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by Suzanne Steele

  “Would you want to deal with that pompous ass? Damn it!” He turned to look at the watery stew of shattered glass, hula girls, palm trees, and glitter on the floor, and mourned their loss. Fey rolled her eyes and whisked her hand through the air in a circle, repairing the damage that had been done to the priceless memorabilia–priceless to her twin, anyway.

  Though they were fraternal twins and looked nothing alike, they couldn’t be closer than they were–dead or alive. He picked the snow globe up off the floor and placed it carefully back in the wall-mounted display case. The case displayed a globe from every adventure he and his wife Vasilisa had taken together. In true OCD form, he turned the globe back and forth, eventually placing it just-so, with the ‘I Got Lei’d Hawaiian Style’ slogan front and center. God, he loved that woman.

  “Thank you for fixing it,” he said softly, “and for letting me know the women are okay. You know how damn bossy she is. I would have told her that the women had already been rescued but I just need to remind her who the boss really is.”

  “Uh-huh. Well, they’re not free, they’re just out of immediate danger. And since you have the advantage of knowing the crisis has passed, you’ll save the day and come out of the whole thing smelling like a rose. Typical male brain. I can’t believe I’ve enabled your dysfunctional he-man bravado like this. I certainly never intended to,” Fey answered, rolling her eyes again.

  “What’s going on here, partner?” The words were delivered from the doorway in a smooth, easy baritone.

  Fey settled eagerly into a cheap plastic chair in the corner, shamelessly licking her lips and taking in the view. What a sight he was…6’2” of blond, blue-eyed perfection. If Wolf’s woman was a Barbie doll, then his partner Reese was the perfect Ken and just Fey’s type. This well-dressed man looked like he belonged with the bluebloods like Vasilisa’s family, not in a dingy, checkered linoleum-floored police building.

  Not that the precinct’s offices were dirty or anything; they were just, well, police-y with their nondescript, steel gray desks and chipped paint filing cabinets. But oh my, my, my, he deserved so much better, Fey thought to herself. She sat up straight and swept her mane of hair over one shoulder. She cupped her breasts, leaned forward and shimmied until she was happy with how they pressed against her neckline, then patted them reassuringly and crossed her legs.

  Wolf scrubbed his hands over his face and groused, “Enough with the preening! Seriously.”

  She pouted and Wolf grimaced. From the day the blond god had been partnered with him a year ago, Wolf’s dearly departed sister had been smitten. It was a shame Wolf couldn’t help his sister out and do a little matchmaking.

  “What preening? Man, I roll outta bed looking this good,” Reese deadpanned.

  Fuck. Wolf hadn’t meant to say that out loud. “Yeah, Reese, I, uh, dropped my stapler,” Wolf lied, glaring at the chair in the corner.

  “Sounded more like something crashed into the wall,” Reese observed with a curious glance at the empty chair.

  “Okay, fine. I threw it against the wall.”

  Reese chuckled, “Ah, I get it. Trouble in paradise.” It wasn’t a question. Though few people had any idea Vasilisa and Wolf were involved, much less married, Reese was a natural-born detective and had figured it out. He would go to his grave with that information before he would ever betray his partner’s trust.

  The ringing of Wolf’s phone cut through the friendly interrogation. Saved by the bell. “Yeah,” Wolf answered, his tone curt.

  “Are you ready to be a hero?”

  “Fuck you. I’m nobody’s hero.”

  “And I’m nobody’s guardian angel. There’s one contingency: I get to keep one for myself.”

  “And how the hell am I supposed to allow that?”

  “You let me work out the details.”

  “Oh, let me guess. In other words, you’re going to blackmail the poor girl.” Silence.

  “Tomato, tamahto.” Inc waved his hand through the air nonchalantly. As always, he was vaguely annoyed at Wolf’s insistence that he communicate via phone when he could easily just drop in during his dreams. So much more efficient. “You know the drill. You should be thanking me. It’s not every detective who gets to reap the rewards of having a guardian angel, while you take credit for the whole damn thing.”

