His Obsession

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His Obsession Page 13

by Rose Marie

  “I’M NOT DONE TALKING TO YOU!” She reached into her purse and pulled out a knife and I narrow my eyes pissed. Oh, this wantch crazy crazy. Holding up my hands I back away from her, not feeling an ounce of fear because I’m from Acres’ Homes Forty-Four, the hood where we are raised to have no bitch in our blood. Lord save me I don’t want to have to drag this white lady for the filth while I’m on business for personal matters.

  “The day you walked into his office was the day I saw him change. One day we’re picking names for our future family and thinking about getting a dog and the next he’s asking can he call me Angel while fucking me. For months I put up with this until one day he comes home and tells me I would never be enough and how I’d never compare to his ‘Angel’. A man I’ve watched grow his business from nothing, a man I nurtured when things got tough, suddenly changed right before my eyes. Coming home late, calling me out of my name while having sex, always smelling like a perfume that wasn’t mine…” She stepped closer, sniffing the air then more tears ran down her face.

  “I don’t know what you’re tal-”

  “SHUT UP! Just shut to the hell up you home wrecker! I know that scent anywhere. He’d come home late at night smiling, bathed in it. He even bought me some and wouldn’t-” she wailed. “He wouldn’t have sex with me unless I wore it. He’d make me where blindfolds, and I’d hear him turn on the tv. At first, I thought it was porn but then once the blindfold slipped, it was most certainly you on the screen. My boyfriend that I had been in love with and almost engaged to was making love to me so tenderly, but he was thinking about another woman.

  On the day he told me I’d never be enough; he gave me everything. Literally everything. I’ll never forget his words. ‘My Angel is too good to share a house that I’ve lived in with another woman. I’m going to build her dream home. I’m going to learn to cook for her and I’m going to give her everything in me because my Angel deserves it, and a man who will commit to only her.’” My heart was beating out my chest as she laughed bitterly.

  “Believing that he’d come back to me I let him leave only to find out he went out of the country, actually learning how to cook and in the process, building his estate. That was a slap in the face, because Channing hated cooking and he was damn near a hoarder when it came to money. Years of being with him having to beg him to take out the damn trash and put the damn toilet seat down and he gets with you and flies around the world to learn to cook.” She looked at me and I could feel the anger radiating from her but lowkey I wasn’t worried about her, I was worried about this outlandish story. None of this sounds right, nor is it adding up.

  “Tell me. Do you want for anything with Channing? Are you happy in your dream home with home cooked meals probably served in bed? Well, even if you are, I hope that happiness is wiped from you just as suddenly and abruptly as it was from me.” With that, the elevators open and office staff and security come running down the hall. She drops the knife and is handcuffed. I’m apologized to profusely for their delay; security apparently was switching shifts and… I just didn’t care to listen to anything else. I simply tell them I was tired and thank them for unlocking my door. Once I get into my room, I don’t know why but I sit there and cry.

  Brain completely scrambled I bawl my eyes out unsure of how to feel and if I should believe anything I’ve heard. She’s not lying. She’s a woman scorned but she’s not lying. I sit there trying to wrap my head around what I just heard. Did this woman just tell me Channing was obsessively stalking me since he met me?

  Letting out a deep, shaky breath I look at my phone seeing the call was dropped and he’d called me multiple times while I was talking with that woman. Not in the mood to talk, I feel grateful I’m away from him right now. I need a day or two to clear my head and think. Laying down I silence my phone and put the cover over my head and try to forget what I heard. I don’t know when I fell asleep, I just remember waking up to banging on my door.

  “ANGEL! ANGEL BABY ARE YOU IN THERE? OPEN UP! OPEN THE DOOR!!” Jumping up I run over to the door and Channing bursts in hugging me tight. “I was so worried. When I saw her at your door, I thought something happened. Are you okay?” For just a second I forget everything and hug him back until that second to last sentence came from his mouth and made me go stiff.

