His Command

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His Command Page 16

by Sophie H. Morgan

  Hailey allowed herself a smile as she curled up on the couch next to Quentin. The two had come over from work for a gossip session at Hailey’s apartment. She hadn’t wasted time in catching them up with the Serena/Ethan meeting. “I just got so mad,” she said, nose wrinkling. “You should’ve heard the way Ethan spoke down to me. Like my world still existed to orbit him.”

  The rain outside pattered on the windows, creating a cozy confessional as she glanced between them.

  “I was sitting there, looking at him talking down to me, and I realized just how lucky I was that he dumped me.” She smoothed a thumb over the bottleneck she held, the beer fizzing a little inside as it rocked.

  She knew she still had a way to climb to get back on top of her self-confidence, and further still to wipe out any feelings for Ethan at all—her pettiness regarding her and Ryder’s “relationship” was proof that, even though any fuzzy feelings had dissipated, she still harbored plenty of the want-to-see-him-soaked-with-honey-and-tied-naked-to-an-ant-hill ones. But she was still going to take the realization as progress.

  She grimaced, thinking of her speech. Flinging Ryder’s expertise in Ethan’s face had felt amazing but . . . “It wasn’t very professional, though.”

  Quentin swirled the red wine he held with his eyebrows raised. “I say, screw professional. It was well done—and a long time coming.”

  “Halle-fricking-lujah. I’ll drink to that.” Max tipped her bottle. “Time to wake up and realize you’ve got a fine as fuck Genie sniffing around your heels—and other parts.”

  Instant heat slammed into Hailey’s cheeks. She made an intent study of the glass. “Mmm.”

  Quentin froze, then half rose out of his seat. “Hang on. You’ve got secrets face.”

  Crap. Hailey wiped clean her expression. “What? No, I don’t.”

  “He’s right.” Max squinted and then jerked. “Wait.” Incredible excitement flashed across her made-up face. “You’ve slept with him. Hailey Lawson, you baaad girl. You’ve been seeing him, what, two weeks?”

  Not even that, Hailey thought.

  God, she hated keeping a secret like this from her friends, but what could she do? She told herself they’d understand, and for now, she’d try not to lie too much in the hopes that, if they ever did find out, they wouldn’t go too ballistic.

  Still, even though Max and Quentin thought she was hot to trot for a Genie, she didn’t have to put around that she put out so quickly. Even in a fake relationship, she wasn’t that kind of girl.

  “No,” she said, forcing a straight face and praying no blush spiraled into her cheeks. “We haven’t slept together yet.”

  “Christ’s sake, why not?” Max pouted, raking a hand through her red mane. “Body like that’s going to waste without someone jumping him.”

  Graphic images of hot skin, rough hands, soft lips shimmered in Hailey’s mind as she chugged some beer. She slid her tongue around her teeth as she swallowed. “I’m not sure I’m ready to be that intimate with another man so soon.”

  Quentin nodded. “Sex involves trust, and you’ve been hurt before.”

  “Trust, schmust,” Max said. “Your brain might not be ready, but your lady parts sure are. They’re whispering right now.”

  Hailey’s cheeks sizzled as she tried to think of something to say that wasn’t a fervent agreement.

  “So eloquent,” Quentin drawled as she came up empty. He glanced at Max across the rim of his wineglass. “Does that make Ryder or you the lady-part whisperer?”

  “Bite me, Q.”

  Hailey relaxed as the two bickered. Maybe they’d lose track of where the conversation had started and—

  “Does he want to?”

  —Or not.

  Hailey squirmed in her seat. “He’s a man, isn’t he?” She squeezed her eyes closed, exhaled. “Honestly, I don’t know how much longer I can hold out. He was all over me the other night. His lips. His hands . . .”

  She heard the hollow thump of Max hitting the cushion again before it hit Hailey in the face.

  “Ow,” she complained, glaring as she shoved the cushion off. “That actually hurt.”

  “I’ll get you a Band-Aid.” Max leaned in, all quivering attention. “Spill all. Every detail. Man.” She shook her head, eyes wide. “We’re your best buds—we get to know the deets when a Genie gets up and personal with you. You should’ve been on the phone straight after. Hell, during. You know I like to watch.”

