Dirty Little Secret: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Reighton Preparatory Academy Book 3)

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Dirty Little Secret: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Reighton Preparatory Academy Book 3) Page 5

by Belladona Cunning

  There’s something familiar about the person roughing me up, though. It’s like a touch that seems borderline intimate.

  “You never could do what you were told.” A rough, low timbred voice grits out. My whole being stiffens as he presses his body up against mine, allowing me to feel the full weight of him.


  “Trevor?” I nearly cry out in relief.

  I don’t want to get my hopes up, because it would be something these bastards would do to get under my skin. But I highly doubt I got the man shoved up against me, mixed up with someone else. Trevor has a distinctive voice, full of smoke, darkness, and depravity. There’s no way that the guy standing behind me isn’t him.

  Instead of retracting his grip, he forces my face into the wall harder. A grunt slips between my lips at the pain that explodes between my ears. “What are you doing outside of your room?”

  “Would you knock it off,” I grind out, wincing as he presses that much harder. “You’re hurting me.”

  “As he should be,” another voice drifts through the corridor. “It is his job after all …” His job? I inwardly think, scrunching my face up in confusion. He’s nothing but a goddamn drug runner, not some bodyguard, shit-face punk.

  “Oh, wait, you don’t know, do you?” Chaz’s mischievous eyes eat me up and down as he leans against the wall. He crosses his arms over his chest with a smug smile resting on his face.

  “Know what?” I inquire, jerking against Trevor once more.

  He leans forward, running his nose along the side of my cheek. The only thing I want to do is move, but with Trevor holding me in place, I can’t. I’m completely immobile.

  Chaz continues running his nose, slowly, along the side of my face, groaning as he gets a lungful of my scent. “Hm, you always do smell incredible,” he whispers almost too low for me to hear. Nevertheless, I do anyway. I’m in tune with these guys as much as they are with me, and that can either be a curse or blessing, not sure which it is at the moment.

  “Cut the shit,” I sneer in a hateful tone.

  When his blunt teeth nip at my ear, it takes everything not to react, because it catches me off guard. And I know if I were to show him any type of emotion, then he’d sink his teeth into it and exploit it.

  “Hmm, Brett didn’t tell you,” he whispers quietly into my ear. When I sigh and shake my head, he takes me completely off guard by throwing his head back, releasing a bout of cynical laughter that chills me to the bone. When it tapers off, he brings his gaze to mine again. There’s a warmness there that wasn’t before, but I’m not looking into his maze of thorns and boobytraps if I can get out of it. “Trevor, here, is your personal bodyguard. It’s his job to keep you out of trouble.”

  “Excuse me?” I gasp.

  Chaz nods toward Trevor, and instantly the grip on me is released. Shuffling backward, I gain my bearings and twist around to see him for the first time in a year. I don’t know what I’m expecting, but the second my eyes land on him, a gasp of shock reverberates around the room.

  This guy is not a sight for sore eyes. This man—my Trevor—is nowhere to be seen. The man standing in front of me is all hard lines, rigid edges, and menacing appeal. His hair is shorn close to the scalp all over, unlike the way he used to wear it. His eyes glint with an evil light that completely blindsides me.

  While his body is to die for—all muscular ridges and handsome features—I can’t get past the scar that now runs from the bottom of his jawline, near his hairline, all the way to the other side. It’s as if someone’s tried to slit his throat.

  “Trevor?” My eyes tear up when he peers down at me as if I’m a stranger. “What have they done to you?”

  Instead of answering me, he orders me to go back to my room. All the time, Chaz is standing there with triumph written all over his face, like he has me right where he wants me. Trevor says nothing more. Just stands there like this imposing figure, daring me to go against his orders. He should know I will; I did when he and I were together.

  This is the way they’re going to keep me in line. Instead of doing it themselves, like an owner is supposed to, they think pawning me off on someone else is the answer. They’re going to have Trevor—a guy I fucking loved—watch over me, nearly stepping on my heels because of how close he’ll be following me around.

