Sex and Chocolate Chocolate Covered Cheri

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Sex and Chocolate Chocolate Covered Cheri Page 3

by Marteeka Karland

  And maybe it wouldn’t feel so damned good to have him flush against her body, kissing her like she was the most important woman in the world to him.

  Before she knew it, she was clinging to Jedadiah like her life depended on it. She couldn’t help herself. Her leg slipped up his hip, and she wrapped it around him. Then the other one. It had been a long time since she’d felt this alive. Correction. It was highly possible she’d never felt this alive. The only thing that seemed to matter was the place where his sex rubbed so erotically against hers.

  She roamed his body with her hands, shaping and lightly scratching his body through his shirt. Her exploration bunched his shirt in her fists, and before she realized it, she was pulling it over his head. Jedadiah raised his upper body just long enough to rid himself of the T-shirt.

  His body was totally yummy! At least his torso was. Cheri hadn’t seen muscles like that on a man except in a magazine. Veins stood out all over his arms and chest as he lowered himself back on top of her. As mesmerizing as it was to look at Jedadiah, as much as she wanted nothing more than to surrender and let nature take its course, Cheri shook her head and tried to pull herself together. In one swift movement, she rolled back on top of him and scrambled to her feet.

  “If we’re going to do this commercial, let’s get on with it,” she managed to get out, even though she struggled to get her breath. “I really want to go home.” The infernal man just lay there grinning, hands behind his head and a huge hard-on bulging in the front of his jeans.

  “I’ll admit, I’d kinda forgotten about the commercial,” he said, making no move to get up.

  Cheri would have thrown something at him, except she’d almost forgotten about it herself. “Just get on with it, Jedadiah. You’ve got me here and willing to do this. Do it before I change my mind.”

  Chapter Three

  Jedadiah tinkered with the cameras and made sure all the remotes were covered in plastic. He’d sent Cheri off to dress in the bathing suit that matched her hair exactly. It was conservative enough to keep her comfortable, but he didn’t plan on her wearing it very long. He’d kept his jeans on, but he didn’t plan on wearing them very long, either. Which was probably a good thing because his cock was cramped inside the tight denim.

  This was it. Licking chocolate from Cheri’s delectable body would be the greatest pleasure of his life. Thus far, anyway. He planned on having many more pleasures from her, assuming he could convince her to let him. When she entered the room, she was covered throat to mid-thigh in a white terry robe and looked like she was going to her doom.

  “Where do you want me?”

  Jedadiah opened his mouth to say, “In my bed would be nice,” but he covered the statement by clearing his throat. “Over there,” he finally managed. “By the chocolate mousse. Keep the robe on for now.”

  It was time to go to work. Jedadiah tried to clear his mind and get the necessary shots so he could put this project to bed and do the same with Cheri, but it wasn’t going to be easy. Even not trying to be sexy, Cheri was everything he found sexy in every woman he’d ever admired. She had her back to him, and the robe hugged her ass just the way he wanted to.

  He swallowed and shook his head once. He could do this. The quicker he got finished, the quicker he could explore other activities.

  Cheri turned to face him. She stood by a table with the dessert displayed in a tall, clear crystal dish with an intricate pattern etched into the glass. A silver spoon lay on the lace cloth covering the table. All the preliminary shots were done. All he had to do was get a few of her doing various things before they moved to the fountain. He’d join her then.

  “OK,” he said, anxious to get things moving so he could get to his dessert. “Pick up the spoon first, then the mousse. Look at the camera and smile.” She did, but she looked anything but relaxed, so Jedadiah tried a different approach. “Hmm. Lay the spoon back down and scoop some of the mousse up with a finger. Not a lot, but enough to get a taste.”

  “Look.” She blew one stray curl from her forehead, and Jedadiah almost lost focus again. That curl made him want to tangle his fingers through her hair as he -- “If I’m going to do that, I want a good taste. Like this.” Cheri scooped up a big dollop off the top with her finger and held it there. She raised an eyebrow and looked straight at Jedadiah a moment before slowly and deliberately sticking the digit into her mouth and sucking off the dark, fluffy chocolate.

