Finding Us (The Music Within)

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Finding Us (The Music Within) Page 6

by Faith Gibson

  Clapping and cheering came from the few people who’d also been pumping gas. Pauly smiled and yelled, “He said yes!”

  It took over an hour to find a jewelry store that wasn’t in a mall, but once they’d found one and purchased rings for each other, they drove to the courthouse, and thirty minutes after walking in, they walked out as husbands.

  That night when they called the manager at The Tavern in Oklahoma City, he didn’t sound surprised they were in town. When they walked in the back door, they quickly understood why. Echo was standing with the manager, a big grin on her face.

  “What are you doing here?” Sloane asked as she launched herself into his arms.

  “Celebrating, of course! You didn’t invite me to the wedding, but I’m here now.”

  “How do you know we got married?” Pauly asked.

  Echo shook her head. “Well it’s not because you texted me like you promised.” Echo smacked Sloane on his arm. “It never ceases to amaze me how the two of you don’t check social media. The news of your nuptials hit Twitter five minutes after you left the courthouse. Since The Tavern was on the list of venues I gave you, I hopped the first plane to Oklahoma, and voila! But don’t worry, I won’t crash your honeymoon night.”

  The Tavern was packed. Echo had a front row seat, and she wasn’t alone. There was a beautiful blonde sitting with their pixie of a manager, and the two of them looked cozy. Maybe it was the bliss running through his soul from being married to Pauly, but he sent out positive vibes into the cosmos that both Echo and Cade would find their own happy ever after.

  As with the other nights, he and Pauly switched up the set, mixing older songs with their newer hits. Tossing in a few covers that everyone could sing along with rounded out the night. Echo met them backstage, the blonde standing behind her. “Guys, this is Erin. Erin, Sloane and Pauly.”

  After they shook the woman’s hand, Echo said, “Are you headed to Nashville?”

  “We are. Thought we might find somewhere quiet to spend New Years together, though, instead of braving downtown. I’ve heard it’s a madhouse down there,” Sloane answered. He and Pauly had discussed their plans, and they both agreed on how they wanted to ring in the new year.

  “Well, I have it on good authority that Tag’s house is empty and waiting for you so you don’t have to stay in a hotel,” Echo said.

  Sloane looked at Pauly, eyebrows raised. “What do you think?”

  “I think that’s perfect. We’ll call him from the road tomorrow and work everything out,” Pauly said.

  “Excellent. I’m so happy for you both, and I look forward to seeing you soon.” Echo pulled the two in for another of her bone-crushing hugs. She took Erin’s hand and led the blonde toward the bar.

  Pauly pushed Sloane against the wall and whispered in his ear, “What do you say we go consummate this marriage?”

  Sloane’s cock plumped up, and he pressed it against Pauly’s hip. “I say let’s go.”

  After a passion-filled night, Sloane and Pauly made their way down to Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia before heading up to Nashville. They arrived at Tag and Erik’s in time for lunch on New Year’s Eve. Mack and Bethany, Erik’s best friend and office manager, were sitting on the floor playing with Brady and Delilah, while Erik was snapping pictures of the babies.

  “Congratulations!” Tag said, pulling them both in for a hug. Erik turned the camera toward them, and they all smiled.

  “Thanks,” Sloane said.

  “And thank you for letting us stay in your house for the next few days,” Pauly added.

  “It’s just sitting there. Since we’re living here now, I’ve decided to put it on the market,” Tag said as they walked into the kitchen.

  Sloane was planning on selling his house in Malibu once Tracy and Derik had somewhere to go, and Pauly had already spoken to a realtor about his home. He needed to talk to Pauly, but Tag’s home would be perfect for them. It had a recording studio as well as plenty of bedrooms if and when their kids decided to come visit.

  “I can see the wheels turning, Slick.” Pauly smiled and nodded. “Are you thinking it’s the perfect place for us?”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “What? Y’all want to buy my house? You’re really planning on staying here in the area?” Tag asked.

  “We are. We’ve talked about our future in the music business, and even if we don’t form another band, Nashville is the perfect place for two unemployed musicians.” Sloane pulled Pauly to his side and wrapped his arm around his husband’s shoulders. Damn, he was still getting used to calling him that. “We’ve already decided to sell both our houses on the West Coast. This way, we don’t have to find a home to remodel to include a studio. Your house already has one. Plus, there’s plenty of room for us and our kids when they come visit. Give Gerard a call and have him put the paperwork together.”

