The Last Ritual

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The Last Ritual Page 10

by S K Smith

  ‘Mages were conscripted into both armies, where they slaughtered each other, destroying Elven Land. Their numbers were so diminished that eventually their blood lines died out. The only Mages left were the Elders. Since there have been no more Elven Mages, and clearly no more Human Mages either.’ Syren informed them bluntly.

  ‘We need to move.’ Ayda said, her head snapping back up. Without another word she wandered off into the trees in the direction of the horses. Syren followed with a backwards glare at the men left behind.

  ‘Are you coming?’ Elle asked timidly.

  ‘Princess, this is not our fight. I don’t know what we can do to help you – you just saved us!’ Theo said sadly shaking his head. Elle looked to Niall, she wanted them to stay. She felt sure that they would be needed, she was scared that Ayda and Syren would not be enough protection if her magic failed, and she didn’t have any confidence in it. She hated it, despised its flow in her veins, her father might still be alive, and her home would be standing if she wasn’t a Mage.

  ‘Be honest with me Princess, you don’t think you can control it do you?’ Niall asked, rising to his feet, Elle stood with him and looked him in the eye. She knew that Syren disliked this man, she didn’t like the way he played the fool or his jokes, she didn’t trust him. Elle thought otherwise, she had watched him with her sister, the way he had followed her into the Castle, and screamed for her when she was hurt. He had been kind to Elle, trying to make her laugh and helping her with the horses and clean clothes. Brielle believed he was a kind and caring man hidden beneath bravado. It was something she noticed that her sister could not see.

  ‘No. I’m scared I will fail and my sister will fall like my Father,’ Elle said truthfully, tears stinging her eyes. It was her worst fear, losing the last member of her family. Her cherished sister, the sister who had fought for her so many times. Niall nodded, understanding. He looked to the sky, the sun had appeared, a red hue was glowing in the landscape as morning began.

  ‘I will come with you,’ He said firmly and confidently, taking the young Elf’s hand in his.

  ‘Niall, what? This is ridiculous!’ Karl grunted in disbelief, ‘You’re risking our lives for Elves? Theo is already hurt, we need to go back!’

  ‘You two go, if you wish, I’m needed here.’

  ‘No. You will die. The Elf cannot even control her magic!’ Karl shouted, not believing what he was hearing.

  ‘Precisely! Who will help them if her magic fails? Ayda and Syren will not be enough! And what of our people – our own heritage?’ Niall said loudly and clearly.

  ‘Why do you care so much!?’ Silence followed, Niall didn’t so much as look at his friends. Theo broke the silence as he struggled to rise from his spot alone and catch his footing on the uneven ground. He nodded at Niall and ruffed Elle’s hair as he limped passed them, following Ayda to the horses. He was coming.

  ‘Please Karl,’ Elle pleaded quietly. Karl growled to himself, he looked at the Princess and his harsh gaze softened. Brielle understood his fear, he didn’t know which was more likely to kill him first, the Legion, The Elder’s or her lack of control. He had been fighting all his life, but with magic as his adversary, he was lost. Defeated, he nodded and followed Theo. Niall looked down at Elle.

  ‘See? We’re a good team,’ He winked at her.

  ‘I’m sorry for getting you all into this.’ Elle said.

  ‘Do not be afraid to fail, failing makes you stronger. With me here you have nothing to fear!’ He smiled at her, gave her a squeeze and they followed on.

  Ayda had already started on her horse when they arrived so Brielle elected to sit astride Niall’s black stallion. He was a beautiful horse, with a glossy pure black coat and what were white socks had they not been covered in dirt and sludge from travelling. She was thankful that the wolves had not been interested in the horses, they had left them away from the camp for fear of detection, it was lucky they had, it would be a long way on foot. Brielle noticed her sister was not talking to anyone, not even her dearest friend, she guessed it was her fault. She shared her concerns with her co-rider.

  ‘It’s a lot to take in, you were brought up on magical history stories with the knowledge that no more magic existed in your country. Then she finds out that her sister and her father both have magic and that the Elder’s you have worshipped for so long are hunting you,’ Niall explained softly.

  ‘I shouldn’t have kept it from her.’ Elle whispered guiltily.

