Maid For An Alien Prince: A SciFi Alien Romance (Intergalactic Exchange Program Book 1)

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Maid For An Alien Prince: A SciFi Alien Romance (Intergalactic Exchange Program Book 1) Page 21

by Roxie Ray

  It had been over a year since I’d left Hollander and my old friend, and I wondered how he was getting along. I’d been present for his union with Brittany, and he and the human woman seemed to be doing quite well after that.

  Opening the message and zooming in on my Holopad, I realized this was actually a birth announcement. Had that much time passed already? It had gone so fast. It seemed like not so long ago that I heard his mate was pregnant. And now here they were, happy parents of a baby boy they’d named Carlin.

  In the picture attached to the announcement, Niall and Brittany were both beaming down at the tiny little bundle in her arms, and I honestly didn’t think I’d ever seen two people look happier than they did.

  As for Carlin, his little face was peaceful as he slept, a tuft of golden hair shimmering on his head. So tiny and innocent.

  I examined the picture, genuinely happy for my friends, but I couldn’t deny there was something that sat heavy in my gut. Envy.

  Just looking at them would be enough to make anyone wish for such joy in their lives, but it wasn’t just that. For a while now, I’d felt the longing to have a child of my own. I supposed it was instinctive to want to continue on a family line, to pass on my heritage to my own flesh and blood, and over the past few months, the urge to be a father had grown stronger. However, the chance of having one with someone on Raider was slim to none.

  There was a distinct lack of females on our planet, and with the massive decline of our population, which could result in the end of our species, I’d recently signed an updated deal with the IEP to increase the number of humans—for breeding. So far, I’d personally been resistant to purchasing a contract for a woman, but if I wanted a child, I might not have much choice.

  I looked at the picture of baby Carlin once more, and the desire for a child nearly overwhelmed me.

  Most people would be shocked to discover that Kain the Warrior, one of the strongest leaders the planet had ever known, actually had feelings. Many people brushed me off as all brawn and no brains, and certainly no heart—not when warriors had to be fierce and merciless.

  But I did care.

  Maybe, just maybe, I could look into the breeding program. A little research wouldn’t hurt, right? It wasn’t like getting some information meant I had to purchase a human’s contract.

  Before I could take too long to think about it, I tapped a few buttons on my wrist communicator and contacted the IEP.

  “Hello, thank you for calling the Intergalactic Exchange Program,” an artificial intelligence powered voice said. “Please state your purpose…”

  It went on to list several options, but I quickly grew impatient. I just wanted some information.

  “Connect me to the breeding program,” I said in a huff.

  The AI voice responded. “Certainly. So that I may appropriately direct your call, which department shall I connect you with?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t care. Just get me someone to talk to. I’d like to breed.”


  As I waited, I realized what I’d said. Not that I wanted information, but that I wanted to breed. But as someone came onto the call, I didn’t correct their assumption that I was ready to sign up. I just went along with it.

  After all, I was a man of action.

  Get ready for book 2 in the Intergalactic Exchange Program Series, Nurse For An Alien Warrior

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  Nurse For An Alien Warrior

  Get ready for book 2 in the Intergalactic Exchange Program Series, Nurse For An Alien Warrior

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  Maid For An Alien Prince

  Intergalactic Exchange Program: Book 1

  Roxie Ray

  © 2020


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and events are all fictitious for the reader’s pleasure. Any similarities to real people, places, events, living or dead are all coincidental.

  This book contains sexually explicit content that is intended for ADULTS ONLY (+18).




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