Red Knight: (Red Knight #1)

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Red Knight: (Red Knight #1) Page 29

by L. C White

  I take the plunge, jumping down the last three steps through the bluster. I slam the door against the frame and put the latch on lock. My legs shake and I’m finding it hard to move. Hasty quivering breaths and squeaky steps. If there is anyone down here, they must be hard of hearing if they haven’t sense me already. My chest fills to full volume, as I suspend myself in tense thought.

  I decide call Adrien, pushing my shoulder blades up against the door so I can see in all directions around me. As soon as I tap on his name, a loud bang comes from the other side of the wood, and shunts me a good foot.

  “Shit!” I trip, dropping the phone. Dammit, it’s smashed. It’s in bits.

  Terrified, I feel my way through the lounge, running my hand along the back of sofa. I stub my big toe hard on the concrete step and stumble into the kitchen. It throbs as I hobble, looking for safety.

  It’s a bit brighter in here, with the moonlight shining through the windows. I hop to the table, gripping the edge, when a shadow sweeps with speed by the window above the sink. Oh shit, there’s someone out there.

  The figure appears again, moving even faster this time. What, or whoever it is, is playing games with me. Trembling, I make my way to the work surface and drop down to the floor to hide behind the counter. Something touches my head. I look up to see it’s a drawer handle. Please, please, let there be a phone in there, or a gun, anything useful that will keep me alive.

  I shift sideways and hoist my hand over my head. I gently pull the drawer open and rummage blindly. I grab a weighty object, not sure what it is, so pull it out. It’s quite large and cold to the touch. I look down, clutching it to my chest. It’s a cleaver knife, and it’s sharp, this will have to do.

  I rotate onto my knees and lift myself so I can peek over the worktop. The dark figure is now standing there, bold as brass, staring right in. I drop back down, my lungs crushed in panic.

  With the cleaver knife in my hand, I scuttle to the door and through to the lounge. I don’t want to die tonight; I have to find somewhere to hide.

  I manage get to the bottom of the stairs. “WHAT THE…”

  I’m wrenched high by my scruff so my feet dangle. I can’t breathe. I can’t see. Fearful tears hinder my view as I hesitantly turn to the side. It’s not Laurie. Hell, I have no idea who this is. Apart from noting his black eyes, and concluding he’s a vampire about to attack me with his pointed teeth.

  “Let me go,” I cry, as the tall scruffy vampire’s open jaw, journeys to my neck.

  Do it now Liz… use the damn knife.

  With my numb fingers holding the handle for dear life. I pull back my arm, then swing it out with all my strength while wiggling my body. The blade sticks an inch deep into the back of his neck. I’ve never heard a sound like it. A painful screech so high-pitched it pops my eardrums. He drops me to the floor, spinning violently, trying to pull the cleaver knife out of his neck.

  I race to the door and fumble with the lock as he nears me, coated in his own runny blood. As I open, he reaches out for me with his dirty fingers. As I turn to run outside, I come face to face with another. A female with a foul grin showing.

  I soar up the stairs. The adrenalin charges my muscles. It’s the only thing that’s keeping me moving.

  I get to the landing on my hands and knees, noticing the vampires have strangely vanished. So awkwardly I rise to my feet. I have no weapon, no phone, and if those vampires are Sang, I have no chance of defending myself against their speed and strength.

  My hands tremble against the wall as I sob. I don’t know what to do. Sara has gone. Adrien isn’t here. I’m done for. I’m going to die. I’m going to be bled out and feasted on if I don’t figure a way out of this.

  I open the first bedroom door on my right, praying for a place to hide.

  “Oh god!”

  Sara’s right in front of me, half-naked and gagged. Her wrists are bound with rope, tied over the ceiling beam, stretching her body so she sways on her toes. Her eyes widen at the sight of me, and she begins to grunt aggressively. She’s been cut over and over again. How the hell did I not hear this happening? I should have never allowed myself to fall asleep.

  I race across to her, scouring the room for something to cut her down with. She hums loudly through the grey duct tape. I pick up a shard of mirror from the floor, then rip the tape from her raw mouth.

  “Get… get out now,” she gasps. “Run fast, and don’t stop.” Her chin flops to her chest.

