The Pirate Daughter's Promise (Pirates & Faith)

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The Pirate Daughter's Promise (Pirates & Faith) Page 12

by Molly Evangeline

  Kelley grinned victoriously and strode over to John, who was quite horrified at what they were about to do to his ship. Draping his arm around John’s shoulders, as though they were old friends, Kelley pointed toward the Fortune.

  “You should be seein’ flames any moment now,” he said, the cruel, arrogant grin never leaving his face.

  John angrily shrugged him off and did not reply, his gaze trained on his ship. It was not but a few seconds before bright orange flames leapt up from the Fortune’s deck. The flames crept up the masts and devoured what sails the pirates had left behind. Soon, the ship was nothing more than a burning piece of wreckage. The two pirates who had lit the fire returned shortly, laughing between themselves, their evil mockery tearing at John’s heart. Kelley turned to join them and praise their work, but John’s words brought him to an immediate halt.

  “You won’t get away with this,” John warned, breathing heavily. “You won’t get away with what you intend to do to us or what you did to Nathan either.”

  Kelley shook his head in annoyance. “For your sake, John, forget about Nathan. It was a long time ago. You can’t hold onto the past forever.”

  John glared murderously at him. “I will never forget about ‘im, and I’ll make sure you don’t either.”

  Kelley returned the intense glare. “You try anything and I’ll see to it that you end up the same way you did then, lyin’ on a beach with a bullet in yer chest. But this time, I’ll make sure you’re dead.”

  With those words, Kelley stalked off and gave orders to his crew.

  “It’s time to set sail before someone gets it into their head to be noble and tries to stop us. Weigh anchor and set course for Malvado. Take the prisoners below deck. Put the women in one cell and the men in another.”

  Skye and the others were cut from the railing and forced below. Skye’s hands were untied and the gag was taken from her mouth after having been nearly choking her for the past couple hours. The pirates shoved her into a cell with Kate while Will, Matthew, and John were pushed into one next to it. When the pirates had gone, John looked at each of them.

  “Is everyone all right?”

  They nodded, their faces grim. John turned to Matthew with sorrowful bewilderment. “What happened?”

  Matthew exhaled loudly. “We were on our way to the Fortune when Kelley stopped us in the street. He wanted Skye. We thought it was only him and two others so we were prepared to fight, but another man snuck up behind Will with a pistol. We were surrounded and had no choice but to surrender.”

  “Sounds like ‘e had it all planned, but how did ‘e know Skye was here?”

  “His men must have seen us in the tavern. He knew you and Kate were there. That’s why he took us to the Fortune instead of just coming straight here to the Finder,” Matthew explained. “He didn’t want to leave without securing the two of you as well.”

  John shook his head and muttered, “The dirty . . . ” Several words came to mind. He did not feel right saying them in front of Matthew or Skye and Will, so instead he just fell silent. Matthew was the one who finally broke that silence.

  “John, when we were in Tortuga, why didn’t you tell us you knew Kelley? And who is Nathan?”

  John sighed. “I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to be asked any questions.”

  “I see,” Matthew said sympathetically. “I am sorry.”

  John shook his head. “Nah, don’t be. I was just bein’ a fool and tryin’ to act like I didn’t really care about anything.” He sat down heavily against the bars of the cell. Everyone else sat as well, keeping intent eyes on him. “Nathan was my truest friend before I met you, Matthew. About three years before you saved me, Nathan and I were crewmen here on the Finder.”

  Everyone was surprised by this news, but not wishing to interrupt, they said nothing. “At that time, we thought Kelley’s bloodthirsty reputation was just some story to frighten people, but of course, we soon found out how wrong we were.

  “The next time we made port, Nathan and I took our share of what treasure we had collected and left without informin’ Kelley. We used our money and bought our own little ship. I was the captain and Nathan was my first mate. We only took from Kelley what we were owed, but he still came after us.

