The Changeling Princess

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The Changeling Princess Page 34

by Jackie Shirley

  Yolla stepped forward. “Take sword. It honor me.”

  I faced off against three of the Zema Clan’s finest warriors. They looked hesitant, so I assumed they didn’t like the idea of ganging up on a female. They drew their swords, but didn’t step forward. I decided it was time to make my move.

  I moved so fast I became a blur. I knocked the swords from the warrior’s hands, then I stepped back, waving my sword in their faces. They looked at one another, not quite sure what had just happened.

  “Way to go,” I heard Wade say. “I didn’t know Janis French had that kind of speed.”

  “No one move that fast,” Borgof said.

  “Janis does,” said Yolla. “She great warrior. Wade great warrior, too. He knock out Demon with fist.”

  I suddenly became aware of a middle aged woman in a long black dress moving toward me. “This woman is a powerful Witch,” Wade whispered.

  “I am Andra, the High Priestess” the woman said as she raised her hands and began chanting a strange spell. “Zabo, za, menbezo, hexda, wandoa.

  I felt a tingling sensation over my entire body as Andra’s eyes turned a bright red. I concentrated on hardening the air around me; similar to the method I used to build force fields. Andra looked puzzled and finally lost her concentration.

  I approached the woman and got down on one knee. I bowed my head and spoke softly. “I am honored to be in the presence of the Great Andra. Please grant me your blessing.”

  Andra smiled and held out her hand, guiding me to my feet. “I am one who is honored. You are good person with great, great power. I thank stars for sending you to village.”

  Yolla came running up to me after Andra walked away. “You beautiful and strong. I like to be you someday.”

  “That’s really sweet, Yolla, but you’re already beautiful and strong. And you’re a born warrior and an independent thinker. You won’t need any super powers to make your mark on the world.”

  Borgof spoke next. “Why you need us? Why not destroy Cayland?”

  “We do not interfere without knowing all the facts,” I answered. “I have many questions.”

  “Borgof replied. “Me take you to meeting place. You talk to Clan Elders.”

  * * *

  We were treated with great respect as we entered a large wooden structure in the center of the village. I watched as the four Clan Elders entered the room and sat at a long table with their backs to the wall. Wade and I were seated directly in front of the Elders. Borgof stood up and made his voice heard.

  “Janis and Wade enter village with peace in heart. Destroy evil Zards, save many lives. They have questions.”

  The head Elder nodded to me and I stood up to speak. “We are travelers from another world. We are searching for crystals that fell from the sky, countless years ago. We do not know who, but someone who possesses one of these crystals has created a Portal of Darkness, a gateway for evil Demons to enter our world.”

  The Elders spoke among themselves and then the head Elder rose to speak. “We not familiar with crystals or Portal of Darkness. We sorry.”

  “Cayland,” I said “is wearing one of the crystals I’m talking about. What can you tell us about him?”

  “Cayland evil,” said the head Elder. “Stories handed down by Elders tell of time when everything is good. Cayland come, bring Demons, everything turn bad. He not even let villagers bury dead. They delivered to castle, eaten by Demons.”

  “If that’s the case,” I said, “I will destroy Cayland and his Demons.”

  “That be good thing,” said the Elder.

  Andra, the High Priestess rose to her feet to be recognized. “We listen to High Priestess,” said the head Elder.”

  “Janis and Wade have hearts filled with good. When Cayland is destroyed, I ask permission to take them to Enchanted Forest. They speak with Princess Meea, leader of Fairy Clan. Maybe she know of Portal of Darkness they ask about.”

  The Elders huddled together again. “Permission granted,” said the head Elder.”

  “I ask another permission,” said Andra. “Is time to take apprentice. She learn ways of the ancients and someday take my place. I want Yolla be apprentice. She has heart of warrior, is pure in thought.”

  I looked over and saw that Yolla’s face was beaming. “I think Andra made a good choice,” I whispered to Wade.

