The Great Hearts II: A Game of Gods

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The Great Hearts II: A Game of Gods Page 2

by David Oliver

  “Out of all of us, Damien should have lived,” Rikol continued after a moment. “He was a better person than most, kind, considerate and above all else, my friend.”

  I pulled out the hip flask of whisky that I had purchased in Abador with Kane’s expert advice on the subject and opened it.

  “To Damien,” I said, taking a swig before passing it to Rikol who accepted it slowly.

  “To Damien,” he echoed before taking a drink. Together we shared the hip flask, savouring the golden, peaty taste before finally, when empty, I clapped a hand on his shoulder and stood up, leaving to join the others for food.

  To my surprise and delight, Rikol followed.

  I would like to say that we were all fine after that, that everything went back to the way it was before. Unfortunately that was not the case. We were all different and all faced the difficulties of our mission in differing ways and on the whole we came through it relatively unscathed. As far as personalities went however Rikol never fully returned to the fun-loving trickster he once was. At times echoes of that version of him shone through but inevitably the clouds would draw in once again. Looking back, he was perhaps the first of us to truly start to embody the personality of an Imperator.

  Seya visited every day. The decompression chambers were secluded away in a corner of the Academy compound, away from the training grounds, dorms and cafeteria, and were not remotely designed to accommodate a giant panther but nevertheless she was there, making sure to torment us all with a raspy tongue, each day getting more bold with her antics.

  She caught me unprepared the first day, a pounce from the top of the building as I stepped outside to get some fresh air sending me tumbling to the floor in a bundle of fur and to the mercy of a thorough licking. The second day she caught Sophia and Ella as they went for a morning jog, stalking them through the compound whilst avoiding the eyes of the many Imps and Imperators around the area, laughing uproariously in my mind as she closed the distance before bounding over their heads and causing them both to scream in shock. On the third day I thought we had made it, as there were no reported attacks from any of the dorm, only to find her sitting in the bed chambers when we retreated for the night, her gigantic form somehow having managed to squeeze in through the ground floor window and cementing in my mind that cats were fluid.

  The fourth day I opened the door to Rikol’s preferred meditation chamber to find Seya sitting wrapped around him, his hand softly stroking her fur. She acknowledged me with a flick of her ear and spoke softly in my mind.

  Nothing fixes hurt like time. Leave him for today.

  “Are you sure?”

  A swish of her tail. Of course I’m sure. You’re a long way from being the first humans I’ve helped in this manner. And you know what I have learnt time and time again over the course of history?


  That worshipping me with your hands helps you heal. As is only right of course. Her voice trembled with a note of pride. Nothing has fur as luscious as mine.

  Smirking, I softly shut the door and left them to it.

  The fifth day the sniggering from Seya and muted shouts for help from the gym led me to find Scythe pinned under a paw the size of his torso. His every attempt to slip out of the clutches of the panther easily countered by adept use of her prodigious strength and sandpaper tongue. When I finally stopped laughing long enough to get him out from under her his face had a raw look like it had been freshly scrubbed.

  Ella came to me on the sixth day with the idea that we turn the tables and show our feline overlord who was really the boss. Unfortunately whilst we were outside attempting to track her for a surprise attack of our own, she was inside the complex happily having an impromptu wrestling match with Cassius. By the time we arrived to help Seya had vanished, her giggles and a dazed Cassius the only evidence that she had ever been there.

  On the seventh day of our stay we were summoned to the senior council chambers to discuss the expedition and debrief. I walked cautiously, expecting an attack from an indomitable feline at any moment, but made it to the chambers without incident. To our surprise upon opening the oak panelled doors to the chamber, the Emperor himself reclined behind one of the desks, dwarfing the chair upon which he sat.

  As we filed in I noticed that the chamber was filled with roughly twenty Imperators - more than I had ever seen in one place. Most of the attendees were completely unknown to myself, and from the looks on my companions’ faces, to them as well, though I did notice with delight an aged Korthan half asleep on a desk.

