Only for You

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Only for You Page 24


  He frowned at his reflection a moment later when he stood in front of the mirror, naked. His erection hadn’t dissipated, despite the unsettling thought he’d had about needing Gia so much. His cock sprang between his thighs, heavy and ready. Hungry.

  He was letting his cock rule him in this. He’d known that from the moment he ordered Gia to go out to the SUV and wait for him while they’d stood together in that gas station restroom, both of them strung tight as piano wire by lust. His cock jumped in the air when he recalled that tense, delicious moment when he’d finally given in and exploded with Gia’s small hand pumping him so eagerly.

  It was heaven to indulge himself, to drown in Gia for these stolen moments. But it wouldn’t last forever, Seth thought grimly as he drew on a pair of boxer briefs, wincing in aroused discomfort as he forced his erection into the clinging cotton. They would return to Hollywood, that world of illusion, and Gia would resume her place as its charmed, adored princess. There was no place for him at her side. Seth despised the limelight.

  Why the hell did Gia have to adore it so much? He knew she wasn’t like some of the fame-starved waifs he ran into daily with his work, but she certainly didn’t avoid the blinding spotlight. She accepted it as one of the hallmarks of success. And there was no doubt Gia did seek success. Accolades, fame and public adoration were the equivalent of a raise and a good review from a boss in the everyday work world. Of course she would seek out those measures of her success.

  Sometimes it was easy to forget when Gia was in his arms that he existed in a temporary heaven. The sweeter it got with her, the harder it was going to be to exist without her.

  By the time he turned the corner into the kitchen several minutes later, his arousal and his anticipation and his doubts had created a taut tension in him.

  He stopped dead in his tracks the second he saw her. She stood next to the counter and was in the process of adding some cherry tomatoes to a salad bowl. She looked around when his boots scraped on the tile floor as he halted.

  “Where’d you get that?” he asked, gaping at the short, champagne-colored silk robe she wore. The robe outlined her feminine curves, flirting with his senses. His brows drew together in stunned disbelief when he realized she was also wearing pale stockings and a pair of taupe-colored pumps. Her shapely, long legs looked mouthwatering. His erection, which hadn’t really dissipated much in the past few minutes, now tightened again with alacrity. The caveman in him urged him to rip off that silk robe to see what she was hiding from him.

  She was his, after all. For now.

  Her golden brown hair looked drop-dead sexy, falling in a gleaming, straight curtain to the middle of her back, strands of it whisking against her high, firm, silk-covered breasts. He could see her nipples pressing against the silk, which definitely piqued his curiosity about what was under the robe. She wore a tasteful amount of makeup, mascara and subtle shadow accentuating her large, light green eyes. A tinted lip gloss transformed her always sexy mouth into a decadent sexual confection.

  She looked extremely pretty, feminine and . . . downright edible.

  “It was a little secret I brought along,” she said, turning toward him, her gaze lowering over him with warm appreciation. Her eyes widened slightly when her stare landed in the vicinity of his fly. She blinked. “Now you know why I wasn’t mad at you for presuming to bring that vibrator.”

  Her voice was like smooth, warm honey. It ran over his skin, awakening his nerves. It did something to him, having her admit that she’d hoped enough to plan, as he had, that they would rekindle their attraction for one another. Seeing her looking so feminine and sexy, so available to him when he’d just been experiencing the friction of having her here in the woods, yet knowing she was out of his reach in reality . . .

  Well, it made him a little crazy. In Hollywood, she belonged to the world.

  But right here, right now, she was his.

  “Seth? Is everything okay?”

  He blinked, realizing he’d been staring at the appealing sight of her breasts pressing against soft silk while his cock twitched and ached.

  “Yeah. It’s great. Take off the robe.”

  “But I have the steaks ready to broil,” she said, pointing at two rib eyes on the broiler pan on the counter.

  “The steaks will wait,” he said gruffly. He touched his raging erection where it pressed against his jeans. “This won’t.”

