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Seducing Sora

Page 21

by C L Walker

  Philip was walking through the crowd of dancers back in our direction with a big smile on his face and he was staring at Amber unabashedly.

  He wasn’t drinking so he could take us home, but he was enjoying himself anyways because that’s the kind of guy he was. He was happy enough to be around his people and I adored him for it.

  She stared at him in return with a look of determination on her face as she spoke to me. “Do you think he will turn me down?”

  “Hell no, look at how he looks at you,” I said, and the words were barely out of my mouth when she pushed off the wall and took off towards him.

  My mouth dropped open when she reached him, and without a word she pulled his face down to hers and kissed him. A few seconds later after the initial shock wore off his arms wrapped around her body and he pulled her against him.

  Within ten seconds they were full on mauling each other in the middle of a crowd of people that kept bumping into them, and they didn’t even notice.

  She had more courage than I gave her credit for as she had walked straight up to him and demanded attention and got it.

  It wasn’t my moment, but it was still one I’d remember forever, it was the stuff of romantic novels and movies. With the way the music was vibrating through the room and they were oblivious to everyone else.

  But rather than watch my best friends make out I grabbed a beer and left the barn. I figured it’d be awkward riding home with them, so I decided to pass and let them have alone time to sort out their business.

  I walked all the way down the dirt road as I sipped on my beer and considered my options for getting home, and since my parents were probably toasted themselves, I knew there was only one option.

  Me: Are you up?

  Sora: For you? Always...

  Me: Why do I get the feeling you meant that in an inappropriate way?

  Sora: I have no idea.

  Me: Reasonable.

  Sora: What can I do for you?

  Me: Can't a girl just want to talk?

  Sora: Okay go.

  Me: Why are you so back and forth? You’re being nice again.

  Sora: I don’t know. I’m sorry...

  Me: I forgive you. Salty or sweet?

  Sora: I am not sure I deserve that but thank you. And, Salty for sure. You?

  Me: I need a ride…

  Sora: Well that escalated quickly.

  Me: Pick me up? I’m walking down the dirt road from the barn, pretty please?

  Me: Also, sweet is better.

  Sora: You shouldn’t have left the barn; it’s not safe Kyla, go back.

  Me: No, just hurry up : )

  Sora: I didn’t say I was coming

  Me: Are you really going to let me walk home in the dark for the next hour when it’s only a five-minute drive!?

  Sora: Of course not. I’m already in my car.

  Seven minutes went by and I had made it to the main road, so I continued to walk as I figured the further away from the barn the better, in case someone recognized Sora’s car.

  A car came up behind me so I switched sides as I belatedly remembered I should have been walking against traffic.

  The car slowed down and pulled off the road.

  I turned to look behind me nervously, I wasn’t the paranoid type, but I did realize how easy it would have been to snatch me with no houses around.

  It was an old country back road that had little traffic even during the day.

  “Hey!” I jumped when a man called out to me. “Hey Kyla, you want a ride?” he asked.

  I squinted at the man and realized it was Danny, he had been watching me like a hawk at the party so I should have known he’d follow me.

  Why he was suddenly interested was beyond me, he didn’t even say hi to me in the hallways. We had become strangers overnight and that was the end of whatever we had. It must have been nice for him to have no accountability for how he treated others.

  “No thanks!” I said, and of course he ignored me and crossed the street to come to my side.

  He brushed a blond lock out of his face, a subtle move I used to swoon over, but he was so far from my current type it was a wonder that I ever liked him in the first place.

  His lips formed a pout. “Come on, it’s ten o'clock at night let me give you a ride.” He grabbed my arm and I tried to shake him off, but he wouldn’t let go so I stopped to face him.

  I was pissed and I hoped it showed. “Look I’d rather walk a hundred miles in the dark before I’d get in the car with your slimy ass.” I tried to pull my arm out of his grasp to no avail. “Let me go!”

  His eyebrows lowered angrily as he looked down his nose at me. “Why are you avoiding me, we used to be really close? I’ve always cared about you, so you can’t just treat me like that.” He tugged me towards his car, but I dug my heels in.

  “What a load of shit! Do you really think I’m the kind of girl that would fall for that?” I asked.

  He ignored me and kept tugging with a smile on his face as if he didn’t think I could possibly be serious about denying him.

  “Let go of me now Danny this isn’t funny. You’re making me uncomfortable!” I tried to look around and formulate a plan if he really insisted on forcing me into his car. “I’m going to straight up punch you in your dick if you don’t let go.”

  He laughed and it infuriated me, I didn’t take him for the type to be so pushy, but I guess I never saw that side of him because I had always said yes. But it turned out he didn’t take no for an answer, and even if he thought to help me out of concern for me walking alone that was not the way to go about it.

  I tugged again and let myself drop to the ground completely, if he was going to drag me, he was going to drag dead weight and I needed him to turn around. I was going to attack his most prized possession with my fist.

  “Wow, that’s a little much, it’s not like I’m going to hurt you geez,” he said, as he turned around to look down at me.

