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Broken Page 6

by J. M. Newlin

More shots, then more beer and before long Ben was well and truly drunk.

  Stuart grabbed Ben as the girls went off to the restrooms together.

  ‘Mate, why you being so standoffish with Kirsty? She’s hot and she wants to fuck you!’

  ‘It’s complicated man’ replied Ben, ‘I’ve got so much shit going on right now. Tonight was supposed to be about forgetting girls’

  ‘Well take one for the team then. If you don’t fuck your girl then I won’t be getting any either, so take it like a man!’ said Stuart, grabbing Ben playfully around the head and pressing his forehead against Ben’s.

  The other guys had long since gone, off to another bar followed by a burger probably at one of the many fast food joints that lined the main road.

  Ben wished he had left with them, but the girls and Stuart had kept on buying him drinks and Kirsty had worked hard to keep him engaged and in the bar.

  It wasn’t as if he didn’t find Kirsty attractive, by all standards, his own included; she was stunning. A lithe, tanned body with a pretty face – just the right amount of make up to accentuate her features and her sparkling blue eyes. Plus she was a very sweet girl, kind and fun.

  But, Sarah’s behavior the other night had got him obsessively thinking about her. Images of him and her together kept on flashing in his mind and each image made him hate himself. But he couldn’t help it.

  And now, with this beautiful young girl in front of him, a girl that couldn’t be any clearer that she wanted him, all he could think about was Sarah.

  The girls came back from the restroom, but only two of them – Kirsty and Claire, Stuart’s girl.

  ‘Charlotte says bye, she had to go home’ said Kirsty.

  Stuart and Ben looked at each other. Clearly the restroom was also where they had sorted out their logistics for the evening. Everything was shaping up for them hooking up tonight, as Charlotte – the only non-single girl in the group, had to suddenly ‘go home’.

  More like told to go home thought Ben so these two would be free to stay with us.

  ‘We’ve got wine and beer at our place’ said Claire, ‘How about we go back to ours and drink for free rather than pay for drinks here!?’

  ‘Sounds good’ said Stuart, answering for the both of them before Ben could object or put up a fight.

  ‘For the team mate’ whispered Stuart in his ear as the girls took each of them by the hand and led them out of the bar.

  It was spitting with rain and Ben zipped up his jacket and flipped up his collar to keep the water from dripping down his neck.

  The girls shrieked and tottered towards the taxi rank across the street as quickly as their high heeled feet could carry them. Their jackets were tiny and ill-suited to keeping the rain out, and they didn’t want their hair to be ruined by the steadily increasing downpour.

  ‘Come on, hurry up’ they shouted as they reached the door of the first taxi cab and jumped inside.

  Ben and Stuart jogged across the street, deftly jumping over several puddles that were starting to form in the road.

  Shielding his eyes from the lights of the cab as he crossed in front Ben opened the front door of the car and got into the front seat, leaving Stuart to squeeze into the backseat with the two girls.

  Claire leaned forward from the front seat to give directions to his house as Ben pulled out his phone and checked his messages again.

  He still hadn’t replied to Sarah and he decided not to for tonight. He was drunk and it’d be best if he just left it until tomorrow he reasoned.

  The journey to Claire’s house only took 15 minutes, the traffic was quite light at this time of night as they’d left the bar before closing time. Another hour and they would have been gridlocked in traffic and people spilling out onto the road as the bars and clubs kicked them out.

  The house was on a quiet suburban street, it looked like a family area with 4x4’s and family estate cars parked in nearly every driveway.

  They all walked through the front door of the house into the wooden floored hallway, taking their shoes off and leaving them by the door along with their coats.

  Stuart slapped him on the back and disappeared with Claire around the corner, winking at him as he went.

  ‘Let me show you around’ said Kirsty as she took Ben by the hand and led him upstairs.

  The tour didn’t take very long as the first door they entered was the door to what Ben assumed was Kirsty’s bedroom.

