Fallen Angel (Gabriel and Kadie Book 1)

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Fallen Angel (Gabriel and Kadie Book 1) Page 4

by Tamsin Baker

  Oh, hell. So much for not looking at her.

  “Do you want me as much as I want you?” she whispered, her voice trembling. In fear? Or perhaps passion?

  I sucked in a breath. I didn’t know why she’d come to me, nor what she hoped to gain, other than the moment’s pleasure. She knew I wasn’t meant to indulge myself, and the lonely hours I’d suffered through the night so far had reminded me of that. I could get into big trouble. I didn’t know the repercussions for humans – if there were any.

  I had to be honest. There was no reason to lie. “You know I do, Kadie. But it is forbidden.” They’d never told us why, but the rule was simple. I liked simple. It was easy to follow, easy to understand.

  “But why? Why would they forbid us being together for just one night? What could they possibly do to you, or me? Aren’t we being punished enough already? You saved me tonight. I could be dead right now, and I want to celebrate being alive—thanks to you.” She stepped closer to the bed and my body tensed. Her mere voice shot lightning straight to my cock and my grip on her sheets only tightened.

  Her words struck a chord within me and I kept my lips firmly pressed together as my iron will wavered. She was right, of course. She was on a Demon’s hit list, and I was living in limbo, waiting for my sentence to be revoked. What more could they do to us? Make me save a thousand more souls?


  I would do it, just to feel her touch on my body. Just to feel what it was like inside of her, stretching her, feeling her slick heat wrap around me.

  Then I saw her move, her hands gliding up her body in a seductive way I knew I wouldn’t be able to fight against.

  Oh, please don’t. I don’t have the strength to deny you this.

  I didn’t understand how she affecting me in such a way, how she had this sort of power over me. And yet, I liked it. Maybe I didn’t want to admit it, especially to myself, but I loved how helpless she made me feel. I wanted more of it. I wanted more of her.

  She hesitated for a moment, and I worried and yearned that she was going to change her mind. Then she lifted her hand and pushed one strap off her shoulder and let it fall down her arm, exposing one perfect breast to my gaze.

  Lust slammed into me and I clenched my teeth in an effort not to groan. I could feel myself start to stir underneath the thin, soft sheet and I closed my eyes, trying to think of anything that might calm my responses.

  Then she slid the other strap down and her twin mounds of wonder pouted up at my gaze. My mouth watered as I stared at her and I licked my lips.

  The short nightgown she wore shimmied down to her indented waist, clung to her fleshy hips for a mere moment, then slid to the floor in a puddle of silk.

  There she stood suddenly, completely naked. Like a statue of the Goddess of sexuality.

  I didn’t move. I couldn’t move. What was a man supposed to do when a naked woman stood before him? A lump lodged itself in my throat and I swallowed hard.

  I will just go a little further, then I’ll stop... No, I should stop here. This is insane and illogical. So I’ll give her pleasure... then I’ll stop.

  “Come here,” I croaked out, unable to fight against her need for me.

  She walked closer to me, her rounded breasts bobbing with her movement. My throat grew tight, my mouth ran dry.

  It wasn’t like I hadn’t seen women more beautiful than she was, naked, who all wanted me. I wasn’t some human unable to resist the beauty of a being. I was always in control and always managed my emotions. Especially when it came to things as primal as sex.

  But somehow, for some inexplicable, frustrating reason, Kadie was different.

  I shuffled over to the middle of the bed so there was room for her. I continued to lie completely still and watched what unfolded before me like a dream. She climbed onto the bed and instead of cuddling into my side as I expected, she slid a leg over my waist and slid her body over mine until she sat on top of me.

  I groaned loudly and my eyes shut again on a wave of ecstasy unlike anything I’d ever experienced. She was the first drink of water I’d had in a thousand centuries of desert.

  It was all too much for my starved senses. The heat of her.

  I’d been alone so very long and here was a woman wanting me.

