Ivy Series Teacher Student Romance - Boxed Set: Romance Boxed Sets for Kindle Unlimited (Ivy Series - Teacher Student Romance Book 7)

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Ivy Series Teacher Student Romance - Boxed Set: Romance Boxed Sets for Kindle Unlimited (Ivy Series - Teacher Student Romance Book 7) Page 79

by Suzy K Quinn

  ‘Good attitude,’ I say. ‘I wish I could feel the same way. I just hate it, you know? The thought that Marc has been with someone else? Especially someone I’m going to have to see every day for a while.’

  ‘You didn’t strike me as the jealous type,’ says Leo. ‘So I guess you must really love this guy.’

  I laugh. ‘I married him.’

  ‘But seriously Sophia. Jealousy? From someone so beautiful? It doesn’t suit you. Let the past go. It has nothing to do with your present.’

  ‘Did it ever bother you?’ I ask. ‘That Sigourney was with Marc first?’

  Leo laughs. ‘I don’t get into all that high school bullshit. You know me. I’m not an alpha male “get off my girl” type of guy. Like I said. The past is the past. But I’m glad Marc filled you in about the whole Sigourney thing. I didn’t like you not knowing.’

  ‘He told me she wasn’t important.’

  ‘There you go then.’

  My drink arrives – a tall, chocolate concoction with a swirled black and white straw and a chocolate curl balancing on the rim of the glass.

  A clear, fizzing drink is placed by Sigourney’s elbow, and she takes a long gulp.

  ‘Wow. This is delicious,’ I say, taking a sip of my drink.

  ‘It looks it,’ says Leo, dipping a finger into my glass.

  I laugh and swat his hand.

  Leo grabs me in a playful headlock and rubs my hair.

  ‘Hey!’ I yell, pulling myself free. ‘Enough with the little brother stuff. I’ll tell Jen on you.’

  ‘Jen has changed my life,’ says Leo, suddenly serious. ‘I’ve never been out with such a cool girl. She doesn’t care what the newspapers say or if I’m kidding around with you. Or anything. She is just totally secure.’

  ‘She is,’ I agree. ‘Jen has a thick skin. She’s very sure of what she’s worth. And she’s worth a whole lot. So I hope you’re being nice to her.’

  ‘Nice to her? I love the girl.’

  ‘You should. She’s amazing.’

  I get the sense that Sigourney is listening. When I glance at her, she gives me another horrible false smile.

  ‘So what are you two talking about?’ Sigourney shouts across the table.

  ‘Nothing important.’

  ‘Really? I don’t believe it.’

  She grabs her drink and strides towards me.


  Sigourney’s eyes are swimming a little and slightly red. She really is too thin – bones sticking out everywhere and legs like broom handles.

  ‘So,’ she says, placing her drink next to mine. ‘We’re both new girls on the movie set.’ She sways a little, and Leo grabs her arm to stop her crashing into a waiter.

  ‘I can stand,’ Sigourney snaps, shaking her arm free.

  ‘Could have fooled me.’

  ‘You’re still doing that Leo? You’re still patronising me?’

  ‘And you’re still drinking too much?’

  ‘Oh let your hair down for once. Stop being so prim and proper.’

  Leo laughs. ‘You can accuse me of many things. But being prim and proper …’ He shakes his head. ‘It’s kind of sad, don’t you think? That we were together so long, but you never really knew me.’

  ‘Oh I knew you,’ says Sigourney. ‘I knew exactly what you liked.’

  ‘Maybe once,’ says Leo amiably. ‘But not any more. Hey – did you get to see Sophia here in Beauty and the Beast? She was pretty incredible.’

  ‘Ugh, I hate musicals,’ says Sigourney. ‘But I’m sure Sophia and I are going to be great friends. Right?’

  ‘Um … sure,’ I say, not feeling at all comfortable. There’s something about Sigourney that feels a bit dangerous. I don’t think she wants to be my friend at all. This is some big act.

  ‘So.’ Sigourney puts long, slim fingers on my shoulder. ‘You and Marc … how long’s it been now? Just a few months?’

  ‘We only married a few days ago.’

  ‘Honeymoon phase,’ she says. ‘God – when Marc and I were in that phase we couldn’t keep our hands off each other.’

  ‘You and Marc never had a relationship,’ I snap.

  Sigourney raises an eyebrow. ‘Touchee!’ She gives Leo a ‘what the hell is her problem?’ glance.