  “Nathan and I managed to stay one step ahead of him for about a year and a half, but then he caught us when we stopped at a port. He demanded that we give back what we took as well as more for the trouble we’d caused. He and I started to argue and things got a little rough so Nathan spoke up, tryin’ to defend me. Without warning, Kelley pulled out his pistol and shot him dead, right there.

  “Kelley and I fought then. I, of course, had every intention of killin’ ‘im, but he grabbed another pistol from one of his men and shot me. He left me to die on the beach. I thought for sure I was done for, but I woke up three days later in the house of the local doctor who had found me and was kind enough to help me. He patched me up and I lived. I wish the same could’ve been said for Nathan.” John shook his head. “Kelley had no call to kill ‘im.”

  “I’m sorry, John,” Matthew consoled his friend.

  Everyone else offered their condolences and he thanked them for their sympathies but then changed the subject to something that was of dire importance, their escape from the ship. They discussed their options, which were pitiful at best, and it only led them to the undeniable realization of why Kate had tried for nearly a year to get off the ship without success. It was nearly impossible. How could all five of them get off when Kelley would surely be keeping an especially close watch on Skye?

  Still, they continued trying to come up with a plan. Meanwhile, Skye silently prayed to God for His help. He had provided a way for her and Kate off the Finder once, and she prayed that He would do it again for all of them. Catching a few of Will’s glances, Skye knew he was doing the same. It was easy to see how worried he was for her. Every one of them knew that because Skye had escaped Kelley once, he would now be especially desperate to find out the location of the treasure.

  Finally, miserable with exhaustion, they gave up and fell silent. It was already well past midnight, and they had worn themselves out. In spite of her worries, Skye found herself being lulled to sleep by the sound of waves.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Skye woke with a start in the early dawn to the familiar and dreaded sound of footsteps approaching the cells. Everyone pushed themselves up with audible sighs and signs of weariness. Kelley and a couple of his men appeared, looking especially pleased with themselves. He stopped between the two cells and glanced at each of them with a self-satisfied grin.

  “How is everyone this fine mornin’?” he taunted.

  “Oh, we’re just dandy,” John replied, his voice full of sarcasm. “Why don’t you come in here an’ join us?” If only he could get his hands on the hateful man.

  Kelley chuckled, in far too good a mood for John’s words to anger him. He stepped closer to the cell. It had been too late the night before to ask Skye’s two friends any questions, but he intended to do so now. His eyes rested first on Will. Clearly the young man cared a great deal for Skye by the way he had stepped up, trying to protect her, and his reluctance to drop his sword when everyone else had. He may be useful, Kelley thought. Or troublesome.

  “You, what is yer name?” Kelley asked him.

  Will stared at him for only a short moment and looked away. He had no intention of answering. Kelley’s face hardened with irritation.

  “Don’t be stubborn with me, boy,” he warned. “If I have to force you to tell me, I promise it will be anythin’ but pleasant.”

  Kelley’s words frightened Skye. She could not bear the thought of him hurting Will. Will saw fear in her expression and sighed. His eyes dug deeply into Skye's as he answered, “William.”

  “And yer last name?”

  Will hesitated again, but then answered. “James.”

  “Well, welcome aboard the Finder, William James,” Kelley said with a grin of
satisfaction. He stared at Will for a few seconds more. He’s a stubborn one, but I’ll bet one threat against the girl will make him as obedient as a trained dog. Still grinning over these thoughts, Kelley turned his gaze to Matthew. “And just what is yer name?”


  Kelley rolled his eyes. “When I ask for a name, I want the whole name, first and last.”

  “My name is Matthew McHenry.”

  Kelley peered at him. “Matthew McHenry,” he repeated. “Is that a strange coincidence or are you of any relation to Daniel?”

  “I’m his brother.”

  Kelley grinned again. “Ah, yes, I remember Daniel speakin’ of you after joinin’ my crew. He searched for you in England. Tell me, did you ever get to see ‘im again before he was killed?”