  Once we were in the room and the doors had shut with a resounding boom, a warm voice drifted musically through the air, “Thank you everyone for coming. This chamber is now sealed, nothing of what is spoken of is permitted to leave this room. Let the session begin.”

  The speaker was a tall, thin woman of perhaps fifty years, dressed in a long black Imperator coat, with long black hair, sharp green eyes and a long scar that extended from her ear to throat. The woman caught my gaze and smiled, “To those of you who don’t know me I am Imperator Wyckan, or if you prefer my full title, High Imperator Wyckan.”

  High Imperator, the highest position in the Imperator circle and responsible for running the Academy. Imps rarely, if ever, saw the High Imperator until graduation. My mouth felt suddenly dry. In this chamber were the two most important people in the entire Empire.

  “And for anyone who hasn’t met him, seated to my right is the ruler of the Empire,” she winked at our group, “so no pressure.”

  At this the Emperor guffawed and slapped a hand on the table, causing it to tremble ominously, whilst chuckling deeply.

  “Ignore Acana, my young Imps, she just seeks to have some fun at your expense! We have already had a report from Kane and Merowyn and just wanted to hear from your own lips everything that happened so as to better understand the whole situation. Does that help?”

  Everyone nodded in the group. Scythe, Sophia and Rikol looked awestruck at the prospect of being spoken to by the godlike figure before them. Having been in the Emperor’s presence before, Cassius, Ella and myself felt a little more at ease.

  “Excellent!” the Emperor retorted, slapping the table again. “So let’s begin. Calidan, can you recount the entire trip as best as you can, from the beginning please.”

  Scythe, Sophia and Rikol turned to me, amazement in their eyes that the Emperor knew my name. Stepping forward I opened my mouth.

  And thus began one of the longest evenings of my life.

  Recounting my version of the expedition took a good hour, interrupted on several occasions by the Emperor and High Imperator to clarify a few points. Once I was done Ella and Cassius were then called forward by the Emperor to do the same thing and once again earning them jealous glares from the other three at the Emperor knowing their names. Eventually everyone had come forward and told their version of events. Thankfully after Cassius’s rendition the Emperor had deemed it acceptable to start the recounting at the point of entry to the rift and thus saving a good chunk of time. Even so, it took at least three hours before Scythe, as the last, finally finished his story.

  “Thank you all for bearing with us and for your actions whilst on this expedition,” said High Imperator Wyckan, her smile warm. “I’m sure that you are all hungry and thirsty. Food and drink have been set aside in the adjoining room, please relax and refresh yourselves whilst the Emperor, Imperators and I converse.”

  Just like that we were sent from the room, unable to listen in to the facts and truths as they were disassembled and interrogated piece by piece. In hindsight this was not surprising; Imperators are by nature close mouthed and generally unwilling to reveal secrets even to those who uncovered them. I tried to use my senses to listen in on the conversation but the room was, as High Imperator Wyckan had stated, completely sealed - whether magically or just through brilliant engineering I wasn’t sure, but either way we were out of the loop.

  After an interminable length of time the door opened and th
e massive frame of the Emperor squeezed through, followed by the comparatively diminutive form of the High Imperator, who, at nearing six foot tall was not a small woman. The Emperor just seemed to soak up the space around him, overshadowing anyone nearby both physically, with his more than imposing stature, and subconsciously. One’s eyes could not stay away from the man, finding them irrevocably drawn towards him to the extent that it almost physically hurt to try to move your gaze away. Together they entered the room and shut the door behind. The Emperor walked along to the food trestle and seized an apple, crunching into it joyously as he walked to a free chair at the end of the room.

  “Mmmmm, you always know how to put on a good spread Acana,” he said, winking at the blushing woman. His eyes turned to include us. “And your Academy certainly knows how to make good recruits. Excellent work out there everyone, I know the mission was hard and that you lost a good friend,” Rikol’s eyes gleamed wetly at this, “but you have achieved much and for that I am proud to know you. You’ve done the Empire a great service.”