  “Absolutely,” said Wade. “She will channel her warrior spirit into learning the secrets handed down from generation to generation. In time, she will become a very powerful Witch.”

  When Andra’s request was granted, Yolla’s father, Borgof rose to his feet and yelled. “Time for celebration.” Everyone stood up and cheered.

  “I bet it doesn’t take much for the Zema Clan to have a celebration,” I said to Wade.

  Wade raised an eyebrow. “These are my kind of people.”


  We were up early the next morning to attend the executions at the sea shore. “I think it’s going to be a gruesome experience,” said Wade.

  “Executions usually are. Evil rulers think of them as sporting events.

  “Cayland isn’t going to give up his crystal without a fight.”

  “I know that. He’s a powerful Wizard, but he has to be defeated.”

  “I’d like a sword and shield when we go into battle.”

  “I feel the same way.”

  * * *

  The sea shore was crowded when we arrived. I saw six men tied to stakes in the sand and several large steers tied up nearby. I was convinced we were going to be witnessing some kind of a sacrifice.

  “I don’t think Cayland is going to personally execute these prisoners,” said Wade.

  “I don’t either. The execution is taking place on the water’s edge. That suggests the prisoners and the cattle are going to be attacked by something coming out of the water.”

  “Yuck, the prisoners will probably be eaten like hot dogs on a stick.”

  “Wade, did anyone ever tell you that you have a way with words?”

  “Sorry about that. Are we going to permit these sacrifices?”

  “Of course not. Some of the prisoners are being executed just because they didn’t bow to Cayland. After we leave Cayland Town, the townspeople can choose their own form of justice when someone breaks the law.”

  We heard the sound of horses approaching. We saw several Demons on horseback, followed by Cayland who was driving a chariot. I knew the executions were about to begin.

  Cayland walked to the water’s edge and spoke to the prisoners. “You have been found guilty of crimes against Cayland Town. Your sentence is death by the mighty Graga.”

  “What do you think a Graga is?” Wade asked.

  “It’s probably some kind of a giant sea creature. I’m sure it’s going to be terrifying, whatever it is.”

  The trumpeters were standing at the water’s edge. Cayland raised his scepter and the trumpets were raised in unison. The next thing we heard were a series of high-pitched notes to summon the Graga. When the trumpeters lowered their instruments, all eyes were fixed on the ocean. The suspense was spine tingling.

  The first thing we saw were two pointed objects protruding from the water, about two hundred feet from shore. As the objects moved closer, it became clear that the two pointed objects were long pointed ears. As the creature moved closer, the outline of its massive body came into full view. Graga had a human shaped head, glaring red eyes and a large mouth filled with shark like teeth. It also had a humanoid shaped torso with large webbed hands. When Graga was knee deep in water, I estimated he was fifty feet tall.

  Cayland raised his voice. “Welcome mighty Graga, I have food that you will enjoy. Always know that Cayland is your friend.”

  “It’s time to act,” I said to Wade.

  I morphed into the Changeling Princess. Wade and I positioned ourselves directly between Cayland and Graga. I heard a piercing screech and looked up to see a large dragon flying overhead. It was the same dragon we’d seen i
n the coliseum arena.

  “I’ll take care of the dragon,” said Wade as he flew up to meet the dragon head-on.

  I encircled Graga with a force field before I twirled around and faced Cayland, who was clutching his crystal securely in his hand. I felt his energy force growing stronger and stronger. “You will be destroyed,” Cayland shouted as he fired a series of energy bolts directly at me.

  I walked toward Cayland, deflecting the energy bolts with my shield like they were bee bees. Cayland’s eyes tuned a bright green as he used the full power of his crystal. My entire body was suddenly engulfed by a penetrating green light. It felt as if I’d been covered with a thousand spikes, applying tremendous pressure against my skin.