  “Yeah, you see, I’m going to have to pass,” I reply snidely, eyeballing the both of them as I widen my stance and cross my arms over my chest. I can’t fight for shit against guys twice, almost three times, my size, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try my best. Let the fuckers try.

  “Who said it was a choice, Brat?” Chaz replies, grinning broadly.

  No one. But a bitch has to try, doesn’t she?

  You see, I know I’m outnumbered in this house, as I was when we were at RPA. However, that didn’t stop me from speaking when I wanted to speak, and making shit known when I wanted it known. There were boundaries I wouldn’t cross, because let’s face it, I’m not that much of a stupid bitch and I actually have some self-preservation.

  Well, I do, even though it doesn’t look like it.

  Trevor takes a step forward, even going as far as reaching around to his side where a piece is strapped to his hip. “Do you want to go the hard way or easy way? I’ll be nice this once and allow you to choose.”

  Glad to see at least that much hasn’t changed. “Pleased to know you’re still an asshole.”

  “Last chance,” he grits out, hand tightening around his holstered gun.

  Flicking my gaze from him to Chaz, I can see from their stony faces I’ll get nowhere by arguing or trying to stand up for myself. Even if I keep up with this bad ass charade, they’re two men that can overpower me easily. Trevor even looks like he’s been trained to do that very thing, with efficiency and poise, to much bigger persons than I am. And while that may be intriguing on its own, wondering how he got that way, it’s not what’s nagging at me the most.

  “Why is he here?” This time I direct my question at Chaz. “The whole reason I came out here is because Laura wanted to send me to this reputable school. I had to leave my entire life behind because of those two, and now you all are dragging it back out?”

  Chaz smirks. “Wrong, love.” He takes a step toward me and cups his mouth, whispering, “Brett’s father got you into Reighton, not that bitch Laura.”

  Fire lights in my blood. “Bullshit. She said so herself.”

  “And you actually believed her?” He quirks an eyebrow. “She’s not even married to that pathetic sad sap you call a father. They’re merely pretending.”

  All the air rips from my lungs. “You’re lying.”

  Chaz nods, pleased. “Nope. Laura is just some bitch that needed start up cash, and we needed a ploy to get you out here without making a fuss. Win-win. Her last name isn’t even Charles. God, that bitch is a joke.”

  Something doesn’t feel right. “Why are you so forthcoming with information now? What’s in it for you?”

  This time when his eyes swing my way, he narrows them in a threatening gesture. “Careful. Your fake mother isn’t the only person that can be a bitch. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, Brat.”

  In a way, he’s right. But if what he’s saying is true, then those assholes have been pulling my leg a lot longer than since I stepped foot on campus. Actually, they already knew who I was, when I was coming, and how easy it would be to get to me.

  “Now the whole dorm room shit makes sense.” He nods, tapping his temple in a gesture to mean lightbulbs finally switched on inside my head.

  “She may be a bitch, but I don’t see her being too involved in this idiotic charade. She’s too genteel to people not outwardly challenging her.”

  Chaz flashes a wink toward me. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, Brat.” Before I can ask what he means, he pushes forward and physically turns me back in the direction of my bedroom.

  Actually, I wouldn’t label it a bedroom, more so than a closet big enough to have a small
twin-size bed in it.

  Either way, it’s where I’ll be resting my head at night. And with Chaz’s jerky actions, his beady eyes casing the place left and right, it’s clear he wanted me in there minutes ago.

  It’s also clear I’m getting nowhere with either one of these guys, so after peering up at them for another few moments, I take off in the direction of my closet-bedroom, hearing them murmuring shortly before one set of footsteps follow me.

  Before I even make it to my door, I know who it is that came after me. It’s hard to explain, but each of them has a certain feeling about them, a different aura they exude. Chaz’s impression is more chaotic than the others. It’s a flurry of emotions pricking against the surface of my skin, making all my tiny hairs stand on end.

