A Hurt So Sweet Volume Two: A Dark High School Bully Romance

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A Hurt So Sweet Volume Two: A Dark High School Bully Romance Page 13

by Rosewood, Betti

  “Before the school, a driver should be waiting, we just need to…”

  “You just need to what?”

  Caspian materializes in front of us, lazily smoking a joint as he regards us with cool indifference. He takes a long drag, staring at me hungrily through the smoke coming off his blunt.

  "Going somewhere?" he asks us, raising a brow at us.

  "Anywhere where you aren't," I hiss in response, making him smirk and put out the blunt with his boot.

  He approaches us lazily, like a predator that's confident enough to toy with his prey before he ends its life.

  "Booth! Over here!" he calls out, and the sound of two pairs of feet jogging toward us makes me realize just how much trouble I'll be in now.

  But I'm determined to stand up for myself this time around. I'm not going to let Dexter walk all over me anymore. He may think he owns me, but I'm done playing this game of cat and mouse.

  "Well well well," he speaks up a moment later, once he's reached us, and the three of them have surrounded us, preventing us from getting away. "Consorting with the enemy, I see. Brantley."

  "Booth," Easton half-mutters, half-snarls.

  The two boys nod at one another. There's no love lost between them; I can already tell. And when they're standing as close as they are right now, I can really feel their magnetic presence. They're both powerful in Eden Falls, but Dexter still has that upper hand.

  "I have to say, Brantley, I don't much appreciate you hanging around my fiancée," Dex hisses.

  "Ex-fiancée," Easton corrects him.

  Dexter's enraged eyes go to mine, and I almost expect him to hit me, flinching away from the slap that never lands on my cheek.

  "I see she's been telling you all her secrets," Dexter says. "Well, I think that's over now. Now, you're going to watch me show you who she belongs to, since there appears to be some confusion over who owns Pandora Oakes."

  "Nobody owns me," I throw out. "Maybe that's why I prefer Easton’s company over yours. Because he doesn't treat me like property like the rest of you."

  Dexter smirks at me. "You really are fucking naive, aren't you, Pandora? He's just like the rest of us."

  "No, he's not," I'm quick to come to my new friend's defense. "He's a league above everyone else in this fucked-up town, especially you Firstborns."

  "We'll see," Dexter drawls out, giving Easton a knowing look. "Julian, Caspian, hold him the fuck down. We've got a little show to put on. Remember Pandora, bad toys get broken."

  The two guys obey his order instantly, restraining Easton and grabbing him by the arms. They drag him away from me, and even though Easton tries to fight them, both of them together are too strong for him.

  "Dexter, what are you doing?" I demand. "We can all just walk away from this now, it'll be like nothing happened. Don't do anything stupid. You know you're already in trouble with my father."

  "Oh, you suddenly remembered?" he hisses at me. "I thought you conveniently forgot all about that. Not that I give a shit. I take what I want, toy."

  He makes a grab for me, and I break out into a run, one last attempt to get away from him. But Dexter's too fast, his legs longer and besides, he's physically stronger than I ever will be. He grabs me by the waist, dragging me back before Easton.

  "Heard about your little kiss," Dex gets out through gritted teeth.

  Fuck. How does he know about that?

  "I have eyes and ears everywhere," he goes on, as if he can hear the thoughts in my head. "So don't think you can get away with the bad shit you've been doing lately, Pandora."

  "Why would I still answer to you?" I hiss. "We're not engaged anymore. I'm nothing to you now."

  "That's up for discussion," he tells me coolly. "And I like to keep an eye on my property."

  "I'm not your fucking property." I kick him in the shin, but he just laughs, making me realize just how powerless I am against his iron fist.

  With a single rip, he tears my blouse open down the front. Buttons fly everywhere and I gasp as he rips my bra open next, leaving me exposed in front of the other three guys.

  "Dexter!" I hiss, attempting to cover up my chest, but he won't let me.

  He pins my arms behind my back, standing behind me and biting down on my neck hard enough so I know he'll leave a bruise.

