Alpha Alien: A SciFi Alien Romance (Bound to the Alien Book 1)

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Alpha Alien: A SciFi Alien Romance (Bound to the Alien Book 1) Page 6

by Flora Dare

  I trembled as he continued grinding against me. His every touch felt heightened, and I knew I was on the edge. "What are you talking about?"

  "The drink, you fool. Made to heighten passion between lovers. To inflame bodies with a single touch. Did my sister put you up to this? Tell you what it did?"

  I shook my head. I only used what he'd shown me, but we were beyond all reasoning now. Whatever protestations we had fell to the wayside with every touch of him against my skin. It was like red swirls filled my brain. I couldn't think, only feel.

  He glowered down at me. His head lowered and with a firm lick, I was gone. His tongue swirled around the hardened pebble of my nipple and I gave up all pretense of my struggle. He kissed his way down my body, paying special attention to my belly button. My pants shredded under his eager hands.

  “Never cover yourself from me again. I must taste you."

  He spread my legs and buried his face in the apex of my thighs. His tongue was almost prehensile as it lashed against my clit. I wanted to grab his head, to be more active, but my hands where still bound. I shuddered at his assault.

  His hands came up and gently spread my nether lips. His lips suckled my clit while his fingers tested my entrance. I was so wet and was screaming for him to take me.

  He just chuckled. Each time I got close to coming, he backed off. I couldn't think, all I could feel and think was him. I was reduced to begging. He gently stretched me out with his fingers.

  "Oh God, why?! Why are you doing this to me? Fuck me already."

  He lifted his face from me, using his strength to push my legs flat against the bed. "I want you to be as inflamed as I am. As wild and out of control as I am. I want the words to be trapped in your throat, until the only thing on your lips is me.”

  I bucked against him and tried to pull his head back down. I was so close, but he was so strong, I might as well have not done anything. It was all too much, the crash, the fear, the loneliness. I could feel tears well up in my eyes and slide down the side of my face.

  Tlavi moved up my body and touched the side of my face. He was nestled between my legs — finally! — and I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him right against me.

  I could feel the hard length of his bare cock against me, and it seemed to go on forever. I wanted him but now I was scared of what I was in for.

  Until he shifted and the head of his cock eased against my waiting inner core. It was a slow, unrelenting pressure that I had no choice but to give against. It was an impossible stretch and I exploded against him before he'd barely penetrated me.

  He continued to press against me, his massive member filling me, inch by inch. After what felt like hours he was seated fully against me. He just held us together, giving my body time to relax against his.

  I was impossibly full of him. He was all I could feel, the past no longer existed. There was no future. Only the slow slide out of me, then back in, his rock-hard cock fully enveloped in my warmth. Each stroke went faster and faster, until we were pounding each other in an out-of-control frenzy. I screamed his name and shattered in his arms. A hoarse shout came from him as he joined me in ecstasy.

  I lay there, breathless. What just happened? Besides the obvious.

  Tlavi got up and brought me a fresh cup of vitae. Regular, boring, not inclined to have explosive-sexytimes-with-a-sexy-alien vitae.

  He sat on the edge of the bed, his head drooped into his hands. "Our drive…well, mine - I have no idea how it will impact you. But now that I've had you, tasted you and been in you, my body's overriding need will be…" He trailed off, clearly not wanting to complete the thought.

  I gulped. "What? Your body will want what?" Since it involved me, I was going to get an answer.

  He sighed and shook his head. "To impregnate you. I've told you how our biology drives us, how I've been trying to fight it." He spat out the word biology, as if the very idea of being bound to me like that was disgusting.

  We definitely had not used any protection in our frenetic lovemaking. "Well, okay, but biologically speaking, I can't imagine you just knocked me up. You being an alien and all, me being a filthy ape."

  He stared off into space. "We have the technology to make it work, but I'm just talking about the literal drive. It's why I tried to stay away from you. Now that it's triggered, I will want to take you over and over again."

  I was desperate to change the subject. "Well, stop thinking with your dick. Let's start thinking about how to get out of this tin can. Won't the need for survival trump your…drives?"

  He gave a short, barking laugh. "We just need to sit tight for a few days. The good thing about being important is that they look for you when things go badly."

  I wasn't important, so no one would be looking for me, besides my mom, who might take months to notice I was missing. I pulled my mind away from that thought. "Well, we still have to survive until then. We don't know if it's safe in here."

  "The ship’s components have been repairing themselves. The ship itself is stable."

  I shifted and edged away from him. "Then let's go see what is out there."

  He moved quickly and captured my ankle in his hand. "You don't understand. I can't let you go exploring."

  I pulled my leg away from him and started fishing around for the clothes he'd torn off me.

  "Don't bother," he growled.

  The gleam in his eye should have frightened me, instead of flooding me with excitement. I reached for him.