  I can’t leave her like this, they’ll kill her. I rise up on my toes and scrape the mirror across the toughened rope.

  “Laurie,” she struggles to speak. “Is here… go!”

  I continue to slice at the rope despite her warnings. Even if I did go, I’ve got no chance alone.

  The stairs outside creak. Someone is coming and they are in no rush. Sara jiggles away from me, but still I scrape away frantically.

  “Fuck… hide,” she growls.

  I keep hold of the mirror. The only place I can see that I have time to get to, is behind the open door.

  With every muscle tense and my chest full, I halt in a static state in the corner, with my nose pressing against the crumbling wood. The floorboards beneath me shift. I know it’s him, Laurie, I can sense his vile aura.

  “Not too good at covering your tracks Miss Lovell,” he says. “I can hear you holding your breath.”

  I try very hard not to let out the air, whether he can hear it or not. My heart rate is slow, forceful, and I feel lightheaded.

  “Are you going to keep me waiting all night?” his cold tone asks. “I suggest you make this easy on yourself.”

  I hang back in panic: thinking, sweating, and trembling. All I have is this shard of mirror to protect myself with. Any second he’s going to move that door to get to me.

  I make a decision. Bit by bit I move the door, keeping the glass down behind my thigh. I peer out to see him before Sara, maliciously running his hand over her face. She spits at him. He doesn’t react. He simply takes a tissue out from his grey blazer and wipes. I will myself. He’s not looking. I could just dive on his back and stick him.

  He takes out a Ditale ring, and slices deep across Sara’s breast.

  “She doesn’t taste the same as before.” He bends and sips her. “Pity your Knight in shining armour turned her… took her.”

  I had no idea Adrien turned Sara. But right now I don’t care. The only thing that’s important, is getting the hell away from him.

  As fast as my human body allows, I leap across the room and plunge the mirror between his shoulder blades. I thrust it so hard, it slices into the palm of my hand. I release and trip back, clenching my bloody hand before my waist. He doesn’t move, flinch, or wail in pain. He simply elevates his hand over his shoulder, and slides the mirror out of his jacket with ease.

  “Laurie,” Sara says. “Don’t… he will kill you, regardless of the consequences.”

  It was a mistake thinking I could stop him. Sara can see his face, and I know now my looming death is only seconds away.

  I make a break for it through the door, and down the lobby. I get as far as the first step and see them waiting for me; the two vampires that attacked me downstairs. I have nowhere to go, no way of getting passed them.

  I cry in terror and fight to free my arms as the female takes hold of me. I’m being hauled back to Laurie, aggressively. I scream and scream, in the hope someone outside will hear. It’s the only thing I can do now.

  I twist and turn, pull and yank, but I can’t shake them off as they hold me in front of Laurie. He studies me, his expression reserved. He doesn’t blink, just stares straight into my fright.

  Sara’s weak. She’s being bled out through at least thirty puncture wounds on her body, and needs blood to heal. She tries to tussle with her bound wrists, but only manages a few feeble shakes.

  “Leave her Laurie,” she says weakly.

  “Hmm, why would I resist such a perfect offering?” He squeezes my cheeks. “Warm, w
et, and best of all, Adrien’s.” He pushes my face back. “It’s worked out well, me having to complete the task I set out for that idiot friend of yours.”

  “Why are you doing this?” I weep.

  “That is purely between Adrien and me … Oh, and a few others,” he says coolly. “Let’s just say, things are going to be changing around here, thanks to you.”

  He presses his nose on my cheek and inhales. I angle my head but can’t move away from him, and I see the meaning of pure evil in his eyes.

  “You’re a jerk,” Sara laughs in pain. “You’re a greedy son of a bitch. If The Order find out you’ve been turning street trash to use in your little power up mission, then…”

  “Then what.” He spins to her sharply. “They’ll kill me? You have no idea what’s going to happen,” he smirks. “What is the point in being so powerful if we have to hide in the dark like rats? You’re forgetting Sara, I deserve my time. I have stood by him since we were reborn. And before, when he took us into that battle, holding information from his soldiers. His rank came before his friends, and he was the one who got us all killed… I’m owed.”

