We Were Once

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We Were Once Page 13

by Scott, S. L.

  I take a breath, the earlier conversation with Todd and Bryant trying to run its course.

  “Joshua, are you there?”

  “I’m here. What are we doing?”

  “I was studying. You’re working.”

  Looking around to make sure no one can hear, I whisper, “I really care about you, Chloe.”

  “I care about you, too.” Her laughter comes over the line but then quietens. “Wait, is something wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. That’s what I’ve been thinking about. It’s been good.”

  Softer laughter returns. “I can’t reason through it myself. I’m as lost as you are, so I’m following my heart instead.”

  Dishes clang in the sink, causing me to look up. “It’s getting busy here.”

  “If you need to go—”

  I sigh, wishing I could spend time with her. “I do, but I want you to know that I’m in this with you.”

  “Don’t get too sentimental on me or we’ll both be saps. I need you to be the strong one.”

  She’s the strongest person I know, holding her own under a mountain of expectations, and knowing she graduated a year early is incredible. “For you, I’ll be the strong one.” Chuckling, I push off the wall. “I’ll see you after work.”

  “Have a good night.”

  An idea strikes a second too late. Since we already hung up, I send her a text: You up for an adventure? I know she’ll ask what she should wear, so I add: Casual clothes.

  I don’t expect her to say no since I’ve completely annihilated her routine the moment we started dating. Chloe’s text appears on the screen: I need my beauty sleep.

  Me: Trust me, you don’t. You’re beautiful inside and out.

  Chloe: Fine, ya big charmer. I’ll be ready.

  My mom pushes through the door, and I fumble with my phone. Catching it, I tuck it into my back pocket. She so knows I was up to no good. “Do I need to worry?”

  “Nope. Nothing to worry about.”

  Plugging the order into the ticket clip, she says, “Good. Turkey BLT, light on the toasting.”

  “Professor Carroll?”

  “Yes.” The math professor has crushed on my mom since he got tenure four years ago. He even celebrated at the diner. That soft spot he has for her is good for business, but I think it’s going to take more than catering a party to get her to cross that line.

  “One day, he’s going to get the nerve up to ask you out. What will you say?”

  “I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. As for you—you’re too young to settle down. Date. Love. Have fun, but don’t make the same mistakes I did.”

  “She’s not a mistake.”

  “That’s not what I said. I adore Chloe. I love seeing you so happy, and I can tell she’s the reason for it. And for that I’m grateful.” She turns with the door pressed to her back. “Just don’t—”

  “I know.”

  She takes me in for a long moment and then smiles. “Love you.”

  “Love you.”

  The door is left swinging behind her. She always did have a way of reading my mind. My mom might know me better than I do—seeing my thoughts about Chloe and dragging them into the light. I have a feeling it’s because she’s been here before. I can only hope that Chloe and I have a better ending.

  Spinning the ticket wheel, I grab the food and get back to work. “Turkey BLT, coming up.”

  Working through a long shift is a breeze when I’m busy, and Chloe’s smile is a great distraction from cooking the same special over and over again. I’m not sure which smile of hers is my favorite. The soft smile she has when I catch her sleeping, or the tilt of the mischievous one I caught when she beat the guys at pool—Wait. I know! My favorite still might be the one she had when she ran to kiss me the first time on the sidewalk. Nope. I’m partial to her grin after sex. That’s my favorite . . . wait, is it? Fuck, who am I kidding? All of them are perfection.

  After work, I pop into the corner store to grab a couple of packs of condoms. Chloe and I have chemistry that we can’t deny. Doesn’t matter the day or time, one or both of us wants sex. I thought I’d be the instigator, but I was wrong. She holds her own and slinks around in next to nothing to get me into the bedroom. Dirty tricks, man. She knows I can’t resist, even after a long shift.

  The virgin thing still clouds the edges of mind. I guess if I would have known, I would have done things a bit differently. Been slower, gentler, romanced her more. Is it too late? Better late than never. Tonight is a good night to make things up to her.

