Niko: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 9)

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Niko: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 9) Page 2

by Anna Hackett

  Then he looked up, and his gaze hit hers unerringly.

  Mac held it, not letting herself fall for the panicked need to look away. She felt the punch of heat to her belly, absorbed it with annoyance.

  Then she broke contact and looked away. If she ignored this thing, it would go away.

  “What was that?”

  Cam’s voice made Mac jolt. “What?”

  “Oh, don’t play coy with me, Carides. What the hell was that look I just saw? That panty-melting, I-want-to-lick-you-all-over look that the man—that handsome, sexy-as-sin, artist man—just gave you.”

  Mac resisted the urge to stiffen. It would just give Cam more fuel. “I didn’t see anything.”

  “Mac, you see everything. Girl, the man is hot. And if you missed it, I said hot with underlined, italicized letters.”

  Mac sniffed. “Aren’t you going swimming?”

  Cam’s dark gaze narrowed. “You toss every man over your shoulder and slam him into the training mats. Why not have a little fun for a change? Drag this one down and ride him like a pony.”

  “Cam!” Mac hated that she could picture that image of her and Niko far too clearly.

  “What are two lovely ladies like you doing in a place like this?”

  Cam stiffened like she’d been hit with an electric prod, and Mac barely suppressed a smile. Saved by the berserkers.

  The two men striding down the corridor were the leader and second of Squad Three, better known as the berserkers. These men were wild. The berserkers had been cobbled together from men with…dubious backgrounds. Mercenaries, bikers, and…well, it was best not to ask too many questions.

  Tane and Hemi were brothers, although Tane was a little taller and leaner than his brother, with a harsh, handsome face that was framed by heavy dreadlocks. He stalked closer with a stride that reminded Mac of a big jungle cat. Hemi was rougher, stockier, and had a dark beard that didn’t hide his wide smile. He sauntered like a rock star and his gaze was firmly on Cam.

  “Rahia, just keep your mouth shut,” Cam bit out. “Every time you open it, you make me want to punch you.” Her smile took on an edge. “And I’m still in my armor, so that means I can really hurt you.”

  “Aw, Camryn, you still angry with me about that whole pink helmet incident? Isn’t it time to forgive me?”

  Mac winced. “Hemi, it’s best you don’t bring up the ‘painting the helmet pink’ thing.”

  “Why not?” Something wicked danced in his eyes. “Cam looks so pretty in pink.”

  Cam made a growling sound. She took a step forward, and then slammed her fist into Hemi’s stomach. To the man’s credit, he barely doubled over, but the air did rush out of him. Cam had a hell of a right hook.

  “Tane.” Cam nodded at Squad Three’s leader.

  Tane gave her a nod and a faint smile, then Cam sauntered down the corridor like a model on a catwalk.

  Mac looked at Hemi. “Dude, I don’t know what your game is, but I really don’t think pissing Cam off all the time is a good way to sweet-talk her into your bed.”

  Hemi grinned. “She’ll come around. I have a certain charm.”

  Mac shook her head and pushed open the doors to the Command Center, the men moving to follow her.

  She headed to where Roth was standing with Marcus Steele and Hell Squad’s second in command, Cruz Ramos and his partner, Santha Kade. Mac nodded at some of the other squad leaders, but avoided looking toward the front of the room.

  It didn’t matter, dammit. She was still very conscious that Niko’s gaze was on her the entire time. She could feel it like a physical touch.

  She heaved out a breath. Just ignore it. It’ll go away.

  Chapter Two

  Nikolai Ivanov shoved his hands into his pockets and listened to the squad leaders talking around him. At the last second, he realized he still had paint on his hands, and he’d just smeared it on his jeans. He mentally shrugged. Wasn’t the first time, and he was sure it wouldn’t be the last.