  She began to rock her hips, rubbing her naked pussy along my aching shaft as she ran her hands over my chest. I shuddered in response to her touch. The love I could feel pouring out of her soul was inspiring. This woman had so much to give, it was as obvious as the moon in the sky. And she was giving that me. I didn’t understand it. I didn’t think I even deserved it. And yet, here she was, not hesitating, on top of me like I was something she could love for the rest of her short life.

  They were right... Heaven deserved a soul like hers.

  “You’re very beautiful. Very...very...beautiful,” she said, her admiration of my form clear as she stared down at my stomach.

  I swallowed, unsure of how to respond to that. I understood that I was aesthetically pleasing in this form. It was one of the reasons I made sure to maintain it, because it was easy to get people to trust me this way. However, hearing the compliment come from her made me feel like I was special, not one out of a thousand angels, stronger and more beautiful than I was.

  Her fingertips rubbed my nipples, eliciting an electric response inside my chest. My arms shook as I raised my own hands and cupped her breasts. I focused on the weight and heat of each one in my palms, her tight nipples between my fingers.

  I am going to be punished so severely for this if I fail to stop in time...

  She moved her legs back and around, then slid down so that she could lie on top of me. Her soft lips touched my nipples in a gentle caress and her breath slid over my skin as she slithered down.

  “Oh. God.”

  I hope he didn’t hear me as I broke whatever rule they laid upon us. The damned Angels.

  She slid further down my body, taking my cock into the wet haven of her mouth.

  “Oh, fuck.” This wasn’t the way it was supposed to go. I should have been pleasuring her, not the other way around. And yet, I couldn’t find it in me to stop her.

  She hummed and moaned as she tasted me. Her lips moved up and down my shaft. My cock throbbed and ached for her as she loved my body in a way no one had in so very long.

  I clenched the blankets beneath me, grabbing hold of any sort of sanity left.

  If only I... No.... maybe if I give her a little bit, then I’ll stop.

  Can she understand my every thought? My personalities clashing with each other.

  I reached for her and grabbed her arms. I needed to stop this sweet torment, so I pulled her up my body, flipped us over, and slid my tongue into her mouth. She moaned and lifted her pelvis, wrapping her legs and arms around me like a limpet on a rock, enclosing me completely.

  “Do we need to worry about... you know, pregnancy, or anything...” She asked on a gasp.

  I shook my head. “I’m immortal. We don’t carry diseases like humans, nor do we have offspring.”

  As I said the words, a twinge plucked me in the chest, which I promptly ignored.

  “Great.” She said, lifting her lips for another kiss.

  I moved my hand between us and tweaked at her swollen clit, flicking that sensitive little nub until she was bucking at me to take her.

  “Gabriel! Please.” She bit into my shoulder and I shuddered again at the intensity of need coursing through me.

  I let the head of my cock rest against her opening, making sure she wanted me. This one moment could set me back a decade from my goal, longer even. A century.

  I had to master this temptation, regain control. Just as I had, so many times before.

  But I’d longed for this feeling for too long, this intensity of affection and emotion that few people ever experienced. There was something so special about Kadie, the reasons to stay away from her were becoming fuzzier by the moment.

  There was also a part of my conscience tha
t argued that there was no way of knowing if I was ever getting back into Heaven. If abiding by some unknown law with vague restrictions without logical explanations would be worth it to me in the end. Perhaps it shouldn’t matter. Humans believed in God without God Himself coming down and telling them He was, indeed, real. They had faith. Perhaps one of my lessons was to learn how to have faith in things I didn’t know and didn’t understand.

  Tabitha had said this girl could be the key, but what did that mean? That I should fight my attraction to her—or not?

  I have to find something to stop myself from sliding my aching cock inside that soft, wet pussy. Anything, anything to make her happy. Maybe that will settle the urge.

  She cried out and grabbed at me as though she knew I was about to stop, which she would if she was listening to my thoughts.

