Red Knight: (Red Knight #1)

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Red Knight: (Red Knight #1) Page 9

by L. C White

  “You should go live your life… with Nathan.” I let out a slight growl at his comment.

  “Okay… a few simple questions.” I blow out as I lean back. “Is this like some fetish club, and am I expected to wear a collar with studs?”

  “No.” He laughs so sweetly. “Though, that would be a fair sight to see.”

  “If I sign, do I have to do what you tell me to, and if I don’t comply, will I be spanked for it?”


  “So, you really think that Nathan is better for me… I’ve been there; done that.”

  “He can give you much more than I can,” he sighs and it rips a little of my heart away.

  Why is he being so difficult? Live my life with Nathan. Nathan is a busy boy. He has a different girl every week. I would never go back there again. And I seriously doubt he’ll ever come close to Adrien. This fire in my belly, the intense longing that has almost made me sick, is all new. And it all began at the charity banquet.

  I pull the paper and pen to me, squiggle my first initial, and stop, because my subconscious is screaming, you’ve not even read it yet.

  Adrien shuffles to the edge of his seat and reaches over. He’s angry by my burst of stupidity. He holds the pen still in my hand. I notice the typed wording is foreign. I stare at it. I think it’s in Latin.

  “It needs to be in blood,” he says with a deep and dangerous look in his eye.

  Oh yes. It’s perfectly normal to sign in blood. That’s if you making a deal with the devil. Am I? Laurie sure looks like he’s a disciple from hell.

  “I’m in a very exclusive club,” he admits. “I am the Executive, and this form you need to sign, tells others that they have no right to touch you.”

  He pulls the contract across the table ever so seductively. I watch his toned arm stretch, and my eyes make their way down to his open thighs.

  “Okay, I shall read.” His tongue wets his lips.

  Keep it together Liz, and listen.

  “No other Executive, or Devotee, will touch or harm the appointed Red, which refers to you,” he nods. “The Red will withhold all information in regards to the order and personal business. The Red must attend all functions when specified to do so.” He goes silent, and stares directly at me. “The Red,” he hesitates. “Will remain healthy, and keep up an appropriate appearance when accompanying the named Executive to any formal gatherings.”

  My thoughts are all over the place right now. I totally want this man. I’m not thinking straight due to sleep deprivation, and this whole agreement thing is boggling me.

  “So, is this like a freemason thing?” I squint.

  “Look, whoever I get involved with has to sign this, and I have to abide, it is my duty.” His hand squeezes my knee. “It’s business. It’s not a pre-nup, and you’re free to go whenever you like… I don’t own you.”

  “And what will I be known as, your Red?”

  “It’s just a word, doesn’t mean a thing to me,” he says. “Look, when you’re with me, you may see things that have to remain confidential,” he explains. “This is purely a precaution.”

  I think, and think some more. I need to get out of this godforsaken room. Okay Liz, he likes you, he wants you. You like him, and want him even more. It’s just a simple form to say I can keep my mouth shut. The fact it has to be in blood, well, that is bizarre. But if he’s in the freemasons, then I get that they have their secret handshakes and what not. Sign the paper and get out of here.

  I place my hand on the paper and slide it to my body. I take a breath, and peer up at Adrien.

  “I really can’t believe I’m going to ask this… how do I sign in blood then?”

  He takes the pen, presses the side, and out pops a tiny sharp needle. “Push down on that. It will draw and absorb into the nib,” he explains.

  I swallow and push my finger down on the needle, quick. A painless small bulb of blood beads on my fingertip. Adrien grabs my hand and stares.

  “Only sign, if you’re sure.”

  I’m sure enough and take my hand back. I smudge my blood on a ridge at the side of the pen. Immediately, it soaks inside. I sign quickly without thinking about it, and slide the paper away. It’s done. Now I want out of this room.

  Laurie barges through the door. “I smell an agreement,” he says.

  Adrien sweeps the paper up and pushes it into Laurie’s chest, hard. “See you at the next summit.”

  Dom enters, shakes Adrien’s hand and winks at me. Ben comes in, gives a brisk manly shake and leaves. Clearly, like me, they all have somewhere they’d rather be. Conner simply waves and disappears.

