Hidden Witness 2: A Mafia Romance

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Hidden Witness 2: A Mafia Romance Page 24

by Posey Parks

  “Sierra, did Dillon tell you Sergio restored his trust fund?”


  “He’s a billionaire now.”

  My eyebrows wrinkled. “I wonder why he didn’t tell me. We had a long business discussion this morning. It was the perfect time to inform me.”

  “Does he know you come from money?”

  “Yeah, but I gave it up.”

  “Why?” He chugged the bottle of water.

  “I didn’t want my father controlling my life anymore. Did you have a trust fund before you died?”

  “Yeah, I cashed mine in when I turned twenty. I placed my money in a safe under my family’s home. New Jersey wasn’t taxing my money after death. My house is being restored. This house is temporary until the work is complete.”

  He sat on the edge of the wooden coffee table.

  “So now that you can gain access to your money again, will you continue to work for Jacob and Samantha?”

  “I always had access to my money. Funny thing, I was going to send my brother to retrieve the money from the safe.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  His eyes darted toward the patio door. “For her.”

  My heart warmed. “That’s sweet! Why didn’t you take her with you when you disappeared?”

  He ran his hand over his brown hair. “She had her head on straight. I didn’t want to detour her from becoming a doctor. I was proud of her when I learned she graduated from college as a doctor. What kind of life could she have had married to a dead man? Even though I was hiding in plain sight, we couldn’t have a real life together.”

  I shrugged. “Dillon managed to make me happy. He told me we could never attend benefits together.” I raised my finger. “Dillon almost destroyed us that night. All because I picked up on his Jersey accent.” I smirked. My eyes were fixated on the fireplace. “He asked me if I knew who he was. I cursed him out and walked off. He apologized, and we worked it out.”

  I glanced at Tony. “Do you know how hard it was for me to approach him in the grocery store to begin with? Dillon could have shot me down.”

  Tony dropped his head, waving his hands. “You came onto Dillon?”

  I folded my arms. “Yes. What’s wrong with that? Dillon was so far into his own world, he wasn’t looking for a woman. I’m happy I flirted with him,” I gleamed, extending my hand staring at my engagement ring.

  “I’m marrying…Dillon…” I felt the tears threatening to burst forth. “…I thought I was marrying Jeff.”

  I felt a soft hand touch my shoulder. Instinctively, I jerked my shoulder back. My glossy eyes stared into Nadine’s dark ones.

  “It’s ok, Sierra.” She pulled me into her arms. “Dillon and Jeff are one and the same.”

  “Sierra, on the bright side, he’ll take you to all the benefits you wish to attend. That’s mainly what our family does. We negotiate with the rich. You know, make them see things our way.” Tony winked.

  I laughed, shaking my head.

  “It’s going to take some time to get adjusted to my new life. In time I will be fine.”

  Nadine rubbed my arm. “You will.”

  Tony glanced at his cell. “Your fiancé is calling again. He’s going to lose his mind. Are you ready to see him?”

  “Not yet.”

  He sighed, scratching his head. “All right.”

  “Tone, go relax. I’ll get Sierra settled in one of the guest rooms.”

  He stood to his feet, towering over us. “Baby, are you sure?”


  “All right.” He walked behind the sofa, leaned over, kissing her lips.

  She smiled bright watching him disappear up the stairs.

  “Take off your shoes, Sierra. Make yourself comfortable.” She stood. “Follow me.”

  I whipped off my shoes. Clutch in one hand, stilettos in the other as I followed Nadine up the wide staircase.

  She leaned in closer as we walked down the hall. “It’s surreal being back in Tony’s life. I never thought I would see him again. While Tony and I were dating, he told me we couldn’t ever be in a relationship. I told him I wasn’t looking for anything serious either. We lied to ourselves.”

  “Whenever, Tony and I spent time together, there was a magnetic connection drawing us closer. The day of the planned accident was pure torment on me and Tony. Our non-relationship was over. Truth is I wanted the world with him.” She rubbed her stomach. “Now look at me,” she sniffled. “I’m pregnant with his child.”