  He was listening as Noah Kim, the brilliant tech genius who’d come from Blue Mountain Base, was talking about upgrading some of the systems at the Enclave. Niko had thought his tech team was good, but Kim had a magic touch with electronics. In the two weeks since he’d arrived, he’d already made the energy and lighting systems thirty percent more efficient. He was looking into the security systems next, and also talking about upgrading some wiring.

  It would benefit everyone here.

  Not everyone had agreed when Niko had invited the Blue Mountain Base survivors to join the Enclave. Before, everyone in the Enclave had been very comfortable, had found a sense of solace and safety in the horror of the alien invasion. Now, their haven was bursting at the seams. But it had been the right thing to do, and Niko didn’t regret it for a second.

  In this new world, humans had to stick together. Under Howell, it hadn’t happened. Niko still burned with anger when he thought about how he’d fallen for the former president’s lies. Howell had spun a compelling story—never once letting on that they’d all been handpicked for his secret little haven at the expense of the rest of the damn world.

  Niko let out a breath. That was the past. The future was integrating the new survivors with the Enclave members. Making everyone into one cohesive group, making it a home for everybody.

  He tuned back into the discussions as they turned to the security and military aspects. Niko stepped forward. “I’ve had extensive discussions with General Holmes this week. We’ve carefully weighed all the options and decided that it is best that General Holmes takes over security and military operations for the Enclave.”

  He saw the Blue Mountain Base squad leaders all nod. They respected the tall, dedicated man who had saved their lives and gotten them this far. Niko glanced over at Adam Holmes. He looked like a general—tall, with a straight bearing, and a distinguished dash of gray at his temples. He’d arrived here looking exhausted, tense, and stressed, but slowly, over the last two weeks, Niko had seen the man start to relax a little. It certainly helped that he had a sexy, blonde bombshell of a girlfriend.

  Then Niko’s gaze fell on the Enclave’s head of security, Captain Kate Scott. She’d been in charge of security all this time, running the place jointly with him. In her early forties and career military, she’d only ever had the best interests of the residents at heart. She’d been the first to suggest the Blue Mountain survivors come here.

  He’d already briefed her on this decision, and she’d agreed it made sense. Still, he knew this must feel like a demotion, and she now had Adam Holmes as a boss. But Kate and her team had been security only…they needed the military expertise of the squads. They’d been out there actively fighting the aliens, taking the offensive. If they were going to do more than just be trapped here in the Enclave for the rest of their lives, they needed to work together, be one unified group.

  Then his gaze fell on Mackenna Carides.

  Now, there was one person he’d like to be more unified with.

  She was dwarfed by the broad-shouldered forms of Roth and Marcus standing beside her, making her look almost delicate by contrast.

  But Niko knew she was as tough as the carbon fiber of her armor.

  Her black hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, accenting a face full of interesting angles. Large, dark eyes were framed by long lashes and she had skin the color of bronze. He couldn’t remember being so intrigued by a woman in a very long time. Tough but beautiful. Smart and straightforward. There were no lies, no pretense, no shades of gray to Mackenna. In their meetings over the last couple of weeks, she’d answered all his questions in simple, clear terms. He liked watching her, trying to work out what made her tick, while in return, she watched him with a vaguely suspicious look.

  He also wanted to see what was beneath that carbon fiber exterior of hers.

  Holmes started talking. “My survivors need some more time to recover.” His blue gaze met Niko’s. “As you know, some are still recovering from their injuries at the
hands of the aliens, plus plenty are still stressed from our escape.”

  Niko felt his jaw tighten. He’d seen some of the ugly scars. He knew some might never fully recover. But he’d do whatever the hell they needed to give them a chance.

  “But,” Holmes continued, “their recovery aside, we still need to discuss a long-term plan to rid the Earth of the Gizzida.”

  Kate leaned forward. “You really believe that’s an option? That we can fight them off? Isn’t that just going to put us all at more risk?”

  The general clasped his hands at the small of his back, his face grim. “We have to find a way, Captain Scott. I do not believe the aliens have any intention of leaving any humans alive, or at least not changed into raptors in their genesis labs. They will not stop until they completely hunt us down.”

