Surviving The Aftermath (Book 1): The Dead Linger

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Surviving The Aftermath (Book 1): The Dead Linger Page 5

by Roberts, Liz

  “We try and watch the noise level around here, firing guns and such, we try and use those as a last resort, not only for the noise but we are running short on ammo at the moment too.” Kurt said

  “You can leave if you want, but you leave with what you came with, we don’t have the resources to give you much more than a few canteens filled with water. Some don’t agree with this, but obviously we don’t have an abundance of food here as you think.” He went on. “We still have to go out and canvas the area for any supplies, food and or survivors. Most of the places around here have been picked over by us or others that pass through. We’ve had to go further and further out lately.”

  They continued walking outside behind the stores, the area was pretty vast, and they came up on a couple green houses, Kurt pointing over to them.

  “We found we can grow our own veggies, which was our saving grace, because we were going through our canned food so fast. We’ve been trying to work on farming and things like that. You know having livestock, there are several farmers in the bunch, and they have all kinds of plans and ideas. The only worry is will there be any animals left alive.” They continued walking along the outer edge along a brick wall. “Did you guys build this wall?” She asked. “No this was here, practically surrounding the whole place, we just went with it, and only had to close of that area over there, where delivery trucks use to come in at.” He said pointing a good tenth of a mile away. Kurt turned to look at both Jack and Jill.

  “This place hasn’t always been like this, when we first got here there was lots of looters and it was sort of free for all and lots of horrible stuff was happening.” Kurt finished solemnly.

  “What do you mean free for all, what horrible stuff? Wasn’t everyone just pretty much running from the zombies?” Jack asked concern.

  “You would be surprised at how people act when a catastrophe happens. Not everyone is honorable, or truthful or even helpful. We offer shelter to all, but anyone that disturbs our little hamlet is left to fend for themselves, somewhere outside. We’ve had the overtly religious, the smash and grab type, and the cowboys. I think once things started settling down people and realized the army wasn’t going to save us we realized the importance of working together. It’s been a long bloody road.” Jill had only read about it in books, but suddenly Kurt had that 1,000yd stare. Oh the wretched things that we have all had to see and endure to make it this far.

  “We understand, I don’t think Jack has seen or been through what you guys here have, it was just him and his dad holed up in their house since this all started. I guess we both are just looking for a place where we don’t have to run from.” Jill tried to explain.

  “You guys are free to walk around and check out stuff, if you want fresh clothes, go ahead and grab some, there are plenty in there. We do encourage people putting in there far share work, let us know what your good at, a hidden talent, it might be of use.” Kurt said as he turned to walk away.

  They continued walking around the place, lots of people walking around, building or moving things. Guys were working on cars, women were sorting other items large and small. A group was replenishing the ammo of bows and explosives that had been used. There were additions built on to the buildings, and watch towers built from kid’s jungle gym stuff. Tom joined them on their walk explaining further as to what their ultimate goal was. Not just to survive, but possibly rebuild.

  “We know we can’t be the only ones left alive, there has to be pockets of life out there, just like this one.” Tom started.

  “Well I have travelled quite a distance to get here, I’ve found many living people still, and it’s a mix of bad and good. So I guess you’re right, maybe if we hold out long enough these things will eventually dry up or rot.” Jill added. The three discussed the philosophy of the zombie for a few more minutes, inner workings and things that make them tick and what not. But soon Jill became very tired.

  “Well Jack, exciting as all this has been I think I need some sleep.” Jill said holding back a yawn.

  “What? Don’t you want to meet Casey and the others?” Jack said, not believing Jill was actually tired.

  “I’ll meet the rest tomorrow, I have to lie down.” Jill said warily, starting to feel the last few days of stress catching up to her.

  “Ok, I’ll walk you to your room.” Jack stated.

  “Jack I should be able to find it ok on my own. Go on.” Jill said semi pushing him towards the direction Tom had walked off in.

  “No, I’ll go with you. We don’t know everyone here, so we don’t know exactly how safe it is.” He said looking over his shoulder and around.

  “Ok fine then, walk me to my room.” Jill chuckled as Jack slung his arm over her shoulders. They walked around and back through the Kohl’s store that had been set up as living quarters, on the way they met more people as they went, introducing themselves, everyone was seeming pretty nice so far. A few others keeping to themselves but that was understandable, as they rounded the corner of a hallway that lead to an area that had been built to up to act as the bedrooms. They came across the other two newest members of the place. Jeff and Tyler. They were more disheveled and gritty then everyone else here, as if they hadn’t taken advantage of the showers yet, but they also just got there the day before so maybe they hadn’t really adjusted themselves.

  “Well hello. Where are you two off too?” The first man asked. “I’m Jeff.” He pointed to himself. He had dark hair, it was long and stringy tucked behind his ears. His jeans hung from his hips, obviously far too big for him. Jill did not like the look of him, while he could have been handsome at some point in his life, he’d sure had his fair share of hardships, and he had several scars on his cheeks. “This is Tyler. We just got here.” Jeff said staring at Jill. The man, Tyler was leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest, he was very lean, as most others were now. His hair was a dirty blonde and shaggy, just over his ears. It was uneven in some areas, like it had been cut with a knife.