  Maybe I was overthinking it, but it didn’t matter because a car had pulled up behind us and it had to be Sora, so I’d be fine either way.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Sora asked, as he pulled me up off the pavement.

  I didn’t need to answer him because the scene spoke for itself.

  He walked up to Danny and grabbed him by his collar and hauled his face up to his own. “I may be a teacher, but I’ll tell you what kid, I’d gladly lose my job laying out a punk like you so don’t fucking tempt me.”

  Danny was several inches shorter than Sora and all around weaker and I watched anger pass over his face as he sized up Sora and realized he would lose the fight.

  Sora pushed him away and Danny hit his car with his back and brushed himself off.

  “I just wanted to give her a ride home, I was trying to help,” Danny said.

  Sora scoffed and looked at him like he was an idiot. “I don’t think dragging a girl to your car would be considered helping by anyone’s standards, especially the police. No means no, you little fuck.” Sora got in his face again and Danny plastered himself to his car with nowhere to retreat.

  “If I ever catch you, or even hear about you treating someone like this again, I won’t hesitate to beat your ass and inform the swim coach to make sure you lose your spot on the team. And as for her, don’t even fucking look at her again. Understood?”

  Danny nodded his head and Sora let him go, once Sora turned around Danny gave me a dirty look as if the situation were my fault.

  Maybe he hadn’t meant to come offcreepy and forceful, but he needed to know that his behavior hadn’t been appropriate because it scared me no matter what his intentions had been.

  “I’ll drive you home Miss Nilsen,” Sora said, as he gestured to his car.

  I nodded my head as I continued to stare at Danny, he shook his head and opened his door to get in his car and a few seconds later he peeled out, kicking rocks and dust up as he went.

  Once I got in Sora’s car, I finally took a deep breath and grasped my
hands together because they were shaking so badly.

  He reached over and pulled my seatbelt over me before he turned onto the road.

  His hand reached over, and he laced his fingers through mine without saying anything, as he waited for my emotions to catch up with me.

  And finally, I released my tears.

  “Honestly, what the heck was that? He hasn’t talked to me in over a year and then he does that? What a stupid asshole,” I said.

  “His attention was rather sudden but that’s how people like him are. He thinks the world is his for the taking, he’s probably been through enough girls now and saw you as something exciting again. He thought you’d be easy,” he said.

  “I had been easy for him.” I sniffled and dried my eyes.

  He slapped the steering wheel and it made me jump. “Don’t say things like that,” he said.

  “Okay, you’re right, I shouldn’t say such things about myself,” I said.

  He gave my hand a gentle squeeze and we remained silent the rest of the way to his house.

  He pulled inside his garage, turned off the car and faced me. “Sorry I got irritated. But you’re anything but easy, you’re just about the most difficult female that has ever…”

  “Don’t make jokes right now! That’s not the kind of easy I meant, and you know it. If anyone is difficult it’s you. You’re wishy washy! Here is you in a nut shell, you’re inappropriate, here’s a present from my prized collection, you can’t do this, I’m going to cuddle you all night, you need to stay away, we can’t do this.”

  “Kyla,” he said, but I wasn’t about to stop.

  We got out of the car and went inside, and I kept yapping hysterically. “I’m going to kiss you, but no we can’t do this, but don’t kiss him either. My jobs more important but I’m going to threaten a student for harassing you… blah blah blah.”

  “Kyla!” he said when we reached his living room.

  “What?” I asked.

  He stood in front of me with his eyebrows raised as he looked like someone just tried to explain the meaning of life to him and he couldn’t follow. “Understood. Now, do you want to watch a movie?”

  “Nope, no way.” I shook my head and walked to his back door. “Not happening, I am not doing this with you right now. Nope. Thanks for the ride.”

  I opened the door and he called out to me, but I tuned out whatever he said.

  “K bye!” I yelled, as I closed the door behind me.

  I was going home to sleep and not waste another moment thinking about men.

  Sora's POV (>^.^)> <3

  I couldn’t blame her, I was being all over the place, I was scared to lose my job, but I was also scared to lose her. I didn’t know if I wanted to date her, but I knew I wanted her in my life. Relationships were never my thing and I had little doubt that would change.

  I wanted her but once I had her I’d probably break her heart and put myself at an even higher risk than I already was.

  I acted like a complete moron at school, I kissed her in my classroom, it doesn’t get more reckless than that.

  But God it was amazing, she tasted sweet and her naivety made me feel powerful.

  I wanted to be the one to show her what it could be like, what it should be like with a man and not some snot nosed teenage boy.

  She had me feeling that day like I could give in and do just that, and of course it’s the day she wanted nothing to do with me.

  But who could blame her?

  I was lying on my couch a half hour after she had left when there was a knock on my back door. I took off from the couch too quickly and took the blanket with me and tripped over it as it was wrapped around my foot. I caught myself on the wall and then I turned around and picked up the offending blanket and threw it on my couch with all my might.

  I finally made it to the door in one piece, pulled back the curtain to see if it was her and barely managed to hold back a smile when I saw that it was.