  Niko’s gut hardened. He’d seen the images of the genesis labs and the results of the aliens’ cruel experimentation.

  “We need to do it for our children,” Cruz said, from beside Marcus. He reached out and clasped Santha’s hand. The woman had a small, rounded belly, and Cruz placed his other hand protectively on top of it. “Do you want them to grow up trapped here forever? Stuck underground like rats in a maze? This isn’t living.”

  Nyet. No, it wasn’t. Niko had known this day would come.

  “If we stop fighting—” this time it was Mackenna who spoke “—we go soft. We give up.”

  Niko nodded. “I agree we need to formulate a long-term plan. In order to do that, two things are vitally important. First, we need to make better contact with the other human survivors hidden around the world. I know you’ve been in sporadic contact with some bases.”

  Holmes nodded. “Before the aliens wised up and blocked our longer-range communications. Communication with the other human bases has been spotty at best.”

  “We need to find a way around that,” Niko said. “The second thing, the most important thing, is that intel will be vital. We have to have a very clear picture of the alien numbers, what they are doing, and what they have planned. Your drone fleet will be vital to that plan. Your intelligence officers, as well.”

  Santha moved, and another man joined her—her second-in-command, Devlin Gray. Together, the two of them ran the intel team. From what Niko had heard, both of them were very good at sneaking into alien territory, gathering information, and coming back without being discovered.

  “My team has been working on a comprehensive intelligence plan,” Santha said. “As you might have guessed, Dev has been taking over more of the day-to-day operations.” She waved a rueful hand at her belly.

  Devlin Gray nodded at his boss. “We won’t sugarcoat this. We still have large gaps in our intelligence. Areas we can’t get into, or information that just doesn’t make sense to us yet. But we are working on it.”

  The Englishman wore dark slacks, and a white, button-down shirt. There was an elegant grace to him that Niko, as an artist, could admire.

  “We’re working now to map out all alien installations in the area,” Dev added. “And any key locations, as well as their numbers and tactics. Lia and her team are helping to plug a lot of gaps.”

  Lia Murphy pushed her red hair back over her shoulder. “My team is doing what we can to help. As we train new pilots, we’re adding some extra drones. I’ve had some interest from some Enclave members who have flying experience. We’re testing our capabilities and taking the drones further afield, closer into the alien installations.”

  “You can’t risk getting in too close,” a male voice said.

  Niko turned his head and looked at the blond man. It took a second for his name to click. Finn Erickson, head Hawk pilot. The confident way the man leaned against the wall hinted at his ability to pilot the Hawk quadcopters in and out of the combat zones.

  Lia straightened. “My pilots are very good at what they do, and they are getting better every day. We need to keep testing and pushing our capabilities…”

  Finn pushed away from the wall. “Pilots? You know—”

  Lia waved a dismissive hand, interrupting him. “I’ve heard it before.” Her tone was exasperated. “I know you believe pilots have to be strapped onto whatever they’re flying. My guys are better than that. They can fly something without being anywhere near it.”

  Niko coughed to hide a smile. He got the feeling this was an old argument.

  “The work you are all doing is top rate,” he said. “Mackenna has spent some time over the last two weeks, bringing me up to speed. Let’s keep gathering intelligence and we’ll soon work out a plan to strike the aliens right where it will hurt them.” He turned over his wrist and looked at his watch. “As you know, tonight we are holding a welcome dinner. The kitchen staff has been working on a grand feast in honor of the Blue Mountain survivors.”

  Holmes nodded. “My people are excited. They haven’t had much chance to let loose and celebrate.”

  “I think it’s important, both for your survivors, and for the Enclave members. We need to let everyone enjoy each other, and have a good time. It’s important we knock down the barriers and for them to become our people.”

  Holmes nodded.

  “I could eat,” a muscular, bearded man said from the other side of the room.

  There were good-natured grumbles from the other squad members. “Hemi, you’re always thinking with your stomach,” Cruz called out.