  "Look at what you can't have, Brantley," Dex says to Easton. "You really are fucking obsessed with what's mine, aren't you? It's just such a shame they all end up choosing me in the end."

  "You're fucking sick, Booth," Easton mutters.

  His brows are knitted together, but he hasn't taken his eyes off me yet. His gaze is glued to my nipples that are getting harder and harder in the chilly autumn air. Fuck. I hope the players can't see this from the field. I don't want Brazen seeing me like this. It's so messed up that no one is attempting to break this gang up. I guess even the football team's coach is turning a blind eye to the actions of the Firstborns.

  "You're the sick one," Dexter tells Easton. "You're the one fucking looking when you know you can never fucking have her. You know, Brantley, all I fucking asked was for you to bend the goddamn knee. But you refused. And what for? Just to make a poor little bitch suffer?"

  "I'm not a bitch!" I cry out, thrashing my body against his to no avail.

  "Shut up, toy," Dexter growls in my ear, making a grab for my bare tits.

  His touch is rough, leaving marks on my skin and making me shiver. Fuck. I hate that he makes me feel this way. I hate that he makes me need his cruel touch.

  "Goddamn it, Booth, let's see some good stuff," Caspian calls out from his spot on the lawn. "I want pussy. I've seen those tits a thousand times now."

  "Your wish is my command," Dexter replies mockingly. "You know, Easton, if you'd asked nicely, I would've let you have a go with her... but you fucked up your chances now."

  He pulls my skirt down, leaving me exposed in nothing but a thong. I'm shivering, cold and fucking scared as hell as they drink me in.

  "Thong off," Julian demands, and Caspian starts nodding along with his request. "Let's see her bare."

  "Gladly," Dexter says, ripping my thong off and making me shriek.

  I attempt to cross my legs, but it's too late. All of them are staring at me now, drinking in inch after inch of my waxed skin. I fucking hate them. I hate what they're doing to me, and I hate how wet it's making me.

  "I think she wants this," Caspian speaks up. "Check to see if she's wet."

  Dex shoves his hand between my legs unceremoniously, showing them his wet fingers.

  "Someone's coming." Julian motions to the field. "Should we leave?"

  "What?" Dexter raises his eyes to the figure approaching us. "No, fuck that. Whoever it is, they have to listen to me."

  A moment later, I realize the person who's walking up to us is Brazen. I groan, hating the fact that he's about to see me in such a vulnerable position. From a few steps away, my brother calls out to Dexter.

  "Yo, Booth. Let the fuck go of my sister."

  "Half-sister, if I recall correctly," Dexter calls back.

  Brazen's eyes are clouded over and he shocks us all by walking straight to Dexter, slamming his fist into my ex-fiancé’s face.

  "I said let the fuck go," Brazen snarls. "Or I'm telling my father."

  "Jesus, calm down," Dex picks himself up, wincing as he touches his fingertips to his eye. "Are you fucking crazy? You know who I am, Brazen?"

  "I know who you are," my brother nods. "I also know what you did."

  I shoot him a panicked glance. How could he possibly know?

  "My father told me," Brazen goes on. "And we both know what that means for me, don't we, Booth?"

  If he really does know... then he also knows my Firstborn status will go to him if this comes out. What's the point of not telling everyone? He would be so much better off, and he doesn't give a shit about me, anyway.

  Brazen looks at me, winking as he says to Dexter, "Let her go. And Brantley, too."

  "Or else what?"
Dexter hisses.

  "Or else I get my father on this field and watch him skin you alive," Brazen grunts.

  "This isn't over," Julian says, pushing Easton forward and making him stumble. "Come on Caspian, we'd better get going."

  I'm starting to realize that beside Dexter, there's only one person these boys have respect for - and that's my father.

  Dexter and Brazen continue to glare at one another while I quickly pick up my stuff and get dressed, covering up as much of my body as I can with my now ripped clothes.

  "Pandora, meet me in front of the school in ten," Brazen tells me. "I'm gonna have a private conversation with Dexter here, and then we're going home."

  "O-Okay," I manage, checking to make sure if Easton's okay.