  “So what they hell is he supposed to be, like your body guard? Should we call you Kevin and you Whitney?” He pointed from Jack then to Jill. “Not doing a very good job Kevin”. Tyler sneered.

  “Please just ignore him, he hasn’t slept in a couple of days, I’m waiting for him to fall over so I can drag him to bed for some much needed rest.” Jeff said trying to be overly polite and with one of the cheesiest smiles ever, he looked like a game show host, while giving Tyler a venomous look that spoke volumes between the two men.

  “No worries, we can introduce ourselves at a later date.” Jill spoke quick and grabbed Jack’s hand to walk away down the hall.

  “Really he’s harmless!” Jeff said after the two. “I swear he’s harmless!” Jeff yelled louder. Jack and Jill ducked into her room, locking the door behind her. Jeff grabbed Tyler’s jacket and yanked him up against the wall, brought his face right within inches to Tyler’s.

  “I . .am sick of your shit. We’ve gotta get gas and some food from these people without them knowing were not the “honorable” type. You’re going to blow it, and then I’m going to kill you.” Jeff spoke evenly and angrily, shifting his hold on Tyler to wrap his hand around his throat. “You better get your shit straightened out and get some sleep or something, because if you fuck this up I will slit, your throat.” Jeff finished squeezing and released, with Tyler inhaling a large breath has his face started to change back to its original pasty color.

  “Dude I couldn’t help it, I haven’t gotten any in months, she’s a fine looking piece. Plus she looks like she could use a good drilling.” Tyler stated rubbing his throat hoping Jeff wouldn’t kill him yet.

  “Leave her alone, if anyone gets to bend her over it’ll be me, you can have whatever’s left.” Jeff said and walked back down the hall to see which room was Jill’s.

  “I wish you would have let me tell those guys to suck it, they look shady. Just the way they were looking at you.” Jack was hinting with his eyebrows, and making other motions
with his hands. “Like they had sex on the brain.” He said further as if Jill didn’t understand what he was implying.

  “Yes I get you and yes I saw it too. But you know what, there’s a lock on my door, weapons around here and people. You’ll look out for me too won’t you?” Jill said fully knowing the answer.

  “Of course, I can sit in here while you sleep and keep watch if you want, I don’t mind. Anything to keep those bastards in their place.” Jack said scowling at the door. “You think they will stay here?”

  “Actually I get the feeling that they are more drifters, nomad like. They probably just want to see what they can get out of this place and take off.” She yawned. “If the fellas in charge were smart they would see that too and send them on their way.” Jill now very sleepy started removing her shoes and socks and pulling the comforter back on the bed, and noticed Jake staring.

  “Jack could you turn around for a minute please.” She thought it was nice to ask instead of demanding, she always wanted to treat Jack like an adult since he was at that tender age, right on the cusp from teenager to adulthood. Seventeen was rough enough in normal society, but in apocalyptic society, Jill couldn’t even imagine. She put on her functional new PJ’s, shorts and a t-shirt, perfect. She slipped under the covers. “Ok it’s safe now. Why don’t you go out and try to help Beth, she took real nice care of me, maybe she needs a hand, plus I heard she has a daughter.”

  “What!?? I don’t want to end up babysitting some kid.” Jack scoffed.

  “Just do it for me, please?” Knowing full well Beth’s daughter was 18, and cute. “Now go, I’m good here.” Her head hit the pillow finally and she was out.

  Sometime around midnight, Jill awoke with a start, she was sweaty and breathless, and her whole body seemed to have the shakes as she tried to look into the pitch blackness of the room. She had totally forgotten where she was for a moment.

  “Jack?” Jill stage whispered. No answer. She reached for the desk lamp that had been placed there next to the bed. A dim bulb lit the room, empty. He must have gone to his own room. Jill laid there thinking about the events of the last few days, realizing now there was no chance of falling back to sleep, Jill got up and dressed, she decided a walk might help her relax enough to catch some more sleep. Putting on some pants and bulk sweatshirt, she made her wait out to the department store floor.

  Jill was wandering through the lower level, noticing more of the department store that had once been, was now most definitely a decent living area. The new walls built looked sturdy, and the hallways intricate, that broke off into small single bedrooms and living space. It appeared to be something like a college dorm. Making her way outside, the night air was cool and clear, and without so many street lights on you could see every single star out there. Jill wandered for a while, there were a few people milling around too, but with a purpose, they were all the “3rd Shifters”, people on night watch, everyone had to take a turn doing the night time jobs. Eventually she made her way up to the roof. Jill got a really good view of the surrounding area. The roof was a popular place, it’s where obviously a lot of stuff happened. Sheds had been built, sitting and lounging areas. Sand bags were packed up against the stores large signs that went 2 to 3 feet up on the front of the stores. She fully understood now why these building were so important, not only was it a sanctuary from the unholy hordes of the undead, but it helped sustain life. As she continued her perusal of the area, walking from one store roof to the other, she noticed a line of apartments directly behind the stores, maybe a 100 plus yards out, they ran the full length of all the stores. It was one of those newer looking structures, it had a 20ft wall built up on one side that sloped down and around separating itself from the industrial stores and there many truck deliveries. Jill wondered if they ever thought about expanding to there. She also noticed further out a few houses and a thick line of trees that stood by a creek, there were softball fields further out from that, a quant suburban neighborhood that went past that, and as her eyes kept searching her eyes landed on a horrifying structure, it caused her pulse to quicken, her heart to race, her palms became sweaty and she could feel the color drain from her face.