  “Well,” Laurie hums. “It’s been a pleasure to meet you, Elizabeth… Adrien.” He dips his head and thankfully leaves us.

  They’ve all gone, and we are finally alone. I’m not entirely sure what just happened. I walk with a frazzled mind down the hallway.

  “Sorry, that was a bit intense… they’re usually more welcoming than that,” Adrien says, expressionless.

  “Yes… it was.” I gaze impatiently.

  The elevator door opens and my desperation for his touch soars. I drive him inside, thrust him up against the wall, and lie my lips hard on his. Now I’m unconcerned by the small space, us pressed together like this doesn’t require a lot of room. For once, I will take control. He’s left me hanging since the garage, and now I want what I’ve been very patient for. God, I’m turning into some psycho nymph.

  Control swaps, and he shunts me into the corner, wetting my neck with his erotic mouth. My knees wane open and inhalation intensifies into a moaning need. He’s so damn good at this kissing. My turn on is at an all-time high.

  He forces himself away from me and I’m furious. I pant to breathe, and try and claw him back to me. I’ve never thrown myself at anyone. He’s getting the whole bad girl package right now, and he’s refusing. Shit, what if bad Liz disappears. This could be just a fleeting bout of confidence that’s possessed me.

  He holds me back, wheezing deep. His eyes want me, so what’s the damn problem?

  “What!” Oh my god, I actually yelled at him. “I’m sorry… shit,” I gasp. “Sorry.” I shake my head down, shamefully.

  His fingers push up my chin so my view drowns in his beautiful eyes. “Elizabeth, fucking you right now in this elevator would be pleasant.” No Mr Knight, it would as you would say, make my night. “But you’re better than that, and I will show you.”

  Rein it in Liz. Rein it in.

  Chapter 8: Cure me deeply

  It’s such a tense journey. Quiet, with an extreme tension drifting from driver’s seat to passenger. The music is not helping, moody blues. It’s making me shuffle noticeably in my seat, fervently wet below. He wants to wait; I can wait about another squirming minute before I combust.

  I’m choking with desire for him. An invisible noose around my neck, tightening by the second. I’m so clammy, I have to subtly blow my hair off my face. The jitters have invaded my whole body and I’m a permanent dark cherry colour. Right now, I don’t need a gentleman, I need savaging. Like Cate advised, I need to get Adrien Knight out of my system.

  I see how fixed on the road he is. He won’t even look at me. I watch his jawline grind and have to remove my view, sharpish. If I don’t, they’ll be an R.T.A on Bridge Street, caused by me propelling myself at him. His constricting grip on that steering wheel should be on me. Me Adrien. Me! My head yells.

  He swipes his card and we pull under into the darkness of the flickering lit garage. The garage! It’s torturous. There’s build-up, and there’s build-up. He’s a businessman, and he’s giving me the hard-sell.

  He gets out as I pull on the handle to open my side, but he doesn’t give me the chance, he’s there, holding it open for me. I swing my body around and place my feet on the floor. I inhale the heavy air. Jeez, I do hope he hasn’t spotted me physically quaking.

  “Thank you.” I swallow.

  He presses the central locking. “Elizabeth,” he calls, as I
charge ahead to the elevator without him. “Patience,” he grins strangely. “I shall see you very soon.” He walks to the stairwell.

  I glare and halt, watching him leave me as I freeze in a befuddled state. Where the hell is he going?

  “I want to make it in one piece, so I’ll take the stairs. Could do with the warm-up.” He blinks a mischievous wink. “You and I in there, not a good mix at the moment. Sixty-three.” He disappears through the door of the stairwell.

  God. Where did he get his willpower from? Usually, it will spring into action at the slightest indication of sex. Most men would have lost all inhibition at this stage. No matter how much I tell myself this is a good thing, he’s being honourable, it’s not working.

  The elevator doors open so I step in, wheezy in heat. I lean over and stab hard on the number pad. I’m now wittering to myself. He’s making me lose my mind. The need between my legs thumps more profoundly, the longer I have to wait.

  I stand upright and look at my reflection. I knew it, I’m a constant rouge shade. Skin laced with sweat, my cheeks and neck aflame. I promptly remove my jacket and give my hair a flick through with my fingers.