  ~ * ~ * ~


  I didn't know how I felt about Tlavi. On one hand, he was a nasty brute who kidnapped me, yelled at me and terrified me.

  But when we crashed, he did everything in his power to protect me from himself until I accidentally drugged us and we fell deeply into lust. Repeatedly. Probably triggering the alien bond.

  Now that we’d been rescued, he wouldn't even look me in the face. He basically told me to sit down and shut up.

  I was so rattled by everything that I actually did just that. I sat on a pile of fabric while he sat on the bed. He stripped the bedding and stuffed it into a cubby somewhere.

  It was really great for my ego to have him erase the evidence of our lust from anyone who found us. He was ashamed of me. His earlier words echoed in my head. I was just a filthy ape from a backwoods planet and would never be good enough to be his precious broodmare. God, he was clearly terrified that our incoming rescuers would know what we'd done. And if they knew, then he'd be stuck with me.

  I'd never felt upset or regretful about any lover I'd ever taken. But no one else acted like they had just fucked a dog when they rolled out of my bed. I shuddered.

  What if he decided to keep me like a goddamn pet? I guess that would really just be slavery. Before the crash, Thea seemed to think they wouldn't do that to me, but who the hell knew, especially now. I desperately wanted to go home, to lick my wounds and pretend none of this ever happened.

  The door opened. It hadn't taken them long to cut through the solidly-fused hull. The delegation was impressive and everyone rushed over to Tlavi. I was completely ignored. Except by one man, who wandered over to me. He offered me a clean robe to slip into.

  "I'm sorry you've had such an ordeal,” he said. “If you come with me, I'll make sure you're comfortable on the ship."

  I nodded weakly. Steeling myself, I walked away from Tlavi without looking back.

  I never even got to see the planet we were on - there was a passageway attached directly to the hole they had cut through the hull. I let the man lead me into a room much like the rooms I'd shared with Thea, the furniture still intact and stark white drapery all around us.

  "I am Yastlama, thank you for caring for Tlavi. His is like a son to me. I have been tasked with returning you home. I will enjoy seeing Earth again. It was once a safe haven to me.”

  I was struck with the realization that I was never going to see Tlavi again. We never even said goodbye. I guess that was for the best. The only thing we had bindin
g us was a few days of lust. Whatever Thea said about the life bond either wasn't true or it wasn't real, if he could just send me away without whatever ritual they’d been planning.

  "Yes, thank you. But so you know, I was kidnapped. People must be freaking out. Are you just going to dump me in the desert with the aftermath of all this?"

  He looked scandalized. "Of course not!"

  "Are you going to wipe my memory so I can't tell anyone?"

  "That is a rarely needed precaution. Have you ever believed anyone who said they were abducted?"

  "I will now.”

  "Still, I would rather not. The men who assaulted you were mind-wiped before you even left the atmosphere.”

  “I took video, you know."

  “The video in your dash cam you mean? It’s just static. After our ground crew handled the scene, there is simply no mess to return to. I can't do anything about losing jobs or people being worried, but there are a number of cover stories we could develop."

  I waved my hand at him. "Don't bother. It's just my mom and she's used to me disappearing for a few weeks here and there. As long as I don't have freaked-out cops to deal with, I'm fine. I'm not staying anywhere in particular, so I don't have to worry about missed rent." That wasn’t entirely true, but I could be convincing.

  "Well, hopefully this will assist you in starting a new life." He handed me a giant brick of cash. If it was all hundreds, it had to be 100k, easily.

  I was oddly upset by being handed a bunch of money. Like I was a hooker being pawned off with money on the dresser. "Are you paying me off?"

  Yastlama handed me another equally massive brick. "Yes. In a way. Your life has been tremendously affected by my people. We are often impulsive, driven by unseen forces. I once thought I could change the path of my species but it destroyed people I loved. Now I just try to minimize the harm we do when in the grips of Pogona."

  "I don't understand."

  "When I was Tlavi's age, I was drawn to the same planet. But instead of her being whisked away to return safely home, she was killed by a faction of our people who do not believe in cross-species relationships. I am just grateful to be able to take you home. There is a card in the bundle, for a particular bank that will accept a deposit of that size without question."

  With that he stood up and walked out of the room.

  The next few days were a blur of loneliness. I don't know if they hid the doors or if the room was a fancy prison, but either way, I couldn't leave.

  Finally, one morning, when I awoke there was a stack of clothing waiting for me. Not a flowing gown with a magic bra, but plain cotton panties, jeans, and a t-shirt.

  I guess it was time to go home.

  Why did I want to burst into tears? Was this the end of my adventure? The rest of my life would pale in comparison.

  ~ * ~ * ~

  I sat on the sofa next to my mom, mindlessly watching some daytime TV. I didn’t her what happened and she hadn't asked.

  Yastlama put me right back where I'd been picked up. The only evidence that remained was shattered glass on the ground and two plastic-wrapped bricks of cash in my hands.