  She closed the door behind him as he walked in. Ben stood there, swaying slightly with the alcohol buzzing through his veins.

  Kirsty sat down on the bed and looked up at Ben expectantly. ‘You can sit down next to me if you want’ she said.

  Ben walked over to the bed and gently lowered himself onto the bed so he was sitting beside Kirsty. He looked around the room. It was very ‘girly’, clearly pink was her favorite color he thought.

  He felt Kirsty’s eyes on him and turned his head to look at her as she slid her hand around behind his neck and leaned forward to kiss him.

  Her lips tasted of strawberry gloss as she tenderly kissed his mouth and then took his bottom lip in her mouth and gently sucked on it.

  ‘Hmmmm’ she groaned as she gently extending her tongue into his mouth, the vibrations from her groans echoing in his mouth and down into his chest.

  Ben gently placed both hands on her shoulders, slowly disengaging her from the kiss.

  ‘I’m…I mean I’m sorry, I can’t really do this’ said Ben, looking Kirsty in the eye, trying to let her down gently.

  ‘Do you not think I’m sexy’ she pouted.

  ‘No, no of course you’re sexy, it’s just, well…’Ben sighed. ‘Like I told you, I’m not really in the right headspace for all this’.

  ‘Well, forget about her’ replied Kirsty.


  ‘I said forget about her, whoever this girl is that has messed up your head. Who is she, an ex-girlfriend?’

  Ben was stunned for words, it took him a few seconds to reply.

  ‘Err, no, it’s not an ex. It’s complicated’ he stuttered.

  ‘Well whoever she is, just forget about her for one night. I’m not looking for a boyfriend Ben, just some fun’ said Kirsty as she moved towards Ben again planting her lips on his and moving his hand from her lap onto her chest.

  What’s wrong with you Ben? He thought as he kissed Kirsty. Enjoy her. Stop thinking about Sarah.

  The problem was he couldn’t stop thinking about her. His mind kept on coming back to Sarah and the thoughts he had filled him with guilt.

  As he kissed Kirsty, he imagined he was kissing Sarah and the thought turned him on so much he was already hard just thinking of it.

  ‘Mmmmmmh’ Kirsty groaned as she felt his cock stiffen in his jeans under her hand. ‘See, I told you it’d feel good to forget’ she murmured against his mouth.

  Little did she know that it was not forgetting that caused his cock to react to her kisses.

  Kirsty slowly unzipped his zipper and grasped his hard cock in her hand, popping it out of the open zip into plain view.

  Without a seconds hesitation she placed her mouth over the tip and slid Ben’s dick into her mouth.

  Ben’s head dropped back, his mouth opening with a groan as he imagined Sarah sucking his cock instead of Kirsty.

  The intense pleasure rushed through his body, making his head spin even more than it already was from the alcohol. He was so close to cumming already, just the thought of Sarah was making his cock pulse with orgasmic contractions.

  In the heat of passion he grabbed Kirsty head and lifted it off his cock, turned her around and bent her over the bed, her blonde hair falling in a cascade over the sheets in front of her.

  ‘Wait, wait’ she said, ‘Let me take my dress off first!’

  Kirsty stood up and flicked her hair back, the hair brushing down Ben’s face as he stood behind her, his erect penis sticking out through the hole in his jeans.

  As Kirsty hurriedly slipped he
r dress off, letting it slide off her body, down her legs and onto the floor as Ben undid the leather belt on his jeans and dropped them to the floor.

  Turning around she bent under the bed and pulled an old shoe box out, dipping inside and producing a condom, she tore open the foil packaging and rolled it down his cock.

  ‘There we go’ she whispered seductively, ‘Now you can fuck me’.

  Placing his hand Kirsty’s back, he gently pushed her head back down onto the bed, exposing her bare ass and smooth pussy to him.

