Surviving The Aftermath (Book 1): The Dead Linger

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Surviving The Aftermath (Book 1): The Dead Linger Page 15

by Roberts, Liz

  Coughing and choking started again, Cindi was trying to talk again, Beth leaned in still holding on to the girl’s hand. “He … .” her breathing now labored. “ … . He loved me.” She closed her eyes as more tears spilled out. “Tyler… .our baby together . . said he’d take me away… . .” she rasped into between bouts of choking. Casey and Jack stood up looking down at the girl.

  Tom was down by her side trying to soothe, “Shhhhhh princess don’t talk, don’t worry now.”

  Cindi rasped, and her body convulsed a bit, “she did it . .” Tom looked at Jill over his shoulder. “she killed Tyler … . I had to … . get her.” And Cindi was gone. Her now lax body draped over Tom’s arm and he closed his eyes and cried softly. Everyone all had turned to look at Jill, she very much felt the accused, not only had she killed this young girl, now she been accused of a second murder she didn’t even do. “She’s lying.” Was Jill’s automatic response to the accusation of having killed Tyler.

  “Don’t you dare call my daughter a liar.” Tom was now burning holes into her with his eyes.

  “She’s right though.” Andy spoke up, stepping in front of Jill.

  “Tom, we saw the video of Jeff killing Tyler you know what happened.” Andy always being very logical, explained how two other girls including Cindi, were lead to believe they could have a better life if they helped Jeff and Tyler get supplies, guns and ammo. They saw on the video how eventually Cindi came in the room sometime during all the chaos and found Tyler’s body.

  “I don’t get it, why would she want to leave me and her mother?” Tom frowning as waves of confusion hit him.

  “She’s a young girl, a seductive stranger flirting with her, probably felt exciting, and she went with it.” Beth filled in for everyone that was thinking it. Jack was trying to comfort a shocked and stunned Jill still sitting on the ground. Casey was trying to worry about her, and gauge Tom’s reaction this new news.

  “Do you think she was really pregnant?” Jack asked softly with his arms tightly wrapped around Jill. She cried harder at this statement, not only did she kill a teenager, but that girl’s possible unborn child too. She felt sick.

  “Aside from some sort of autopsy, I don’t think there’s really anyway to tell.”

  “What am I going to tell my wife?” Tom said out loud.

  “Let’s get Cindi’s body inside with the others and work on clearing this car out of here, Andy can you get some guys on that part?”

  “Sure thing Casey.” The others all started helping carry Cindi inside. Tom, Casey, Jack and Jill all remained in place, the 3 men now standing and Jill still on the ground with her head hung down. She didn’t feel like she could look at any of them.

  “I suppose you think I owe you an apology?” Tom said not even looking at Jill. His question met silence.

  “Well I think you do. At least something, you just accused her of being a murderer when it was clearly self-defense.” Jack being bold and brazen said. Based on what the others had seen from the roof and the gate area, everyone vouched that the SUV was speeding towards Jill and she acted in self-defense. It seemed pretty open and shut to everyone, except Tom.

  Tom turned to look at Jack. “Well I can’t give it.” He shoved the kid hard, and he walked away. Casey finally came over and kneeled down next to Jill.

  “I swear to you, I couldn’t see who was driving that car.” She whispered as Casey’s hands cupped her shoulders. “Let’s get you inside.” He whispered.

  “Wait Jeff is still out here somewhere.” She snapped back into action.

  “Now that we have the zeds under control and everyone is on high alert it’ll be only a matter of time before we get him.” He said. Jill really hadn’t moved. “Jill let’s get you cleaned up, you need to rest. The last couple of hours, especially the last few minutes have been rough. Why don’t we go in and try and get some sleep?” Putting his arm around her now as she stood up. Her bruised and battered body fell weak and vulnerable, and she was scared for the first time in a long time about what lay ahead for her future. She knew there was a new dynamic happening. This death was a huge change to this community and it had to be played out.

  “No I want to be alone, I’m fine.” She shrugged off his arm and walked off with no real direction.