  “What’s wrong? Do you see zombies?” Casey asked appearing from nowhere, but very concerned, seeing Jill’s face grow pale. He was ready to the raise alarm at the look on her face. But she had no words, only raised her arm and pointed out.

  “What the hell is that building?” She asked her hand shaking. Casey gazed over to where she was pointing.

  “It’s a high school.” Casey said, almost as if questioning her sanity. It was very obviously a high school, the track with a football field, the buildings and tennis courts. It was probably a pretty kick ass high school at one point.

  “Are you guys nuts? All schools were used as Evac centers when all this shit went down.” Jill now getting very agitated, what was with all these people? Was there no common sense left in the world? And how dare he question her sanity. “Are there people still in there? Because you know they aren’t people anymore. What happens when they break out? Is this place equipped? Where do we go? What do we do?” Jill now just rapid firing questions as random, panic scenarios racing through her mind.

  “Relax, honey, we already checked the place out, it’s empty. Either it was never set up as one or the people were smart and left when this all began. Trust me, I might be an asshole, but I’m not a stupid asshole.” Casey said trying to stay calm with this WOMAN, a newbie at that, questioning his mad skills.

  Jill now much calmer and feeling a bit silly.

  “It’s just, I’ve seen lots of the schools and the after math. I’ve been chased by the new school inhabitants a few times before, I guess it still unnerves me, you know seeing a school.” Casey sitting down, trying to be understanding, but not really having had to survive outside these walls much in the past year made it hard for him to fathom what she went through, the roaming style of surviving.

  “My name’s Casey by the way, your Jill right?” She nodded her answer. “What are you doing up here?’ He changed the subject. Casey wasn’t really into talking about pasts and exchanging stories, sometimes he listened, but he never shared. Just better that way, it was bad enough he had to live with his guilt, why burden others.

  “I just couldn’t sleep anymore, thought I would get some air and check the place out. I can’t believe how quiet this place is around here. It seems unnatural not seeing a zombie shuffling around.” Jill said with a face of disgust.

  “This won’t last, it never does. They will all be back. It’s like they hit us in waves. A couple days on, couple days off. You’ll get used to it.” Casey said with a shrug.

  “So that means your inviting me to stay I take it?”

  “Every able body helps, you and that kid will make 114 able bodies.” Casey said and offered her a chair. They sat in companionable silence until Jill spoke, having all sorts of questions about the integrity of the place, wanting to know what was reinforced where and giving her own ideas in the mix.

  “Do you guys have all these stores connected?” She indicated the long strip mall like buildings.

  “Only on the roofs, we built platforms going to each, so you don’t have to run down and back up every time you change a position.”

  “What else do you guys do here?”

  “Now that the weather is nicer, we go on supply runs, try to stock up on meds, food, water, fuel, pretty much anything. We do some searching in the winter too, it’s actually safer. Zeds tend to freeze when it’s cold enough, we were having a problem of our own. People getting lost in storms and vehicles getting stuck” Casey explained.

  “You should invest in snow mobiles. Do you ever find people when you go out?” She asked quietly.

  “Snow mobiles are actually on our “to do” list as well. We use to find pockets of people, but not for a long time now. Sometimes we’ll see stores that have picked over when we make a return trip, so we know there are others alive out there, but they
never find us.

  “Do you search?”

  “Use to. A lot. Everyone here has someone they are looking for, and it was very chaotic trying to get organized when all anyone wanted to do was go and look for their family. So we’d send out search parties, every day we did this, started sending out maybe 30 people, everyone wanted to help. But then as the months went by and our numbers dwindled with causalities people stopped wanting to go as much.” Silence descended now.

  “I think some people just gave up hope.”

  “I haven’t.” Jill stated. “I know my family is still out there, they are strong and smart, we’ve been planning our survival years before this happened.” Jill chuckled to herself thinking back about all the mock scenarios they talked about over and over again. “Unfortunately I happened to be out of town when this all went down.” Jill played with the little gravel pebbles on the roof. Casey made a loud scoffing sound at this statement.

  “What?” She looked up incredulously.

  “Your so naïve, how did you manage to survive this long? Your family is dead, just like mine, just like everyone else’s here.” He replied with sheer disgust.

  “Aren’t you just a happy ray of sunshine? Excuse me for having hope and not wanting to think of something happy once in a while.”

  “I just don’t want you diluting yourself and then you end up dead because you were careless.”

  “Whatever.” She said turning away from him.

  “So have you ever thought of expanding to those apartments back there?” Jill asked quizzically.


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