  His beaming smile brought out a joyous response in all of us. Even the High Imperator broke out into a hearty grin and clapped as the giant of an Emperor showed us the full might of his charismatic smile. A more cynical mind might imagine that there was some odd trick at play to ensure a response such as this but to us in that room, the Emperor’s pleasure at our achievement was an almost orgasmic feeling.

  Once our celebratory antics had subsided the Emperor spoke more seriously. “Down to some important matters. As you know, one of the reasons that your dorm was allowed to go on this expedition was not just because of Calidan and old Korthan’s incessant badgering of my Imperator staff, but because we deemed it could be an early assessment of your prowess.”

  Nods all round.

  “Acana and I have been thoroughly briefed by the Imperators who went with you on your performance, involving aspects such as your ability to cope under pressure, leadership, adaptability and actions becoming of an Imperator - and I have to say, we were both very impressed with what we heard.”

  More smiles and nods.

  “Furthermore all three Imperators highlighted your dorm’s skills and suggested that you were all performing at an above average level for second year Imps - both in areas of problem solving and fighting prowess. Defeating both an armoured scorpion and a fully-fledged skyren highlight this. Consequently the High Imperator and I have thus decided that you are ready to take the fourth-year test.”

  The fourth-year test. Much was unknown about this as it varied from year to year, and many of the fourth-year students did not want to or couldn’t talk about it. Indeed it was only through our close relationship with the fourth-year students developed through our evening fighting practice that we knew such a test existed. So far our testing had been relatively minimal - if extreme physical and mental tests were deemed minimal. But this was suggested to be something completely different.

  The Emperor carried on. “The fourth-year test is a major barrier to development in the Academy. The first three years are seen much as ensuring our new Imps are somewhat capable. The fourth year and above is where you learn to become Imperators. As such, think of the test as an entrance exam to the real Academy. It is designed to be physically and mentally tough, obviously. More than that however, it is designed to expose Imps to harsh environments and perilous situations. Believe me when I say that each year some Imps do not return from the test. It is dangerous, demanding and will require each of you to perform at your best for an extended period of time. Survive and you will return as fourth years and the secrets of the Academy will be that much more open to you.” The Emperor nodded to the High Imperator who stepped forward.

  “The test will take place in three months. You have this time to prepare yourselves as you see fit. The only advice that I will give you is to practice your survival skills - in any and all conditions. That is all.” She motioned for us to leave. “Head back now, the Emperor and I have some more things to discuss, and remember - nothing we have spoken about is to leave this room and that includes your expedition.”

  Slowly we filed out of the room, minds afire with the information that the Emperor had revealed. The fact that they deemed everyone in the dorm able enough to skip a year of Academy training was high praise indeed. However the lack of information surrounding the forthcoming test certainly made it seem daunting. As we walked back to the decompression chambers for our final night I resolved to speak to my flaming haired muse Rinoa and the other fourth years as soon as possible. The others quickly went their separate ways, taking advantage of whatever method of coping they thought best for the last night of our stay and I headed to the steam rooms to ruminate on the findings of the day. I sat there alone in the swirling mist, completely lost in thought and oblivious to the outside world. At one point I thought I heard the door open and shut, but as no one came in I assumed that they had decided against joining. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and forced my muscles to relax.

  Tough day? Seya asked, her voice sliding its way into my mind.

  “Long and difficult,” I replied, “but with some interesting outcomes. They reckon we are ready for the fourth-year exam.”

  The one that is meant to be life or death and that no-one talks about?

  “The very same.”

  She scoffed. With me by your side there will be nothing we can’t overcome.

  I grinned, of course she was right, Seya and I could handle anything that the Academy could throw at us.

  Though if it is a test then you will really need to work on your awareness, Seya said with an amused purr.

  “What do you mean?”

  That just because you thought the day was over, doesn’t mean I did.

  My eyes shot open but met nothing but swirling steam.

  “S... Seya?” I murmured, casting my awareness as acutely as I possibly could but she had clamped down on the bond, reducing me to my own tools.