  “Thought you were nobody’s guardian angel.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Not on your best day, my friend,” Wolf scoffed, hanging up the phone.

  I heard that, Inc’s voice swirled through the molecules of the stale office air.

  “I’m sure you did,” he growled back before looking self-consciously at Reese. The only response was the wicked laugh of his guardian angel. He glanced again at Reese, but his partner was waiting patiently and seemed unaware of the supernatural nature of the conversation.

  “You ready to go, partner?” Wolf asked.

  “Sure. Where to?”

  “Hero Land.”

  “Oh goody! I’m going, too.” Fey jumped up from the cheap plastic chair, sending it sliding across the floor. Reese jerked around, scowling as he eyed it curiously. He and Wolf were alone in the room so the chair sliding across the room with no apparent help was baffling, to say the least.

  “Dude. I’m starting to think your office is haunted.” Though Reese said it jokingly, it didn’t change the fact that he’d been dealing with some weird shit lately, and it usually happened in Wolf’s office.

  “You have no idea.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Though the workout had kicked her ass, Electra finally had some hope, and it was about damn time. She stripped on her way to the shower, leaving a trail of sweaty, toxic garments on the floor. At least she’d be a healthy captive, if nothing else. It gave her some degree of control and she’d take whatever crumbs off the captivity table she could get right now.

  The water felt divine rushing over her body and washing away all the drama and stress. She had told herself it didn’t matter that the other girls hated her now, but it really did. The high school hallways lined with spiteful girls and their contemptuous, judgmental stares would stay with her forever. Memories of running through the hallways loaded down with books and being tripped still haunted the corners of her psyche. After the fifth time, she’d quit counting how many pairs of glasses had been crushed under a bitch’s designer shoe; the crumbled pieces in her hand like the broken, hurting places in her soul.

  She’d been what the popular group had termed an ‘uber-nerd’, and they’d been right; books had been the only real friends she had. Books had saved her life and definitely her dreams more than once. Maybe that was why she liked Dee, the wallflower of the group: she could relate to her. Ironically, Dee was the only one who was still talking to her.

  A lightbulb moment: maybe Dee could help her escape and they could send help back to the other girls. Sure, it would be easy to leave her new frenemies in their paradise prison but she couldn’t do that. Leave it to Electra to be fair and just with her bullies.

  If they had taken the time to talk to her she could have pointed out what should have been glaringly obvious: their host was deliberately dividing and conquering. Institutionalism 101: nobody’s your friend. Her captor was smart enough to know that if one could put one thousand to flight then two could put ten thousand…blah, blah, blah, none of it meant anything right now.

  She pulled the towel around her body, tucking it in and rubbing another over her wet hair as she went into the bedroom, only to jerk to a halt and barely manage to grab the towel before it slid to the floor.

  “Ah, there you are. I brought you something.”

  She clutched the length of towel to her front and gave him her best death glare. Inc reached out with the frothy drink he held. “Truce?”

  She cautiously walked toward him, tucking the end of the towel under her forearm and reached out awkwardly with her free hand to take the glass he offered. With the glass safely in her hand, she hesitated.

nbsp; “Fine. I’ll take a drink to show you it isn’t laced with arsenic.” She watched his lips as he took a long draw from the beverage, then decided the need to bounce back from the grueling workout overrode her need to make a point. She drank from the glass in her hand, and couldn’t help but notice that he seemed equally enthralled with her lips as she had been with his.

  “I have a proposition for you.”

  “The smug look on your face makes me want to smack you, Inc.”

  He continued as if he hadn’t even heard her. “You’ll be happy to know, I’m releasing the others.”

  Now he had her attention. She perched on the edge of the bed and prepared to listen. She hadn’t known him long but she knew enough to recognize that he was always working an angle.

  “I could do the whole hold-you-captive-and-sexually-satisfy-you-until-you-want-to-stay thing, but that would be trite. Instead, I’d much prefer to win you over by consent.” He smiled to himself. Now…dubious consent will do just fine if you don’t see things my way. Hell, it might even be more fun.