  ‘Maybe, maybe not. I don’t blame you for that, and I’m sure she doesn’t. You’re so young, it’s cruel that this has happened to you.’ The group continued through the miles of fields, the sun was up now, radiating golden light upon the landscape. Elle watched as Ayda continued to lead at the front, not speaking to anyone. She was leading them north, towards the Wastes where she felt certain there would be no one to intercept her. The countryside was populated by farmers and a few small towns and villages, Ayda was giving each of them a wide berth, not knowing who friend or foe was, she could not risk anyone recognising them. It would be better to reach the wastes unnoticed, so they were harder to track. They had eaten on the move, Brielle had seen the look on Karl’s face when he was handed a pitifully small ration compared to the other’s, thankfully he didn’t complain aloud, merely grumbled as he popped it miserably into his mouth in one. Elle didn’t want to hear another shouting match between him and Syren, she felt there was so much more going on than their differences. She found herself longing for Ayda to speak to her, although Niall was fun and cheerful company, as he was telling her more stories about his childhood, Elle wished she could feel her sister’s warm words of encouragement. Noticing the dark cloud slowly shadowing Elle’s mood, Niall burst into song, joyfully mocking his friend’s pain.

  ‘There once was a one-legged man,

  He fell off from his horse,

  He hopped, skipped and jumped,

  And wobbled when he dumped,

  All his friends were laughing,

  Theo is a one-legged man,

  His blades were overcome,

  The dog wanted meat,

  And got his smelly feet,

  Theo started howling,

  Niall is a very brave man

  He saved his friend from death,

  He stabbed with his blade

  And the dog did fade

  A Knight in Armour Shining!’

  Brielle found his laughter contagious, throughout the song he could hardly keep us his performance through laughter as he saw the look of feigned hurt from Theo. By the end, the two of them were in fits of hysterics, Elle could not help but join in. For a wonderful fleeting moment, she felt light, she felt young and unencumbered. The memory of her Father was distant, the deep worry that ate at her was forgotten. She had forgotten that through the darkness that surrounded her at times of despair, her friends around her were beacons of hope. With them she felt stronger and happier. She glanced at Ayda and was relieved to see the smallest of smiles on her face and a flash of relief in her eyes. Her sister would never neglect her and never leave her, she was all she had left in the world. Together, they were a formidable team, they only had each other to lose and it would take a lot to tear them apart now.

  ‘Thank you, Niall,’ Elle whispered to him, she felt him gently squeeze her. She was grateful to him for reminding her not to wallow in her self-pity, through his stories and those of his friends she could see that he was a loyal and fierce friend, which explained why his closest friends, Karl and Theo, had followed him all this way. Ayda was still indifferent to him, and Syren did everything she could to ignore the three of them. The hatred and resentment seemed to run deep in her veins. The young Princess knew that Humans and Elves naturally hated one another, due to the centuries of war that had ripped their world in two, but the hatred seemed so much more pronounced with Ayda and Syren. Elle could not bring herself to hate the three of them just for being human, they were risking their lives to help them. They were her friends, not her

  ‘Your Country is so like ours, Princess,’ Theo said, pulling his horse back alongside Niall’s.

  ‘In what way?’ Elle asked intrigued, she found herself wanting to visit their home, and see more of these people.

  ‘The flowers, the animals, the land.’

  ‘Are there any differences?’

  ‘Yes of course, the people are different, your beliefs, your traditions, and your buildings are a funny shape.’ Theo winked at her.

  ‘Do you not have Elders like us?’ Elle asked curiously.

  ‘No, we have our Spirit God, but he only serves to advise King Devan, many of us don’t believe in him. I’ve never even seen a depiction of him.’ Theo explained briefly. Elle had heard of the human King. His Father and the Kings before him had a circle of advisors which worked similarly to their Monarchy in Myrliar. Her own Father had counsel from the Elders whereas King Devan received counsel from his advisors. His advisors were human, but rumour was there was a God at the Head of the Council that Kings always heeded. Many humans believed this a mere fabrication or superstition for no one had ever seen or heard this God.

