Surviving The Aftermath (Book 1): The Dead Linger

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Surviving The Aftermath (Book 1): The Dead Linger Page 13

by Roberts, Liz

  Kurt looked at Oscar and thought of what he wanted to say to him.

  “Ok this is pretend now right?”


  “I guess I would say something like, we have been friends for a while now and I would like nothing more than to turn that friendship into possibly something more. I find you very attractive, and find myself drawn to you in such a way I can’t help but want to kiss you …” Kurt stopped because he knew he wasn’t pretending anymore. Then he added quickly.

  “And maybe add in something about her being beautiful and hold her hand. Chicks love that.” He said quickly downing the rest of his shot. How many shots was that? Four. He had to watch it, he certainly didn’t want to be drunk with Oscar right here. A faint sound of music was floating around through the night air, you couldn’t really make out the words, just an easy melody. Kurt was pouring them each another shot when Oscar leaned forward and brushed his lips gently over the side of Kurt’s exposed neck.

  “What are you doing?!” Kurt asked shocked, he almost dropped the bottle. Oscar had rested his hand on Kurt’s knee and was now just smiling at him.

  “I thought it obvious.” He said smiling. “Kurt, I know.”

  “Know what?”

  “I know you like me.” Oscar was looking him right in the eyes now.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kurt was trying to look anywhere but at Oscar’s face.

  “Yes you do, because I feel the same about you and I can’t help but want to kiss you.” Oscar finished his sentence while leaning forward again and kissing Kurt on the lips.

  Patty and Cheryl were on their normal patrol when the heard the noises.

  “Let’s go check it out, it came from the garage.”

  “I sure as heck hope it’s not anther opossum.” Cheryl said. Last time they found a mama opossum with her babies holed up in the garage, and removing her was a beast of a job. They tip toed passed the storage sheds and peered into the garages finding nothing.

  “I know I heard something,” Squeak.

  “See there it is again!” Patty exclaimed. They went closer and walked towards the last garage, and both women gasped as they saw Tyler and Cindi, engaged in a very private act.

  “Oh damn if I only had my cell phone, I’d snap a pic of that.” Both women ducked back.

  “Come on, we’ll have to tell Vikki this time, Tom didn’t believe us last time.” Both women quickly scurried off to tattle.

  Jill was lying in bed with her head on Casey’s shoulder. Ever since the supply run a couple weeks ago, they had been practically living together in Casey’s room. He had a bigger living area than Jill, and a decent size bedroom and a little sitting area. He also had a king size bed which Jill really liked. Not just because it gave them more room, but because sometimes it made things seem normal again. Being in a painted bedroom with a comfy bed, sleeping beside someone at night, she cuddled in closer.

  “Well I think your awake now.” Casey said sleepily rubbing his hand up and down Jill’s arm.

  “Just thinking.” She said.

  “I noticed that’s something you do a lot. I can almost hear the wheels turning in your head. Anything in particular on your mind this morning?”

  “What are you guys going to do about Jeff?” She said. Casey hadn’t expected that question.

  “I’m not sure yet, but from the reports that I’ve been getting from the people, it doesn’t look good. They think he’s breaking down mentally. That he’s unsafe to be let out.” He told her trying not to hint at the fact him and the others had already decided Jeff’s fate. She turned her head to put a kiss on his chest.

  “I know you’re thinking something else, why not just ask.” He said scooting down towards her so they were eye to eye.

  “Because you don’t want to talk about it, so why ask and ruin a nice morning.” She said and started to rise, but he flipped her playfully over on her back, so he was now looking down at her. Jill was sorry she even said anything because she knew he wouldn’t let it go now until she asked.

  “Fine.” She said, then taking another breath asked her question. “I know you were married before all this chaos and horribleness happened, but why don’t you ever talk about it to me, or tell me things about your past? Family memories, funny stories? Nothing. It’s like you didn’t live before now.” She was waiting for the usual shrug off and a subject change which was the norm, like she never asked the question in the first place. He slumped over on his side and continued to stare at her.

  “What does it matter?” He replied quietly.

  “Because were at the point where we share things about our lives up to this point.” He still lay on his side, with his arm crooked and hand holding his head up. He was silent and Jill was ready to get up and forget she even brought the subject up, when he spoke.

  “I had a baby girl.” He said softly. She turned to look at him. “Her name was Brea, she was 15months when this all started.”

  “Where is she now? Where is your wife?” She asked equally quiet.