  A low growl thrummed through the room, the force of it causing the steam to scatter.

  “Now Seya, let’s talk about this,” I pleaded, walking in what I hoped was the direction of the door.

  You got off too lightly the first time Calidan. The others all had their just desserts. You will too.

  Slowly the steam parted and the majestic face of my Great Heart emerged, her orange eyes glistening with amusement. She licked her massive canines with a long raspy tongue.

  Time for your bath.

  Chapter 2


  “The fourth-year test?” puzzled Rinoa. “You know we aren’t allowed to speak of it, Calidan. So stop asking.”

  I sighed. This was the third attempt I had made to prise some information out of Rinoa during the evening sparring sessions, so far to no avail. It turned out that successful fourth year students and above were banned from explaining anything about the test, a vow that they took very seriously indeed. I deflected a slash to my torso and raised instantly upward into standing guard to block an incoming overhead blow, Rinoa’s sabre sliding off my own curved blade. As I made to riposte at her sword hand I spoke,

  “So there is nothing that you can tell me about the test? No hints or tips?”

  Rinoa swept away my blade and her left hand darted forward to catch my wrist. A quick twist and I landed heavily on the floor, her sword at my throat.

  “You’re not good enough to not be concentrating on fighting me Calidan,” she said, a glorious smile softening the (truthful) blow of her words, “and I suspect that this will continue to be the case unless I answer what I can...then perhaps I can have a real challenge.”

  She extended her hand and pulled me up from the mud. The weather had been distinctly unseasonal, a far cry from the cloudless desert skies that I had been experiencing up until lately, with almost constant rain for the past week. As I brushed off what mud I could - I already looked like a man made of clay - Rinoa spoke softly.

  “The reason that no one can tell you about the test
is that it changes completely each year. And when I mean completely, I don’t just mean a slight change of location. Rumour has it that one year’s test was a two-month survival challenge in the frozen wastes of the north, whilst another was to infiltrate a large-scale smuggling operation. It seems entirely up to whoever organises the test.” She smiled sadly. “Aside from the ban on talking about our tests the other reason most people will not talk about it is because they will have lost friends...I know that you know how that feels, with Damien not being here, and most do not want to relive that.” She paused, as if weighing her choice of words carefully. “What I will say is this, the test is an individual assessment, each of you will be out there on your own. Even if you meet up and work together one of you could theoretically pass and the other fail, so make sure that you do your best at all times because, rest assured, someone will be watching. Be prepared for anything, your greatest threat could range from weather and animals to bandits or slavers to even something as simple as disease. Without knowing what you are going into I recommend what everyone recommends - ensure you know how to survive with nothing but your own hands.”

  I felt inwardly confident at this. Months of living on the mountain, surviving with only Seya, the Tracker and Cassius for company, had better prepared us for survival-based exercises than any amount of Academy training. My confidence must have shown on my face because Rinoa frowned and spoke again, “The only other thing I would say is that if the test is down to whichever Imperator is setting it then I would assume that the Imperator knows everything about you. In that case expect that the test will not play to your strengths, but to your weaknesses.” Again her eyes clouded, as though remembering something distant and painful. I nodded and thanked her profusely.

  “No need for thanks,” she replied as she threw me my sword, “just fight better!”

  Whilst I would like to say that concentrating on the fight made me thoroughly and comprehensively victorious I cannot. Now a fifth year, Rinoa’s skill with her blade made mine look positively shabby in comparison. Cassius, as usual, was the only one among the dorm who could remotely match the higher-level students. Cassius aside, the rest of us were good, but we were not yet near the weapon mastery professed by a fully-fledged Imperator. So it was that a relatively bruised and muddy group trudged back to the dorm whilst I parted ways, going to check in on Seya who had been very excited to see me on the night of my return from overseas. My cheek still felt raw from the licking I received. I spent the night pondering Rinoa’s words whilst curled up in Seya’s paws and wondered who would set the test, and how it would change if the Imperator knew that I was bonded to a Great Heart.


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