  I smiled, rubbing her arm. “Nadine, I’m truly happy for you. We are going to tear up Newark and do some baby shopping!”

  “Sounds good!” She clicked the button on the bedside lamp. “I’ll bring you some personal items and let you get some rest.”

  “Thank you again, Nadine.”

  “Hey, what are friends for?” Nadine disappeared from the bedroom.

  Tossing my shoes to the floor, I plopped on the queen-size-bed. For the first time tonight, I retrieved my cell from my shimmering clutch. Pulling myself up against the headboard, I sat staring at my cell phone screen. Fifteen missed calls and five voicemails.

  Nadine slipped into the bedroom, waving the toiletries in the air on her way into the beige bathroom.

  “Goodnight, Sierra.”

  “Goodnight, Nadine.”

  She pulled the door closed. I pressed the voicemail button, raising the phone to my ear.

  Sierra, I need to see you. I’m sorry I lost control tonight. I hate you were hurt because of me. Are you and the baby, ok? Please baby, call me back. I need to hear your voice.

  I sent Dillon a text.

  I believe we are fine. I need to rest.

  The time on my cell read 2:05 a.m. I heard car doors shut outside my window. My bare feet carried me across the plush black carpet. Peeking through the beige curtains, I recognized one of Dillon’s men. I wondered if he sitting inside one the four black Suburban’s parked on the quiet street. My mouth widened, releasing an exhausted yawn. Stepping over to a cream chaise lounge, I undressed, standing in only my nude panties. My dress was designed with built in bra support. I sashayed to the other side of the bed turning off the lamp. None of Nadine’s clothes would fit me. She is short and petite and I am an Amazon. Slipping the soft white comforter back. I tucked myself away under its warmth. I wanted nothing more than to lay in Dillon’s arms.


  Birds chirping outside my window woke me. I pulled the comforter over my face, shielding me from the warm sunlight desperately trying to reach my honey brown skin. I heard movement in the room. Slowly, I rolled over, peeking from under the comforter. Dillon was fast asleep stretched out on the chaise lounge, fully dressed in a white blazer, navy T-shirt, jeans, and tan loafers. He shaved off his beard. He was supposed to shave it off before the party yesterday, but I begged him not to. I wonder why he decided to shave it off today. My eyes scanned the room, locating my dress, hanging over the front of the closet door. Throwing the comforter back, I swung my legs over the side of the bed. Absorbing the warmth from the sun felt good. My fingers slipped through the sunlight on my thigh. Not sure why I sat there so long. Maybe I was hoping Dillon would wake up, or maybe I wanted to watch him sleep. He is one sexy man. I bit my bottom lip as my eyes raked over his sexy, smooth face. I pictured smothering his cheeks with soft kisses.

  My heart fluttered. This man knows he possesses all of me. The way his eyes slowly burn into my skin when he looks at me. I can taste his hunger for me when he kisses my lips. It feels like he can never get enough of me. I’m his forever I know that in my heart. This man makes me feel like a prize doll the way he takes care of my every need. I rose to my feet, covering my bare breast with my arm. I strolled toward Dillon. My eyes fell on the duffel bag at his side, then him. I could feel the tears begging to break free. Swiping the bag, I ran into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. Hugging the duffel bag against my bosom, my slender frame slid
down the door until my ass slammed against the floor.

  Dillon’s thoughtfulness made me hyperventilate. Unzipping the brown leather bag, my hand instantly flew over my mouth. My shaky hand retrieved the note resting on top of my peach sundress. Dillon picked out the long, flowy peach colored maxi dress. He said it radiates my beautiful skin. Holding the small yellow sticky note in my hand, I stared at his written words.

  Sierra, my first priority is to take care of all of your needs. I hate when we are apart. I can’t wait until you are my wife. My love for you is pure.

  Love, Dillon

  My fingers flipped through my personal items. He packed everything I needed including my every day makeup. I never thought he paid attention to my makeup routine. The ends of my lips curled upward. Yep, this man knows how to take care of me. I love my baby.

  Placing the bag aside, I stood in the shower, welcoming the piping hot water sliding down my skin.