  “Both dead, I assume.” He took a breath before he went on. “I was a loan officer, exciting I know. Sarah was staying home from work, after all the reports of the riots and looting, panic was all over the place, and we decided she should stay home with the baby. At work we were listening to the radio, sitting in our cubes, when things started going really bad I just got up and left, hauled ass home. I only lived maybe 10miles away.” Casey took a breath and continued. “I raced. I couldn’t drive fast enough. Traffic was already backed up pretty bad. Zombies running around everywhere, attacking people, it was mass hysteria everywhere. The radio was insane with news about mass murders and cults and terrorists, you heard ramblings about cannibals. I’m sure you remember how it was. I ran over a couple of people on my way, I know now they were already dead, but at the time I thought, I just killed two people.” He was lying on his back now with his eyes closed, visualizing, remembering. She was propped up on her elbow now looking down at him, hoping he would finish.

  “Finally I got to the house and pulled into the driveway and saw the front door open. I went running in not sure what I’d find, the front picture window was smashed, there was blood … so much blood all over the place.” He whispered.

  “I yelled. I screamed. I ran upstairs, nothing. The place was a mess, but it didn’t look like looters. Just like maybe she hurried and packed.” Casey was still talking quietly, and Jill was listening intently as not to miss anything.

  “I kept thinking that’s what she did, packed, grabbed the baby and headed to her mothers. She lives only 30mins away out in the county, so I ran outside, and there were two of them. Lumbering up to me, they were so loud and moaning, I froze. I didn’t know what to do … . or what they were.” He paused. “My neighbor saved me. Whapped each one right in the head, smashing their skulls with tire iron, told me destroy the brain and then took off. So I started driving to her parents’ house, calling everyone I know, Sarah’s parents were a no answer, Sarah’s phone was a no answer. I left so many messages. I talked to my mom for a few minutes, her and my dad were in a church shelter like most. So I figured I’d head there, maybe Sarah went there.” Casey stopped talking and was very quiet.

  “Did you make it there?” Jill asked

  “No. My dad called me about 20mins later telling me that the police and other people in charge were letting sick people in, people with bites and cuts, he said it was too dangerous and him and mom were going to try and get out. We argued for some time and that’s when I could hear things escalating in the background. He told me they both loved me and hung up. That was the last I ever heard from them.” Casey, not sure where to look now, just continued to stare at the ceiling, or the walls, anywhere but at her.

  “How did you end up here?” She asked.

  “I drove for hours, day’s maybe, managed to miss the chaos around most places. I could see hordes of them in the streets so I would turn and avoid them anyway I could. I ran into
Tom after another miscellaneous turn on a country road. He and his family were stranded on the side of the road, some guys had car jacked them, so I pulled over to help and we’ve been together since.” He rolled on his side and was looking at Jill. “We happened upon this place for food one day, there were a bunch of shoppers or looters left in here and we sort of just banded together. God it was so chaotic in the beginning here. No one wanted to work together, we had a bunch of people certain this was the devils work and they had to burn the sinners. They were actually burning people.” He stopped for a minute then continued. “You had to sleep with one eye open, because people were drug from their beds at night, beaten and raped, left for dead. Men and women it didn’t matter. Just a free for all.” He hated how it was then. “The other guys and I got together one day, and took down the self-imposed leaders of this guerilla faction that was running amok.” He finished hoping she was satisfied with the answers.

  “You still look for her though.” Jill stated.

  “What do you mean?” He wasn’t sure who she was talking about for a moment.

  “Every zombie face you see, ever live one, bodies lying on the ground, you keep hoping that someday you’ll see Sarah.” Jill told him.

  “I don’t know, I guess I do.” He was propped up on his elbow looking down now again. “It’s been over a year, even if they were both still alive, she’s somewhere else surviving. Without phones and email, the chances of us finding each other are slim, for all I know that blood on living room floor was hers and she turned, got up and walked away like the rest of those zombie bastards out there.” Casey now irritated from thinking about it all again. They were both quiet for a bit. Casey was suddenly angered and irritated and he couldn’t explain why.

  “Why do you want to know all this anyway? Maybe I don’t want to remember her anymore?” He raised his voice a bit.

  “I just wanted…..” He cut her off quick.

  “Maybe I just want to focus on the now, enjoy what’s now, maybe I like what we …..” he was indicating between him and her when a series of loud rapid knocks descended upon the door.