  “God, come on.” I bob impatiently.

  Finally. I nearly fall out of the doors before they’ve fully opened. I see his door. Black door, with a silver sixty-three and peephole. There’s not a chance he’s made it here before me. I hover, unsure whether to wait or go and knock.

  Liz, this is it. It has been two years, and you may be a little rusty, but my god girl, you deserve this night. I bluster, pacing on the spot.

  There’s movement. The door swings open and he’s there. He slopes against the doorframe with thin suggestive eyes. My heart races, jumps, and booms. I swallow as my jelly legs move across the sea of black marble. There’s a smell: a tasty scent, along with the hint of melting candle wax.

  I slowly walk by him and lay my jacket on the kitchen surface, in what I try to make look like an evocative way. The dining table has been dressed with candles and red roses. He doesn’t note my flirtatious eyes willing him to take me right now. He just moves by me, and pulls out a chair.

  There’s only one place set, with a silver covered platter on the table. I sit and cough, awkwardly. Not because I need to, but because I’m unable to take in air correctly.

  He lifts off the lid to reveal a Michelin star dish. “Steak tartare, with a red wine dew, and creamed potatoes.”

  “You really didn’t need to do all this.” I’m out of sorts. I have an appetite, yes. But for food, no. “There’s only one plate… do you not eat?”

  “Of course,” he says, definitely. “I’m have very specific dietary requirements, and only eat at certain times of the day. Besides, I’m not really hungry this evening.”

  I sigh a shallow breath. I don’t want to offend him after he’s gone to all this effort, but I simply cannot eat it. It’s kind of bizarre to think of myself eating, while he watches me.

  “You’re confusing me,” I whisper coyly with a side glance.

  I have to tell him. I can’t go on like this. I’m throbbing for him, and he’s making me feel ridiculous for doing so.

  “Can you explain to me in layman’s terms, what it is that’s happening between us?” Oh no, all this sexual pressure has created an outspoken monster. “You don’t need to wine and dine me… Adrien.”

  I peer up, hoping he doesn’t now think I’m some thankless bitch. I hope he wants me too, with the same deep need I’m ailed with right now.

  “Come with me.” He takes my hand with a firm grip, and leads me by the central fire.

  We come to a door across from his office. He opens it up into the room of all rooms. It’s stunning, and so different from the rest of the penthouse. Dark and old fashioned with a modern twist. I see an antique, solid wooden four poster bed, the size and likes I’ve never seen before. The black posts are draped in deep red silk. It’s very erotic looking. There are wall-to-wall black panels, with gold dim up-lights. There’s a real wood fire with crackling embers and a solid limestone surround. And before that, the most magnificent bathtub I have ever laid eyes on. A steaming full, roll-top copper bath, big enough for two.

  Okay, this is incredible, but who filled that bath. Is Sara still here? I look to Adrien with dubious eyes.

  “It’s self-heating.” He reads my mind, when he chooses to. “Bathe with me.” He darkly gazes as my chest flusters in panic.

  Oh my. That is the most sensual scenario I could imagine. But hell, I’m losing it here. I’ve never been asked to do this before. Kicking off my shoes and getting into that tub ungracefully, could ruin this.

  I hoist my brow in trepidation. This is what I’ve been waiting for, but it completely escaped my mind that I would have to get naked first.

  He walks before the fire, and my god, slips off his shirt real slow. I knew it, he is a god. He’s so toned. Not bulky, but athletic. The contours of his physique limber and flow fluidly, and his pale skin is so easy on my vision. I’m standing here witnessing my very own personal phenomenon.

  The flames cast an aura around his flawless body as he flicks open the top button of his jeans. His eyes continually aim their commanding pull on me. He turns and removes his bottoms effortlessly, smooth as a hot knife to butter. He’s naked with his back to me. The noose around my neck is now taut. I’m pulsating all over for him, but I’m freaking scared I might make a mess of this.

  I can’t speak, move, or blink. My heart rate has never been so erratic, pounding, and omitting beats. I’m so winded with lust and nerves right now, an oxygen mask couldn’t help me. He turns, and in all his carnal glory, he waits. But I cannot do it.

