Mr. Hartley (Alternate Places Book 1)

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Mr. Hartley (Alternate Places Book 1) Page 18

by P. S. Power

  “Yes. Call me Zack, please. Everyone keeps calling me Mr. Hartley. I'm not sure why though, to tell the truth.”

  “Oh, it's a sign of respect, Zack. People don't know for certain what you are, so they default into being extra careful around you. I'm Riley. Some call me Brer. I work at the Fun Zone with my twin sister, Rose. She's there now. You should stop in and meet her sometime. She's nothing like me.” His Shadow self nodded hugely and danced a bit to music only it could hear.

  “You called me Zack, though. Maybe you know what I am then?” Zack bantered. The man's inner self had started telling him things, giving hints and suggestions, though Zack knew he couldn't possibly process it all while speaking to the man. If normal people and beings seemed like a fire hose of information on the deeper level, this man seemed like a raging river.

  “Yep, it's as obvious as the nose on your face. Not the nose on my face, which I can hardly see at all, but your nose, which is clear as day to me. And Human. I know that you're Human. You know you're Human. Rose will probably know you're Human, too. She's smart like that... The Demons think you may be one of them, or something else, hiding inside a Human skin, because they've forgotten that Humans can be powerful too, even though that's why everyone else hides what we are from them.

  “The Humans, the Mages particularly, since everyone thinks of them as Human, even if they really aren't, they don't know what you are. Some of them fear you, but some also think you're neat. I'd hang out with that last group. The others are a bunch of stuffed shirts.

  “The Djinn know you're Human. They know practically everything, good folk to have as friends, but be careful, they have fiery tempers-by definition.

  “The Succubi fear you, because you seem Human to them, but have resisted them so far. Few can do that, and less ever bother trying to. I think they'll get past that after a time, as you're around them more. When they see that you're a force for good and wouldn't harm them, even if you could, they'll not fear you, simply accept. It'll be good for them, it might take a lot longer than you'd think, as a group.

  “The Vampires view you only as a power and one equal to, or greater than, many. They don't care what you are, just that you are. If they can use you, they will. If not... well as long as you don't oppose them too often you should be okay.

  “The Trolleikein think you are something different than they've seen before, which is true, but they don't think you're Human. Except the girl Hilda. She trusts what you say, totally.

  “The Alfric know what you are, or some of them do, but they aren't talking, not even to me. They don't know that I know that they know, though. I'd spend my time looking there, when it becomes important, which it isn't yet. It probably won't be for a while.”

  He took a breath.

  “No, right now, only one thing is important. Desperately, needfully, important... Will you fill in for me one day soon at the Fun Zone? It's a long shift, but I'll make it worth your while. If it goes well, Rose will probably want your services soon as well. We heard that you filled in for the Vampire of the day – Claire – to great effect and hoped you would do so for us. It's easy work, but it's always in one place. Please consider it at least?”

  “I... don't know when I can do it, but as long as you show me what to do, I can give it a try. Can I get back to you as to what days I have off this next week?”

  The rabbit in him nearly hopped out of the man's skin in happiness. A big smile covered his face again and he made a whooping sound.

  “Thank you! You won't regret this, I promise you that! Yes, if you can let me know, please, as soon as possible?” He relaxed a lot after that, bouncing in place just a little.

  Hilda came to find him and when he turned around to continue talking to Riley, the Brer no longer stood there. Or, given what he himself had done to Beatrice and Keane the other day, he may have been standing right there but unseen. Either way, the conversation had ended.

  “Hilda, I should go and congratulate Nikki, then be getting home. Work comes early and I need to sleep.” A yawn helped to accentuate his point.

  “Someday you'll have to tell me what that's like.” She said.


  “You know, what sleep is like. I don't do that. Trolleinkein don't. It seems like a big chunk taken out of the day to me. We can do that another time. Let's go find Nikki.”

  He had to walk through a crowd of admirers to get to her, and since she looked stunning at the moment, as well as being the focus of the party for her contribution to Charli's wellbeing, he could see why. When he got to her he held out his hand for her to shake, and found himself pulled into an embrace instead. She pulled him close and whispered “thank you” in his ear.