  He gives me a curt nod, and we leave together, with the other two guys facing off in a silent blinking contest.

  "I'm so sorry," I rush to tell Easton.

  "Don't be," he shakes his head. "I should have protected you. I'll figure this out, Pandora. We can't let them treat you this way."

  "Thank you." I surprise myself by saying it, but it feels damn good to have an ally. "See you tomorrow?"

  "Yeah. You okay to get home?"

  "Yes, our driver's taking me and Brazen."

  "Alright. See you, princess." He gives me a lopsided grin that does things to my stomach before walking away.

  I stand in front of the building, nervously checking to see if Julian and Caspian are still around. But there's no sign of them, and when Brazen joins me moments later, even Dexter is nowhere to be seen.

  "Why did you help me?" I ask my brother as we climb into the car waiting for us. "You didn't have to do that."

  "I feel sorry for you," he mutters. "You're just in a sorry state, aren't you? You're gonna have to learn how to stand up for yourself. I don't have time to keep an eye on you."

  "Nobody asked you to."

  "Well, I'd say you should be pretty grateful I did."

  I fasten my seatbelt, giving him a guilty look as I mutter, "I guess. Thanks."

  "Don't mention it." He's already on his phone, not paying me any more attention. "And Pandora?"


  "Here." He tosses me a shirt from his gym bag. "You've got hickeys all over your chest. Put that on so father doesn't fucking kill you on sight."

  "Thanks," I murmur.

  There's got to be a reason he's suddenly being nice to me. I make a mental note to find out what it is, but for the time being, I remain silently grateful. Brazen fucking Oakes, the most unlikely of saviors proved to be the most capable one.



  One and a half years ago

  I feel empty. Hollow. Numb.

  My family has been wiped out by the fire that ruined everything. It’s all gone – my past, my present and future reduced to ash within hours.

  All I have left is the girl I love. Lily Anna, sweet Lily Anna, who hasn’t left my side once since all of this happened.

  She sat next to me on the hospital bed, curled up close when I shook and trembled, my body retching from all the smoke I’d consumed. She held my hand, she kissed me, she made it so much better. Yet I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to ever move on after the fire. How was I supposed to resume a normal life now that everything had changed?

  “Son, the doctors dismissed you three days ago. It’s time to go home.”

  I look up into the eyes of Emilian Oakes, Lily Anna’s father. He’s been celebrated as a hero over the past week for saving me from the raging fire that took my parents’ lives. He was humble, accepting the praise with a somber expression, knowing he could only save one of the Booths.

  I groan as I push myself off the bed.

  “I don’t want to go back home,” I mutter.

  “You must,” Emilian speaks up, landing a heavy hand on my shoulder. “They have already begun the repairs on the house. You won’t even be able to notice what happened there after they’re done.”

  “No?” I ask bitterly. “So, a fresh coat of paint and replacing the windows will just take everything away? I’ll just be able to magically forget I’m a goddamn orphan now?”

  “I’m sorry, Dexter,” Emilian speaks up, motioning for me to sit down at the small table in the corner of the room with him. “Come here, I want to speak to you.”

  Begrudgingly, I walk over to him and occupy the chair opposite his. I refuse to look at him. I’m still harboring hard feelings because he saved me, not my mother.

  Everything could have been different. I could be dust – she could be here.

  Unfortunately, it didn’t work out that way.

  “I need you to be strong,” Emilian speaks up now. “Not just for yourself but… for my daughter, too.”

  I glare at him and he sighs, rubbing his temples before speaking up again.

  “Dexter, what happened was an unmistakable tragedy. I know you will need years to return to normal. But you need to stay strong. You need to be the man your parents raised you to be. And Lily Anna… I am still willing to go through with the marriage we’ve arranged between the two of you. But you need to pick yourself up a little, along with her. I can’t allow my daughter to waste away because of you. Do you understand?”

  My lips form a thin line as I regard the handsome older man before me.

  Yeah, I do understand. Lily Anna doesn’t deserve to suffer. I should try harder because of her.

  I end up giving Emilian a curt nod, and he smiles at me in relief.