  “W-What do you mean you saw her come t-to my door?” He stiffened and then relaxed chuckling.

  “I only meant I heard a voice, uhmm…”

  “Channing, what’s going on.”

  “Nothing Babylove. I just-” He’s lying. I don’t want this.

  “Channing did you ever stalk me? No, I feel like I’m asking the wrong question.” I look him in the face directly and I see his eyes go from blue to gold right before my eyes and I back away freaked out. Ready to run I see him get in a position that seems way too defensive for my liking. “Do… Are you stalking me?” As I stand there watching every last bit of blood drain from his face, I get my answer and feel my heart completely drop. Feeling overwhelmed and not ready to tackle this, I go to walk past him to put him out, but he grabs me.

  “Angel, let me explain.”

  “Let me go.”

  “No. Never. I can’t.”

  “Channing release me right FUCKING now!” His nostrils flared and his grip tightened but he let me go.

  “Fine, but at least let me explain.” Nodding I move away from him and sit on the couch and he sits opposite of me on the love seat. As much as I wanted to get him the hell out of here, I also wanted to hear what he had to say. Too many questions were swirling around in my head. The main one being to what extent did he invade my life without my knowledge or permission? To what extent did he go to sell me this pack of lies he presented as love. I must know. Looking at his pained face I feel sick, because deep down I know it’ll be exactly as she said. My happiness was about to be snatched from me.



  I’ve never been so scared in my life. Sitting here watching Angel with such a distrusting expression on her face feels like the end of the world. The simple thought of her leaving had me shaking and ready to beg. I’m willing to do any and everything for her but allow her to leave me. I didn’t care what it is as long as she remained mine and never left. She will understand once I explain to her why I did what I did. I’ve already spoken to Zane and Teagan and they said it’s okay because she’s my soulmate. She’s my soulmate she’ll understand. She won’t leave me.

  Looking around I feel broken hearted as I notice that she trying to stay as far away from me as she can. Balling my fist, I feel my mood shift to anger at that bitch for running her mouth and pissed that I had zero control over this situation. We aren’t home where I could sit her down and have a proper conversation with her in a relaxed environment…no here she’s on high alert because of her altercation and finding out I invaded her privacy. If I don’t play my cards right here, I could lose the very woman that I’ve been longing for this entire time. I can’t allow that.

  “I’m waiting.” I look up and our eyes meet, and I swallow ready to get this over with so we can move on with our lives. Nodding, she folds her arms and leans against the arm of the couch as I resist the urge to get up and bring her into my arms. “Well?”

  “First off I just want to say nothing I have done has ever put you in danger. Nothing that I say will be terrible enough for you to leave me. So, I want you to promise me that no matter what I say you won’t break up with me. Contrary to what you may be thinking right now, I adore you and want to genuinely spend the rest of my life with you so please can you promise me that much.” She made a face and turned away. I felt like a bullet collapsed my lungs. “Angel… baby please. I’ve never in my life been so happy. My sole purpose in life is to return the favor a thousand-fold. You mean everything to me. Just promise not to break up with me. That’s all I ask.”

  “Channing I can’t in good conscience agree, because the moment you say something fucked up, I’m out.” The whimper that escaped
me was something internal.

  “Please don’t leave me. I’ll get on my knees and beg if I have too.”

  “Need I remind you I was stalked, and God knows what you did and you want me to just bind myself to this relationship without getting the full extent in which you did these things? Yeah…no, I’m not going to do that to myself nor you. Because I don’t want to come off as a liar if I change my mind.”

  “That’s true but that doesn’t change the fact that I love you. I’d NEVER hurt you. Even before you and I made our relationship official, the most I ever did that could count as hurting you was fuss at you.”