  “You know she’s not fine right?” Jack said coming to stand next to Casey.

  “I do.”

  “Well aren’t you going after her?” He said ready to sprint.

  “No. She needs some time alone. She’s just done something she considers a horrific act of malice. I will be there for her when she’s ready.” Casey stated as he and Jack watched as Jill walked away from the wreckage.

  Running. Sprinting like her life depended on it, tears started to fall again, she ran to the opposite side of the complex until she hit the wall. She laid her head against it and cried, why couldn’t this place have been perfect? She couldn’t believe that she had survived, that that young girl had survived, all this time just to die now. After everything that’s happened, she still felt like she had accomplished nothing, not that she was really expecting too. She had been sitting now against the wall for a few minutes, having decided tomorrow she would leave. With her gone, Jeff would probably leave too, or he’d be flushed out to try and finish the job. Everyone else would be safe, it just seemed horribly ironic that this place, these people survive a year plus of the zombie apocalypse and she shows up and in a matter of months the whole place almost goes to shit. Jill got up, and started heading back into the building. As she entered people were mourning there losses, 15 in all, including Cindi, who’s younger sister and mother were now by her blood soaked body. Her face had been whipped clean, but that was about it. Tom had looked up and saw her right away, Jill couldn’t even look at them, and she just turned quickly and walked towards her room. She pushed the door open, hit the lights and immediately started packing her bag. Not much to pack, another pair of shoes, jeans and extra hoodie, but she’d grab a few essentials in the morning before she’d jet out.

  “Going somewhere?” Jill jumped and spun quick just having had the shit scared out of her.

  “What are you doing here?” She realized her door hadn’t been locked when she opened it. Stupid! She mentally biffed herself.

  “I was waiting for you, I thought you would have come back a lot sooner.”

  “Well I had some shit to work out.” She told Casey while he lounged on her bed.

  “Well I was worried.” He continued to lay there, shoes off, arms tucked behind his head, his expression very non-committal. Jill wasn’t really sure where to look or how to proceed, so she continued to pack.

  “Are you running away?” He asked casually.

  “Absolutely.” Was her quick rebuttal to him.

  “I never thought you were a chicken shit, but I guess I can be proven wrong twice in one night.”

  “You got that right.” She continued to pack.

  “So you’re just going to tuck tail and run away? Abandon Jack? Leave me?” He asked incredulously.

  “I don’t know if you missed the little scene that just happened out there, but I just . .” Casey cut her off with a slash through the air with his hand.

  “Oh that’s such bullshit!” He said rising off the bed. “Tom will come to grips with what has happened, and if he can’t that will be his cross to bear and not yours. You can’t let his anger and your guilt run you out of this place. If there was somewhere else to go I’d say sure, let’s go, but there’s no other safe place.” Casey was getting frustrated trying to reason with everyone all night. Jill just continued to stare at him, not really sure what to say.

  “Just know, if you leave Jill … . “ Casey came over to stand in front of her and sat her down in the only chair in the room. “I’m going with you.”

  “No you can’t! Your place is here, look what you’ve helped do for all these people you can’t leave them in a lurch!” Jill struggling with trying to stay calm and yet excited that Casey would even
suggest that he leave with her, to stay with her, it really meant something to her at this moment in time. Tipping her chin up, Casey said “Why don’t we go get cleaned up, and get some rest. You look as worn out as I feel.”

  “Ok.” They both rose and left the room to where the showers had been set up. After both had showered and changed, they went back to Casey’s room to lie down.

  “Do you really think he’ll hate me forever?” Jill asked in the dark.

  “I don’t know, I’ve never seen Tom like that, but losing a daughter is rough. I only hope he can cope, for his wife and other daughter’s sake.”