  Shit Liz. You’re no innocent. Please, please, just take off you damn clothes. This divine sculpted being actually wants you.

  He strolls to me, stealing my every breath, so I’m barely able to respire at all. He touches my face, not my butt or chest, and stares so infinitely it arouses me like never before. His eyes. Fuck. He’s staring at me with big plans in mind. I close myself off for a second, my cheek nestling against his hand like a pet cat.

  “Wake up Elizabeth,” his husky tone delights me. “I want you to see me please you.”

  I slowly open my eyes and my gasping voice whispers, “Oh-my-god.”

  He grins wickedly. “Oh Elizabeth… I can be much more than your god.”

  One by one, he unlocks the buttons on my white blouse and studies my torso. Out stretching his fingers, he strokes my cheek, slipping his hand down over my pulsating neck, collarbone, and then my breast. Like an expert, his hand curls around my back and flicks open my bra. I flinch as he sweeps my blouse over my shoulders so it drops to the floor.

  I cannot look. I’m quivering with my head angled back, gasping, feeling his lips scroll down to my chest. He pinches my erect nipple softly between his wet lips and pulls, before moving down to my naval. Dropping to his knees, he tears down my bottom half with a touch of sexual aggression.

  Shit, this is so fucked up. Fucked up and amazing. His tongue slides out of his mouth and laps my skin. Oh god. He’s teasing my opening. He’s making my body tic.

  I can’t take anymore. I don’t care. Holy crap, I need him inside me. I move away from his tongue, then kick off my shoes and jeans eagerly so I’m free of all clothing. He stands, with a critical look in his eyes.

  “Elizabeth.” He swoops me up into his arms, taking me by surprise. “We have all night.” He nuzzles my nose, nibbling my lip faintly.

  We move across the room, and he lowers me into the bathtub. The waters warm, but I don’t care about the feeling, where’s, how’s, or what’s. I’m in some sex bubble right now, and his hands on me are all I long for.

  He climbs in-between my thighs and sits, legs wrapped around my body, directly opposite. Whoa. He’s clearly ready. He’s going to be using that mighty erection on me. I stare at his tip surfacing the water, biting my cheek hard.

  “Elizabeth,” he says. “You are the most exquisite.” He lift
s my leg and kisses my calf. “Unique.” He kisses behind my knee. “And I’m not letting you out of this room, until you have had your way.” He develops a fuck me grin, and I will, oh yes Mr Knight.

  I hold the roll-top with white knuckles, my head back, panting. He moves onto his knees, his ample erection now at full capacity. He slinks his fingers around my waist and lifts me onto his lap. The touch of his hardness against me causes me to weep below. I wrap my legs around him and lock, as he kisses and sucks the water from my shoulder.

  I’m not going to last more than a minute here. My juices are leaking already. Please Liz, hang on in there. This feeling has to last.

  I whimper. He’s inside me, and damn! It feels so good. This is natural, as though it’s meant to be. I have no fear or doubts now. I’m in my very own version of paradise.

  I grip the top of the bath tight as he cradles my butt cheeks, and begins to manipulate me for his pleasure. The water waves and sploshes, creating a sensory slick delight as I rub hard on him. His skin glistens with beads. He grasps my wet hair, pulling it back, harsh. I kiss his ear, and move down to his wet neck. I nibble and use my teeth as he quickens my pace. I moan out in euphoria as he presses his forehead against mine to glower into me.

  “No,” he grunts. “Biting.” He kisses me firm.

  His tongue slips circular with mine as he buffs me harder and harder. Over and over. Grinding me deep against his hips. I want to let go. I need to release this ecstatic scream from the rising orgasm pounding inside me.


  “You feel ready to blow, but you can wait.” His gruff breathy words dominate me as I groan out for more. “I have waited a long time for this.”

  He pulls out of me. Leaving me in a state of total dissatisfaction, purring, and gasping in chaos. I need him. He needs to be inside me making me feel his fire. I’m sizzling for his still hard erection. I will combust in this tub if he doesn’t reconnect.

  I sigh and convulse as he steps out of the bath, his wet body dripping all over me. I can’t move. I’m too weak to fight and drag him back into the water. I bite the inside of my cheek in anger. He stoops to me, and vehemently heaves my limp body from the water.


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