  “Tsk, I hate to burst your bubble but that’s a damn lie. You were insufferable so much so that I hated coming to work. You did not only ‘fuss’-” she put up air quotes “-at me as you so lamely claim. You belittled me and ridiculed me to the point I felt it was my weight and the color of my skin that needed to change. I would never change my skin color but the least I could do was change my weight and still you were ruthless and mean. So excuse me but your ‘fussing’ hurt damnit. A whole hell of a lot.” She put her head in her hands and started crying and I felt like an ass. Unable to stand this distance any longer I get up and pull her into my arms.

  “Baby I’m sorry. So, fucking sorry for everything. Just please… I know I’m asking a lot but please, promise me even if it’s a lie, because it must be you. Only you.” She was shaking grasping at my back. The feel her tears on my shirt made me feel even more like shit.

  “I promise ok. I promise I won’t break up with you now tell me. I need to know, before I go any further in this relationship with you.” The relief I felt was dizzying. I squeeze her and pull her away so I could look into her eyes.

  “Thank you.” She only nods wiping her tears.

  “Tell me now.” Swallowing I look away, still quiet, unsure of where to start. Then instinctively I think about the moment I first laid eyes the love of my life.

  “It was like love at first sight.”

  At First Sight


  Three and a half years ago

  “So, what do you think? Do you think Rebecca will like it?” Landen stood there examining the eight-carat diamond ring with a smile. He took the box and I could tell that he was feeling the same thing that I am. Proud with everything we’ve accomplished and content with the women in our lives. Life can’t get better than this.

  “It’s beautiful. I think Becca is sure to love it. When are you going to propose?” Having my brother feel this level of excitement for me I feel even more proud with where we’ve come from.

  “I don’t know I still have some planning to do, what’s important is that she like the ring.” Landen snorted and I threw him a look.

  “Like hell she won’t like something that blinding and big.” He leaned against my desk looking up. “Honestly if she doesn’t thing that’s good enough then you don’t need her. She knows our struggle to get to where we are. She’ll love it, I’m sure.” He’s right Rebecca knows where we’ve come from. That’ll make her appreciate this ring even more knowing the sacrifices I had to go through to get her this.

  With Landen and me having grown up so poor, we didn’t know milk went with cereal until I was forced by the state to go to school. When I got there, I was astounded that kids didn’t eat corn flakes with water, and they had something called frost that sweetened it up for them. I remember feeling so embarrassed that I didn’t know one third of the things the other kids knew. Not only was that embarrassing but the kinds of things that everyone else seemed to think were normal like running water and eating twice a day, were luxuries to me.

  Hell, at one point we didn’t know what sugar was. I remember being in class asking the teacher what she was putting in her drink, because the only powdery stuff I’d seem at home was the stuff that made my dad pass out sick. The look on her face when I told her about what happened with my dad made her take me to the office and I vividly remember staying there with many teachers coming in and out. When I got some alone time, I snuck a pack of the sugar and tasted it.

  It was the best thing I tasted in my life. After the school day ended, I ran home and gave Landen the ‘candy’ that I found at school. It was fun going to school and the teachers were super nice. At home, Landen just waited for me. I saw my brother sprawled on the floor with daddy’s candy around his mouth. If it weren’t for something deep inside of me helping me pack my brother to school to get help, he would have died.

  Having a three-year-old brother overdosing on cocaine changed things to say the least. Our dad went to jail and we went to live with our uncle Milky on our dad’s side who had a son named Michael, and a wife Aunt Tessa. Yeah after that mishap things were fairly good for us. That is until we met our cousins on our mother side who got us to where we are right now. Leaning back, I shift my thoughts back to Rebecca and realize it’s our anniversary this month.

  “You know I think I might propose to her at the house for our anniversary. I’ll plan a party for her and do it then. I want it to be special and rom-”

  “Excuse me Mr. Stohurst both yours and the COO’s interviewee’s have come in. Would you like me to send them in as a joint interview?” Landen yawned and threw his head back groaning.