  Color rushed into her cheeks. She began to untie the robe, her gaze glued to where his fingers stroked the rigid staff of his cock through his jeans. She hastily slipped the robe off her shoulders and tossed it onto the counter.

  His stroking fingers froze. His hand dropped to his side.

  “Holy Jesus,” he muttered, staring at her, spellbound.

  She stood still beneath his avid perusal of her beautiful body, but her breathing became ragged. He knew this because the lacy, white “shelf” bra that she wore lifted her delectable breasts, highlighting them to perfection and making them heave slightly as she panted. The revealing bra supported her breasts from below, but left her large nipples completely exposed over the edge of the lace. The vision of her was like mainlining arousal straight into his racing blood.

  His gaze lowered over her. Her belly looked pale and taut. He wanted to bury his nose in the soft, feminine expanse. She wore a white garter belt that held up pale stockings.

  She wasn’t wearing any underwear.

  He ripped his gaze off the mesmerizing vision of her naked labia framed by the elastic straps of the garter.

  “Turn around,” he said.

  He saw her wide eyes before she followed his instructions, turning her back to him. His mouth went dry as he stared at her curving hips and the white garters bisecting her plump ass. He stepped forward, acting purely on instinct. She squeaked in surprise when he flicked the garter, popping her ass, before he landed a taut spank on a firm, smooth ass cheek. His conflicting feelings and raging lust reached the boiling point.

  He stepped back and picked up a dish towel from the counter. He dropped it on the floor between them.

  “Come here,” he said. She approached, a man’s fantasy come to life. His fantasy. It was too much to take, given the friction of his emotions and his furiously aching cock.

  “Don’t be mad at me for this, Gia.” He ripped at his button fly. His gaze fixed on her sexy lips as they parted in surprise. He hastily shoved his jeans down to the top of his thighs and extracted his cock from his underwear, exposing his balls.

  “The thing of it is,” he explained, stroking his erection and reaching for her face to caress her soft cheek. “If you don’t take the edge off now, I’m never going to make it through dinner without throwing you on top of that dining room table and making a mess of all your hard work.”

  Her small smile belied her innocent face; it belonged to a temptress. He let go of his cock. He slipped a finger beneath a tautly drawn garter and snapped it against her thigh. Arousal shot through him. Gia flinched slightly and bit at her lower lip, suppressing a whimper. He held her jaw and brushed his lips against hers hungrily before he pulled back.

  “Okay?” he asked, glancing at the floor between them.

  “Oh, yes,” she whispered without hesitation.

  He brushed his fingertip across her smooth eyebrow. “Then on your knees, Bright Eyes,” he urged quietly. He took her hand, guiding her as she lowered before him.

  He knew it was crude of him. The knowledge didn’t faze him. His need for her was cutting and cruel. Normal rules of sexual etiquette didn’t apply.

  Not with Gia, they didn’t.

  He cupped her head and brought his cock to her lips with his other hand. She parted for him sweetly.

  “No. Stay still,” he growled when she leaned toward him, her eyes staring up at his face, a brutal tease.

  “You try me constantly. How dare you tempt me even mo
re with this getup,” he said, his stern act ruined by his fond tone as he watched himself tracing her plump, parted lips with the flaring crown of his cock.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “No, you’re not. So I’m going to have to punish you later.” He saw the look of trepidation and excitement in her eyes. “Spread your lips wide.”

  He couldn’t help but smile when she immediately did as he asked. He pushed the head of his cock into her warm, wet mouth, gasping as she clamped him tight with the rigid ring of her lips.

  “Oh, yeah. Such a hot little mouth,” he snarled at the sensation of penetrating her heat and sliding against her tongue. She began to bob her mouth along the shaft, but he tightened his hold in her hair. “Hold still,” he rasped.

  For a delicious moment, he fucked her mouth shallowly while she applied an eye-crossing suction and stared up at him with shiny, beautiful eyes. He cupped his balls, watching her unflinchingly.

