I do?” Olivia looks at me with uncertainty.

  “The suitcases.” I throw my thumb over my shoulder. “Really?”


  “You’re taking an entire freaking closet!”

  “Oh.” She smiles. “It’s just in case.”

  “In case what?” I deadpan. “We get caught up in the zombie apocalypse and we have to retreat to the bunker?”

  “Is it really that much?” Olivia wrinkles her nose.

  “I think you already know the answer to that.” I laugh. “It certainly explains why you took so long at the hotel.”

  “I just…I didn’t know what to bring, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to take a few things.”

  “A few?” I arch my eyebrow. “If that is your interpretation of ‘a few’ we will go with that.”

  “That’s all you’re taking?” Olivia points to my bag.


  “Oh, well maybe I could take less.”

  “No, no.” I disagree. “If you need to take your entire collection, that is fine.” Fisting my hand in her tee, I pull my girlfriend into my body and she moans at the contact. “But you had better hope and pray that there is some sexy lingerie hiding away amongst all those clothes.”

  “Maybe there is.” Olivia narrows her eyes. “I have to make this trip worth your while, right?”

  I want to say yes but I’m not sure it’s appropriate. We are taking this trip to Spain so Olivia can feel closer to her mom. The last thing I need to do is insinuate that I’m only coming along for the ride because sex will be involved.

  “I guess it wouldn’t do any harm.” That’s the best I can give her.

  “Mm, thought so.” Smiling into a kiss, Olivia tangles her fingers in my hair.

  “Liv…” I pull back. “We have a flight to catch.

  “We have a little while, no?” Her eyes darkening, I give her a sad smile and shake my head. “Damn, you’re killing me right now.

  “Hey, we have the weekend to give each other all the attention in the world.” Placing a soft kiss on Olivia’s lips, I step back and take the handle of her suitcase. “You have everything?”

  “I do.” Heading for my front door, passports in hand, Olivia fixes herself up and gives me one of her sweet smiles. “Thanks for agreeing to this.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Could be good for us, right?” Olivia takes my hand in her own.

  “It will be good for us.” I agree. “And it will be nice to see where you spent time with your mom growing up.”

  “Yeah.” Her facial expression changing slightly, I squeeze Olivia’s hand, reassuring her.

  “You know, this is your trip.” My thumb trails her jawline. “We take it at your pace.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Anything you don’t want to do, just say the word.” Leaning in and pressing a kiss below Olivia’s ear, she relaxes into my touch. “I’ve got you, okay?”

  “I know you have.” She turns her head and smiles against my skin. “Come on, let’s get out of here.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Settled into our seats, I sit back and relax, taking in the dreary British skies. I’m not generally a fan of poor weather but this is where Mati calls home now so I have no choice. Wherever she is, I will be. I think we’ve established that now, anyway.

  Leaving for Spain feels like the perfect opportunity to let Mati in on my life before I met her. Sure, she knows pretty much all there is to know about me, but Spain was a big part of my life growing up and I feel like I should include her in that. I feel like she should see the place I spent a lot of my time. With and without mom.

  Maybe it won’t seem as spectacular to Mati as it does to me but I’d understand. To her, it’s simply another destination somewhere in the world, but to me…it holds a world of happy memories. It holds all of the good times I was blessed with and if I’m being completely honest, I know I’m going to feel closer to mom there than I ever would back in LA.

  Yes, that is my home, but Spain is more poignant for me. It means more to me. Honestly, it means everything. Sitting at a beachside restaurant watching the sunset with mom. Lazy days and late lunches. It was just the way of life in Spain that always appealed to me.

  At one time, I was going to move out there. I was going to set up my business close to the town we often visited and figure everything else out when it came to it. I didn’t care about the logistics. I just wanted that Spanish way of life. I wanted to be a part of it and nothing was going to stop me.

  Until it did.