  I ignored Cayland’s magic and hit him with my shield, knocking him to the ground. Suddenly, the air in front of me began spinning like a mini tornado, quickly taking on the form of a hideous Demon, half insect and half humanoid. The creature hissed as it reached for me with its long tentacles. I grabbed one of the tentacles and tossed the creature high into the air. Then I unloaded a pair of powerful energy bolt, blowing it into a thousand pieces.

  Cayland looked terrified when I tore the crystal from his neck and pulled him to his feet. I wanted to break his back over my knee, but I had a much better idea. I employed my power of telekinesis and lifted Cayland off the ground, suspending him in midair. His eyes were filled with terror as I floated him past the water’s edge, moving closer and closer to Graga. Cayland was screaming as I placed him directly in front of Graga’s waiting mouth.

  Cayland was still screaming as I released Graga from the force field. Graga opened his mouth and devoured Cayland with one swift bite.

  I decided to see if I could communicate with Graga. Can you hear my thoughts, Graga?

  I hear you.

  This is your last meal on the shores of Cayland Town. Do not come here again or I will punish you. Do you understand?

  Graga understand. I only come because I am fed.

  The dragon that Wade had been battling landed on the water’s edge, minus his head. The severed head landed a hundred feet from the dragon’s body.

  I used my power of telekinesis and sent the dragon’s body to Graga. I figured the dead dragon would make a good meal for the large sea creature. I watched as Graga turned around and slowly dragged the headless dragon out to deep water. Hopefully, Graga would stay in his own domain and the Cays would never see him again.

  We freed the prisoners, who went running to their families. It was a heartwarming sight to see the young children wrapping their arms around their father’s legs.

  “It’s a good feeling, isn’t it?” Wade said, obviously pleased.

  “It sure is. It’s times like this that tug at your heartstrings.”

  “I bet you’re wondering why I didn’t kill the dragon with energy bolts.”

  “I know why. The warrior blood in your veins took over and you couldn’t resist the challenge.”

  “I guess you’ve got me figured out. I’m surprised you didn’t destroy Graga.”

  “Graga is just a large sea creature who has been led to this area with the promise of being feed. Would you kill a stray dog that came to your house looking for food?”

  “You’re not only wise, Janis. You have a big heart, too.”

  I drained the power from the Cayland’s crystal before we headed back to Yolla’s village. Andra, the High Priestess had promised to take us to the Enchanted Forest; a realm ruled by Meea, the Fairy Princess. Hopefully we could have our questions answered. I was excited about meeting a real life Fairy Princess, but I think Wade was more excited than I was. He was just a little kid at heart.


  The death of Cayland was a cause for celebration in the Zema Clan. There was singing and dancing and everyone was drinking lots of ale. Even Andra, the High Priestess was a little tipsy.

  “You powerful warriors,” said Andra as she took another sip of her ale. Zema Clan always in your debt.

  Yolla approached me. “I was on sea shore. I see you change to powerful warrior with red hair. She beautiful, too.”

  “That was the Changeling Princess,” I said. “She is the warrior part of my personality. She’s a little stronger than me and she’s indestructible. Her skin cannot be pierced with the sharpest sword.”

  “Yolla honored to know you. You and Wade become legend long after children’s children inherit village.”

  “Thank you, Yolla. That’s a nice very thing to say.”

  “I’m ready for some ale,” said Wade after Yolla walked away.

  “I guess we can’t celebrate if we don’t have at least one drink. Just don’t get drunk. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.”

  “Don’t you think I can hold my own when it comes to drinking ale?”

  I looked Wade squarely in the eyes. “No.”

  Wade did his best to contain his laughter. “Yeah, you’re right, but do you always have to be so direct. Couldn’t you humor me once in a while?”

  I put my arms around Wade. “If I let my guard down, I’m afraid our relationship will get entirely out of hand. The fact that I care about you so much is the only reason I’m always up front with you. You do understand, don’t you?”

  “Of course I understand. I’m just glad one of us has the will power to keep our relationship in check.”

  Wade pulled me closer and kissed me. After the kiss, he ran his hand gently across my check. “Someday things will be different.”