  “Your eyes are going to kill me.” He backed up slightly, extracting his cock from the sweet, warm haven of her mouth. The slick head bumped against her lips.

  “Polish the head with your tongue.” She glanced down to target him before she slicked her tongue across the swollen crest. He grasped the throbbing shaft, adding friction to her pressing tongue by pushing his cock against her. “Now, look at me again,” he demanded, his voice harsher than he’d intended. Her wide-eyed gaze rose to his face again while she continued to polish him. She was so lovely and generous. If she had any idea of the things he wanted to do to her at that moment, she’d probably run for the woods.

  No. Not Gia, he admitted to himself as he reinserted his cock into her mouth and proceeded to debauch her sweetness.

  Gia didn’t run from much of anything.

  * * *

  She didn’t know what had gotten into him, but Seth was a lit fuse during those tense, electrical moments while she knelt before him and he took his pleasure unapologetically. It took only minutes before he was coming fiercely in her mouth, giving himself completely. His blatant, honest expression of his need, the wild beast breaking free of its restraints, aroused her immensely. His manner mystified her, too, although she wasn’t complaining. Not in the least. His intensity of need aroused her more than she expected. He was typically more controlled in the early stages of lust. He enjoyed building not only her pleasure but also his until they reached combustible levels.

  She sucked and swallowed repeatedly as he came, eager to consume the evidence of his unchecked desire. There were ample amounts of it, that much was certain. Had it been her lingerie that had turned him into a single raw, throbbing nerve?

  She didn’t think so, Gia realized dazedly as she cleaned his cock with her tongue, and his low grunts of satiation rained down upon her. There was a tension in him that seemed to surpass the merely sexual, although it had certainly found a conduit for release in lust. One thing was certain, she thought as she touched his rock-hard thighs, inserting his cock into her mouth for one last, thorough sucking.

  The tension hadn’t fully evaporated, even with his powerful orgasm.

  A frisson of excitement and anxiety went through her when he bent to help her rise from the kitchen floor. His expression was rigid as he pulled her against him and dropped small, hot kisses along her jaw and neck.

  What sort of emotional brew created this degree of friction in him?

  And did she really want to know the answer to that question?


  Gia remembered on that first night they had met years ago, she had naïvely called him “simmering” out loud. The descriptor had never fit more aptly than it did tonight. After his fierce display of need, Seth seemed subdued, but only by comparison to that flash explosion of feral lust. His intensity and broodiness remained.

  Despite his odd mood, he helped her on with her robe and assisted her in preparing the rest of the dinner. Gia had set the dining room table earlier with china, wineglasses and some candelabra she’d discovered in a cabinet. Once the steaks were ready and the rest of the food was on the table, she lit the candles, casting the comfortable dining room in a romantic, golden glow.

  “Thank you for doing all this,” Seth said as he sliced his steak a moment later. He took a bite and shot her an appreciative glance, giving her a small smile as he chewed.

  Gia grinned back, taking a bite of her own steak. Whew. Relief swept through her. She’d cooked them perfectly.

  “Do you want to tell me what that was all about in there?” she asked nonchalantly as she took a bite of salad.

  His chewing slowed. He glanced into the kitchen to the spot where she’d just gone down on him with gusto and loved every second of it. Something sparked in his golden eyes.

  “Do you really need an explanation?” he rasped, taking a swallow of ice water. “You look like sin walking in that getup.”

  “You like it then?” She smiled smugly as she tore apart a slice of Sherona’s multigrain bread.

  His gaze narrowed on her. “What do you think?” he rasped dryly. He speared another piece of steak with his fork, watching her distractedly. “I’d like to see it again.”

  She paused with her fork in midair. “Now?”

  He nodded, a glint in his eyes.

  “Okay,” she replied slowly, her low voice vibrating with excitement. She untied the silk robe and drew it off her shoulders, letting the material fall in a pool around her naked hips. Her heart started to drum against her breastbone as she watched Seth’s gaze sink over her. She shifted restlessly in her chair. She was sitting at a candlelit dinner with a very sexy man, and she was essentially naked.