  My reasons for not leaving LA no longer matter and truthfully, everything worked out exactly how it was supposed to. If I’d left, I wouldn’t have ever laid eyes on Mati. If I’d left, I wouldn’t be building a life with my girlfriend. Visiting works for me and I guess it always will. Spain was never meant to be my home. I realized that some time ago.

  The speed of the plane increasing as we reach the runway, I place my hand over Mati’s and glance her way, smiling. She doesn’t look so good.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  “Mm.” She closes her eyes. “I’m okay.”

  “No, you’re not.” My forehead creases. “What is it?”

  “I don’t really see the appeal of flying, is all.” Waving off my concern, her seat dips back a little as she buries her head into the headrest. This explains why she didn’t leave Chicago often.

  “I’m so sorry.” I wrinkle my nose. “I-It’s only a short flight.”


  “Maybe we could drive back?” I arch an eyebrow. “If you would feel better?”

  “No, that would take forever.” Mati laughs. “I’ll be okay once I’m in the air.”

  The speed of the plane increasing dramatically, Mati’s knuckles turn white as she grips the armrest between us. If I’d known, I wouldn’t have arranged this trip.

  “How is your mom doing?” I ask in a lame attempt to distract my girlfriend.

  “She’s good.” Mati focuses on my face. “She asks about you all the time. I guess she just knew that we would end up back together.”

  “She is a smart woman,” I smirk. “And I would love to visit her soon?”

  “Mm, let’s get this flight out the way first.” The back end of the plane dips as the nose ascends into the air. “Okay, I’m good.” Mati breathes out. “We’re okay, right?”

  “We’re fine.” I lace our fingers together. “I promise.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Just trying to keep you sane.” I lift Mati’s hand and press a kiss to her skin.

  “Oh, I’m not sure I’ve ever been sane but I appreciate you trying.”

  “Whatever makes you smile…”

  “Plans for the weekend?” Mati turns her full attention to me. “Is there anything, in particular, you want to do?”

  “Relax, mostly.” I shrug. “When we arrive, I’m taking you to Sal’s. She makes a mean breakfast.”

  “Sounds good.” Mati smiles. “You know her?”

  “Sally has been in Spain for around fifteen years,” I reply. “She left LA with her husband and set up there. She was just always around and when you’re in a foreign country, it’s nice to have a little piece of home close by. You know, a familiar accent?”


  “It’s been a long time since I dropped by.” I sigh as I relax back in my seat. “I’m going to say at least three years.”

  “That long?”

  “Work just got in the way. I didn’t have the luxury of hopping on a flight with mom whenever she was planning a trip. I had the business to manage.”

  “What’s happening with it?”

  “Brianna is taking care of things for a while. She’s really come a long way with her designs.” The sound of passengers beginning to unbuckle their belts and move around the plane, Mati
and I decide to stay seated. “Once I know the plan in London, I’ll work things out.”

  “You really want to set up in London?”

  “If that is where you are…then yes.” I say, nodding confidently. “Is that what you want?”

  “I want you to be happy, Liv. If I’m a part of that plan, then yes.”

  “You are more than a part of my plans, Mats. So much more.”

  “I can’t believe the last few weeks have ended how they have…”

  “Unbelievable at times.” I breathe out. “But this is real and that is all that matters…”

  “You know, you’re totally right.” Mati closes her eyes, a small smile curling on her mouth. “You always were…”


  Our luggage at our feet, I run my fingers through my hair and try to stifle a yawn. Our flight was fairly enjoyable and relaxed but something about flying always knocks me out of sync with my routine. I just like to know where I am. What I’m doing. Spain with Mati is new to me but I’m certain she will make it just as enjoyable as it used to be.

  Glancing up at the flight information board, it’s a little after eleven in the morning, and right now I could use some food. Lifting the handle on my suitcase, I grab Mati’s bag and sit it on top. Taking her hand in my own, we make our way through the airport and out into the humid Spanish air.