  But I untangled her from my limbs and slid down her body, pushing her soft thighs apart and thrusting my tongue inside her core. She screamed out as I tasted the sweetest honey. She grabbed my head as I lapped at her center, drinking the very nectar of her body.


  This was not supposed to be pleasurable for me. But the adage of giving being as good as receiving rang true.

  Her nails dug into my scalp and her panting began to peak, energy pouring out from Kadie’s aura like an energized sun.

  My cock wanted to feel her orgasm wrap around it so badly I could barely think about anything else.

  I slid back up her gasping body and lined up my throbbing cock once again with her entrance. Kadie arched her back and our gazes connected in that eerie way that made my heart pound and my soul cry out for the connection.

  Her lips separated in a soft gasp, her hand sliding up to cup my cheek. We needed to be joined in the deepest way possible. There was no other reason for us meeting like this.

  Me feeling like this.

  Somehow, deep in my heart, I knew this to be true. If I was supposed to learn faith, I was doing so. Because I had faith in her. I had faith in us.

  The consequences were uncertain and yet, in this moment, they could be damned. Just as I had been.

  I flexed my hips and sunk into her hot, waiting body. Kadie lifted her hips up and met me half way. I forged all the way inside her and gripped the sheets beneath my hands.

  She was so wet. And softly tight around my cock. The physical and chemical connection was perfect.

  Damn, you feel incredible.

  “So... do you” she panted, her eyes shimmering with the intensity of her feelings.

  A laugh rose in my throat at her response to my thoughts.

  I had not focused on the fact that she was probably registering every one of my crazy thoughts through all the lead up.

  Yet she had ignored them and forged forward, regardless. She was obviously determined and was going to succeed in her seduction, despite any mental argument I made with myself.

  My thoughts on whether I should feel complimented or impressed with her determination faded off because my cock was in a heaven on earth. And the mental pictures coming up on the screen inside my mind were something my subconscious had been dreaming of through all my time on earth.

  My cock took over, my body automatically going through the movements to allow me to drive deeper into her. Then I slid right back to the top of her entrance, holding still until I was sure she wanted me back inside her again. As her pussy became more accustomed to my presence, I thrust stronger and deeper inside her.

  How could I not do this? For all the battles, the wars, the momentous events in life, this was what I was made for—leaving her clenching body and then returning home to her in an ancient rhythm, as old as time and the Gods themselves.

  Sweat gathered on her skin. Her face flushed with blood. She groaned and wrapped her legs around me tighter, taking me deeper. I held onto my sanity by the flimsiest of margins.

  She gasped and grabbed onto me, biting hard into my shoulder as her pussy began to quiver around my cock, heralding her orgasm, and perhaps mine also.

  It had been so long since I’d made love to anyone. Felt the tight clasp of the woman’s pussy wrapped around me, I was never going to last as long as I wished. She was so perfect and fit me like a hand-made glove.

  In a way, I was glad it had been so long. I was glad she had broken me out of my self-imposed celibacy. Because I didn’t remember the others that came before her. They didn’t matter. All that mattered was Kadie, this moment, this growing feeling between us that was so right and strong and pure.

  It was destiny.

  “Ah!” Kadie cried out, long and loud. White light surrounded us like the sun had risen in the bedroom.

  I grabbed onto the bed head and fucked her hard and fast, riding through her orgasm until heat trickled down my legs and up my back.

  I dipped my head and sunk my tongue inside her mouth just as I thrust to the hilt. She sucked on my tongue as my orgasm flowed over me in a heated wave.

  My cock pulsed inside her spasming body, releasing my seed and bringing with it a choir of song inside my head.

  “Ah.... Oh, fuck!” Kadie cried out as she began to come with me again.

  Heated sparks flew around us and as I forced my eyes open, I realized it wasn’t all inside my head. Kadie gave off a sparkling aura of fireworks when she came that made me hold her tighter and revel in the shuddering of her pussy around me.

  We lay there until the energy around us calmed down and darkness settled in once again.


