My Champion (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 7)

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My Champion (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 7) Page 16

by Alanea Alder

  "I am so glad that you are relaxing while watching your anime," Ryuu said sarcastically.

  "I didn't know they made the shows like that." Avery was blushing.

  "They're totally hot, aren't they?" Meryn asked. Avery just nodded

  "Oh my goodness, what is going on here?" Caspian asked as he walked in with Broderick.

  "Papa, Daddy, where have you been? We had dinner ages ago," Bethy asked, looking concerned.

  "We worked through dinner tonight, darling. I'm on the verge of figuring out one of the synthetic vitamins that I need. So we just ordered in from Level Six."

  They both sat down as the next episode began. Caspian's attention was riveted on the show.

  "What is this?" he asked.

  Meryn gave him a sly look. "It gets better." Before they knew it, the two boys were now up in the older boy's bedroom. The older boy was trying to get the younger boy to sit on the bed.

  Caspian's cheeks flushed. "Oh my, I think I know where this is going."

  Broderick laughed. "This reminds me of our first date."

  Meryn jumped and turned around in her gamers seat excitedly. "I just had the best idea!" she exclaimed. She looked at Caspian and Broderick. "I want to learn about the butt sex."

  Aiden began to choke on his pie. Declan tried to help Aiden by hitting him on the back to clear his airway. Unfortunately, he was laughing so hard, most of the hits ended up pounding Aiden's arm.

  Bethy and Gavriel just stared. Magnus shook his head, while Caspian and Broderick looked at her like she was crazy. Bethy finally gasped, inhaled, and began to choke on her tea.

  Tarragon jumped up and quickly ran to her side. A faint yellow light appeared at her back, and slowly, Bethy was able to breathe again. Kari turned her attention back to Meryn. Meryn and Avery were now both on their knees on their gaming chairs and looking at Broderick and Caspian with big puppy dog eyes. Broderick looked at Caspian, who shook his head.

  "I had the talk with Bethy; it's your turn."

  "Meryn!" Aiden exclaimed, finally catching his breath. "You don't need to know about that."

  Meryn scowled at him. "I'm not trying to get pregnant again."

  Broderick rubbed his chin. "Technically, that could still happen."

  Meryn shrugged. "I'll take my chances."

  Broderick blushed as Bethy laughed at his discomfort. "I...I..." he stuttered. "I'm not quite sure where to start."

  "Start with the butt," Meryn said, trying to help.

  Broderick's mouth opened and closed and then opened and closed again. He looked at his mate who was cracking up hysterically, his arms wrapped around his stomach.

  Declan slipped his hand into hers. "Come on, I really don't need this lesson." He winked at her. "Let's go introduce you to the guys."

  Kari ruffled Avery's hair and then winked at Meryn. She knew that Meryn had broken the ice and had been asking these uncomfortable questions for Avery's sake. She couldn't love the little midget more.

  Kari and Declan arrived at the Unit Level and Declan led the way. They stopped in front of a large building, and even from the outside, they could hear laughter behind the doors.

  Declan turned her. "We're having more fun now than we've had in decades. I'm not sure whether it's Adriel loosening up or having the twins here, but either way, it's becoming common practice for the guys now meet up here. We call this the unit house. It has a large kitchen, eating room, and media center. Everything you need just to hang out." He opened the door, and Kari walked in behind him.

  Somebody to their left shouted, "Congratulations!"

  Another voice called, "Nice bite marks!"

  Another male voice teased, "Lucky bastard!"

  Declan laughed and wrapped a possessive arm around her waist. "Gentlemen, I would like you to meet my mate, Kari Delaney. Kari, these jokers are Noctem Fall's unit warriors."

  "Is it true that your brother is mated to Warrick?" somebody asked.

  "That's Viktor BelleRose," Declan said identifying the speaker.

  Kari nodded. "Yes, though technically they will not be mated until next month when Avery turns one hundred."

  "Any other cuties?" a handsome, sandy haired man asked.

  "That is Beau Westerly," Declan said, offering another name.