  ‘Sigourney,’ says Leo. ‘Sophia just got married. Have some tact for fuck’s sake.’

  ‘Okay, okay.’ Sigourney holds up her hands. ‘I just thought we were all grown-ups. But if I can’t speak honestly—’

  ‘You know what I mean, Sigourney,’ says Leo. ‘Have a bit of consideration. The girl doesn’t want to hear about you sleeping with her husband.’

  ‘Oh I get it,’ says Sigourney, signalling a waiter and pointing at her drink. ‘YOU, Falkirk, are still fucking bitter. It was years ago Leo. When are you going to get over me?’

  Leo laughs. ‘I got over you years ago.’

  ‘After months of stalking me.’

  ‘I didn’t stalk you.’

  ‘Calling me ten, twenty times a day. Where are you baby? I need you. Come back to me.’

  ‘Hey.’ Leo’s grip tightens on his beer. ‘You left. I had no idea why. One day you were there, one day you were gone. What did you expect me to do?’

  ‘Be a man about it.’

  ‘I was a man about it. When I found out you’d cheated on me with that French guy I could have broken his nose. But I didn’t. Live and let live.’

  Sigourney’s eyes go all wide and girlish. ‘You would have done that for me?’

  ‘At the time, yes.’

  ‘And what about now?’

  ‘After you cheated on me and married someone else? Uh … I think that ship has sailed. Anyway, I’m with the best girl I ever met.’ He puts a brotherly arm around my shoulder. ‘One of Sophia’s friends, as a matter of fact.’

  ‘God! You’re kidding me.’ Sigourney grabs a fresh drink from the waiter. ‘It’s so fucking incestuous around here.’

  ‘We’re living together in London and everything’s great,’ says Leo. ‘A perfect fit.’

  ‘So far,’ says Sigourney. ‘Relationships always feel that way at first.’

  Leo shrugs. ‘This girl is forever. Well – probably. I guess you can never really say forever.’

  ‘Probably?’ snaps Sigourney, her eyes narrowing. ‘How romantic. You never told me probably. It was always you and me forever.’

  ‘You never know how life’s going to go,’ says Leo. ‘You taught me that. I never would have guessed you would have done what you did. Life can be funny. But hey – everything worked out for the best.’

  Sigourney glances at me. ‘Not yet. Not for me at least.’

  She strides away and jumps onto Baz’s lap, throwing her hair around and laughing.

  To my surprise, Baz looks happy. He slides his arm around Sigourney, and she leans into him giggling like a little girl.

  I notice Leo watching them.

  ‘Hey,’ I tell Leo. ‘Jen doesn’t get jealous. But don’t give her a reason to be.’

  Leo snaps his head away. ‘A reason? She doesn’t have a reason.’

  ‘You said that a little quickly.’

  ‘I couldn’t care less about Sigourney.’ But Leo’s gaze keeps pulling back to his ex-girlfriend, who’s now fondling Baz’s chest and gazing into his eyes.

  ‘Leo. Are you sure about that?’

  Leo frowns. But he doesn’t answer.

  We watch as Baz whispers something in Sigourney’s ear. Then he pushes her off his lap, slaps her bottom and swaggers over to Leo.

  Baz wears well-worn jeans and a grey hoody. His scarred, stubbly face looks every bit the gangster.

  ‘Evening all.’ Baz grabs a seat beside Leo.

  Sigourney sneaks glances in our direction, whilst pretending to laugh with a cameraman. She doesn’t look happy. The cameraman, on the other hand, looks like he’s died and gone to heaven.

  ‘Bit fancy this place, isn’t it?’ says Baz. ‘Give me a proper boozer any day. I hate all these ponc
ey glasses.’

  ‘How’s it going buddy?’ says Leo, suddenly sounding tired.

  ‘Not bad.’ Baz nods at Leo’s beer bottle. ‘I’m glad someone else is having a beer. I can’t stand all this fizzy pink stuff.’

  ‘Can I help you with something?’ Leo asks. ‘You were talking to Sigourney. So … is she causing trouble again?’

  ‘That Sigourney,’ Baz says, leaning in close. ‘She was one of yours, wasn’t she?’

  ‘She was,’ says Leo. ‘A long time ago.’

  ‘How long?’


  ‘She says you still like her.’

  Leo laughs. ‘I’m living with Sophia’s friend Jen. I think it’s fair to say I’ve moved on.’