  Tiny yellow flowers border the store parking lot. They’re pretty, dainty like her. Walking to the side of the building where the grass isn’t trampled, I find the perfect patch and pick a bunch. I find an old wire from a ripped out cassette deck behind my seat and wrap it around the stems, then set the flowers on the seat next to me.

  It takes a few cruises up and down her street before I find a spot down a few from her building’s front door. I double-check all the supplies I got and then head to get her. The door flies open, and she comes rushing toward me with a big smile and open arms. I catch her, spinning under the stars in a passionate embrace. Lips pressed to mine, she holds me around my neck with her legs wrapped around my middle. Heaven in my arms.

  “Miss me?” I ask when our lips come apart, not wanting to put her down just yet.

  “So much.” When her feet touch the ground, she jumps giddily. “Where are you taking me?”

  “It’s a surprise.” I take hold of her hand and lead her to my truck. “Top secret location.”

  “I hate surprises.” She doesn’t sound mad, though, which is a good sign. “But I love secret spots.”

  “I think you’ll like this one.”

  As soon as I open the door, she gasps. Reaching in, she takes the flowers. “Are these for me?”

  “They are.”

  A gentle sigh is released as her smile softens. “They’re the prettiest flowers I’ve ever received.” Lifting up, she kisses me again. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” I’ve never seen someone, other than my mom, so happy to receive handpicked flowers. Most chicks I’ve dated want the expensive red roses, the mass-produced ones with no scent. Like it’s a status thing or something. I’m guilty of giving them, but they’re not what I would ever send Chloe. She deserves wildflowers, colors that match spring, pink like her lips, green like her eyes. Yellow like the sun.

  She deserves something that’s outside the norm . . . like me. Those other rich guys can shower her in flowers, but I want to give her something they’d never give—something for her, not them. My heart is in her hands as she admires them.

  I love her.

  God, how I love her.

  While she climbs in, I say, “Chloe?” She looks out at me before she buckles in. What am I doing? My heart is in my throat, and talk of the future balances on the tip of my tongue. I have no idea how to do this, never wanting to be this open, this up-front, this honest with anyone. Then I hear my mom’s words . . . As for you—you’re too young to settle down. Date. Love. Have fun, but don’t make the same mistakes I did. So, I hold back. “I missed you, too.”

  The moon shines in her eyes, stars in her smile.

  I was wrong before.

  This. This is my favorite.



  “No way!” Chloe states defiantly and then takes a few steps away from the edge, turning her back to it as if that will make it disappear. Crossing her arms over her chest, she shakes her head in protest. Over her shoulder, she tosses me a glare that could level an average man. “You want me to go in there?”

  Good thing I’m not an average man. “Yes, I do,” I speak to her back. “Come with me. You’ll be fine.”

  Her huff hits her shoulders for extra dramatics. Peeking back at the lake, she eyes the waves that softly lap the rocky beach. “I didn’t wear a swimsuit. You didn’t tell me we were going swimming. You said to dress casual!”

bsp; “It’s not a conspiracy, Chloe.” I really wish I could stop chuckling, but she makes it so damn hard. Hard all over if I’m being truthful. “No one’s around in the middle of the night and look at that lake—”

  “I have and I can’t believe you want to go in there, and naked to boot.”

  The food has been picked over and the bottle of wine emptied. Red Solo cups and the remaining Hostess cupcakes are on the blanket spread in front of the SUV. It’s just us and the night. “I don’t need a lake to want you naked. C’mon. It’ll be fun.”

  Glancing back, she asks, “What’s in the lake?”

  “Sharks,” I deadpan.

  “That’s what I’m worried about. What about snakes?”

  Although I’ve never worried what’s around me at the lake, she has me taking a look around at the tree line. “I’ve never seen a snake. Anyway, you grew up in Newport. There’s water everywhere. Do you swim?”

  “I swim. But during the day and in water I can see through, if I have a choice.”

  “You don’t swim in the ocean?” Please tell me she’s experienced real water in nature.