  Kari turned to Beau. "Sorry no, just he and I."

  Declan went around the room introducing the men, Kari was sure she'd never remember them all.

  "Hey Kari, thanks for all your help here recently."

  She looked over at the speaker, surprised. "What do you mean? You are?"

  He shook his head "Sorry about that. All of us have been here for so long, we're just used to everyone knowing everyone's name. My name is Dimitri Romanov; I'm the unit leader for the Theta Unit."

  "What do you mean, Dimitri? Thank you for what?"

  "For helping Prince Magnus for one. Before you got here, there always seemed to be a tightness around his eyes like he was constantly frowning or worried about something. However, since you got here and took over for Cheryl, it is almost like he can relax. He is not afraid he is forgetting something."

  Kari laughed. "I am glad that being here has made such a difference. He needs all the help he can get." The men around her nodded.

  "So Declan, did you hear about Rachelle?" Beau asked.

  Declan nodded. "Sure did. It makes getting cut up worthwhile. I can't imagine a baby being born here."

  "Yeah, until it is your turn," Dimitri teased.

  Declan turned pale, looked at him and then looked at Kari. She shrugged. To the right, uproarious laughter filled the air. She gave him a questioning look, and they both walked into the media room followed by the other warriors. In front of the television, Nigel and Neil were dancing around, bopping to the music. It looked as though they were playing some sort of dance game.

  Goddard's eyes softened. "They can be a handful, but I would not trade them for anything. Their presence here has brought nothing but laughter and joy. You cannot pay for that kind of light. Most of us have forgotten what it is like to be young."

  Declan, his arm still around her waist, steered her back toward the door. "Well guys, just wanted to make some introductions so she knows what your ugly faces look like."

  The men laughed. "Get out of here. We can only imagine what it is like being newly mated," Goddard teased.

  Declan chuckled and waved goodbye. They walked down the dark street that split the two rows of houses.

  "You okay?" she asked.

  He nodded. "It was just something they said."

  Kari left it alone for the moment, but she could tell that whatever it was, bothered him. If he didn't speak up soon, she knew she would bug him about it later. They walked into the house, and he walked her to the kitchen, smiling. He pointed out a machine. It was all black and chrome.

  "Now, I will show you how this works, but only on one condition."

  She cocked an eyebrow. "What condition?"

  "You must never tell Eva or Meryn that it's here. They would never leave."

  "What is it?"

  Smiling, he flipped a switch she heard a grinding sound and watched as a dark brown liquid began to stream into a small cup.

  "It's an espresso machine. The one thing I can't live without."

  "You are right; Meryn would never leave. I have heard horror stories already about her and coffee. Magnus is evidently very entertained by them."

  Declan took the two shots of espresso, walked over to the refrigerator, and opened the door. There was a small jar with a lid. He opened it and poured it in. He rinsed out the small cup and then set it on the counter.

  "What will you do with that?" she asked.

  "I'll use it later to make iced coffee."

  They walked upstairs and got ready for bed. After the espresso demonstration, he hadn't said a word. She slipped on an old T-shirt and climbed into bed. When he still hadn't said anything by the time he climbed in behind her, she decided to say something.

  "Penny for
your thoughts," she started. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into the curve of his body. "Just a penny?"

  "That is all I can afford right now."

  He rested his chin on her shoulder. "Could you be pregnant?" he asked.

  She stilled. She counted the days. During the move, she knew she had entered into her conception cycle. "It is possible."

  Declan gave a happy sigh. "I think that's why I found you when I did. I think that was the reason why you came to me now."

  "Declan, we have years, centuries even."

  She felt his chin move across her shoulder as he shook his head. "I could've lost you. I can't even imagine..." his voice trailed off. "There's a killer on the loose and here you are, falling down the stairs."

  She grabbed his forearm at her waist. "Can you tell me more about the killer? I was with Magnus when Meryn showed him the security cameras, but no one filled in the details."