  Before leaving the bathroom, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I decided to keep the beautiful bun in my hair from yesterday. I brushed the loose strands into place, closing my eyes, I exhaled.

  Stepping out of the bathroom, I noticed Dillon leaning over on the edge of the chaise lounge, running his fingers through his curly hair. My heart raced with every footstep. “Good morning, Dillon,” I whispered.

  Slowly, his worried eyes met mine. “Good morning, baby.”

  The little hairs stood on my arms at the sound of his voice. Awkwardly, we stared into each other’s gray eyes.

  “I’m sorry for letting my temper get out of control.” His big, strong hands pulled me by my hips in-between his legs. His head rested against my belly. My hands remained at my sides.

  “Daddy, loves you, little one.” His deep voice penetrated my skin, sending shivers throughout my body.

  Our wet eyes met. “I love your Mommy too.”

  One of my warm tears fell upon his face. I dropped in his lap, burying my face in his hair.

  “Dillon, I love you so much,” I cried.

  I held him tight in my arms. Sitting up, back straight, I stared into his eyes again. “Baby, what do I have to do to prove to you I’m not interested in another man? I’m not going to cheat on you.”

  “I know, Sierra, but men will try and persuade you. Baby, your beauty is breathtaking. I’m not sorry, I’ll kill a man if he tries to steal what’s mine.”

  My fingers circled in his curls. “Dillon, I’m yours. It’s just me and you.” I smiled, drying his face with my palms.

  Dillon swiped the tears from my face. “Baby, Marco stays.”

  His smile dropped. “What?!”

  “He is my friend now. Was he ever your friend?”

  “He was my best friend before I left.”

  “Great! I’ll help him find a good woman, and we can all be friends. Friends that travel the world together.” I planted a wet kiss on his lips.

  “I guess,” Dillon groaned.

  I laughed.

  “Come on, we have to go.”

  I stood to my feet. “Go where?”

  Dillon grabbed my stilettos off the floor, walking into the bathroom, returning with the duffel bag. He placed the shoes inside then swiped the dress off the red suede hanger, folding and placing it inside the bag.

  “You’re not going to answer me?”

  Dillon smiled, walking toward me, tossing the duffel bag onto his shoulder. “Baby, I’ll tell you in due time.” His hands pulled my curves toward his hard frame. Dillon wasted no time capturing my lips then tongue. He stood back staring at me a moment. “I promise the surprise will be worth the wait.”



  Walking into the kitchen I released Sierra’s hand. “Tony!” I stepped over to the brown marble countertop, hugging my cousin. “See you next Friday,” I whispered.

  “Of course. I wouldn’t miss it,” he whispered, stepping back.

  “Dillon, I would like you to officially meet my woman, Nadine!”

  She pushed herself away from the counter, standing from her seat, hugging me. “It’s good to finally meet you, Dillon.”

  She left me, walking over to Sierra, embracing her. “You have quite the woman, Dillon.”

  My smiled filled my face. “I sure do.”

  “I was just about to cook breakfast. It’s nothing for me to whip up a big meal.”

  “Nadine, thank you for your hospitality. Sierra and I are late. We really need to head out.”

  Her smile dropped. Tony walked over, pulling Nadine in his arms. “We’ll walk you both out,” he stated.


  Cruise drove the Suburban onto the tarmac halting in front of our new jet.

  I pointed out the window. “Surprise, Sierra!”

  Her face lit up. “Are we going to Portland to see the kids!?”

  My smile rose and fell. “No, baby. We are going on the trip we were supposed to go on two weeks ago.”

  Her face brightened. Sierra wrapped her arms around my neck tight. “Thank you, Dillon!”

  “Anything for you, baby.”

  Cruise opened the door for Sierra. Climbing out of the truck, she strolled toward the airplane. She removed her peach aviators taking in the view of the large jet.

  “Cruise, is of our luggage on board?”

  “Yes, Mr. Magarelli.”

  “Thank you. I will see you next week Wednesday. I want to make sure security is tight. Everything needs to be perfect for her.” I smiled, admiring Sierra taking in the big black and gold striped jet with her name written across the side in gold letters.