  “Casey! Casey! We’ve got problem open up.” Tom was outside the door.

  “Stay.” Casey stomped over to the door and yanked it open. Jill scrambled off the bed and quickly got dressed. Yes she had been practically living here for weeks, but no one had ever come over and seen the two of them literally in bed. She could hear them talking in the other room, it was rapid and loud.

  “Jill, come out here please.” Casey summoned her.

  “Hi Tom.” She said shyly walking out of the bedroom adjusting her shirt. “What’s up?”

  “Jeff escaped, and his friend Tyler is dead.” Tom told her.

  “Oh my god how did this happen?” She asked concerned for everyone’s safety now.

  “Were not sure yet, I was just on my way down there to watch the video feed, I thought I would grab Casey. Andy told me they are searching the entire area for Jeff. We gotta find him fast before he lets the Zeds in here.” Tom was trying to hurry them on their way. Casey grabbed some shoes and a shirt and they were off ready head to the cell area downstairs.

  “Jill, stay here. Lock the door and don’t leave this room.” Casey practically ordered her.

  “Wait.” Jill started but was interrupted quickly by Casey putting his hands on each side of her face.

  “I know you want to help, I know you can help. But this guy as already set you in his sights before and I don’t want to give him a chance to do that again.” There was a moment of silence between them. Tom was tapping his foot anxiously behind Casey.

  “Please.” Casey was just about begging. Jill was definitely becoming too attached to life here with him. It had been years since anyone told her what to do, but he asked and said please. She was going to cave in and say yes without an argument, she was easy and Casey had her wrapped around his finger, and he knew it. Sly grin started to spread across Casey’s mouth while he stood staring and her.

  “Fine. I’ll stay here, but don’t be long.” Jill tried to pout, with Casey still holding her face he kissed her, and then turned to head out.

  “Stay safe”. Jill said to both men as they walked away.

  “I’ll be back later.” Casey turned back around and they hustled down the hallway to meet up with the others. Jill closed and locked the door, she was scared, not so much about herself but about everyone else and all the stuff they had built. They had created a home almost where people could feel safe again. She didn’t want that ruined. She was finally enjoying life again, after almost 2yrs. of destitute and loneliness, of knowing hunger and thirst, pain and suffering, she was starting to relax. Being alone, and over paranoid she’d lose days of sleep on end out there. Never knowing where danger lurked or an ounce of safety until she found Jack and then that lead them here. NO! Jill would die fighting for this safety and happiness that she had newly found. But right now she had time to kill, she had promised Casey she would stay here and wait for him. She just had to take her mind off the waiting. Reading, she would read, Casey had a bunch of books in here, some she’d never read before. She grabbed herself some coffee and sit down to read, didn’t even care what the book was, just something to take her mind off what was happening out there.

  Folding her arms over her chest, she felt a slight chill in the air, or maybe it was just her, she had to find her husband. She hadn’t seen her daughter all day and dusk was beginning to descend. And after receiving disturbing news from Patty about her daughter, she was not happy. She finally spotted him, with a few others, they were huddled talking.

  “Tom! Tom I need to talk to you right away!” She jogged over before he could take off again.

  “Not now, Jeff has broken out and Tyler’s dead.” She covered her mouth with her hand and gasped.

  “Oh my god. Where’s Cindi?”

  “I don’t know. Why?”

  “Because she’s been missing since this morning, and now I’m worried and even more so with Tyler dead.” Tom narrowed his eyes at her.

  “You’ve been talking to Patty again.” Tom was thoroughly irritated with that woman. It was like lately all she did was cause trouble and try to stir the pot.

  “Yes she came and told me what she saw.”

  “That woman is just a busy body, who needs to mind her own business.”

  “They were having sex.” Vikki said is loud hushed whisper.

  “I don’t believe it.”

  “You just don’t want to believe it. She’s not your little girl anymore, she’s an adult and does adult things. Why can’t you see that?” Tom put both his hands on her upper arms and brought her close.

  “Listen I don’t have time for this right now. Can we discuss it later?” He kissed her cheek and took off after Casey and the others.