  Before he pushed me out the door, he told me that he'd confirmed that the mind-wipes on Frank and Len had worked. Other than the time away, no one was looking for me.

  So I sat on my mom's sofa and let her fuss over me. She knew something was up, but let me take my time. It never occurred to me to not eventually tell her.

  The good thing about having an old-school hippie for a mom was that she probably would tell me some crazy things she did, and maybe she had her own acid-trip alien story.

  But it was a solid three weeks before I could really think about telling her. My body forced my hand, though.

  We were watching Judge Judy berate a terrible roommate when I reached for a chip. A massive wave of nausea passed through me and I bolted to dry heave in the bathroom. Mom led me back to the sofa and pressed some ginger ale into my hand.

  "You don't have to tell me anything you aren't ready to about your vision quest but, have you considered the possibility that you might be pregnant?"

  I started to tell her how unlikely that was when I realized just how late I was with my period. Except the only person…thing…whatever…I'd been with in a very long while was… Tlavi. And I'm pretty sure biology just doesn't work like that.

  Except my period was a month late, my tits hurt, and I just wanted to spend some quality time wrapped around a toilet bowl.

  "Oh God, it's seems really unlikely but…it's a long story."

  "Take your time, but is there anyone else you need to tell?"

  She meant the father. Who I had no way of telling. I got up and pulled the two bricks of cash out of my hiding place. "Yeah, let's just say he's not in the picture but at least he made sure I wouldn't be destitute."

  She went pale and stared at the bricks before she finally said, "Did you get mixed up with some drug dealer?"

  I laughed. "No, Mom, it's so much stranger than that. I was going to tell you, I just can't imagine you'd believe me about what happened."

  So I launched into the tale of my intergalactic adventure. After I finished, she stared at me while chewing her bottom lip for several achingly-long heartbeats. I finally broke the silence. "I'm not crazy. Do you believe me?"

  She set her drink down on the coffee table and turned to me, grasping my hands. "Honey, remember when I said your father wasn't from around here? I mean he really, really wasn't from around here."

  "I don't get it."

  "I mean. Ohhhhboy." She got up abruptly and walked over to the bar. She poured herself a healthy shot of bourbon and threw it back before coming back to the sofa. "Let me just get this out. You are actually half Madrelir. We were trying to save the world. It took a lot of genetic tinkering and witchery to make you happen."

  I wrapped my brain around that bombshell. Half alien. No wonder I never felt like I fit in. In an odd way, I actually it was a relief. I laughed. "Well, at least that explains how I got pregnant so easily. If I am actually pregnant and didn’t just have a bad burrito. So, what happened?"

  "The whole thing is a story for another day. But I ended up here with two bricks of cash just like yours. It was a lot easier to launder money back in the day. You would think they would have infiltrated some banks or something by now."

  “Oh, uhm, well, I have a card to take to a bank. So, yeah, I’m guessing they have.”

  She laughed, but it was hard and cold. “Eternal show-offs. You would think they would just have set up an account for you, rather than the charade of bundles of cash.”

  “Yeah, it felt like someone leaving money on the dresser when they left in the morning.” Not something I meant to slip out to my mom, but she squeezed my hand tight in response.

  We sat there like that for a long time, silently digesting everything. I looked up at her abruptly. "Does he know about me?" She knew who I meant. My father, wherever he was.

  "Yes, except…I'm sorry, I never wanted to tell you any of this. He rejected us. Some of his people hated what we were trying to do and he changed his mind about his family bloodline being a mix of two species."

  "What were you trying to do?" Everything aside, I found I was hungry to know about my father and what kind of lizardman he'd been. Especially since I wasn’t going to have much to tell my baby about her father.

  "To free his race from the slavery of their overbearing Pogona. He wanted a chance for his people to not be forced into things by something they had no real control over."

  "And you thought humans were a better example of self-control?" I couldn’t keep the sarcasm out of my tone.

  She raised an eyebrow at me. "We're imperfect, it's true, but even if we don't want to, we can walk away. We have the ability. They don't."

  "Since my father rejected us and Tlavi rejected me, it seems as if they can, if they want to enough."

  "Perhaps you’re right,” she said thoughtfully. “Actually no, we were both claimed. Perha
ps they were able to convince themselves they were protecting us by leaving."

  "Whatever. Who knows what we had? I was grabbed from the desert, he could barely stand to look at me, and then we literally crashed. Speaking of the desert, you need to tell your 'friend' about his shitty nephew."

  "Do you want me to tell him everything?"

  "God no. Plus, I was told that they were memory-wiped. That could mean anything, although I’m hoping maybe they made him a vegetable."

  "I'll tell him I had a vision and protected you. I can sell it. He's probably suspected things for a while."

  "Whatever. I just don't want to have to go there and murder him for drugging women and telling his nephew where they were going.


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