  “What a pity,” Kelley said with fake sympathy.

  Still gloating, he stepped over to the women’s cell.

  “Kate, are you ready to resume yer position among the crew?”

  “Position as what? Your slave?” Kate demanded bitterly. “I’m tired of bein’ a slave. I went to sea so I wouldn’t have to be one.”

  “Whatever you want to call yourself is up to you,” Kelley replied curtly. “But whether you want to or not, you are gonna work.”

  He ordered two of the pirates to bring her out. They opened the cell door and dragged her out with more roughness than was necessary. John did not like it one bit and came angrily to the door of his cell.

  “Leave her alone,” he demanded.

  “Or what?” Kelley taunted. “I think you’ve forgotten where you are and the position you’re in.”

  He chuckled evilly before turning his cruel gaze to Skye. “Well, Miss McHenry, here we are again. Now that you’re back on my ship, what am I gonna do with you? You’re a mighty hard worker; I’ll give you that. That bein’ the case, I think it would be beneficial to me to have you keep workin’ until I have other plans for you.”

  Skye swallowed hard. Who knew what ideas formed in his evil mind?

  Kelley ordered one of the pirates to take Skye out as well. This time Will came to the door of the other cell.

  “Don’t you harm her, Kelley,” he warned with all seriousness.

  Kelley turned to him, smirking. “Like John, you seem to be forgettin’ who has the upper hand here.” He walked to the door and stood face to face with Will, looking him over, a malicious plan formulating. “You look like a strong, hard worker yourself. Would you like to get outta that cell and work for me so you can keep an eye on Miss McHenry here?”

  “Yes,” Will answered without a moment’s hesitation. He did not care what Kelley made him do or if Kelley realized he was only doing it to watch over Skye. All he wanted was to be near her, to make sure she was safe.

  Kelley ordered the pirates to unlock the cell. As they were unlocking it, John spoke quickly and persuasively.

  “Listen, Kelley, why don’t you put the women back in their cell and let us three stronger men do the work?”

  Kelley shook his head. “I like things the way I have ‘em now. You two are stayin’ where you are because I believe you’re the ones who could cause me the most trouble, and I’m not gonna risk it. I’d rather have one man to keep an eye on, who I don’t believe will attempt anythin’ anyway for fear of somethin’ happenin’ to Miss McHenry, than to have to watch all three of you.” He glanced at Will as he spoke, intending for the words to be a clear warning to him.

  The pirates pulled Will from the cell and relocked the door and then forced him and the women up on deck. When they reached it, Kelley gave the three of them orders. Skye and Kate worked with or near each other for most of the day, and they found their work much the same as it had been before—monotonous and tiring, but not horribly exhausting.

  But for Will, things were much different. Kelley gave him all of the hardest jobs around the ship—jobs that no one should have had to do alone or all in the same day. Skye and Kate were at least allowed brief pauses between the work, but it was not so for Will. Kelley kept on him, never giving him even a moment’s rest, and Skye knew with great sorrow that he did it specifically to spite her. Every time Kelley gave Will a new and harder job, he would look at Skye with a smirk to gauge her reaction. Skye tried not to let him see how much what he was doing to Will hurt her, knowing it would make Will’s situation worse, but she could not keep her feelings completely hidden. Kelley seemed to catch every look of remorse and sadness that she sent Will’s way.

  Skye prayed fervently for the day’s end to come quickly, though it seemed it would never arrive. But, when it finally did, the relief Skye had hoped for did not come with it.

  She and Kate had just finished a chore when Kelley ordered his men, “Take Kate and Miss McHenry back down to their cell.”

  “What about him?” one of the pirates asked, nodding toward Will.

  “He hasn’t finished his work yet,” Kelley declared.

  Skye’s heart sank, and she could barely hold in her sorrow. Will’s work would take him, at the very least, another hour to finish, and she suspected that Kelley had given it to him as his last job on purpose. Skye could not comprehend how Kelley could be so cruel. Will had been worked since dawn with no food, no rests, and only enough water to keep him working. Now he would not even be allowed to quit with Skye and Kate.