  “I think it’s time you went home,” he says gently, touching my shoulder. “Your butler, Anders, is waiting for you downstairs in the car. He will help you get your bearings and recover from what happened. I’ll get your things. Will you come with me?”

  After a moment’s hesitation, I find myself nodding again.

  Maybe Oakes is right.

  Maybe it is time to go back home.

  We walk downstairs together. Every member of the hospital staff we meet on the way avert their eyes from mine. Good. I don’t feel like looking at any-fucking-one.

  Outside, a black limo is waiting with the driver in the front seat, and Anders leaning against the car. He moves toward me the moment he sees me, but stops in his tracks a moment later, as if he’s unsure how he’s supposed to treat me after everything that’s happened.

  “I’m so sorry,” he finally speaks up, and I can tell from his tone he really is.

  He was a close friend of my father, a decade-long confidant. I know this has hit him hard, too.

  I nod at Anders and he helps me get in the car. Oakes waves me goodbye, and moments later, we’re driving back to my home, though I don’t know if I’ll ever feel at home there again.

  Anders is quiet for most of the journey, watching the landscape change through the window. Finally, he turns toward me with a heavy expression on his weather-beaten face.

  “Master Booth, there’s something we must discuss,” he speaks up in a grave tone.

  “What is it?” I ask, staring at him, emotionless.

  Whatever he’s about to say – and I have a feeling it won’t be happy news – won’t hurt me as much as everything else already has. My heart is numb. Nothing can cut through the pain I feel already.

  “It’s about Emilian Oakes,” Anders says, fidgeting with the cufflinks of his shirt.

  “What about him?”

  “I… I found out something,” he speaks up, looking into my eyes gravely. “I wanted to tell you – it might not be my place, but I would not forgive myself if I didn’t speak up… I was close with your father, Master Booth. I need you to know I’m telling you the truth.”

  “What is it?” I demand, my heart starting to hammer in my chest.

  “Master Booth, I…” Anders glances around nervously, though the driver can’t hear us as the glass partition is up. “I have reason to believe the fire wasn’t an accident.”

  “What do you mean?” I demand. “A police officer came to see me a few days ago. He said there were ca
ndles burning in my mother’s atelier… he said that’s what set the fire.”

  “I know,” Anders mutters. “I… I believe he was bribed to say that.”

  “What?” I bark, narrowing my eyes at him. “What makes you say that?”

  “I have a connection in the police force, too, and he tipped me off,” Anders admits.

  “Who could set the fire?” I question his words. “The only people who were there were Lily Anna and me.”

  “Don’t forget Emilian Oakes,” Anders says in a soft tone, as if merely mentioning the man’s name is a criminal offense.

  “What about him?” I ask, scratching the back of my head when it hits me.

  My hand slowly falls, and I stare at Anders with narrowed eyes, hating what he’s just suggested.

  “Those are heavy accusations you’re making, Anders.”

  “I know,” he nods gravely. “And trust me, Master Booth, I would not be making them if I wasn’t certain of what I saw.”

  I approach him, grabbing a fistful of his shirt. I can’t even control myself anymore. I need to know the truth. Luckily, Anders seems to understand how important this is to me, and he clears his throat, not mentioning my trembling hands holding him in place.

  “I saw him,” he finally admits. “I saw him in the hallway after I took up some tea for your mother. He said he just wanted to talk to your parents quickly, even though I told him they were busy.”

  “We need to tell the police,” I say firmly, my first reaction to alert the authorities of Eden Falls and get the bastard put behind bars. “We need to call the station right now and tell them.”

  “Master Booth, wait.” Anders’ hand lands on mine and he shakes his head. “I know you want to move into action right away, but I can’t let you do that. Nobody is going to believe you, and even if they did… Oakes is influential in this town, especially with your father being gone. You don’t want a war on your hands. And you best believe me when I tell you he will buy out the whole force to cover his tracks.”

  “But we can’t let him get away with it,” I hiss, unable to hide the tone of desperation in my voice. “We can’t let him go unpunished!”


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