  More than naked.

  “Push back your hair,” he said.

  She pulled the strands that fell over her chest to her back. Highly aware of Seth’s palpable stare, she arched her spine slightly, sending her breasts into further pronouncement. He paused in his chewing, his slightly bulging eyes making her worry for a second that he had choked on something. He took a swift swig of water and resumed eating, his stare returning to her unerringly, however.

  The lingerie made her feel like she was on display, she realized. She admittedly liked the feeling of power it gave her. She liked giving Seth that hot, rabid look in his eyes.

  Arousal spiked through her as she witnessed his rising lust. He took a bite of his potato, never removing his hot stare from her nipples where they protruded over the edge of the lace shelf bra.

  “Touch your nipples,” he said gruffly.

  She dropped her fork, reaching for her nipples with both hands. She touched herself for him, but she had to admit, it felt good. His unwavering stare seemed to mix with the pleasure of her touch, optimizing the sensation. Her nipples grew stiff and beaded between her rubbing fingertips. Seth just watched her, eating his meal distractedly.

  “Pinch them,” he directed hoarsely.

  She did what he asked. His jaw clenched hard.

  “That’s enough. Go ahead and eat. You’ll need your strength.”

  She picked up her fork and regarded him in the candlelight. She thought she looked calm outwardly, but her heart was racing. The tension in him tonight both thrilled and intimidated her. It had excited her so much to have him use her for his pleasure there in the kitchen. Maybe she should be ashamed for wanting to do it again, but that didn’t make it any less true.

  “Tell me what you thought about when you packed that lace-and-air costume,” he said. “Did you think about this? Did you think about parading around in front of me as a form of torture?”

  “Of course not,” she chastised, taking a bite of steak. He raised his eyebrows expectantly and she sighed, recognizing his nonverbal command to answer his question. “You told me not to bring any girly clothes. I thought . . . what if things did heat up between us? They had in the past. Of course, I didn’t really believe anything would happen. It was just w
ishful thinking, at the time. I warned myself they wouldn’t. I reminded myself that you weren’t interested, and that I wasn’t going to go chasing after a man who didn’t want me.”

  “How could you have thought I wouldn’t be interested, after that night we spent together? I took you like an animal, over and over.”

  “And I loved it,” she replied quietly.

  Her nipples prickled when his gaze sank to her breasts again. Liquid warmth surged at her core. It seemed impossible for him to stop visually devouring her.

  “In some corner of my brain, I thought that if we did end up getting physical, I’d like to have something pretty and sexy to wear for you.” She leaned forward slightly, showing off her breasts to him at a new angle, smiling when his eyes widened. “I wanted to seduce you,” she whispered dramatically.

  “That’s not a seduction,” Seth replied grimly, setting down his fork and reaching for her. She gasped softly when he pinched a nipple gently between his thumb and forefinger. “That’s like blasting a guy to bits with some kind of sex-ray gun or something. God, you’re soft,” he said almost as an afterthought under his breath, as his fingertips swept over the top swell of her breast. He dropped his hand and stared at his plate for a second like he didn’t know what it was.

  “Eat,” he said under his breath, picking up his own fork with determination.

  She laughed softly and obeyed. “I wasn’t imagining my candlelit dinner to be so . . . perfunctory.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have put on that,” he said grimly, nodding at her exposed nipples. He suddenly shoved his fork down impatiently on his plate with a loud clattering sound. “Who am I kidding? Move your chair toward me. Show me your pussy.”

  A frisson of excitement went through her at his hard, determined manner. She scooted her chair around the corner of the table.

  “Open your legs,” he demanded. She parted her thighs, letting him look his fill. Her clit twanged in excitement as his stare fixed on her. She was glad she’d started shaving. It made her feel exposed and very sexy. With Seth it did, anyway.


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