  People milling about and beginning their trips, I find us a taxi and help the driver put our luggage into the trunk. Joining my girlfriend in the back of the vehicle, it’s only a short drive to our apartment. I’d thought about staying close to our old villa but I’m not sure I’m ready for that yet. Maybe, in the future…but not yet.

  I’m just figuring everything out and returning to my good place, and I fear staying close by would only undo the work I’ve put in so far. I don’t need to be at the villa to feel close to mom so renting an apartment was the next best thing.

  Yawning, Mati catches my attention, her head resting back against her seat.

  “Did you want to head straight to the apartment?”

  “Mm, I need food first.” Her head drops to my shoulder.

  “Sal’s?” I ask, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “You will love it.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Informing the driver of our change of address, he takes a left down a familiar street and a smile curls on my mouth. Yes, it feels a little odd being here but I also feel comfortable. Home, even.

  Pulling up outside Sally’s a few minutes later, it's emotional but it feels good. It feels right. Thanking the driver and paying our fare, I slip out of the back of the taxi and take our luggage from the trunk. Mati quickly follows behind me and we head for the entrance of a very familiar Spanish style restaurant. Spanish, yet so very American at times.

  “Well, I’ll be damned.” A distinct voice bellows. Sal.

  Giving Sally my best smile, she rounds the counter and takes our luggage. “ED! Get out here right now!”

  Ed pushes through the door which leads to the kitchen and his eyes widen.

  “Olivia!” He pulls me into a bone-crushing hug. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “Good to see you too, Ed.” Stepping back, I take Mati by the hand and she tightens her grip. “This is Mati, my girlfriend.”

  “It’s wonderful to finally meet you.” Sally is beside herself with excitement.

  “Huh? Finally?” I cut in.

  “Do you really think your mom didn’t tell me all about you and Mati?” Sally arches her eyebrow. “You know how much Ania loved to keep me updated.”

  “She talked about us to you?” My heart breaks in my chest.

  “She only ever talked about you, Olivia.” Sally motions towards our old regular table. “You were her pride and joy.”

  “Great place, Sally.” Mati slides into a booth and relaxes back. “Like being back home.”

  “Which is where?”

  “Chicago.” Mati smiles.

  “Wonderful.” Sally nods. “But now you are in London, right?”

  “I am…with Olivia.”

  “She would be thrilled to know that you are back together, Liv.” Sally’s voice cracks. “Your mom wanted nothing more than your happiness.”

  “Yeah.” I run my hand over the leather interior. “Figured I’d show Mati where we spent most of our time…”

  “So, you will want the usual?” Sally smirks. “Right?”

  “Oh, I don’t know if Mati can handle it.” I glance my girlfriend’s way, teasingly.

  “Uh, I can handle my food.” She scoffs. “Bring it on!”

  “Mm, you sure?” I narrow my eyes. Leaning in closer, I bring my lips to Mati’s ear. “Wouldn’t want you to sit here feeling defeated, beautiful.”

  “Momma didn’t raise no wimp.” She says with a competitive tone. “Sally, bring out the usual. I’m more than ready.”

  “Well, okay then.” Sally smacks the countertop. “Got yourself a good one, Olivia.”

  Watching mom’s old friend disappear out back, Ed throws me a wink and gives me a nod of approval. He was always like the father I never had and I know he loves Mati. I mean, how could either of them not love her? She’s adorable.

  “You know, I love your fighting talk.” My hand settles on Mati’s thigh.

  “Whatever.” She shrugs. “Just…what exactly is the usual?”

  “Worried?” I arch an eyebrow and my girlfriend shakes her head. “Oh, I think you are.”

  “You know exactly how much momma used to feed us.”

  “Just…prepare yourself, okay?”

  “Sure, whatever.” Coolly waving off my comment, Mati glances around the diner. “So, why the American cuisine in a Spanish village?”