  “How noble of you,” she stated dryly.

  “Anyway,” he waved his hand as if he were becoming bored with the conversation. “I’d like to hire you.”

  She stood and prepared to cross the room to the closet, then stopped short. She looked first at the towel that she still clutched like a poorly hung curtain in front of her body, then at him. She had no weapons but she wasn’t entirely unarmed. She released her hold on the towel and let it drop to the floor. A small act of defiance that did not escape his lustful notice, judging from the animalistic growl that emitted from his lips.

  She strode over to the closet as she spoke, “I don’t know what you think you’re dealing with, but I’m not a temp from Hire a Whore.”

  He laughed, even as he watched her round ass bounce slightly with each step she took. It sounded genuine enough and prompted her to turn around to see if it reached his eyes. It did. His eyes were indeed smiling, even as they settled hotly on her bare breasts. She liked it. She liked having his eyes on her. Even more than that, she liked seeing the growing bulge in his pants that made it clear that he very much liked what he saw. And she liked his laugh. Damn it! Now she wanted to smack herself rather than him.

  “What would I be doing?” she couldn’t resist asking.

  “I’d be training you to assist in matters of…cultural diplomacy…of a rather sensitive nature.”

  Now he had her attention. Her eyes widened. “You son of a bitch! You didn’t capture us. You rescued us.”

  She never saw him move. One second he was ten feet away, then he was nose-to-nose with her, his hands gripping her shoulders roughly, and his hot, intoxicating breath wafting over her skin. “Don’t ever call my mother a bitch. My mother’s an absolute angel.”

  Electra couldn’t breathe. Every nerve in her body was on high alert with a clusterfuck of emotions putting her brain on tilt mode. “Calm down. I wasn’t calling your mother a bitch. I was calling you an arrogant, pompous, overly confident alpha male. Is that better?”

  Despite her sarcasm, her voice was a melody washing over him and soothing all his rough edges. His eyes stared into hers. He wanted to climb inside her and taste her, all of her. With a light touch he set her away from him and looked his fill.

  “You are so beautiful. Inside. Outside. Every hidden corner of you is perfection. Even the shadows in your soul are perfect. I want you to stay. Not because I force you, but because you want to be here. With me. My life’s work is…unconventional. Very much under the radar. Do it with me. You’re smart. Your ability to read people is off the charts. You’re the only woman I’ve ever met who would be a perfect partner for me.”

  Something about the words he was saying and the way he was saying them was having a hypnotic effect on her. His words were pulling her in, persuading her that it would be a good idea to go on a crazy adventure with a complete stranger.

  It didn’t help when he stepped in and slid his hand slowly down her belly and between her legs. She didn’t want to stop him. It had been forever since she’d been touched by a man, and even then it was never like this. Inc was touching her in all the places she’d kept walled up and hidden for so long. All the scared, broken places that had never seen the light of day because she’d kept them carefully hidden in a shroud of secrecy, were suddenly seeing the light…his light. And his darkness.

  Inc smiled. He sensed victory was at hand. Yes, he was light; he was dark. He would be whatever he needed to be to reach her. Her head lolled back in a drugged state of pleasure as he slipped a finger through her slick folds. His thumb circled the tiny pearl of nerves at her center. Somewhere low in her belly she could feel desire uncoiling, bursting free of its shackles as he worked her over. He added a second finger and plunged both deep inside her. His strokes became more aggressive, fueled by a primitive desire to satisfy her.

  Inc used his free hand to grasp the back of her neck and tug her forward until his lips were on hers. As his tongue moved in time with his strong, capable fingers, the sensual combination was all it took for her body to surrender to the delicious shockwaves of pleasure. Bursts of light danced behind her closed eyelids and her legs buckled beneath her. She was barely coherent when he picked her up and carried her over to the bed. He unbuttoned his shirt but left it on as he slid into bed next to her.

  Then he did something she didn’t expect: he simply held her. No demands; only gentle caresses and whispered words that weren’t meant to make any real sense. His meaning was clear: it was all about her right now.