  “And Connor,” she yells.

  “Hmm, yes, that was unfortunate,” he shrugs. “He wasn’t willing to see the bigger picture. Regrettable, but it had to be done.”

  “You bastard,” Sara splutters.

  He turns his attention back to me. Pins and needles spread down my arms, caused by the Vampire’s strong grip. I clamp my teeth down, trying to wrestle loose.

  “Then he had to be all noble and take my Red.” He rips open my shirt and the buttons roll across the floorboards. “He took the one thing I had for myself, like he was some god. He had me kneeling before him for forgiveness. All because Sara and I had a connection.” He ogles Sara briefly. “Believe me Miss Lovell, there was once a time when Sara was a lot less vocal. Sweet young thing who fulfilled me.”

  I watch as Sara hangs her head. “You sucked me dry,” she murmurs.

  “Oh, that was just a bit of fun,” he says, while repulsively fingering my face. “Before Adrien charged in, I had great plans for you. Now it looks like you will have to do instead.”

  He stares and reaches for my torso nearly drooling over me. I wince at his cold wicked touch. He places his silver ring on his thumb. I compress my lips together, scrunching my eyes tight. I cannot bare to see. His touch on me is hideous, each finger insistent on groping, slinking around my back. My lungs inflate rapidly, as a sharp painful sensation suddenly digs into my skin, below my ribs. Sara screams at him as I cry out in pain.

  Stupidly, I look to see him on his knees, his mouth nearing my ribs. He laps up my blood with his tongue in indulgence. I gag, but nothing comes up. I feel sickened; my skin swarming with aversion. God please help. I’d rather die than have to go through this.

  He looks up at me. “Hmm, you have a distinctive flavour, young, supple, sweet. You’ll do nicely.” He stands, licking me from his lips. “Tie her to the bed. Be careful not to damage her.” The vampires drag me across the room.

  “GET OFF ME.” I kick and scream, using all the energy I can muster to try and get free, as I’m thrust down hard onto the mattress.

  “Laurie, I’m going to kill you,” Sara shouts. “I’m going to do it the same way you did me.”

  He laughs. “You’ve always been the sexiest bitch I’ve known Sara. But you must conduct yourself in an appropriate manner. You know how I like to punish a Red. You know what tools I have to do so,” he leers. “You’re going to have a front row seat. And if you’re on your best behaviour, I might even let you sample Miss Lovell here.”

  “You twisted sick fuck,” she grunts as I’m pinned down.

  My boots have been yank from my feet, and my left wrist and ankle have been secured tight to the bedframe. So screw this, I’m going to make it impossible for them to do my right side. Laurie observes, getting off on seeing me struggle. He glowers and rubs himself briefly. I look away. He disgusts me the dirty bastard.

  I fling my body so I bounce, recoiling and clawing. The female wraps the black cable tie around my skin. I twist, grab, and pull her hand to my mouth. I’m no vampire, but I will bite a chunk out of the bitch. This is fight or flight, and the latter isn’t an option now.

  She squeals as I clamp down my jaw, trying to break through her cold skin. Sara yells at me not to let go, egging me on as Laurie appears over the vampire’s shoulder. He grasps my face with his thumb and finger so my teeth penetrate my cheeks, and blood pours into my mouth. I have to release. He waves his finger with a taut hold of my chin.

  “You’re not the one who’s supposed to be feeding.” He nods evilly. “I’m going to enjoy you very slowly.” He kisses and bites my lip. “I have a very special piece I shall introduce you to.”

  “Fuck you,” I splutter.

  “Or I will you.” His tongue sweeps across his lips.

  “Adrien will come and he won’t be alone,” Sara yells.

  He swaggers to the door. “I know exactly what he will do. After all, I am his trusted second,” he says coolly. “Right now he’s chasing down some very hungry new bloods running around the city. They’ll be keeping him busy. And if he does make it, and comes in all guns blazing.” He turns to me. “He will see just how much I have enjoyed Miss Lovell here, and my job will be done.”

  “He will rip your head off,” Sara barks.

  He flounces to the doorway. “Sara, now-now, you should be a little nicer. You know what I can do to your body,” he says. “Now, don’t try to leave will you. I’ll be back real soon.”