  Jedadiah swallowed. “Do that again.”

  She did. This time, she took a dollop from the side and, just as slowly, just as deliberately, she stuck her finger into her mouth. When she pulled her hand away, she’d left a dab on her top lip. Her tongue darted out to lick the little bit away, and Jedadiah had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from saying to hell with the whole thing and just jumping her.

  “That’s it. Again.”

  She did, never taking her eyes from Jedadiah.

  “OK. Same thing, but wait for me to join you.” This would be great footage, but Jedadiah was more concerned with getting back into Cheri’s arms. Well, that and painting her body with the mousse and licking it off. Somehow, he doubted she’d let him do it that easily. He set the digital cameras to capture and checked both computers to make sure the feed was indeed recording, then he took his place beside Cheri.

  She didn’t take her eyes off him, but slowly scooped up another finger-full and brought it to her mouth. Jedadiah brushed the missed chocolate from the corner of her mouth and laid his finger on her lips. She stuck out her tongue and licked the digit once. Up until that moment, Jedadiah thought she was totally unaffected by what she was doing. Then he saw her swallow and felt the slight tremble of her lips.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” Normally, Jedadiah wouldn’t like the husky whisper he’d been reduced to, but if he helped her understand how much she affected him, he didn’t really care. She’d been honest with him -- he could do the same and not feel too much like she had the advantage over him.

  “Actually, no. So don’t fill my head with a bunch of shit…” She trailed off, and her face got beet red. “That was for the commercial. Ohmigod.” Jedadiah could actually see tears spring to her eyes, and his gut wrenched.

  He pulled her to him with one hand and encouraged her to hold on to the crystal dish of goodness instead of setting it down. Her cover came open at the throat, exposing a good amount of creamy cleavage, which Jedadiah tried valiantly to ignore. “I meant every word I said, Cheri. I took over this project right after the company Christmas dinner when you wore that dress. I saw you next to the chocolate fountain, and I became obsessed with finding out just how delicious you’d taste with chocolate dribbled over your body. During that time, I paid more attention to the woman beneath that sexy body, and I love what I’ve found.” He scooped some chocolate up with a finger and painted a path from her neck to the swell of one breast. She flinched, but allowed the contact. “One thing I’ve learned is that we share one quality above all others. You value honesty as much as I do.

  “So,” he continued, “I swear to you, I’ll not try to sell you a line of shit. If this encounter leads to more, then wonderful. If either of us doesn’t wish it, I’ll make everything right. If you can’t work with me after this, I’ll place you somewhere in my company you are comfortable.” He cupped her cheek with his hand. “I don’t want to hurt you, Cheri. I’m just selfish enough to do something like this to force the issue because I want you so badly it’s making my eyes cross.”

  That got him the smile from her he wanted. He took it as his cue to lick the trail of chocolate from her breast up to her neck. Then he kissed her. The chocolate mingled in their mouths, and Jedadiah knew he’d found heaven. Sex and chocolate. What could be better? Funny that it was supposed to be women with the chocolate fetish, because this was the hottest encounter Jedadiah could ever remember, and they hadn’t even had sex yet.

  Cheri looked at him a long time, then nodded slowly. She didn’t say anything,
but mimicked his earlier actions. She dipped two fingers in the dwindling dish of chocolate mousse and trailed them down his jaw and across his neck. With a nervous swallow she leaned forward and followed the path of chocolate with her tongue.

  “That’s it, Cheri.”

  “I’m scared, Jedadiah.” Her whisper was broken and full of so much emotion, Jedadiah had an overwhelming urge to take her in his arms and just hold her. He did take the mousse from her and pulled her more firmly against his body to kiss her once again.

  He could have gone on kissing her forever. Wanted to go on kissing her forever, but he didn’t want her to think he didn’t care about her fears or needs. Right now she needed comfort as well as relief.

  “Don’t be afraid of this, Cheri,” he whispered between kisses. “And don’t be afraid of me. I couldn’t hurt you if my life depended on it.”