  ‘I don’t think the people are so different. We are all unique, but all the same.’ Elle said quietly to herself. He looked at her, his eyebrow raised in curiosity. ‘You love, you trust, you bleed, you believe, you hope,’ Elle explained, ‘I think we are not so different.’ Theo’s mouth opened in surprise, he ran his fingers through her hair and murmured softly.

  ‘You are a special one, Princess. In all my years I have never heard such wisdom, especially in one so young.’

  ‘The Princess is too young to know war,’ A dark voice called, Syren had been listening into their conversation, ‘when she has lost her whole family at the hands of humans she would feel the pain of the rest of us.’

  ‘We have lost our family to war, yet the humans have had no hand in it.’ Ayda said clearly and loudly, stopping Syren in her tracks. Syren glared at Theo and Niall then quickly spurred her horse to the front next to Ayda.

  ‘Don’t let her thoughts poison you, Princess, you have the greatest heart of all.’ Niall whispered in her ear.

  ‘You do not like Elves either though?’ Elle asked.

  ‘No, as a rule, like Syren, our lives have been torn apart by your people,’ Niall reasoned, ‘But I do not hate, just because one petal of the flower is bruised, does not mean the others are any less beautiful.’ Elle scrunched her face up trying to understand what he meant.

  ‘He means to say, just because one Elf is bad, it is not to say they all are. You certainly aren’t.’ Theo explained. Elle liked that. She pictured the beautiful flowers in her room of the Castle. They were always so beautiful in bloom. Occasionally one would decay and rot, but the others were still pure and splendid, no matter their colour or size, they were each as perfect as the last. She heard the trickle of water underneath Niall and Theo’s conversation. It sounded as if a stream was nearby as they moved further north. She was suddenly very conscious of the stains of sweat and grime on her friend’s and her clothes. She pulled her tunic to her face. It was not the floral scent she was used to as a Princess. She noticed Syren had disappeared from up front, Ayda had pulled back to them.

  ‘Syren has gone to find this water and make sure the way is clear.’ Ayda informed them.

  The other’s all smiled and nodded, Elle could see the prospect of a nice soak and wash to them was a blessing. The horses could also do with a water stop, they had not been able to spare much of their own supply. Moments later Syren reappeared from a cluster of trees not far from them.

  ‘It’s a small lake, there’s a stream that comes from the mountains. There’s no one there.’ She said, not able to hide the excitement form her voice. Everyone looked at Ayda expectantly.

  ‘Please Ayda.’ Elle begged.

  ‘This is a place many people will travel to for rest.’ Ayda explained her doubts.

  ‘We haven’t washed or bathed in days Ayda, we’ll all feel so much better for it.’ Niall said softly.

  ‘And I’m pretty sure the Princess had blonde hair at one point!’ Theo jested, gently nudging Elle who smiled. Ayda nodded. Several whoops sounded from Niall and Theo. Kicking their horses back into action, the troupe moved quickly towards the small cluster of trees, Elle saw the small trickling stream and revelled in the sound. The water peacefully flowed over the rocks, and clear water glistened in the sunlight. As they reached the small lake, everyone’s moods lightened. Niall helped Elle from her saddle and then raced a limping Theo down to the lake where they both dived headfirst fully clothed.

  ‘Oh, for goodness sake!’ Syren spat, ‘Be quiet, you’ll attract attention!’

  ‘Sorry!’ Niall called over in a shouted whisper. The two of them were splashing around like boys playing in a river. Every now and then one of them would go under the water, reappear and drag the other under. Elle found herself giggling at them as she watched.

  ‘Come over here Elle,’ Ayda summoned. She showed her a shallow section of water hidden behind an assortment of rocks, away from eyes where the young Princess could bathe in peace.

  ‘I’ll wash your clothes,’ Syren offered, taking them as Elle shimmied into the water. Ayda sat against the rock, considering the trees that thinly surrounded the lake. The water was cool against Elle’s sore skin, the cuts and grazes stung slightly but soon numbed in the freshness of the water. Ducking her head into the depths, she began to run her fingers through her messy hair. She decided this was a good opportunity to talk to her sister.

  ‘I’m sorry Ayda.’ Elle said quietly. Ayda sighed.

  ‘It’s OK, it’s a lot to take in, but I understand.’ Elle busied herself washing out the vast amounts of curly, matted, hair. Without a brush she knew she was fighting a losing battle.