  “Don’t you want to know how much the asking price is?” Tag asked.

  “Nah. If we can’t trust you to give us a good price, who can we trust?” Sloane answered.

  Sloane and Pauly spent a couple hours visiting and playing with the babies before they headed to Tag’s house. Their house. Tag had given them the keys as well as the code to the gate and alarm. They would decide together what furniture they wanted to have shipped from their own homes and what, if any, of Tag’s they would keep. But all that could wait. Even though they’d been married a few days, they were both looking forward to starting their new life together in their new home, and what better time than New Years?

  They’d stopped at the store for groceries so they wouldn’t have to leave for the next few days if they didn’t want. While Pauly was unloading the food, Sloane went upstairs and unpacked their bags, moving Tag’s clothes to one of the spare bedrooms, and changed the sheets in the master bedroom. After that was finished, he looked around the room, trying to imagine making it his and Pauly’s room.

  Strong arms wrapped around him from behind, and Sloane curled his fingers around Pauly’s forearms. “I can’t believe this is ours. As comfy as that bed looks, I’d really like to put your furniture in here.”

  “Mine? Why?” Sloane leaned his head back against Pauly’s shoulder.

  “I’ve always loved how put together your house is. I hired someone to decorate mine while we were on the road, and it’s never felt like home. Just a big, empty, overpriced place to lay my head a couple times a year. Talk about wasteful.”

  “After we decide what other pieces we want to have shipped, what do you think of having an estate sale and donating the profits?” Sloane asked. He knew where Pauly was coming from. The band had made more money than their great-grandkids would be able to spend, and he had also bought frivolous things just because he could.

  “I like that idea. Speaking of ideas, are those fresh sheets?” Pauly pulled Sloane’s hair over his shoulder and nuzzled his ear. “Because if they are, I think we should make our own fireworks. It is New Year’s Eve, after all.”

  “Mmm, I like that idea.”

  “Then strip for me.” Pauly bit Sloane’s lobe and pressed his hard dick against his husband’s ass. “Now.”

  Sloane had always been blessed, but now, with Pauly, he was complete. They had the rest of their lives together, and whether it was playing music on a stage or making love in their bed, they had found their forever in each other.

  Ready for Book 2?

  Click here to read it on Amazon: Release Me

  Coming Soon

  Waging War

  The Hounds of Zeus Book 1


  Stone Society Book 12

  Finding Home

  The Music Within Book 4

  Would you like to be notified when the next book is coming out? Follow Faith on Amazon:

  Faith Gibson on Amazon

  Dear Reader: Thank you so much for reading Finding Us. I fell in love with Pauly and Sloane immediately. Their story has been a long time coming, and I’m proud to be part of their happy ever after. If you e
njoyed the short story, I would really appreciate a review. One of the best ways you can help an author is to leave a review where you bought the book. It doesn’t have to be long, just honest and heartfelt. Another way is suggesting books you love to your friends. Thank you.

  About the Author

  Multi-genre author Faith Gibson began writing in high school, and through the years, penned many stories and poems. As her dreams continued getting crazier than the one before, she decided to keep a dream journal. Many of these nighttime escapades have led to a line, a chapter, or even a complete story.

  “Love is love, and there’s not enough love in the world.” This belief she holds strongly, and it's the prevailing theme in her works, all of which come with a happy ending.

  Faith believes her purpose in life is to entertain the masses, even if it’s one person at a time. Living just outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with the love of her life, when she’s not hard at work writing her next adventure, the two of them can often be found playing trivia while enjoying craft beer or off on an adventure of their own.

  Connect with Faith via the following social media sites:

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  Other Works by Faith Gibson

  The Stone Society Series









  Jonas – A Stone Society Novella



  Dane – A Stone Society Novella


  The Music Within Series

  Deliver Me

  Release Me

  Finding Me

  Tap Dancing with the Devil – Standalone MF Suspense

  The Samuel Dexter Books

  The Ghost in the Mirror

  The Ghost in the Water

  The Ghost in the Desert – Prequel Short Story

  The Guardians of Truth – YA Fantasy

  (writing as Andi Copeland)






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