  Chapter 6

  Two days had passed since the Jeff/zombie/Cindi incident. Most people not directly affected were moving forward. Rumors swirled about the girl being pregnant and Jill in a jealous rage killed her. Other rumors about it being Jeff’s baby and Tyler found out. It was weird how gossip brought people together and tore them apart. Jill had been avoiding Cindi’s whole family, but she knew she needed, no wanted to talk to Vikki. She wanted to beg Vikki for forgiveness. She had been getting very close with this woman, and even if Vikki wanted nothing to do with her after this, at least she told her what happened and tried to make it better. Knocking on her door she knew Tom wasn’t here. A few seconds passed and Vikki opened the door slightly. Both women stared at each other for a moment.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Of course.” Jill really wanted to give her a hug but held back.

  “Please sit.” Vikki offered her a chair.

  “I don’t know what to say, but no matter what anyone else says or what you think of me, please know how truly sorry I am.” Jill was no crying full out, and with Vikki’s silence she started to rise. But then Vikki grabbed her in a hug so tight Jill had no real choice but to hug back. They sobbed like that for a while, when finally the tears began to subside.

  “I swear to you I thought it was Jeff behind that wheel. All I kept thinking was he wanted to bust through the entrance and let those monsters in here. I had to stop him.”

  “Jill I don’t blame you. Honestly.”


  Jill hung her head, with tears slipping down her face. “I should have just let the car hit me. I shouldn’t have fired.”

  “Jill you did the right thing at the time. If anyone else would have been in your shoes, they are lying if they say they would have not fired that gun. I probably would have myself.”

  “Yes. While my heart is ripped in two at the moment, it will heal. Cindi was losing herself with that man and it didn’t matter what I did to try and keep her away, it seemed she always found a way to be with him. I can’t tell you how many people would tell me they saw those two together.”

  “I tried to keep her busy with jobs myself but it was so hard. Tom loved her so much, he couldn’t stand seeing her do manual labor and would have her stop.” Jill added.

  “I just don’t understand Tom. He hasn’t spoken to me since that night. It’s amazing the things you can still accomplish without speaking to each other. How’s Casey holding up with all this?

  “He drifts in and out. Tom is avoiding him too, and it’s tearing him up too. Casey just wants to help, both of you, and he feels clueless.”

  “Jill I’m not sure anyone can help. Tom is in a dark place right now. He’s even ignoring Susie.”

  “Vikki I have to know. Was Cindi pregnant?” Vikki closed her eyes and looked down, not a good sign.

  “I only have speculation, but Cindi was late. I can only guess why. If she took a pregnancy test she hid it. Part of me says no way, not my little girl. But then the sensible part of me acknowledges that my 19 yr daughter was sexually active and yes she was probably pregnant.” More tears came down from Jill.

  “Please don’t cry honey. There’s nothing anyone can do now. But if I ever see that son of bitch Jeff again, I’ll slit his throat in a heartbeat.” Vikki said.

  Days, three long ass days had passed, Jeff had been hiding outside the walls of the so called fort. Thank god they were so close to suburbia, he was able to drag his limp, broken body to an empty house however many blocks away with running water. Of course no food, but he could deal with that. If only that stupid bitch had just waited like he said, she wouldn’t have gotten herself killed and they’d be miles away from this place. But she had to freak out because Tyler wasn’t with him. What was he supposed to say, admit that he killed him, hell no, who better to take the blame then that convenient little slut Jill.

  Part of him really wished Cindi would have been able to finish the job she had started, but he didn’t mind now taking it over. God his knee hurt, after Cindi went nuts and left him back in the garages he was left to watch the crash and chaos ensue. He climbed up the building and flung his body over fencing and barbed wire, only 30ft drop. He barely cleared the fence and some of the razor wire cut into his side and unbeknownst to him, thinking he just twisted his knee, he actually tore the MCL in his left knee, ligaments completely gone. Jeff lay on the couch in pain and a raging fever with an infection starting from the open wound on his side. He found some old Tylenol in the med cabinet, and had been close to OD’ing a couple times now. He had to find a vehicle. He knew there was no way he could walk or even run, but most cars were rotted to the ground having not been maintained in any way. Using an old ski pole he found in a closet as a cane Jeff meandered outside to the garage to take a look. A car or a minivan to be exact was there. He busted the window, got in and messed around at hot wiring it for a while to no avail. Fuck. He sat there thinking he was going to die with those bastards having gotten the best of him, when he saw a bike hanging from the ceiling. Managing to get the bike down, the tires flat, but of course his luck was changing and there was a foot pump in the corner, with an extra chain, some oil, water bottles, and other various tools. He grabbed a sponge bob back pack from the house, having filled all the bottles up and pumping the tires full of air, he set off from the house. It was dark now, took him most the day and his energy to get everything together. He road back towards the fort, staying just out of sight as he gazed over at it, watching the people make their rounds on watch detail, he remembered hearing Jill talk about the makeshift towns set up around the area to the south of here, from what she said it sounded like his kind of place. Flipping the fort the bird he turned and road off, vowing he’d return with an army, of sorts.