  Too drunk and turned on by his fantasies of Sarah, he guided his cock to the now glistening hole between Kirsty’s thighs. His dick seemed to just be instantly sucked into her, she was dripping wet and she cried out in ecstasy, her cried muffled by the bedspread her face was buried in.

  ‘Yes fuck me Ben’ she urged as he began to thrust hard inside her.

  From behind, with her lithe body and blonde hair, Kirsty could have easily been Sarah and this spurred Ben on as he fucked her.

  He looked down on Kirsty’s naked back as she writhed her bare ass against his pelvis, imagining it was Sarah below him and Sarah that he was inside of.

  Ben couldn’t take it anymore, with an almighty cry he released himself into her, feeling each spurt of semen explode out of him and into Kirsty’s body.

  He collapsed on the bed beside Kirsty as his body pulsed with pleasure. He’d never cum so hard in his life, nor been so turned on.

  Kirsty lay her head on his chest and ran her fingers through his pubic hair as he lay they panting on her bed.

  ‘Hmmm, that was gooood’ she murmured, ‘Rest some and we can do it again’. She pulled the condom gently off his softening penis and walk out of the bedroom door to the bathroom at the other end of the hallway.

  Ben lay with his head on the soft pillow behind him, his body still basking in the afterglow of his orgasm. The room continued to spin and his eyelids began to close as the post-coital tiredness and alcohol weighed on them like rocks.

  He barely heard Kirsty as she crawled into bed beside him. ‘Nooo, don’t fall asleep’ she whispered but it was too late, Ben was asleep.

  The light streaming through the curtains blared into Ben’s eyes, seemingly turning the inside of his eyelids a bright red rather than the black one would normally see.

  Instinctively lifting his hand up, he covered his eyes from the glare as he came too.

  Every single vein in his head felt like it was about to burst and Ben was sure someone had screwed some kind of vice to either side of his forehead and was now squeezing it between the two metal pads.

  ‘Uuugh fucking hell’ he moaned as he forced open his eyes, still protecting them from the glare of the sun.

  He found himself lying naked from the waist down on top of the covers, his t-shirt from last night still on, though twisted around his back so the collar half strangled him.

  He struggled to prop himself up with his elbows and untwisted his t-shirt to relieve the pressure on his neck.

  The room was certainly not his, he knew that. In the corner of the room, a wooden chair was covered in clothes, atop of which lay a pair of straighteners and a hair brush.

  It smelt of perfume and moisturizer, a strange smell that wasn’t entirely unpleasant, just a bit bizarre.

  Ben looked to his right and the events of the previous night came flooding back to him. Kirsty was lying next to him, her back turned away towards the window, her white t-shirt reflecting the sun’s rays like a mirror.

  Jesus, it’s so damn hot thought Ben. The French style windows were closed shut in the room and the temperature had steadily mounted throughout the night. Ben could see a mark on the wall where the air conditioning unit had been but it had been ripped off its mounts years ago and there was no other source of cool air to be found anywhere in the bedroom.

  To his left was a dark wooden table, tiny holes pocking the surface where woodworm s had burrowed their way in. A solitary metal lamp in the shape of a young woman sat on top of the table, next to it a bottle of water.

  Ben grabbed the bottle, flipping open the cap with his thumb and thirsty gulping down nearly half the contents in under 10 seconds.

  Looking over at Kirsty, Ben replayed the events of the previous night in his head. This wasn’t how he had wanted the night to go.

  His face flushed with shame and anger as he recalled fantasizing about Sarah as he fucked Kirsty.

  The memory caused him to shake his head from side to side and he cursed himself out loud.

  ‘What the fuck man’

  He placed his hands over his face, as if to stop more images entering his mind. Why had he thought of Sarah? The shame of it brought back images of Alex, Alex and Sarah together, Alex fighting in Afghanistan, Alex dying….

  Ben nearly jumped out of the bed. He had to get out of this room, the heat was unbearable and just seeing Kirsty next to him reminded him of his betrayal of his best friend.