  I tug at the cable ties that are carving into my skin. To think of him touching me again is abhorrent. I curse and cringe in awful pain.

  “It’s no good,” Sara sighs. “You won’t get free.”

  Wow, the most stanch vamp I know is giving up. Well I’m not. Even if I lose a finger or two, I can’t have him near me again.

  “So,” I grunt. “Is he going to kill me… and where the hell is Adrien?”

  “He might not even come here. Laurie wasn’t supposed to know about this place, only me,” she answers quietly. “And as for dying tonight, Laurie sees us as meat, nothing more,” she utters, ailing with blood loss. “All this is his god complex. To prove he is greater than Adrien.”

  “We can’t give up Sara… come on,” I shout.

  “Maybe if I let go the last time,” she growls. “I wouldn’t be facing the same death twice.”

  I see her fangs enlarge and eyes darken. She needs to heal. She needs blood now.

  “Sara, Adrien will come, just hang on.” I pull on my arms until my shoulders cracks. “Argh, shit!”

  Laurie saunters back in. He’s removed his jacket, undone the top buttons of his shirt, and has rolled up his sleeves. I draw up my knees as far as the ties will allow. Every single muscle in my body stiffens in terror. He stands between my open feet, tapping on Sara’s drooped head.

  “Stay awake now… wouldn’t want you to miss the show.” He stoops over, positioning his knees between mine.

  “Please, please don’t,” I yelp, unable to breathe.

  His fingers reach for the button on my jeans. He undoes me as I retch and turn my head sideways, needing to vomit.

  “Shush now, this is what a Red’s duty is.”

  Sara shakes her frail body, but not even she can help me now. I immobilise, trapped in horror as his thumb brushes over my breast, searching for the best spot to start.

  “Laurie,” Sara gasps. “Finish me… first.”

  I open my eyes. She’s trying to gain me a few more seconds. He ignores her, and focuses wholly on me.

  “Please don’t… please,” I wail.

  He takes a large ring out from his pocket, and slips it over the knuckle of his index finger. It is no ordinary Ditale ring. It’s silver, and has two thick razor sharp hooks protruding, at least an inch in length. Shit, he’s going to cut me with that.

  “Laurie,” Sara yells. “Answer me.”

He growls. “Shut up Sara… you’ll get yours soon. I always have the best first.”

  He lowers right over my body and places his lips to my ear. “Do you know, I know every vein, artery, and place, to get the most out of my feed so they remain alive.” He swirls the cool metal on my abdomen. “This is the spot. Most fertile. Most fruitful.”

  He lies down on me as I quiver. I feel an intense sharp slice below my belly button. I scream out in agony.

  “Yes, this will do nicely.”

  He moves down me, skimming his growing fangs against my naked flesh, as his dark eyes show a malevolent thirst.

  He latches onto the cut like a suckling young, and moves wildly on me. I’ve never felt so violated. I’m revolted by the way he wets me with his mouth. I feel so dirty. I’ll never be clean. If he kills me now, it would be a blessing.

  A loud bang, like a cupboard falling off the wall downstairs, rumbles through the bed. Laurie hoists his head with my blood on his lips. He waits a second until the grim hush returns, and resumes feeding on me. I gulp and sob to the side as Sara scuffles frantically on her toes.


  Suddenly, Laurie is hauled from my body and tossed across the room. Oh my god… he did come.

  “Adrien,” I cry out.

  “Liz… Come on.” Dom fumbles madly with the ties, simply snapping them apart with his bare hands.

  I bolt up from the bed, squeezing the wound on my belly. I just want him to hold me. To tell me everything will be okay. He glances at me over his arm for a brief moment with a rage flashing across his eyes. He bends and drags Laurie up to his feet. His breathing is deep. He’s furious.

  Laurie licks a small cut on his lip with huge arrogant grin on his face. “She taste good, can see why you lost your mind over her.”

  Adrien punches him so hard, plaster and dust tumble from the roof as Laurie hits the wall.

  “You seriously thought I wouldn’t find out what you’ve been doing… those new bloods can’t stop me.” Adrien clutches and shakes Laurie’s scruff, repeatedly beating him with his fist.


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