  “I sincerely hope you’re kidding.”

  Max just grinned at Quentin’s distasteful look.

  Hailey ignored the two and groaned. “It’s so bad.” She covered her face with her hands. “I ache for him sometimes. It’s not like me.”

  “Hales, you were in a relationship with Mr. Wilting Lily for three years.” Quentin patted her knee. “I think you deserve to have something casual.”

  “Hell, yeah. Throw your prissy caution to the wind and ride him like a cowgirl. Blow the Ethan cobwebs out once and for all with some uncomplicated, uncontrolled fun.” Max nudged her with her foot. “Let go a little.”


  Max and Quentin’s words echoed in Hailey’s mind like a CD stuck on repeat. She hadn’t made a decision yet; she didn’t know how to. Reason versus desire. What she knew versus what she wanted. Maybe it was like one of those novels when she’d just know when she next saw him. Like—ha—magic.

  Unfortunately, the next time she saw Ryder was their scheduled appearance on Lisette’s Hour.

  She fiddled with her simple amber necklace as she sat next to him in the waiting room at the studio. He lounged with a sports magazine in hand, head to toe in what she’d call cowboy casual or his staple look of Wranglers and white tee. Apparently, Genies never felt the cold. His black hair was messy, bed hair that the female viewers would love, along with the rough stubble that he hadn’t shaved away.

  She, by contrast, was dressed to impress. A gorgeous silk dress she’d unearthed in Macy’s in an apricot color that set off her skin tone skimmed her body down to just above the knee. On her feet she wore her pride and joys, the only pair of designer heels she owned, a to-die-for pair of Louboutins in nude. Her hair was twisted back off her face and clipped, her makeup subtle, her jewelry drops of amber at her ears and the necklace she couldn’t stop twiddling.

  It wasn’t all about her needing to look good to feel confident. The press knew she was associated with Erica Pearce. If she’d gone on in jeans and sweater, the Duchess would’ve sucked down about twenty cigarettes before booting her on the ass.

  The room she and Ryder had been shown to offered no real distraction for the fact that they were about to be broadcasted to millions of viewers live, faking an affair. Standard furniture of a couple of chairs, with a mirror for a last check of appearances, some foliage to appease the decorator, and framed, signed photos of celebrities and Genies (and weren’t they the same thing?) hung on the biscuit-colored walls.

  She was sure Morgan Freeman was judging her for being unable to stop thinking about sex.

  Above her head buzzed the TV, which was switched to Lisette’s Hour. Winston Morris, famous for being the lottery presenter, infamous for his towering black hairdo, had been and gone. Soon it would be them.

  In. Front. Of. Millions.

  Oh, God. Would they have to kiss onset? Would he touch her?

  She couldn’t stand it any longer. “Aren’t you nervous?”

  His magazine rustled as he looked over. “About what?”

  “About the next election.” Exasperation. “What do you think I mean?”

  “Hailey, it’s not like we’re about to go on to debate world politics.” His grin creased his cheek with a dimple. “It’s just a chat. You don’t even have to say much—I’ll carry us.”

  “You’re gonna have to.” Hailey worried the pendant back and forth on the chain. “As soon as that red light turns on me, my brain’s going to dry up like a puddle on a steamy day.”

  His magazine flashed away. He reache
d over and took the hand that twiddled the pendant in his. He squeezed. “It’ll be fine.”

  “Yeah, until I start stammering.”

  “You want your wish early? You could be on a cruise to Siberia in seconds.”

  “Gee, thanks.” She huffed an amused breath and stared down at her knees. They were jiggling. “You’re not even a little nervous about lying?”

  “Nope. Because as far as I’m concerned, it’s not all lies. As for the other stuff . . .” He shrugged. “Maybe it’ll be the truth, sooner or later.”

  She swung between the urge to smile and the urge to smack his shoulder. She did both. “Confident, aren’t you?”

  He grinned. His thumb made idle passes on her hand as he continued to gaze warmly at her. Pleasure swam in her blood at being touched again, especially by Ryder. He always made her feel wanted. A heady thing to be wanted by a man who could have anything or anyone. Too heady. She wasn’t sure she trusted the falling-into-his-eyes thing she had going.

  The door swung open. When she went to tug her hand away, he held on, giving her a pointed look.