  Declan began to rub her hand. "Just before you got here, we had three shifters murdered on Level Six. We think one of the wine vendors, a vampire, went feral when the refugees came in the first wave. There was so much blood, a lot of the vampires couldn't handle it. We think he snapped. Eva was able to track him down to the Pits, the lower levels underneath Level One. It's where city maintenance happens. She was attacked; we nearly lost her. Ever since Eva's attack, there haven't been any new murders. Poor Adriel is getting more frustrated as each day goes by without any new clues. We all hate to admit it, but unless he kills again, it may be impossible to find him."

  "Maybe he left," she suggested.

  "We sealed the maintenance shaft he used to get around the city, and he can't fly. He lost the ability when he became feral. No, he's somewhere still in the city, we just can't find him."

  "What about Avery?" she exclaimed, "Avery is by himself, he..."

  Declan nipped her shoulder "Do you really think Warrick is gonna let anything happen to him?"

  She pulled her knees up to her closer to her chest. "Maybe we really would have been safer at home."

  "No you wouldn't have. Three new families were discovered murdered just yesterday."

  "What is going on? Why now?"

  "I don't know, but it's like were being hunted. My lion doesn't like it."

  Kari fought back shivers. "That is how it felt in the garden, just for a second before I got dizzy. There was this icy feeling of fear. I was dizzy, but I still looked around. I expected to see someone watching me."

  "Why didn't you say anything?" He turned her in his arms.

  "It was just a feeling."

  "You and Meryn have said almost the same thing."

  "It is difficult, I think," Kari started. "Being in a city you are not used to. There are so many tunnels and caverns. So many close spaces in darkness; in the shadows you almost expect something to be hiding there."

  Declan shook his head. "I've been here for so long, it doesn't even bother me anymore. If you get that feeling again, you run, you find me, you find someone. I can't lose you." He pulled her against his chest and held her tight. "You see me. Not a mediator, not a Lionhart, just me. I can't lose that."

  She rubbed her cheek against his chest. "I feel the same way. After my parents left, I was alone until my adopted brother found me. He helped me figure out what I could do and how to survive."

  "Adopted?" he asked.

  "Yes, I found him over one hundred and sixty years ago. It was right around the time the humans started heading west. I saw him doing some magic and stuck to him like a burr. He was the only paranormal I had seen since my parents left me. Eventually, I think he just took pity on me. He set me up with a piece of paper that changes depending on what I needed it to be: A birth certificate, degree, or a marriage certificate. Anything that would help me get by in the human world and blend in."

  "Where are your parents?"

  "I have no idea. When I turned one hundred, they said I was old enough, and they left."

  "Are they dead?"

  "I do not know. That is why you and Avery are so important. You are my family now. I cannot lose the two of you."

  He rubbed his chin over the top of her head. "You're never getting rid of me. If you ever wonder where I am, just look behind you. I'll be there to catch you or give you a push when you need it."

  "I would rather you walk beside me." She smiled.

  He snorted. "No way. I'd rather walk behind you so I can watch your ass."

  She poked him in the ribs, and he laughed.

  She got serious for a moment. "Do you really love me?"

  He nodded. "So much it's frightening."

  "Even though I am take-charge? Some guys I have dated said that I was too dominant and they did not feel they were needed."

  "They just weren't strong enough to allow you to be who you are. For the most part, I go with the flow, it's just easier. But when it is just the two of us, when we are alone, my lion needs you to submit. Will that be a problem?"

  She smiled and kissed his chest "If it results in a repeat of earlier, no."

  He chuckled. "It's just the beginning of our mating heat, my little general."

  She looked up; his eyes were laughing and sparkling.

  "Why did you call me that?"

  "Because you are you like this little general that just runs around telling people what to do and they do it."

  "I do not." She swatted his arm.

  He nodded. "Oh yes, you do. You even have the prince dancing to your tune; don't think we haven't noticed."

  "I promise to use my powers for good."

  He chuckled.

  "So do you not want to?" she waggled her eyebrows at him.

  He shook his head. "I'll always want you, but you got hurt today. The only reason I claimed you earlier, despite your injuries, is because my lion was frantic to do so after almost losing you. We can take the night off so your body can rest."