  Unexpectedly, she pulled back from him a little and smiled. “I know. Consider me just a silly girl who’s secretly wanted this for a very long time and is now afraid it will end before it really gets started.”

  Jedadiah snorted a laugh. “Not a chance.” What he didn’t say, but what he was screaming inside, was “Not a chance this will ever end. You’re mine, and I intend to keep you.”

  “And what about the camera? If you think I’m doing anything with those things recording everything, you’re out of your mind.”

  “Not to worry. Once we get a few more good shots, I’ll turn everything off. Besides, I figure we’ll both need a bath before we get down to the finer points of what I plan on doing to your body.” He kissed her again. He couldn’t seem to help himself. “Sex and chocolate go very well together, but I’m sure we’ll both start to itch before too long.”

  Cheri giggled and submitted to his kisses, wrapping her arms around him. To Cheri, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. Deep down, she’d wanted this a long time, and it would be next to impossible for her to deny him anything. She wasn’t exactly thrilled by that fact, but there it was. All she wanted to do right now, though, was lose herself for a little while.

  Just a little while.

  Jedadiah wrapped his arms around her, and Cheri got her wish. The only thing important to her right now was the wonderful sensations building within her. She’d denied herself too long to be any match for Jedadiah sexually, but if she were going to go up in flames, she’d damned well do her best to take him with her.

  Cheri pushed away from him and climbed the two steps to the chocolate pool. She gave Jedadiah what she hoped was a wicked, seductive smile, and dipped the toes of one foot in the warm, creamy brown liquid. He immediately moved to her, sat on the edge of the pool and reached for her foot. Cheri placed a hand on the wall beside her to steady herself as Jedadiah captured her lower leg.

  He looked at her dripping toes for a moment before groaning and sucking her big toe between his lips. His tongue swirled her digit several times before letting it go, only to give the same attention to each toe. In a few minutes, he’d cleaned every last drop of chocolate from her toes and foot.

  So she dipped it again. If he wanted to use her foot as a fudge pop, who was she to object?

  The sensation was erotic, but tickled at the same time. With every swipe of his tongue, Cheri’s pussy clenched and tingled. She just knew there was a nerve somewhere that had a direct path from her foot to her clit. It was all she could do to keep from curling her toes as he licked and sucked each of them.

  This time, when he’d licked her clean, Cheri stepped into the pool. There was one step where the chocolate came up to about her knee, then the bottom of the tub where it settled gently around her thighs. She turned to face Jedadiah then, and sat down with her arms across the marble of the back of the tub. Chocolate licked at her waist and breasts. The snazzy bathing suit Jedadiah had picked out for her, combined with her red hair, probably did make her look like a chocolate-covered cherry.

  Jedadiah didn’t hesitate climbing in the pool with her -- jeans and all. Warm chocolate sloshed all around them. It wasn’t long before he’d wrapped his arms around her again and was kissing her as thoroughly as before. She tasted the chocolate on his lips, and it made his kisses all the sweeter. She clung to his shoulders and arms before snaking her own arms around his neck and pulling him closer.

  Swinging her leg over his, she straddled Jedadiah, and her Lycra-covered pussy rubbed gently against him. She whimpered and clung to him tighter. He was her rock in a sea of tumultuous emotions. On the one hand, she still wanted to run home as fast as her legs would carry her; on the other, she was determined to drive him as wild as he was driving her.

  His hands caressed her back firmly, and she used his support to lean backward, offering him her breasts through her suit. Cheri could just imagine how her nipples stabbed the fine material. She expected Jedadiah would take one in his mouth, but he didn’t. Instead, he trailed the chocolate-coated fingers of one hand across her neck and upper chest before following them with a wet lick. He did the same with the side of her face, her chin, and shoulder.

  Every swipe of his tongue brought moans and groans from Jedadiah until finally he lifted his head and growled, “Enough!” He set her on the ledge of the chocolate-filled tub, her legs still in the sticky, warm liquid.

  Cheri was indeed covered in chocolate.