  Right. Public affair. She curled her fingers around his and was gratified when he squeezed.

  A bottle blonde with great lipstick and an air of distraction bustled in. One hand held a radio, the other stretched out in greeting. Both were tipped with scarlet claws. “Hi! It’s great to see you again, Ryder.”

  “Same.” He flashed her a lazy grin as he stretched to his feet. He shook her hand. “Always a pleasure.”

  Hailey had to give the woman bonus points for not missing a step as she turned to Hailey. Women had been slain by that smile. “You must be Hailey.” She took Hailey’s hand in hers, squeezed. “I’m Cola May, Lisette’s PA.”

  “Ah.” What kind of a name was Cola?

  “I hope you’ve been well looked after?” Cola glanced between them. Her glossy blond waves barely moved, so hair sprayed it made a Texan beauty queen’s look limp.

  Ryder nodded.

  Cola beamed. “Good! We like our guests to be comfy.” She checked her watch and her smile widened. “Not long now. You must be super excited.”

  Hailey supposed this question was directed at her. “Can’t express how much.”

  Ryder slid her an amused look.

  Cola looked behind her and leaned in. “So tell me, how long have you been dating? Has Ryder the rider been hooked?”

  Ryder at least had the good grace to cringe at the nickname. He rubbed the back of his neck, his smile boyish. “You’ll have to find out like everyone else, Cola.”

  Hailey cleared her throat before Cola’s boobs could sway any nearer. “When are we on?”

  Cola checked her watch again. Clearly, the first time didn’t take. “Lisette needs you right after the commercial break,” she said, eyes on Ryder. Hailey might as well give her a spoon to eat him up with. “Are you guys ready?”

  Ryder looked wordlessly to Hailey.

  “Sure. Born ready. Couldn’t be readier.” You can stop now.

  “Fabulous! Follow me.” Cola buzzed with energy her lean frame couldn’t contain as she led them down corridors with names Hailey recognized on the doors, chatting happily about the lottery winners, the other guests that week, what she’d had for breakfast that morning. Anything that came into her head. Still, Hailey couldn’t fault her enthusiasm.

  They soon got to a pair of double doors, above which was a lightbulb the size of Godzilla. It beamed red.

  “Wait here a sec.” Cola beamed. “I’ll check they’re on break.”

  Ryder leaned in so close his lips brushed Hailey’s hairline as Cola cracked the door to look through. “Let me do the talking.”

  She nodded and exhaled, a little unsteady. Jelly didn’t even begin to describe her legs, and her stomach? Well, she was suddenly grateful she hadn’t been able to eat all day.

  Cola held the door open and motioned them in. Hailey followed Ryder through the doors and onto a large set with the familiar Lisette’s Hour dressing. The audience was packed in on the inclining stairs opposite the stage, and four black, blocky cameras sat in front of them. Cables snaked the ground, begging for her to trip. Again.

  Lisette was on set in her customary violet leather chair. The makeup artist was applying powder to her face, both chatting easily. A couple of the grips laughed by one of the cameras, and a man with a clipboard stood to the side, making notes and glancing into the audience.

  “You can go up.” Cola gave them a thumbs-up before she tapped away in her heels. “Good luck!” was thrown over her shoulder.

  The oily sensation of nerves slicked the back of Hailey’s throat as they walked toward the stage.

  The lights were seriously bright. As in, no hiding. Anything.

  God, I hope this was a good idea.

  Lisette saw them first. Her smile was wide and, in Hailey’s estimation, phony as a twenty-dollar Rolex. She waved away the makeup artist and stood with her arms outstretched. A silver bangle caught one of the stage lights and dazzled Hailey.

  “Darlings!” Lisette walked forward, polished and perfect in a tailored skirt suit, only in a fantastic plum that set off Lisette’s golden ringlets and tan just right. She kissed the air above Ryder’s cheek and turned to Hailey. “Hailey Lawson. I’m thrilled to meet the one who caught this beautiful Genie.”

  Hailey licked her lips. “I, ah . . . we’re . . . I plan weddings.” Smooth. Don’t think she noticed that subject change at all.

  Lisette’s eyebrows rose but she smiled kindly. “We’ll get to that, my dear. For now, come sit on the sofa.”