  Seems he can’t leave well enough alone. You’d think since our little encounter in his family’s clothing store in Reighton, and the way he’s been treating me after, that he wouldn’t push things. But that’s all these guys are good for. They don’t care about anything, just as long as they get the desired reaction they’re looking for.

  “Won’t do you any good following me, Chaz,” I release around a huff of exasperation.

  The only thing I get in return is a humorless chuckle.

  Dammit, he and Trevor have already foiled my plans on casing the place. Now, he’s wanting to push his luck further?

  “Get fucking lost, man.” I fling the door open to my room and step inside, having every intention of barricading it with something to keep people out. Don’t know what yet, but I’m sure I can find something to put underneath the handle on the door.

  Except, I don’t get two steps inside, before strong hands push me so hard, I take a tumble down onto the filthy mattress. The scent of urine instantly assaults my nostrils, making me gag so hard my measly dinner from earlier threatens to come up. A grunt escapes my lips as I feel the hard floor beneath dig into my hipbone. I bite back the pain, turning over to pin him to his spot with a menacing glower.

  “What was that for?” I snap, steam practically billowing out of my ears.

  His back is toward me as he slowly begins to close my door. “You know, secretly, I love this fire you have. Goddamn, it gets my dick hard every time.”

  I scoff. “Glad to know when you get horny, you turn evil.”

  Chaz turns toward me, licking his lips, as the sound of my door closing echoes around the room. Our eyes connect, and the moment they do, I nearly lose my breath at the look in his eyes. There’s hunger, desire, ferocity—Chaz is looking at me like he wants to devour me, and he’d gladly lick his fingers clean afterward.

  He smirks, and it reminds me of the cat that ate the canary. “I do that to work you up. Hate sex is the best; especially when people want each other so much they despise the other because of it.”

  I cock an eyebrow in confusion. “That makes no sense. You want me so much it makes you hate me?” He nods, offering nothing more. At this I smile. “Too bad then, because the only thing I feel for you is hate. There’s no ‘want’ anywhere in my body.”

  I’m a goddamn liar. Hell is going to open up and swallow me for committing a sin. As if to prove my point, my pussy clamps down around nothing and my nipples harden underneath my shirt.

  The devil would be proud to hear me spouting all this.

  No matter what Chaz has done to me, my mind will always go back to the changing room at his family’s business. My mind will always drift, remembering his fingers, lips, and his heated breath cascading over my skin. There’s no way his actions in that tiny space were false. He wanted me, but when he got caught by their infamous leader, that’s when he turned into the asshole.

  His masked slipped for merely a second, but it was a second too long, and I lapped that shit up like a cat with fresh cream. Chaz showed his cards that day, and he doesn’t even realize I’m already two steps ahead of his little game.


  He takes his bottom lip between his teeth. “See, that’s where you’re wrong, and I’m going to prove it to you right now.”

  My hackles rise when he takes a step away from the door, his eyes dead set with determination as they latch on mine. “Chaz,” I hiss in warning, top lip curling up into a sneer, like a cat being cornered with nowhere to go.

  You know what happens when that occurs, right? The goddamn cat comes out claws swinging, with every intention of maiming their enemy.

  He takes another step toward me, fire and desire flashing in his eyes. “I’m warning you.”

  My hands ball into fists by my side, nails digging into my flesh and causing crescent shape marks to dot my palms. Every inch of my body is buzzing with adrenaline, getting ready for the altercation that’s bound to happen. Chaz isn’t the type to backdown from something, and it’ll take a miracle if I get out of this unscathed.

  Well, I’ve spent the better part of a year with these assholes. I know the way these guys tick—what turns them on, or what has their dicks shriveling up. Putting up a fight gets to Chaz more than anything. It gives him a reason to assert his dominance and make his target submit to him.

  I know this. Have seen it happen on more than one occasion.

  However, it’s hard to simply allow your enemy free reign over your body.

  He’ll stop if I did that, for sure. Still, there’s a chance he might not. Because, like I said before, we’ve been bound to each other for almost a year. He has plenty of moments he could have stored in the spank bank from when I fought back.