  At the foot of the bed lay his jeans, underwear and socks. Putting them on, he turned and looked at Kirsty. She was still asleep, laying on her side under the covers. She was still gorgeous, even in the unflattering light of the bright sun and Ben debated leaving a note for her to tell her he was going but decided against it. It was better that this whole thing was forgotten.

  Carefully opening the door, he crept out onto the landing and made his way down the stairs to the front door. Ben padded his pockets to make sure he still had his wallet, phone and keys. They were still there.

  He wondered whether he should check if Stuart was awake but it was only 6.30 and he doubted it. Stuart would be sleeping till at least midday if he could.

  As he opened the front door he realized he had no clue where he was. He hadn’t been paying attention when Claire had told the taxi driver where they were going, and even if he had it wouldn’t have made a difference.

  He randomly decided on taking a left at the junction ahead, walking down the road towards what looked like a café in the distance.

  I’ll grab some food and then a taxi he thought as he pushed open the front door.

  The smell of fried eggs and sausage hit him as he walked in. There was already 4 people seated around the room, all male and all alone.

  Probably had the same night as me Ben thought, came in to eat and work out where the fuck they’d ended up!

  Ben took a seat a plastic chair at the table in the far corner, as far away from the window as he possibly could. He needed to get out of this sun, he couldn’t stand being hot whilst hung over.

  The waitress came over, wiping her hand free hand on her apron as she carried a pot of black coffee in the other.

  ‘Coffee?’ she asked, her voice robotic and disinterested. She looked bored and tired, resigned to her life serving watered down coffee to hung over men in a rundown café, as if she’d given up hope of any improvement in her life situation and just tried to shut her brain down for the hours she was working.

  Ben nodded, and she picked up the upturned mug on the table and poured him a cup.

  ‘Let me know when you’re ready to order’ she said as she turned her back and walked back over to the counter.

  Ben picked up a handful of paper sachets from the pot on the table, ripping open the heads and pouring the sugar into his coffee.

  He took a big gulp and rested his head on his free hand. He remembered Sarah’s text from the night before, asking him if he wanted to catch a movie this weekend.

  He hadn’t replied last night to avoid making a mistake or saying something inappropriate, but he wasn’t sure he could even reply today after what had happened last night.

  With his head resting on his hands, Ben asked himself why he was feeling this way.

  He’d never thought about Sarah in that way before, any sexual or romantic feelings he might have had were blocked from his mind – especially after Alex’s death.

  He didn’t want to feel this way but he did. Her strange behavior after he had got that text message at her house had go
t him wondering if she had feelings for him and that thought had led him down a path he had tried to block in his mind for so long.

  It doesn’t matter if she likes you Ben remonstrated himself, you can’t do anything with her.

  His sense of loyalty to Alex was too strong to go there and the guilt of having fantasized about her whilst having sex with another woman was tearing him up inside.

  ‘What can I get you?’ the waitress woke Ben up from his thoughts.

  ‘Errr’ Ben was caught off guard, he hadn’t even looked at the plastic menu on the table. ‘Errr, just a bacon sandwich please’ he asked.

  She walked away without acknowledging his order. Miserable bitch thought Ben, You don’t know how lucky you are to be here

  He pulled his phone out of his pocket, idly playing with it whilst he waited for his sandwich to arrive.

  The unanswered text was burning a hole in his head, the anxiety of what he was going to respond was gnawing away at his empty stomach. It reminded him of preparing to go out on patrol in Afghanistan, that cold knot that formed in his stomach in anticipation of events to come.

  Why had this text seemed laden with expectation? Ben wasn’t sure whether it was all in his head or whether there was actually a basis in reality for all this; this only added to his confusion.

  Fuck it, time to reply.

  He opened his messages and quickly penned his reply. Taking a deep breath he clicked send.

  Broken Part 2

  Broken part 2 will be coming out soon.

  To stay up to date with the arrival of Broken 2 and to receive updates and sneak previews sign up for my newsletter at




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