  Ryder sat on the side of the lemon couch that was closest to Lisette, leaving the space nearest the cameras to Hailey. As the stage lights burned into her skin, sweat gathered everywhere it could. Her hands twisted on her lap.

  Lisette flicked a piece of fluff off her suit and smiled again. It was all teeth. “Did I mention how delighted I was that you decided to give the exclusive to me, Ryder?” She touched Ryder on the bicep, lingering. Hailey couldn’t work out if it was the woman or the TV personality pulling the strings.

  “WFY wanted us to go public, and I knew you wouldn’t mind irritating a certain blond-haired gossip reporter.” Ryder grinned.

  He must be referring to Genie Gossip’s Shawna Lopez, Hailey realized. She wasn’t surprised; GG was always poking its nose in like the annoying little sister to Lisette’s elegant aunt.

  Lisette’s laugh tinkled like ivory piano keys. “You naughty boy. I can see I’ll have my hands full today.”

  “One minute, Lisette,” the clipboard man said, hurrying up and away.

  Hailey swallowed the bile that had climbed up her throat. Maybe she could still run. Except then the press would be all over her. And then WFY. After that contract, there was no going back.

  “First time nerves?” Lisette clucked in sympathy. From behind the glittery silver TV that sat parallel to her, she picked up cards with Lisette’s Hour written on the back. She flicked through them. “Don’t worry. I don’t bite.”

  As Hailey started to relax, Lisette snapped her fingers. “Oh, and I hope you don’t mind, but after those photos in Rome, I may have added one or two extra questions for spice.”

  Hailey glanced at her in alarm.

  Lisette winked at her and turned to the cameras with a wide smile, right on cue. “Welcome back! I’m now joined by the IT couple of the moment, Ryder Wood and Hailey Lawson.” She paused for applause, joining in, swinging a little in her chair. “Let’s get some dirty details, shall we?”

  * * *

  “Well, I think that went well.” Ryder nodded to the last of the security as he and Hailey exited the studios. It was eight at night now, the sun had set, and the breeze nipped at their exposed skin. He conjured a barrier of warmth around them with an idle thought, focusing on Hailey’s worn-out face.

  She’d been a trouper. Lisette had been her most charming-shark self, all smiles on the surface while pouncing on every tidbit she could, like chum. Howeve
r, she was no match for Ryder, who’d steered the dangerous questions like how long they thought the affair would last or what Hailey thought about how winning Ryder’s wish brought him into her life into more comfortable territory. Like how much Hailey loved his “magic hands.”

  She’d blown off her nerves long enough to give his foot a little kick for that. He smiled, remembering.

  She’d slowly unbent throughout the segment, chipping in with witty comments that warmed up the crowd, blushing at the inappropriate questions while firing back her own. He’d been so proud of her.

  And he’d loved it when Hailey’d been asked what she’d wish for. His girl had calmly looked at Lisette and wryly replied, “For this interview to be over.”

  The audience had lapped it up.

  “It didn’t entirely suck,” Hailey said now, arms swinging as she probably took her first good breath in hours. “And she seemed to buy our story about our . . . affair. She certainly asked enough questions.” This said with a disgruntled expression. “At least she didn’t allude to bid fixing. WFY can relax.”

  “Lisette might be a journalist, but she owes a lot to WFY and believes in the company. She’d never say anything to harm them.”

  “Is that why we went on her show?”

  “That, and she gets the highest ratings. Our story will have been seen by everyone who matters. Hopefully that means the fervor will start to cool.” He steered Hailey down the block, assuming they were heading to her place. “And we can get back to normal.”

  He could flash them to her apartment quicker than a snap of the fingers, but Ryder found he wanted the walk, the talk. He liked her. She intrigued him. He never knew what to expect with her.

  And there was something in her eyes tonight, something that made his heart pound with hope.

  They walked together for a couple of blocks, passing away the minutes with their usual back and forth. Their hands grazed every so often, enough to make Ryder’s stomach tighten.

  Her hand was turning him on.

  He was officially losing his mind.

  Cabs hurtled past en route to their death wishes and the sidewalks were crammed with late-night employees getting off shift, laughing groups of women taking on the town, and couples who entwined their hands as they pretended it was just the two of them.


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