  ‘Sigourney is a beautiful girl,’ says Baz, pulling up a chair and sitting on it sideways. ‘I’d understand if you still had eyes for her.’

  ‘She doesn’t change,’ says Leo, shaking his head. ‘Always stirring up trouble.’

  ‘So do you still like her or what?’

  ‘Listen. Baz. I’m living with the best girl I ever met. Sigourney cheated on me and broke my heart – oh like a decade ago. She’s old news. What’s she been saying?’

  ‘Just like I said. That you still like her.’ Baz scratches the back of his neck. ‘I was … checking. You don’t shit on your mate’s patch do you?’

  ‘There’s no patch to shit on. If you want to be with Sigourney, go right ahead, Baz. With my blessing. But listen – unless she’s done a hundred per cent personality change in the last few years I’d handle her with care. She’s what you call a live wire.’

  Baz grins. ‘That’s what I’m counting on.’

  Sigourney is still throwing us the occasional glance. Her expression has changed from fierce to puppy-dog sad.

  Baz slaps Leo on the back. ‘So you’re okay if I …?’

  ‘I’m okay.’

  ‘Rock and roll.’

  Baz strolls back to Sigourney and lifts her onto his lap.

  Sigourney looks happy with the attention. But every so often she shoots Leo a sad glance.

  I catch Leo watching her again.

  ‘Are you really sure there isn’t unfinished business between you two?’ I ask.

  ‘What?’ Leo tears his eyes away. ‘With Sigourney? No. Hell no. It’s just …’ Leo shakes his head. ‘It’s been so long. Yet she’s still screwing with my mind. After all these years.’

  ‘Leo? Is there something you want to talk about?’

  Leo tips back the last of his beer and slams the bottle on the table.

  ‘Nope. Absolutely nothing at all. At least, nothing to do with Sigourney. I’m offski. See you tomorrow.’

  ‘Uh … okay,’ I say. ‘Say hi to Jen for me.’

  ‘Yeah,’ says Leo distractedly, slinging his denim jacket around his shoulders. ‘See you all,’ he calls out, waving as he retreats into the crowd.

  Ruby is just a seat away, and she slides into Leo’s empty red-velvet chair.

  ‘Hey. Your drink looks divine. What’s in it?’

  ‘Um … I’m not sure really,’ I say, taking a sip. ‘I think maybe chocolate ice cream?’

  ‘No booze?’

  ‘Not for me.’

  Ruby raises her glass of water and chimes it against my drink. ‘Glad someone else is being sensible. I don’t know how these guys do it – drinking alcohol and then filming and acting the next day. It ruins your skin.’

  ‘There’s makeup for that,’ I say.

  Ruby laughs. ‘Hey – is Leo okay? He seemed to leave a bit quick.’

  ‘I’m not sure,’ I admit. ‘He did seem a little mixed up. Maybe because of Sigourney.’

  ‘They were big news, those two,’ says Ruby. ‘I mean, I love my gossip magazines and … Sigourney Seymour and Leo Falkirk – they were everywhere once upon a time. The dreamy Hollywood couple. Hot surfer actor and beautiful supermodel. Are you okay?’

  ‘I’m fine.’ I force on a smile. ‘Just thinking about something. That’s all.’

  ‘Your hot new husband?’

  ‘Actually yes. In a way …’

  Ruby frowns. ‘But not in a good way? Hun, are you sure you’re okay?’

  ‘Really. I’m fine. I just … something you said about gossip magazines.’


  ‘Did you know that Marc and Sigourney had … um … a thing?’

  ‘They did?’ Ruby’s eyes widen. ‘I had no idea. Wowsers! Are you okay with her being in the movie? I mean … you two just got married didn’t you?’

  I nod. ‘I can’t be jealous though. I’ve already given Marc a hard enough time about jealousy.’

  ‘Ah yes. The intense Marc Blackwell. He always struck me as the sort of man who’d make it his business to scare off other guys.’

  ‘But you really didn’t know Marc and Sigourney had a thing a few years ago?’

  ‘No idea. Why?’

  ‘Just what you said. About the gossip magazines …’

  ‘You’re wondering why it wasn’t in the newspapers?’

  I nod. ‘I mean they’re both so famous.’

  ‘Maybe nothing much happened between them,’ says Ruby.

  ‘That’s what Marc said. But …’

  ‘Or maybe Sigourney wasn’t so much of a star when she was together with Marc.’