  “Why not?” I counter. “Once the sun sets, this place becomes one of the best tapas restaurants in town…”

  “Right, ladies.” Ed appears with a colossal stack of pancakes, fresh fruit included, and positions it in front of us.

  “That’s it?” Mati sneers.

  “Make some room, girls.” Sally follows behind Ed with a tray of bacon, eggs, spinach, and sausages. A plate of bagels in her other hand, I’m pretty sure the entire village has just heard Mati swallow hard. “Enjoy.”

  “I, uh…can I get a coffee and a large water to go with this?” My girlfriend enquires, hesitation evident in her voice. “P-Please?”

  “So, where do you want to start?” I chirp, howling with laughter inside. “A few pancakes?”

  “A few?” Mati croaks. “Liv, they’re bigger than my freaking head. I think one is okay for now.”

  “But, Momma Wilson raised you like this, no?”

  “Um, sure.” She gives me a fake smile and piles her plate with food. “Let’s dig in.”


  Setting my fork down, I peek at Mati. Her eyes are flickering open and closed and I’m struggling to contain my laughter. Yes, she looks like she is ready to explode, and I’m fairly confident she unbuttoned her jeans ten minutes into eating.

  Her head lolls back against the booth. “I need to sleep…for a month.”

  “You had enough?” I grin. “Thought you may have wanted the last rash of bacon.”

  “T-There’s still bacon left?” Her eyes shoot to the plate between us. “I already ate like ten rashes…how is there still bacon left?”

  “I know it’s your favorite so I laid off it.”

  “Oh, no.” Mati holds up her hands. “Please, finish it. I’m good.”

  “Thought so.”

  “Okay, fine.” She whines. “This was far too much. I don’t know how you do it.”

  “Just used to it, I guess.” My shoulders sag. “Although, it has been a long time since I ate that much.”

  “Mm, too much.”

  “Should I get the bill before you pass out?”

  “God, yes.” My girlfriend sinks further down into the leather seat. “And make it quick.”

  Standing, I head for the counter and Sally gives me a smile. It’s a heart-warming one. On
e that holds some kind of pride for me. For the decision I’ve made to spend my life with Mati.

  “I knew she couldn’t handle it.”

  Sally laughs. “It’s good to see you, Olivia.”

  “I’m happy to be here. It’s only for a few days, though.” I smile. “My life is in London with Mati.”

  “Your mom would be proud of you. Settling down and moving forward. She wouldn’t want you to be alone.” Sally takes a hold of my hand and squeezes. “Just…don't forget about us, okay?”

  “Never.” I shake my head. “I promise to visit more often.”

  “Well then, that is good enough for me.” Sally straightens herself out. “Now, Mati is almost sleeping…you should leave.”

  Turning, I find Mati with her head propped up in her hands, her eyes closing. Its moments like this when I love her more. When I thought it wasn’t possible, it happens, and I’m head over heels once again.

  “Just the bill and we will be out of here.” I glance back at Sally.

  “Breakfast is on me.” She waves me away.

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “But, I want to…so, off you go.” I give her a thankful smile and promise to come back before we leave for London in a few days. Now, I have the small matter of getting Mati out of here and into a comfortable bed.

  “Come on, let’s get you back for a nap.” I nudge her. “Maybe you could fasten your jeans back up, too.”

  “Oh, god.” She groans. “You saw that?”


  “For the record…” Mati stands. “We cannot do anything other than sleep right now. I love you but I need to lie down flat for the foreseeable.”

  “Good thing we have all day then, huh?”

  “How far to the hotel?” She asks, my arm wrapping around her waist.

  “Not far.”

  Saying goodbye to Sal and Ed, we take a hold of our luggage and head out onto the street. The sun warming my skin as we head down the quiet street, a low moan slips from my mouth and my eyes close. It may feel like a lifetime since I was last here but it feels so good.

  “Sally and Ed seem like wonderful people.” Mati pulls me from my daydreaming. “You guys are close…”


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