  "So it is not that you did not enjoy..." He nipped her hard enough to almost draw blood and she squeaked.

  "Don't even complete that sentence," he said in a deepened voice. "I'm being a gentleman."

  Never before had a man put her needs-- even the ones that she was ignoring-- above his own.

  "Thank you. Will you be a gentleman tomorrow?"

  "I will be gentle, and I will be a man."

  "Good." She turned back around and wiggled her butt.

  Growling low in his throat, he gave her ass a gentle tap and stilled her hips with his hand.

  "Careful, kitten." Laughing, she closed her eyes. She could get used to this growly lion.


  When she woke up, she was alone. She stretched all four limbs, enjoying the feel of having the bed to herself. She looked around and saw a piece of paper on the nightstand. Declan had left. He had a workout meeting with the unit warriors, and he told her that he would meet her at the Council room for the trial. Kari stretched one last time and then hopped out of bed. She experienced a surreal moment seeing her suitcase against the wall. She lived here, but not really. She was still pulling clothes out of her suitcase to get dressed. She looked around; the man didn't even own a dresser.

  She threw the suitcase up on the bed and dug out a change of clothes. She got ready and headed downstairs. When she got to the kitchen, she laughed. He had left a Post-it note on the espresso machine with a heart drawn on it with a little lion figure next to it. She opened the cabinets until she found what she was looking for, two reusable travel cups. She made two lattes, one for herself, and one for Avery.

  With her portfolio bag slung over her shoulder and lattes in hand, she left the Unit Level and floated down to Level One. When she reached Magnus' office, she handed the latte to Avery. She noticed that Warrick was in the corner, his feet propped up on the desk, his eyes closed. When she walked up to the desk, Warrick opened his eyes. Even though he looked like he was relaxed, she knew he was on alert. Vin and Keegan were smirking at him, and Warrick winked at her. Avery grabbed the cup, inhaled, and his e
yes practically rolled back in his head.

  "Thank you!" he exclaimed.

  He took a sip and then moaned. Warrick's gaze flew to his mate. She smiled at him, and he swallowed hard.

  "One month," she announced.

  "What?" he asked, never taking his eyes from Avery.

  "His birthday is one month away. He was born late for shifter."

  Avery sighed, blissfully happy, oblivious to his mate's discomfort. He was still dancing in his chair.

  "Where did you find this?" he asked, opening his eyes.

  "Declan has an espresso machine."

  "I love your mate," Avery admitted, taking another sip. Warrick growled low at the declaration.

  "On that note, bye darling, have fun."

  "Oh, I will." Avery took another sip and then shuddered.

  Chuckling to herself, Kari met up with Rex just past the transport tunnel on the way to the Council room. At the door, she saw Meryn standing with her hands on her hips, face turned up to the man at the door. Kari looked over at Rex who was now scowling. Rex and Kari walked up behind Meryn. Rex wrapped protective arm around Meryn's shoulders.

  "What seems to be a problem here?" he asked.

  The man looked up, eyed Rex quickly. "No one is to be admitted, especially shifters."

  "On whose authority?" Rex demanded.

  "The Founding Families have determined these will be closed-door proceedings."

  The guard never even looked up as he was speaking to Rex.

  "Son, do you know who I am?" he asked.

  The guard scoffed. "I am a vampire and probably older than you, shifter. Watch who you call son."

  Kari heard a distinctive sound and then looked at Rex. He was grinding his teeth, his jaw muscles clenched. Declan shared the same habit when he was aggravated.

  Meryn pointed at him. "Aiden does that a lot too."

  Kari looked at her. "With you, I am not surprised."

  "You have two seconds to move before I move you," Rex threatened.

  The guard finally looked up and met his eyes. "I would like to see you try."

  Without another word, Rex stepped away from Meryn, grabbed the guard by the collar with one arm, and threw him across the room. When the guard's body hit the stone wall, an echoing boom reverberated through the hall. The stone around his body cracked, leaving a huge crater. The guard fell to the floor, groaning.


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