  “Sure, why not? I don’t feel like going back to my office. Let’s kill two birds with one stone so we can end the workday.” Shrugging I tell the young lady to bring them in and she nods. Turning to my brother I see him already dozing off. I just want to finish this up so I can get home to my woman. Tired I place my elbow on my desk feeling a fatigue like no other. Lately I’ve been feeling very off…as if something is about to happen.

  Eyes closed, I sigh when I hear my door slide open. About to sit up, I stop when I hear the door open once more but this time my head goes fuzzy and my heart starts beating erratically. I’ve never been high before but that’s the best way I could describe this feeling. Shaking my head to clear my jumbled thoughts, I hear a gasp from Landen who’s now sitting up straight and hear him mutter.

  “Holy mother of God she’s magnificent.” Curious at what the hell he was talking about I look up and my mouth drops and my eyes go wide. My breathing spiked and my ears started burning. Sweating, I fan my face and press my hand to my chest. What is this? Why am I feeling this way? What’s going on? Looking up, I feel the air knocked out of me as my eyes meet with what must be the most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life. Mouth agape, I feel my world literally tilt on its axis as I fall from my chair.

  Landen who was next to me stood still transfixed but did nothing to help. The two women ran over to me offering help. The lighter woman with the lighter complexion reached me first but before she could touch me Landen grabbed her arm, pulling her away. The beautiful woman came and kneeled before me and the first thing I get a whiff of is her perfume. A noise escapes me and as I grab her hand pulling her closer to me breathing her in.

  “Uhmm, sir are you okay?” That voice! Feeling delirious I look up and we are face to face, it feels like something wakes up deep inside of me that’s been sleeping and lying dormant my entire life.



  “I-I asked if you were okay?” I narrow my eyes at the woman in front of me as she reaches out to touch me. Mine I want her. Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine! Scared, I slap her hand away only to let out a whimper when she clutched her hand to her chest. “I’m sorry I was only checking for a fever. You seem to be in shock.” Mine!

  Pushing away from her I stand abruptly only to see my brother still locked in a tug of war with the other lady. She’s trying to get him to let her go but Landen pulls her to him and whispers something in her ear, something that should have been too low for me to understand but I could hear it clearly.

  “Submit to me.” The lady’s eyes go round and she becomes extremely still.

  “Sir, I think you need to sit down I’ll-” her voice was like a melody I’d been longing to hear all of my life and her scent mixed with her p
erfume made me feel as if I were playing in the rain on a hot summer day. Refreshing, I want more.

  “Mr. Stohurst?” Hearing my name on her lips I snap out of my delirium and hold my hand up.

  “I’m sorry, I’ve been feeling unwell lately due to the expansion of our company, please excuse what just happened here. Have a seat if you don’t mind, I’d like to Start the interview and-”

  “I’ll be conducting my interview in my own office. COME!” Landen who never took his eyes off the woman who’s name I didn’t care for, finally let the woman go and walked briskly to the door. To my complete surprise she followed damn near running. Shocked but still more interested in the woman in front of me, I turn to her seeing she’s seated in front of me with her resume on her lap. I guess she figured me looking at her meant the interview had started because she began speaking.

  “My name is Angel Giles and I’m here to interview for the temporary Payroll Specialist position.”

  “Good afternoon, it’s nice to meet you Mrs. Giles, as you know I’m the President and CEO of Stohurst Financial.” She smiled and my dick turned into a diamond. I want to get up from this desk and bend her over this desk and strut her like- shaking my head again, I look at her and feel like nothing else matters. I don’t know how I got through the interview or if she’s qualified to work for our company. I only know I was shaking her hand telling her when to show up for work.

  “Mr. Stohurst may I please have my hand back now?” No, every part of you belongs to me. Swallowing hard I force myself to let her hand go and so as not to grab her I stuff my balled-up fist in my pocket.

  “I apologize about that.” She chuckled and shook her head.


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