  Also, as bad as I hate it, that seems to be my go-to reaction.

  “She’s warning me?” Chaz releases in a deep, gravelly voice. Kneeling at the foot of the bed, he grabs the back of his shirt and whips it over his head. “You should know by now that warning me off only makes me want you more, Brat.”

  He places one hand on the bottom of my mattress, shifting his weight toward me. My eyes flick down to the action before whipping back up to his. “Back the fuck off, Chaz. I’m not joking.”

  “Come on, baby, you can do better than that,” he taunts, placing his other hand and right knee down on my bed.

  Panic simmers in my belly. But, surprisingly, it’s not from the thought of him hurting me. No, it’s something much worse. It’s from the thought of liking what he does, physically, a little too much.

  I hate him; hate all of them for what they’re doing to me. But I can’t deny the way I feel with each and every one of them.

  Yes, I’m a very sexual person, but that doesn’t mean I need to be so desperate for it that I mess up and sleep with this asshole. Especially, sleeping with the one that I hate, and who hates me the most. That’s pathetic.

  There’s no time to slip up and allow my body to make decisions for me, no matter how deprived it is. Being trapped in a mansion surrounded by snakes is not a good time to lose my head. They’re all expecting for me to screw up, simpering behind the curtains as they wait for the perfect time to strike.

  I’ve already messed up tonight by sneaking out, and Chaz seems determined to make me pay for my actions. But I refuse to sink to his level, playing games just to be playing them. I did that at RPA, to make things easier on myself until I could find a way to seek justice. Now that I’m in the situation I am, there’s no time to sit back and roll with the punches. I have to act. Now. Before it’s too late.

  With each graceful movement, his body slithering up the bed like a seductive hunter succumbing to the throes of a chase, my mind works overtime on a ploy to get out of this. Spouting bullshit will get me nowhere with Chaz, because as the old saying goes, ‘you can’t bullshit a bullshitter.’ But maybe I can outmaneuver him.

  An idea starts forming in my mind, and it takes everything inside me to keep the shit-eating grin off my face. Chaz may be the cruelest toward me, but that doesn’t mean he’s not affected. If the telltale bulge in his pants means anything, he’s very much into me and the thought of ravaging my body.

  Men always think with the wrong head.

  Each inch he g
ains, I scoot back. Doing so until I can’t anymore, having pressed up against the wall. He’s going to be puking up his nuts in about one minute.

  “You better go on about your business, Chaz.”

  For the briefest moment, his eyes flash with tumultuous anger, before swiftly transitioning back into lust and desire. None of the guys like for me to use their names. Honestly, I don’t know the reason why. It could be they like to disassociate themselves from their actions, but that seems a bit much. If they didn’t like what they do in the first place, then they wouldn’t do it, right?

  “You are my business,” he growls out, whipping his hand out and grasping at my ankle. Before I realize he’s even got ahold of me, so I can fight him off, he’s dragging me to him until I’m under his body, staring up into his heated gaze. “You can fight me, but I guarantee you, that only makes it hotter.” He grinds his hard cock up against my aching core for emphasis.

  While my eyes spit fire, my pussy begs for attention, like a slut. It’s bad enough I’ve slept with Brett, scratching an itch I didn’t need to scratch. But now, I can feel that tingle of warmth buzzing around in my lower stomach.

  Though I loathe the ground Chaz walks on, even I can’t say there’s something about him that just makes women fall into his bed. He can be the biggest dick to a girl, and with some sweet talking and a few charming smiles thrown her way, he’s fucking her against the wall no more than ten minutes later.

  It’s a gift. One given to him by the devil himself.

  A gasp flies out of my mouth when he grinds against me again, a pleased smirk tipping one side of his mouth upwards. My heart is beating a mile a minute. I push against his chest, trying to get him off me, but he does something I don’t expect. Even all the rough stuff Trevor and I used to do when we were together, he never got this … I don’t even have the word to describe it.


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