  I pulled open the door as calmly as I could manage but somehow, I ended up pulling it too hard and it banged into the wall. I cringed at the sound with a heavy sigh as she let herself in.

  “Did you change your mind?” I asked, although it was obvious that she had.

  She was wearing her American flag onesie again and her head was tucked into the hood so when she looked down all I could see was her tempting mouth. She also had a giant hot pink body pillow wrapped around her torso that she was holding up with both hands.

  She nodded her head in answer and waddled into my living room where she plopped herself down on my couch.

  I grabbed some soda and snacks and set them on the coffee table before I went to my shelf and browsed my movies.

  “How do you feel about something scary?” I asked.

  “No, the reason I’m here is because I was too scared to be alone so I’d rather not.”

  I looked down at her downcast eyes and felt sick to my stomach, I couldn’t imagine how she must have felt.

  “I’m sorry do you want to talk about it?” I asked, and she shook her head, and I could tell she meant it, so I dropped it. “Okay, how about you pick then.” I sat down on the couch and waited for her to get up and look over my movie collection.

  She got up finally after glancing at me several times and I couldn’t help but laugh at her, she was swimming in patriotic pajamas, but I still wanted to have sex with her and what did that say about me?

  She could wear anything, and I’d want to take it off her.

  “Don’t laugh at me,” she said.

  “I am only laughing because you’re cute of course.”

  “Is that why you laughed at me that day in my backyard?” she asked.

  “Well,” I said, “I did find you cute even then, but I had laughed because it was amusing to see you in your backyard doing yoga in an outfit like that.”

  “Sure you did.” She picked a movie and put it in the player before she sat down beside me and wrapped her pillow back around her.

  With the way she was acting I figured that pillow was supposed to be some kind of a barrier between us, as if that would protect her.

  “What did you pick?” I asked.

  She cracked open a soda and took a loud sip before she answered. “A movie.” Then she snatched the bag of sour cream and onion chips out of my hands and started munching on them.

  I grabbed the bag back and held it out of her reach, she struggled to get it back as she leaned across my body and smacked me in the chest.

  “What movie Ky?” I froze after I called her ‘Ky’ as I remembered how she had blown up on that kid for making the same mistake, but instead of scolding me she blushed and stopped reaching for the chips.

  “Queen of The Damned,” she said.

  I gave her back the chips and ruffled her hair because I knew it would irritate her and I liked to see her pout.

  The hood slid down and she turned slowly towards me and peered down her nose at me in disgust. Then she flung her hood back up quickly and scooted closer to the arm of the couch and away from me.

  I found it impossible to concentrate and I was tired of trying, I wanted to be closer to her, and I wanted her to stop acting like an unfeeling ice cube.

  So, I grabbed her pillow and yanked it out from around her despite her squeals and chucked it across the room.

  “Hey!” she shouted.

  I ignored her and pulled her onto my lap and wrapped my arms around her.

  She stared at my face, but I continued to watch the movie and pay her no mind.

  After a few minutes she relaxed and sank against me, ten minutes later she sank even lower and forced my legs to spread to accommodate her body.

  Eventually she laid her head on the arm rest and looked at peace and it made me happy to know that she felt safe with me.

  I was surprised she had admitted she was scared but when she did, I regretted not beating that kids’ ass. I was furious when I pulled up and saw his hands on her, and when I saw the look on her face and the f
ear in her eyes, I about lost it.

  Even if it was all I could do, even if I couldn’t keep her, even if I couldn’t love her like she deserved then the least I could do was keep her safe.

  Chapter 23


  I woke up with his arm around my waist, as his body was pressed up against mine and his face was buried in my hair.

  I smiled beside myself with happiness, whatever I had been expecting from him I never anticipated it feeling so good to touch him and be touched in return.

  It made me excited about whatever was to come but also extremely nervous.

  I turned slowly in his arms to face him, I thought he was still asleep because his eyes were closed but he sat up suddenly and pulled me under him and he positioned himself between my legs.

  I briefly experienced embarrassment as he looked down at me and I recalled what I was wearing.

  “Good morning beautiful,” he whispered on my lips, before he kissed me.

  He kissed a trail across my cheek and down my neck where he nestled his face.

  “Good morning Sexy,” I said, and then I wrapped my legs around his hips to keep him there when he decided he needed to pull away as I am sure he would.

  “Am I hurting you?” he asked, and I got chills from his breath against my neck that traveled down my spine and throughout my whole body.

  He was lying on me, but I liked the pressure, he had me trapped but I felt protected.

  “No, this feels good.” Too good. Too tempting.

  We laid there for a while without saying anything until the room started growing light from the rising sun.

  “Here comes reality Kyla,” he whispered softly against my skin.

  Did that mean he was going to revert to pushing me away?

  I was afraid to ask because I didn’t know what I was going to do if he pushed me away again.

  He kissed me again but with more desperation than before, as his hands searched my body. His touch was light as it trailed over my stomach and I cursed myself for wearing those stupid pajamas even though the fact that he still wanted me in them was sweet.


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