  I rolled off her tiny body and pulled her with me as I moved. That had been utterly incredible. Soul altering. Life – or whatever this was - changing.

  Kadie settled her head onto my chest, made a soft contented sigh, and instantly fell asleep.

  I lay there through sunrise and beyond, stroking her hair. I’d found peace for the first time in nearly four hundred years.

  And if it took me another four hundred years to get back into Heaven, then tonight had been well worth it for this moment alone.

  AT SOME POINT, I DID sleep. I was spent. I could fight a hundred demons and not be exhausted. One night with Kadie and I was exhausted. And yet, I woke refreshed, after feeling her stir and peel herself away from me.

  She was probably getting herself sustenance.

  “I’m going to the soup kitchen, Gabriel,” she said from the kitchen. How she knew I was awake, I wasn’t sure. “Want to come?”

  I stepped out of my bedroom and gave her a stern look. This woman was as crazy as she was beautiful. “Are you serious? I’ve told you I need to keep you safe until all the Demons chasing you are either dead or they give up on you.”

  She grabbed a coat and slid her arms into the sleeves. “You’ve seen what I’m capable of. I’m sure they learned their lesson last night. Come on, please. I need to go. I’m late.”

  “Why?” I asked her for what felt like the hundredth time. I’d witnessed countless acts of cruelty in this world, and very few purely kind ones.

  She smiled up at me. “Because helping people makes life worth living.”

  And there it was. The pure essence of who this truly unique woman was.

  Who was I to stop her from bringing some light, and a warm meal, into those people’s lives?

  “All right. But I’m not leaving your side all night.”

  I was naively hoping that we’d killed all those Demons assigned to Kadie last night and they would now leave her alone. Deep down, I knew this couldn’t be possible. However, I also knew that cowering until all Demons were destroyed – not something within the realm of possibility – was also not something feasible either. I didn’t know much about Kadie, but I knew she wasn’t one to hide. She also couldn’t be kept away from the vitality of life. Part of her appeal was the fact that she connected with everyone, and keeping that important part of her life from her – through no fault of her own – seemed incredibly unjust.

  She smiled at me. “Of course.”

  We headed into the city and a part of me enjo
yed walking beside Kadie as we casually strolled along the street. Seemingly human, I must have looked just like everyone else. I allowed everyone to see me now.

  Kadie squeezed my hand and glanced up at me. “Tell me more about why you were kicked out of Heaven.”

  “Pardon me?” I didn’t think I’d told her any of the reasons, let alone the one.

  “You told me you were in some sort of love triangle. What happened?”

  Oh, I had told her some of it. That would be right. The one woman I don’t want knowing about my past, I blurt out the real reason to.

  I reached up to cup the back of my neck. I didn’t want to talk about it, and yet, there was something about her that compelled me to do just that. I wanted to share more of myself with her, even the bad parts. The parts I didn’t want to share with anyone. The parts I didn’t even want to think about at all.

  “Well, I was in love with a woman, a Goddess actually. But...” I paused, my chest tightening like an anaconda slithered around my ribs.

  I hated telling this story.

  “Someone else was in love with her too?” Kadie asked, seemingly un-phased by this new information.

  We strolled together through the streets of New York, the sun glinting on the tall buildings, giving them a sleek shine. Birds flew overhead, looking for an unsuspecting person not paying attention to their food. Kadier naturally moved through this sea of people, as though she was going along with the tide rather than to fight against it.

  I sighed, my mind drifting back to her question. Had there been people in love with her? There certainly had been. Many of us in fact. But there had only been one man entitled to do so. “Yes. Her husband.”

  This time she gasped and stared at me strangely. “You fell in love with a married woman? Shame on you.” Kadie giggled and made a strange motion with her fingers.

  I scowled at her. “Don’t laugh. I was kicked out of Heaven for it.” A punishment some said was worse than death. Only the enticement of Heaven once more kept the fallen alive.


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