  ‘You can’t control it can you?’ Ayda asked.

  ‘No.’ Elle replied. The peacefulness she had felt at sitting in the cool calm lake and hearing the boys laughing and crying in happiness shattered at the thought of her magic.

  ‘Have you tried?’

  ‘No. Every time I have used magic, so many have died.’

  ‘You must be strong, to bring down the castle,’ Ayda figured. Elle nodded. ‘Why did you?’

  ‘Why did I what?’ Elle asked, staring absently into the water.

  ‘Bring down the Castle.’

  ‘I didn’t mean to! I was so angry, Father had just been killed, everything just kind of exploded!’ Elle said loudly, tears filled her eyes, she stood. The tension in her body snapped. She had been desperately trying to clean, trying to relax but she never could. She would never be rid of the horror of her magic. Her magic had been the cause of everything and she hated it. No matter how hard she scrubbed or how long she sat in that water, the magic would never go away. She had to live with it. Ayda wrapped her in the blanket used for sleeping at sat her on the smoothest rocks.

  ‘I’m sorry, don’t be upset, I’m just trying to understand.’ Ayda cooed.

  ‘I hate it Ayda!’ Elle wailed, ‘My magic has destroyed everything! Mother and Father would be alive if the Elder’s didn’t want me!’ Elle felt the anger bubbling beneath her skin, why did no one understand? She was angry with her sister, she couldn’t just give her a few moments of peace without accusing her of choosing to destroy their home!

  ‘I see the way you all look at me! As if I might explode and hurt you! You’re scared of me!’ She continued to shout, her temper getting the better of her. Ayda looked desperately at her sister and tried to calm her down.

  ‘We’re not afraid of you we know you’d never hurt us!’

  ‘You should be afraid! I’m afraid! You should have seen what I did!’ Flashbacks smashed into her brain and assaulted her presence on reality. Her anger spilled over the brim and she was aware of power developing in her chest. Her eyes firing with anger as she glared at her sister, unseeing, drowning in the pit of her anger, her fear. Brielle did not hear her sister beg her to stop and did not hear
the other’s crying in pain. She remembered the pain she extracted from her Father’s betrayers. It was what she lived for. She was blind to everything around her, the power had seeped out from within her and was white hot with venom. Her heart was beating fast and her breathing was out of control.

  ‘Elle, stop!’ Ayda screamed. She had never heard Ayda scream like that. The panic and soul shredding fear slapped her in the face. For the first time she could see. Ayda’s face was red hot and her eyes were streaming with tears.

  ‘Elle, stop! Please!” Ayda cried out again. Elle felt her feet on the dirt. She looked around at the lake behind her, the sight she beheld was enough to pull her to her knees. The lake was bubbling and hissing, pillows of steam rose rapidly from the depths, looking closer she saw hundreds of charred fish floating lifelessly on the surface being pushed around by erupting bubbles. She had boiled the lake! She cried and begged for it to stop, but her magic kept coming, flowing through her veins. The lake was hissing furiously, angry bubbles frothing on the surface, steam spiralling high into the sky. Finally, exhausted, she fell shaking to the floor, in floods of warm tears.

  9 – AYDA

  Shaking, Ayda dragged her sister’s limp, frail form from the side of the lake and clutched at her.

  ‘Elle, I’m so sorry, forgive me.’ Ayda whispered to her. Elle’s eyes were closed but tears were falling. Heavy droplets of regret splashing the dirt.

  ‘Is – is everyone ok?’ She asked timidly, not daring to open her eyes. Ayda had watched on in fear as she saw the water near Elle slowly bubble, she had called out frantically to the others who thankfully left the lake quicker than she expected.

  ‘We’re OK.’ Niall called out. Ayda could hear the quake in his voice, he couldn’t believe he had nearly been boiled alive. Ayda took a few moments with her sister to compose herself and steady her breathing. It scared her how powerful her little sister was. It scared her that she now knew Elle could not control it. The scariest thing, however, was not knowing how to help. She knew that the Wastes was not going to solve their problems, they needed to find someone urgently to teach Elle. Magic had been gone for centuries – who would know what to do? It hit her quickly, but it was a long shot.


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