  Chapter Four

  Jedadiah took time enough only to turn off the digital cameras before he lifted Cheri completely out of the tub and pulled and tugged at her bathing suit.

  “What are you doing?” She batted away his hands a couple of times, but he was persistent in his quest to get her naked.

  “I want you out of this bathing suit.”

  “I’m sticky.”

  “I’ll take care of that. Now help me get this thing off before I cut it off.”

  “You take care of your own clothes and let me worry about mine. If I’m getting naked, so are you.”

  Jedadiah was only too happy to comply. At this moment, he was really glad of the plastic he’d covered his office floor with. The cleaning bill was going to be outrageous as it was without having to replace the carpet. Not that he cared. It was definitely worth it.

  When they’d both stripped, Jedadiah pushed her back to the chocolate pool. Instead of putting her back in, though, he urged her to sit on the edge and lay back on the marble ledge. There was absolutely no way he was passing up this opportunity.

  Nudging Cheri’s legs apart, Jedadiah went straight for her cunt. She was covered in chocolate, and he yearned to taste the combination of sweet goodness and, well, sweet goodness. One swipe with his tongue made his eyes roll back in his head before he simply buried his face between her legs. Cheri tunneled her hands through his hair and pulled him closer to her while thrusting her hips at him and making the most interesting sounds.

  “Sweet God,” she cried out. “Don’t you dare stop, Jedadiah Blackheart, or I swear I’ll drown you in chocolate.”

  Not one to disappoint his new love, Jedadiah simply grunted and kept up his assault on her clit. He licked and sucked his way all around her neatly trimmed pussy. It was good she believed in neatness or he’d certainly have a mess to help her with later. It would definitely be worth it, though. Anything was worth this. Messy it was, but Jedadiah always preferred messy sex. Sex was supposed to be messy. OK, so maybe not this messy, but it was sure fun.

  Her musky scent, though masked somewhat by the heavy chocolate aroma, was present and tantalizing nonetheless, and Jedadiah inhaled deeply when the opportunity presented itself. She smelled fresh in her excitement. Her intimate dew mingled with the chocolate to form a scent Jedadiah was sure he’d never forget. He certainly never wanted to forget it.

  And all the while, she clung to him. Begged him not to stop, to let her come. To take her and fuck her until they were both satisfied.

  Well, he intended to do just that. In a minute. He was enjoying exploring her body too much at the moment to stop, and they had to clean up before he made love to her.
br />   He shivered at the thought. It was the first time in living memory he’d thought of sex as “making love.” Cheri wasn’t just a fuck -- she was a chocolate goddess worthy of his life. He was terribly afraid he wasn’t worthy of hers, though.

  Later. He’d deal with that later. Right now, there was the woman of his dreams, covered in chocolate, practically begging him to lick her clean. Who was he to disappoint her?

  * * *

  She’d died and gone to heaven. Cheri was sure of it. Nothing in this world could possibly feel as good as what Jedadiah was doing to her now. He had thoroughly cleaned her pussy of the chocolate with his tongue and, just before she was about to come, he stopped and moved to her legs and belly.

  It was frustrating, but also acutely exciting! Cheri couldn’t seem to concentrate on anything other than where Jedadiah’s mouth was. She had a vague notion that she had chocolate in her hair, but oddly enough, she didn’t really care. Finally, after licking her clean from the knees up, Jedadiah sighed and latched on to her clit. All it took was one long, careful pull, and Cheri came so hard her toes curled. Wave after wave of pleasurable spasms crashed over her, and if the world had come to an end in that moment, she doubted she would have noticed. She screamed several times before the sensations died. Even still, her clit throbbed and pulsed where he sucked and laved.

  For once in her adult life, she’d trust someone else to take care of her. If he proved to be untrustworthy, she’d deal with it later. She really doubted it would be an issue, though. In all the time they’d been messing around here, Jedadiah hadn’t once asked her to touch him. Everything had been for her benefit.

  Except maybe the chocolate. She was sure that was solely for him, but she didn’t really mind. If the man had a fetish, she’d rather it be chocolate than bloodletting or something equally creepy.


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