  “I prefer Bermuda or the Maldives, not the Atlantic, and I haven’t been in a lake since I was ten at summer camp. A fish touched my leg, and I never went back.”

  “To camp or in a lake?”


  I already stripped my clothes off and am standing waist deep. “I can’t promise a fish won’t find you interesting, but I’ll do my best to protect you.”

  Her gaze lowers, eyeing the gentle wave wide-eyed. She even dips a toe in, and then her whole foot. Every time we’re together, she becomes bolder, not inclined to hide what she likes or doesn’t.

  I fucking love it.

  What I don’t love is the distance between us. I’m ready to feel that rush that only touching her will give me. I hold my hand toward her, silently begging her to join me. If she does, the victory will be so sweet. “Trust me, Chloe.” Yes, that’s a lowball thing to do to her, but I threw trust out there anyway because I’m an asshole.

  The debate in her eyes reaches her lips when she troubles the lower one with her teeth. “I’m not a strong swimmer. I’m scared.”

  Winning her trust in new situations is an aphrodisiac. “I’ll be right here. I’ll hold you. We don’t have to go any deeper than this.”

  Despite voicing her fears, she doesn’t appear to be scared when she walks deeper into the water, eventually taking my hand. “You won’t let go of me?”

  “I’ll never let you go.” Spoken from my heart to hers.

  She nods and then reaches for the clasp of her bra. I should note that getting her shirt and jeans off were the easy part. That’s before she knew I wanted her to come swimming. I’ll take mostly naked with her over fully dressed any day.

  “What if we get caught?”

  I shrug. “Then we get caught.”

  Her hands fly to her hips. “Not funny, Joshua.”

  I’m chuckling because I know there’s no one around this part of the lake. There shouldn’t be. “It’s private property.”

  “That’s my point. Getting caught and breaking the law weren’t a part of my plans tonight.”

  “I didn’t know you had made plans tonight.”

  Worry creases her forehead. “For real, Joshua. I don’t want to get in trouble.”

  Music drifts through the open windows of the Blaze, joined by a chorus of crickets and the sound of nature. “We’re fine.”

  She puts on a good show but even the thought of getting caught didn’t keep those clothes on. “Then why are you nervous? Have you ever been skinny dipping before?”

  “It’s almost October and cold, but besides that, you act like you have me all figured out, Evans.”

  The curve of her waist reminds me of a crescent moon. As much as I want to hold her close to feel the heat we create together, I’m not going to force her to go deeper. “I’m pretty confident I do.”

  Every step I take, she follows, the water lapping her hips and causing her to shiver. “It’s cold.”

  “You’ll get used to it. If not, I’ll warm you up.”

  Taking baby steps as she goes deeper, she releases my hand. “The bottom of the lake is muck and gross.”

  “Doesn’t bother me. I grew up swimming in this lake.”

  Getting waist deep, she asks, “Tell me what you’ve figured out about me.”

  I smirk. “You’re my sweet and innocent girl.”

  “You always say that.” My gaze skims over her curves and lands on her eyes, the low light glistening in them. My gorgeous girlfriend. The Goddess Aphrodite.

  Once she eases in, she swims a bit until she reaches me. Moonbeams dance across her skin, nipples firm from the cool water, making me want to touch her. “You’re not that guilty either. You could have traveled the world for all I know, but you’re entertained by me, my run-down truck. Fascinated by the lake and sex.”

  Shock spikes her expression. “I am . . .” She seems to catch herself, her eyes lifting to the sky in thought. When they return to mine, a mischievous smile lies across that sexy mouth of hers. “Fine. I enjoy sex,” she says pointedly. “It’s more fun than I thought it would be.” Climbing into my arms with her legs wrapped around my middle, she laughs. “I can even go as far as to blame you for that fascination.”

  “I’ll take the credit, but it’s good because it’s us together.” Holding her by the ass, I say, “This is where trust comes in.”

  “I trust you to keep me safe from the lake sharks.”

  I chuckle. “Of course, but I was referring to the fact that I’m the reason sex is so good.”