  * * *

  Andra and Yolla were waiting for us the next morning. Andra led the way as the four of us rode out of the village on horseback. We traveled ten miles into the forest before we came to a large oak tree that looked as old as time itself. “This is place,” Andra said as we stopped to dismount. Andra had us stand close together as she began her greeting.

  “Enchanted Forest hear me speak, show us to Fairy kingdom which we seek.

  We come in peace with warmth in heart, show us way so we may start.”

  The sky darkened until it was pitch black. It was so quiet you could hear yourself breathing. Suddenly, everything around us was bathed in a soft glow. The forest had turned into a multitude of colors and there were flowers everywhere. As I looked around me, I became entranced. Everything was so beautiful, it left me breathless. I also picked up the scent of a crystal.

  “Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?” asked Wade.

  “No,” I replied, “and I doubt I will ever see its equal.”

  “This is place of prettiness,” said Yolla. “Is like dreaming.”

  “Is great privilege to be here.” said Andra.

  “I sense a crystal in this realm,” I told Wade.

  “I can sense it too. I assume we’ll find out what’s going on soon enough.”

  We were walking along a narrow path when we encountered tiny little people with large wings. They were flying all over the place, waving their wands and sprinkling dust all over the flowers. It was obvious I was looking at Fairies, but I didn’t expect them to look exactly like the pictures in the Fairytale Books. They even had the same cute little pointed ears.

  “Fairies use magic wand, pollinate flowers, help trees stay beautiful,” said Andra. “Some Fairies grow big, most are small.”

  “I feel like I’ve just walked into a real life Fairytale,” said Wade. “Look how beautify their wings are. I’ve never seen such beautiful color patterns.”

  My eyes became fixed on two Fairies walking in our direction. One was a male and the other was a female. Unlike the Fairies I’d seen so far, these two were my height. The warmth of their smiles told me instantly these were kind and considerate creatures.

  “Greetings, Andra,” the female said. We will take you and your friends to the castle. Princess Meea is expecting you.”

  “Don’t you feel like you’re dreaming?” Wade asked as we fell in line behind the others.

  “I think this is better than a dream. Look at Yolla. You don’t have to read h
er mind to know she’s happy. The sparkle in her eyes is a dead giveaway that she’s fallen in love with the Enchanted Forest?”

  We were greeted by several Fairies as we walked along the path towards the castle. They would fly up to us and say “Hello,” then quickly fly away. It was almost as if they were playing a game with us. I was positive everyone in the Enchanted Forest was extremely friendly.

  As we moved along the path, we saw a beautiful unicorn playing a game of tag with a creature that resembled a lion. We were overcome with wonderment. The Enchanted Forest was becoming more and more like a Fairytale with each passing step.

  When I saw the castle, it looked more like a charming three story house covered with vines. My senses were working overtime because sitting directly in front of the castle was the largest crystal I’d seen yet. It was at least four foot in diameter and almost two foot thick. The crystal was surrounded by Fairies of all sizes, holding their wands over the crystal.”

  “I think the Fairies use the crystal to rejuvenate their wands,” said Wade. “I guess there really is such a thing as Fairy dust.”

  “That would explain how they retain their magical powers,” I answered. “I find it encouraging that someone has found a way to use the crystal for good. It wouldn’t surprise me if the crystal is responsible for the increased size of the larger Fairies.”

  We entered the castle through an open arch. The first thing I noticed was that there wasn’t a single door in sight. On Earth, humans use doors to keep things out. I assumed the Fairies had no use for doors.

  I couldn’t help being impressed with how beautiful everything was. What made the inside of the castle so unusual were the jewels encased in the floors and walls. I was positive the jewels had no value in this realm and were only used for decorations because of their beauty.

  We were led into the Grand Room where Princess Meea was seated on a small throne. She appeared to be in her middle forties, but my senses told me that she was the oldest living creature I’d ever encountered. I also sensed an aura of kindness surrounding her entire body. The Princess spoke to Andra.


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