  Chapter 5

  Tyler made up his mind, he was busting Jeff out. A few weeks had gone by since he’d seen his friend. Everything was in place, the supplies, the girls, Cindi, with all the guns and ammo she had found, they had plenty of gas and food. Andy had offered him a chance to stay, as long as he gave up Jeff, he’d be welcome. But Cindi straightened him back out. What was he thinking, actually stay here, be under some sort of constant watch. Cindi had described it several times as being grounded, he wanted no part of that. He wanted to be free. He finally found out where they were keeping Jeff and was now on a mission to break him out. He had a hunting knife that he hoped was big enough to scare whoever was guarding him. He’d been creeping around all night, after a brief meet up with Cindi, she was so wild, he could bang her all night and never get enough. It must be love. It was finally the right moment. Quietly and slowly, he finally made it down the stairs to the bottom door, no one else was in the room with Jeff, which made him happy.

  “Jeff! Oh my god dude I’m so glad you’re alive. They wouldn’t tell me where you were or anything.” Tyler was looking in his pockets for the lock pick, which were really just some tools from the store. Jeff stood ram rod
still with both hands up against the back wall while Tyler squatted and began to work on the lock. Tyler started filling Jeff in on all the details, he had the whole thing set up, the girls, the car waiting for them, the supplies, everyone was either sleeping or not paying attention, it was just before dawn. It was almost too perfect Tyler thought to himself. He so hoped Jeff would be proud of him.

  Click. “I did it! Ugh!” Tyler, wide eyed with shock looked down, and saw his large hunting knife sticking out of his gut, Jeff’s hand on the handle, holding it there, he pulled Tyler in close.

  “I never liked you.” He whispered to Tyler, twisted the knife a little to watch the pain on Tyler’s face, then drug the knife up through Tyler’s torso as far as he could. Jeff pushed him back off the knife and he fell to the floor, a pool of blood growing around Tyler, he convulsed in pain, while his body drained of life he stared at Tyler and managed to ask why. Jeff stepped out of the cell and over Tyler’s almost dead body and went to grab the gun he knew the cop left in the 3rd drawer on the left side of the desk and he walked out.

  Waking up groggy and with a stiff neck, Jill opened her eyes to darkness. Crap, when had she fallen asleep? The book lay on the floor, her coffee only half drunk on the table next to her. She reached up to turn on the lamp click click nothing. No light. She turned the little knob again, still no light came on. She looked over at the digital clock by the TV, nothing. Jill then realized the power was out. She crawled to one of the cabinets to get a flash light, it was absolutely pitch black. She found a little battery operated camping light and switched it on. Quickly looking around the room and taking inventory, she was still alone and it looked like things were undisturbed. Thank goodness. But that still didn’t explain why the power was out. Jill had to leave the room, she had to find Casey and figure out what was happening. Prepared as she could be with her flashlight and gun Jill opened the door to the hallway. The florescent lights overhead were flashing and blinking, but most were out. Jill shut the door again and leaned her forehead against it and took a deep breath. She knew nothing good could come from how the scene that lay before her. She stuck here head out again looking up and down the darkened hallway, no one around. Silently walking, out into the hallway Jill tried listening for any noise, a clue to where someone might be. Traveling down the hall silently towards the main room, with all lights off, Jill was used to hiding in the shadows, she crept along. Expecting to hear people talking, or some sort of commotion she was welcomed with silence and that’s when the terror began to set in. She was all alone. Maybe their little fort was breeched and everyone was dead or worse, or maybe they all abandoned ship and left her. No. Jack and Casey wouldn’t forget her, but what if they were dead. Pressing her back against the wall she was still out of sight, she squeezed her eyes shut praying they were still alive, and here. Deciding the roof would be the best vantage point she crept along through the aisles constantly stopping to listen for a sound and watch for any movement. Finally she reached the base of the stairs outside that lead to the roof, and not only fear and terror had set in but misery was slithering around too. She kept wondering if living was worth it anymore, especially if she would now be alone forever. Up the stairs she went. At the top she could see no one was around. A tear of frustration and panic actually rolled down her cheek. She stepped up on to the roof looking around everywhere. There were some weapons lying around, guns that had been discharged and now lay empty. How had she slept through gunfire? She wanted to look over the ledge and crawled over to it, laying flat on her stomach she looked and saw zombies milling around everywhere, moaning and lumbering around. She looked down at the fence and saw the hole, zombies had somehow breeched the fence and were piling over each other to get through and inside. She crawled further along the edge and saw the remains of a fire team burnt crispy, and torched zombies all around them. She popped up and sprinted across the roofs to the other side to look down at the door, it was still locked shut thankfully. But zombies were lined up and piled deep all pawing and pushing against the store doors, and there main entrance too. Someone had to be around somewhere, she just had to find them.


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