  I’m whacked, and she pushes off me. Going underwater, she swings her feet up like a mermaid fin before her head breaks the surface again. “You’re ridiculous, you know that, Evans?”

  “I do.” I swim closer as she teases me by swimming backward. “You’re a natural. What were you afraid of?”

  “Life.” Treading water, she lets me catch up to her. Our knees, feet, and hands occasionally bump under the water, but we keep a small distance between us, our heads the only part exposed.

  Blaming the moon and some romantic notion that’s snuck in, I confess, “I love you, Chloe.” I don’t say it lightly, and I’ve never said it to a woman I’m dating. I’ve fallen for her as if I were her anchor, so putting myself on the line doesn’t feel so risky.

  That is, until a tear slides down her cheek, and she sniffles, making me worry it was too soon. I swim to her, capturing her in my arms again. “What’s wrong?”

  “You just . . . you said it without warning.” She sounds mad.

  “Because I felt it.”

  She leans into my embrace, holding me tight. The air cool, but her body hot. “I love you, too, Joshua,” she whispers with her cheek pressed to mine.

  Comfort isn’t just found in her arms, but in her words, allowing me to breathe easier. I could swim an ocean on this adrenaline. “You mean that?”

  “So much.” Although her eyes are more striking when she cries, I never want to see that shade of green if pain is the cause. “Then why are you crying?”

  “I’ve never said those words to anyone with the same meaning behind them, but they don’t feel like they’re enough to explain how I feel for you.”

  “They’re enough,” I reassure, kissing the trail the tears left behind. I spin in the water, holding her tight. “You’re all I need, Chloe.”

  Am I insane for confessing so much? Doesn’t seem I’m alone, which is reassuring. Instead of sharing the thoughts rushing through my veins, I just want to feel them quietly for a while. This desire to give her everything she could ever want, or need, is something new for me.

  With a good grasp on her, enough that she lies back spreading her arms wide, floating on the surface. Breasts free for the air to kiss and the stars to view.

  I turn, swaying her through the water in front of me, droplets rolling across her creamy skin in the moonlight. When I pul
l her upright, I kiss the soft mounds, then take a nipple between my teeth. My body aches for her, to be inside her, to see her fall apart under the stars, but that might have to wait until we’re warm inside the truck again.

  Her arms return to loop around me, her eyes closed momentarily as soft mewls fill the air. When she lifts up, she looks into my eyes, and says, “And just so you know, I will never tire of this lake, that old truck, or sex with you, because you, Joshua Evans, have stolen my heart.”

  Leaning my head against hers, I confess, “Our backgrounds don’t matter, and the past is left for our memories. You’re more than I could have asked for. The other half of my heart that I’ve been missing.”

  While her fingers slide into my hair, she sighs. “I feel empty when we’re apart.”

  Like that. “I feel just like that.” I add, “You’re my one and only.”

  My cheek is kissed and then my chin. Another follows right where I want her mouth—on mine. Our lips come together and our hold on each other tightens while our tongues embrace.

  I engulf her lithe body in my arms, wishing she was about two inches lower—Never mind. She hits the spot, grinding against me, her breath stealing mine in the process. I crave that completion, never wanting us to be apart.

  Her hair shimmers on the clear night, causing me to stare, admiring her delicate features. We dip under together and then come back up for air. When the water strays from her eyes, leaving dark lashes still wet, she asks, “Have you had sex in a lake?” When I hesitate, her mouth falls open. “You have?”

  “No,” I say, chuckling. Reaching behind her and down, I get a solid hold of her fine ass again. “Are you hitting on me?”

  She replies, “More than hitting. I’m full-on rubbing.”

  Leveraging her thighs around me, she lifts, looking down over me. I kiss her collarbone before lowering her into the water again. “You don’t have to rub.” I have a box of condoms in the truck, but there’s no way I’m fucking her in the lake. At least not tonight. Tonight is about romance, but shivering isn’t romantic. “Let’s go.” I nod toward the truck. “We can use the blanket to dry off.”


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