  “Or his dick,” someone else added.

  Niko smiled. He’d heard some wild stories about the berserkers. He was pretty certain he’d get a firsthand view of it before too long. “We’ll see everyone up at the Garden for the dinner in a few hours.” As they filed out, Niko shifted his gaze. “Mackenna?”

  She’d already turned to leave, and her spine stiffened. She turned, and even though her face was blank, she looked like he’d just condemned her to Death Row.

  “I was hoping you had a few minutes to go over some things with me. In my office.” He waved to the adjoining door.

  She shrugged a shoulder. “Fine.”

  He really shouldn’t find that grouchy tone sexy, or her armor-covered body so appealing.

  He followed her into his office.


  Mac had never been one for stuffy, glossy offices, but she had to admit, she loved Niko’s.

  It was off the Command Center, with a large wooden desk and a spiffy looking chair that could belong in a Hawk cockpit.

  What she liked most was the large painting he’d hung behind his desk. It was a huge square canvas depicting a stormy day, with lightning cracking through the churning clouds. In the center was a dark-haired woman standing on the edge of a cliff, a yawning, black abyss below. She wore an elegant red dress, the wind whipping the skirt out behind her.

  It was her face that was the best. You could feel the emotion pulsing off her—torment, agony, anguish.

  Mac dropped into a guest chair and watched Niko stalk around his desk. Damn, the man could move. He swaggered. Not with cocky arrogance like Hemi, it was more the feel of a captain striding across the deck of his ship. No, not a captain—a pirate. That was better.

  “I wanted to go over some of the squad training you laid out. I want to ensure you have the facilities you need, and also discuss having some of Kate…Captain Scott’s team try out for places on the squads. Some of them have extensive military experience.”

  There was the slightest hint of a Russian accent in his voice. She could admit to herself that she liked it. “Your gym is better than what we had, so as long as we limit civilian access during squad training times, that will be fine. I can work up a roster with the other squad leaders. With respect to Captain Scott’s team…I think it’s best you discuss that with the general.”

  Niko didn’t sit in his chair; instead, he moved closer, and perched on the edge of the desk. He was too close, and she could feel the heat of him. She could also smell paint. She’d always thought the scent of paint was unpleasant…but mixed with Niko’s scent it wasn’t.

  She s
hifted in her chair. Keep it together, Mac.

  “I’d like to know what you think, Mackenna.”

  “I’ve told you that everyone calls me Mac.” The way he drew out her name, like he was tasting every syllable, was disconcerting.

  “I know.” He had a faint smile on his face. “I prefer Mackenna.”

  She shifted again and stared over his shoulder. “You can’t break up any squads. They’ve been working together, fighting together, and trust each other. I’d test out the captain’s people and make a short list of those who can fill spots if…”

  Niko drew a breath. “If a squad loses anyone.”

  She nodded. No one liked to think about it, but it happened.

  “I know a lot of them want the chance to fight,” he said. “They’ve done an excellent job on Enclave security, but many of them want to fight the raptors.”

  She nodded again. “Is that it?”

  He moved and his leg brushed against hers. She was still wearing her armor, so she couldn’t really feel the touch…but it still somehow burned through her.

  “If this integration between our two groups is going to work, we all need to make an effort.”

  She frowned. “Okay.”

  “You aren’t trying very hard.”

  She sat up straighter. “What do you mean?”

  He shook his head, a faint smile appearing on his lips. “Mackenna, I’ve been trying to get to know you, to put you at ease, but you never let your guard down.”

  She blinked. “Get to know me?”

  He moved now, crouching in front of her. If she wasn’t trapped in a chair, she would have stepped backward.

  “Yes. And I don’t mean like a friend. I mean like I want to know how your lips taste, and what sounds you’d make if I was touching you.”

  Mac thought her heart might have stopped beating. “No.” A low whisper.


  “No.” She shook her head. “I’m a soldier, you’re a…leader.” She waved at the fancy office.


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