  A pirate took hold of Skye’s arm to lead her below, but she yanked away from his hold. She had to do something.

  “Let me help him finish,” she said to Kelley.

  But he just laughed. “Don’t you want to go down and rest?”

  “I want to help him,” Skye replied in desperation.

  Kelley laughed again and turned away, disregarding her words. The pirate grabbed Skye again and dragged her toward the stairs even as she struggled. Skye realized she had one last attempt, one other way she might convince Kelley to listen to her. Never had she intended to plead with him for anything, but Skye knew now she could not afford that luxury. Not at Will’s expense.

  “Captain Kelley . . . please,” she called as they reached the hatchway that led below. “Let me help him.”

  The pirate dragging her stopped, and Kelley paused mid step, shocked by her choice of words. He turned and took a few steps closer.

  “What did you say?” he asked, wanting to hear it again.

  Skye forced herself to repeat the words. “Please, let me help him.”

  Kelley stared at her with a cruel expression, triumphant over the fact that he had finally driven her to plead with him.

  “All right, Miss McHenry. Go ahead.”

  Skye found herself shocked that he actually let her. Not willing to chance he would change his mind, she pulled herself away from the pirate and hurried over to Will, who had watched the exchange.

  “You should have gone down with Kate,” he told Skye when she reached him.

  “I couldn’t let you finish this alone,” Skye replied, shaking her head. “Not after how hard Kelley has worked you all day.”

  She set to work helping him. After a moment, she peered at him, worry in her eyes, and asked, “Are you all right, Will?”

  “Yes,” he answered quickly, not returning her gaze.

  Skye knew, because he would not look at her, that he was only saying it to set her mind at rest. She could easily see he had been worked almost to his limit. His strength was nearly gone, his arms and hands trembled slightly from the continuous and exhausting labor, his breathing was heavy, and sweat soaked his clothes. This had only been the first day. What would happen if Kelley continued to work Will like this during the rest of the trip to Malvado four days away? Skye couldn’t bear the thought.

  “Will, if Kelley gives you a choice tomorrow, you must choose not to work again,” she pleaded with him.

  But he shook his head stubbornly. “I have to know you’re safe,” Will insisted. “I can’t sit down there all day not knowing where you are or what you’re doing. That was the hardest part for me while try
ing to find you. I can’t do that again.”

  “But can you do this again?” Skye didn’t even want to think about it.

  This time Will looked at her and answered earnestly. “Yes.”

  Skye didn’t understand, but Will knew that he could keep on with the strength he was asking God to give him if he was certain Skye was not being harmed.

  “I don’t think things will continue to be this hard,” Will reasoned after a moment. “Kelley can’t keep finding jobs like this for me forever.”

  Skye knew he was right, but he would have to last until then.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The four days of sailing it took to reach Malvado felt like an eternity to Skye and the others. Endless hours dragged on torturously, and Skye found her hope crumbling. She knew she was wrong, but she could not help but hate Kelley for what he was doing. Trying so hard to banish these feelings, she only found them intensifying with each passing day.

  After that first day, Kelley never again gave Will the choice between staying in his cell or working on deck, and he worked him from dawn until dark just as hard. Though Will had been right that Kelley would run out of exhausting jobs to give him, Kelley still went out of his way to make sure the jobs Will was given were the hardest available. In addition to those jobs, Kelley forced Will to bring him his supper every night. Skye believed it was so he could taunt Will with the smell and sight of the food since none of them were offered much to eat. Especially Will on account of how hard he worked.

  Some of the most horrible times for Skye came when Will would make a mistake or Kelley, for whatever reason, would be displeased with his work. Skye saw Kelley hit and kick him several times. Will had a few cuts on his face and bruises to prove it. Each time it happened, Skye’s heart would break, and it hurt worse than if Kelley had actually done it to her.


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