  ‘I think she was.’

  ‘You know what?’ Ruby stirs her water with a colourful straw. ‘You can think too much about that sort of thing. You know – ex-girlfriends. Probably best to just forget about it. The past is the past.’

  I laugh. ‘Funny. That’s exactly what Leo said. Wait. What’s the time?’

  ‘Five past ten. Why?’

  ‘I promised I’d meet Marc at ten.’

  ‘What’s five minutes? Men love it when you make them wait.’

  ‘Maybe,’ I say. ‘But most likely Marc will be pacing around outside, worrying that I’ve been kidnapped.’


  As I predicted, Marc is strolling up and down by his Aston Martin, hands in his pockets.

  When he sees me his frown deepens.

  ‘Ten seconds more and I would have gone in there to find you.’

  ‘I know. And I love you for it. Take me home Mr Blackwell.’

  ‘I missed you.’ Marc pulls me against his body and wraps his wool coat around me. ‘Your carriage awaits.’

  ‘Do you know something?’ I tell Marc, as he carries me upstairs to the bedroom. ‘I don’t feel tired.’

  ‘You might not feel tired, but you still need to rest.’

  ‘Can’t you show me the surprise? That chair thing in the guest room?’

  ‘Not tonight.’


  ‘Someone’s impatient.’

  ‘Can you at least show me how it works?’

  ‘You really do delight in raising my blood pressure, don’t you Mrs Blackwell? If I show you how it works I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to stop myself fucking you. And as I already explained, you need to rest.’

  ‘I really don’t feel tired.’

  ‘No arguments. You are going straight to sleep. You have to be up at six tomorrow.’

  ‘Six isn’t so early.’

  ‘Enough Sophia. You’re going to bed.’

  Marc carries me into the bedroom and places me gently on the bed, unzipping me from my dress and carefully taking off my shoes.

  When I’m in my underwear, he puts the duvet over me and I hear him undressing. Then he slides into bed beside me and puts a strong arm around my ribs.

  I gently push him off and sit up.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Marc asks.

  ‘I need the toilet,’ I explain, hurrying towards the bedroom door.

  ‘Then use the ensuite.’

  ‘I’ll use the one in the guest bedroom. I don’t want you listening,’ I say, heading out of the bedroom.

  ‘That’s the first time you’ve said that,’ Marc observes.

  ‘Well we’ve only just got married,’
I say. ‘So everything is a first from now on.’

  I head out into the corridor and towards the guest bedroom, glancing back over my shoulder to see if Marc is following me.

  He isn’t.

  There’s no harm in having a look at my surprise, is there?

  I creep into the guest bedroom, my eyes adjusting to the gloom.

  The sheets are still crumpled from earlier, and I’m guessing Marc told Rodney this is a no-go area for a few days. Which I’m glad about. I don’t want Rodney knowing about Marc’s surprise.

  Letting out a long breath, I snap on the light and stare at the thing in the corner.

  It’s kind of like a hammock on a metal frame, with four long poles and chains hanging. And there are leather straps everywhere.

  I creep towards it, fascinated.

  I suppose it’s some kind of sex swing. I’ve heard about them. Sort of. At least, I’ve heard Jen talking about them. I have no idea how they work but I guess I’m supposed to be strapped in somehow.

  I have to admit I’m feeling a little warm at the thought. Before I met Marc, I always thought of myself as fairly normal. But he takes me to places I never would dare go. And I love him for it.

  I finger one of the leather straps, then experimentally undo it and put my wrist in place. I do the strap up and sit in the leather swing part.

  Experimentally, I swing back and forth and my legs fling themselves in the air as I come downwards.

  ‘Arg!’ I give a little shriek, not expecting that at all.

  ‘Sophia?’ Marc’s deep voice rumbles along the corridor.

  ‘It’s okay,’ I say. ‘I’m fine.’

  I hear Marc’s footsteps.

  ‘Really I’m fine,’ I say, hopping out of the seat and trying to undo the strap. ‘I’ll be back in just a second.’

  But before I can get myself free, Marc’s tall, handsome naked body looms in the doorway.

  ‘Didn’t we have that Pandora’s box conversation already?’ says Marc, a devilish smile on his lips.

  I pause, looking guiltily at the strap I’m trying to undo.

  ‘I just wanted to take a look,’ I say, feeling like a child with their hand caught in the biscuit jar.


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