  Electra wrapped herself around him and breathed him in. He even smelled delicious; not a cologne or aftershave, but a ridiculously appealing, luscious scent that she wanted to roll around in. She was content to lie in his arms, utterly sated and utterly confused. Where was the arrogant bastard who got off on demeaning her? She’d never known a man who didn’t try to just get off and leave a woman unsatisfied. But not Inc. He was good. He was evil. He was everything.

  “Tell me you’ll stay,” he said as his hands roamed freely over her body, getting to know her curves and what she liked. “Please…you must tell me you’ll stay.”

  “But what about…” Her voice trailed off as she struggled to assemble a coherent thought. Her senses were more than occupied by just breathing him in. So delicious. She licked her lips and turned her head to press her mouth to his chest. Her lips moved against his skin, pressing open-mouthed kisses in a random pattern. When her lips brushed his nipple, she latched on, licking and sucking the small, tight brown flesh.

  “What the fuck–”

  She rubbed up against him and let her lips and hands wander freely over his torso and below. She had his pants unzipped and his cock in her mouth in short order. She tugged at his pants and he lifted his hips obligingly. She worshipped his girthy length with her lips and tongue, then pulled off and wrapped her hand around his length as she nuzzled the beautifully groomed pubic hair that cradled the base.

  His manly, exotic scent was everywhere, and it was intoxicating. She felt drunk and uninhibited, as if someone had flipped a switch and set her free.

  Inc knew he should stop her. They hadn’t yet come to terms. But he couldn’t resist her fierce attentions. He rested his arms by either side of his head and splayed his legs wide to give her full access to every inch of his body that she might want to explore. This was no tender, introductory oral session, either; Electra was devouring him like a thing possessed, working him over with abandon.

  Using both hands, she pumped his shaft with a firm grip and handled his balls a little roughly, somehow knowing that was what he liked. And her mouth; her mouth was a revelation. Her tongue trailed along the thick, angry-looking veins that fueled the whole operation down there, then swirled in tight circles over the hood. She kept her lips snug against his skin as she pumped her mouth over the plush head in rapid, short strokes, generating mind-blowingly intense friction.

  He reached for her then, sliding his finge
rs into her hair even as she sucked his length into her mouth with an enthusiasm that brought him straight to the back of her throat. His sigh quickly morphed into a full-on groan of pleasure as she hummed wickedly against his aching, needy flesh. The vibrations wrapped themselves around his length and were almost more than he could tolerate. He had to grit his teeth to stave off the orgasm that beckoned. He wasn’t ready. Not yet. It was too good and he hadn’t had nearly enough of her yet.

  On and on it went. This woman was relentless in her efforts to drive him out of his damn mind. Resting his hand on the top of her head, Inc reveled in this moment of discovery as he surrendered to the seduction of her ravenous mouth. He could barely string two words together as she raked her nails along his inner thighs. He wondered how she could wage such a blistering assault on his senses while somehow still making it perfectly clear that she hadn’t given in on anything he’d asked. If give-and-take was what she needed to see things his way, he was more than happy to oblige.

  “You’re gonna make me cum so hard,” he groaned. Gripping her head, he lifted his hips, pulling her head down to ease his cock’s journey to the soft palate at the back of her throat. Again and again he butted up against the velvety barrier, until suddenly her hands were gone and he frowned in disappointment at the loss of contact. But his disappointment was short-lived. She stilled, breathing through her nose. Then she pressed forward and tugged at his hips, pulling him toward her as she allowed him entrance deeper into her throat.

  “Fuck…” He knew he wasn’t going to last long now. The simple knowledge that he was so deep inside her body was enough to send him into orbit. The burn started at the base of his spine and spread. “You better be ready for me,” he muttered through clenched teeth as he closed his eyes and gave in to his body’s demands. “You’re gonna take it straight down your throat.”

  Rather than pull away, Electra hummed again and ran her hands up the backs of his legs. She raked her nails over his perfectly muscled ass, and he roared his pleasure as the first jets of cum drenched her throat.


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