  “I don’t think I can stay here.” A single phrase uttered. Casey stepped forward towards Tom.

  “You can’t mean that.” He said putting his hand on Tom’s shoulder.

  “I do.” Tom replied expressionless. “It’s hard being here now, with Cindi gone.” It had been a few days since the tragic accident with Cindi and the break out involving Jeff.

  “What does your wife say, does Vikki want to leave? We’ve been together so long, you know there’s really nowhere else to go.”

  “Why do you think this is the only place that’s set up? The only place with people that are surviving? You’re not some sort of king that controls us.” Tom was getting very agitated now.

  “You’re like my brother Tom. We’ve been through so much together. I don’t want to be here without you by my side.

  “I can’t stand looking at her every day. Vikki say’s we have to forgive, but I don’t think I can.”

  “Are you serious right now? Listen to what you’re saying. You act as if Jill killed her in cold blood. It was self-defense and you know it. Cindi was misled, she fell for that jackass’s tricks and he lead her astray. Jill isn’t to blame.” Casey was trying anyway to reason with Tom now.

  “But nothing has been done, no punishment, no anything.” Tom replied with venom in his voice.

  “She said she was sorry.” Casey offered a meager response knowing it was not adequate.

  “I don’t want her sorry, I want my daughter back.”

  “Punishing Jill wouldn’t bring her back. What do you want us to do?? Kick her out, make her leave? You know Jack would leave with her. Y
ou would seal that boy’s fate too.” Now, trying desperately with threats to keep Tom here and see reason.

  “I don’t know what I want, I just hurt. All the time now, I can’t think about anything else, I just see her laying there in that blood, knowing it was Jill that put her there like that.”

  “What would you do if Cindi had killed Jill with that truck?” Casey was trying to flip the tables for Tom to understand the consequences his daughter may have faced had she lived. “That would have been murder, and we would have had to act on that, and you know it. You know it in your heart that you would have lost Cindi that way too.” Tom grabbed Casey’s shirt collar brought him right up to his face.

  “At least she would have been alive!” He sounded almost hysterical now.

  “So you would have sacrificed Jill’s life … … for your daughter to have been a murderer?” Casey was scared what the answer was going to be.

  “Yes. I guess that’s exactly what I’m saying.” Tom thrust Casey away from him.

  Most days Jill seemed to just wander from place to place, job to job, if she wasn’t staying shut up in her room. But that was about as far as she went. It had been about week or so since Cindi died. Jeff had yet to be found and the place seemed split with what was the true story around Cindi’s death. Jill just didn’t know what to say nor do. She still couldn’t believe Casey talked her into staying here, she should have just left when she was pumped up to go. Jill was walking around outside enjoying the day as much as she could now, it had been a while since the sun shone so bright, summer was in full swing, it had been rainy and gray since the mall excursion. That was rough. She neared the back of the lumber yard thinking about how she almost lost Casey and it a curd to her that she couldn’t leave this place, she couldn’t leave Casey. She especially couldn’t ask him to leave for her. This was their new home, their new world in a sense. Maybe one day years down the road this shit would get straightened out. She could hear loud talking and what sounded like scuffling. She hustled over to where she could see people crowding around.


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