  “Don’t worry, sir. Your weapons are on board too.” His eyebrows rustled together. “Are you sure you don’t want me to fly with you today? Or I can meet you tomorrow.”


  He swiped his hand across his forehead. “Sir, if anything happens to you, I’m a dead man. Listen, Mr. Magarelli, allow me to protect you. I will do it from a far. Your fiancée won’t even know I’m there,” Cruise pleaded.

  Dropping my hand on my hip, I sighed. “Fine, give me two days, then arrive. I need to be completely alone with her for a couple of days.”

  Cruise exhaled, slapping my shoulder. “I won’t let you down, sir.”

  My eyes narrowed. “I hope not, Cruise.”

  “Goodbye, Ms. Simmons,” Cruise called out from the truck.”

  Sierra turned, waving. “Bye, Cruise.”

  I fell in line next to Sierra, slipping my arm around her waist. “How do you like our new plane?”

  She placed her hand over her brow, shielding the sun from her eyes. “It’s beautiful!” She stared into my eyes behind my blue tinted Aviators.

  “Dillon, painting my name across the side of the plane wasn’t necessary.”

  My lips fell against her cheek. “It was necessary to me.” I smiled.

  After meeting the pilots, Sierra and I sat, buckling into the custom bucket plush black leather seats. “Dillon, the plane is gorgeous.”

  “You’re beautiful, baby.”

  The plane sored into the sky. Her lips brushed against mine. Sierra’s eyes gazed out of the window, staring into the thick white clouds filling the beautiful blue sky.

  “So, this is what billionaire’s do with their money. Buy expensive custom jets to impress their fiancée’s.” Sierra didn’t make eye contact.

  I laughed. “Who told you about the money?”

  “Not you.” She continued staring out the window.

  I pulled her chin until our eyes met. “If shit wouldn’t have gotten out of control last night, I would have told you. And I don’t mean you and Marco.”

  “You are free to remove your seat belts and move about the cabin,” the pilot announced.

  Sierra slipped off her sandals, unbuckled, then turned to face me. “I’m listening.”

  “Ok, first we don’t have staff on this flight because I wanted us to spend quality time together. W
e will have to cook for ourselves.”

  She smiled. “I love cooking for you. It’s not a problem.”

  I intertwined our fingers, bringing her hand to my lips. “I know, baby.” My finger ran across her lips.

  “If I didn’t have to handle business last night, you wouldn’t have met Marco.” I grimaced.


  “Baby, seriously, I will tell you everything.”

  Thinking back to last night, my emotions were out of control upon leaving my parents in the business suite. I sat with my head in my hands in a private room across the hall. My father just held a gun to my head, threatening to blow my brains out. If my father would have squeezed the trigger, he would have killed me and my mother. If my mother wouldn’t have stood in front of me, would he have killed me? Why the fuck would I give a loaded Glock to a lunatic? My father stared into my mother’s eyes. No matter how furious he was with her, my father couldn’t hurt my mother. He loves her. Honestly, I think more than he loves his three children. What angered him was her betrayal, holding a family secret from him, the one person she was supposed to confide in no matter what. She picked her son over him. I’m not sure what will become of me and my father’s relationship. My thoughts were interrupted. “Mr. Magarelli, Marco is having a conversation with Ms. Simmons.”

  My eyebrows raised. “What?!”

  I know Marco. We were best friends before I died. We fucked the same chicks in high school. Sierra ain’t to be fucking shared. I was past the boiling point when I stalked out of the room toward the bar. Flexing my chest, I planned to rip Marco’s head off. That pretty bitch thinks he can step into my family’s hall and openly flirt with my woman?

  “Where is your man?” He glanced toward the stage to his right. “Your man must be pretty cool if he will let you be friends with a man.”

  “I’m right here, motherfucker!” I barked over Sierra’s shoulder.

  Marco glanced at me. His eyes closed briefly. “Shit!”

  I stepped closer to Marco. “Do you have a death wish? You’re talking to my woman!”

  Marco raised his hands. “Dillon, I meant no disrespect. I didn’t know she was your woman!”

  “Where the fuck were you when I made the announcement earlier tonight that she is my fiancée?”


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