  After a few seconds she let go and he managed to give her a smile as the crowd called out for another costume change. He faded back as the focus found her again.

  He made a point of saying goodbye to everyone, including Nessa, and Ang, the small man with a dragon inside of him, who indicated a small need for ceremonial candles and incense. Zack told him to visit the shop sometime soon, and that, if they didn't have what he needed, he'd find a way of ordering it for him.

  He saw Wu-Li and Dan coming in on his way out the door.

  “Master Wu-Li, Master Dan! I'm just on my way out, but I'm glad you could come. Nikki did a great job the other night, I think. That had to be hard for a Vampire. I know I'd have had a hard time with it, she really stepped up.” Dan looked uncomfortable for some reason, but Wu-Li beamed at him, nodding.

  Wu-Li said, on both levels, that indeed, Nicole deserved praise for her actions, having stepped beyond what many of her kind would or even could do to aid a Human. He turned to Dan and said that they should have thought of this or something like it for her. Dan nodded.

  “Mr. Hartley, I'm flattered, but... I'm not a Master yet. Just an apprentice Apothecary....” Both of his selves moved in that perfect unison of action and word that Wu-Li's did, giving lie to the statement, meaning that Dan clearly believed it to be true.

  Zack snorted softly.

  “I'm Zack, not 'Mr. Hartley' but everyone keeps calling me that for some reason. I think you're just going to have to get used to being called 'Master Dan'. I carried you through the void. That means that I've seen what you really are. Master Wu-Li is impressive, but you aren't less impressive, just younger, I think. Still, if it really makes you uncomfortable I'll just call you Dan, if you'll call me Zack?” He put his hand out so they could shake on it. After a few seconds Master Dan smiled and took it.

  He agreed to call him Zack, at least to his face.

  The older master who looked no more than thirty or forty smiled with genuine pleasure at this interchange.

  “As I've told you, Dan. When others start calling you Master, you'll have to assume the mantle, ready or not. You, however, are ready. Past ready in fact!” He stepped back and bowed, a short choppy affair that seemed more Japanese to Zack than Chinese, not that he had any real knowledge of the subject outside of some cartoons Troy had shown him on his computer. Anime he called it.

  Claire walked over to them from across the room.

  “Why, Master Wu-Li, it's good to see you could join us. Master Dan! Congratulations on your promotion in status. We really should get together soon and discuss your future... Come please, gentleman, I'll escort you to young Nicole! She'll be happy to see you as well, she thinks quite highly of both of you, you know...” Taking the elder Master's arm she led them off toward the changing area where Nikki modeled clothes for everyone.

  As he left the clothing store a Shadow suddenly jumped him from the right, grabbing his arm in a solid and powerful grip.

  Devon stood, holding his arm. A primordial panic started to rise within Zack as the seconds passed and he started to withdraw into that black ball of Shadow the Demons couldn't sense. Almost as if an electric shock had touched him, Devon suddenly let go.

  “My, my, Mr. Hartley... So you really are a Human. Amazing.”

  Then the well dress
ed Demon simply turned and walked away.

  Chapter fourteen

  The next day went smoothly. He opened the store on time, just barely rushing in at the last second. Then Claire came by to ask if he wanted anything from her shop, reminding him that he could simply request something and she'd bring it over directly. Before she left she touched his hand and told him that Nikki had really enjoyed the gifts, and the party.

  “She knows that you arranged a good portion of it. Young Libby is a dear thing, but I may have to strangle her if she doesn't learn when not to speak. Still, no harm done. While the Weres won't get full credit for the idea, perhaps, their actions will be noted. Anything that aids in solidarity between the different groups is a good thing in the long run, after all. Nikki asked me to thank you again, personally. I do believe you're well on your way to making her too into a friend.” She smiled, and her Shadow looked at him in wonder. A rare thing, to make friends with so many of different stations and type here...

  Later in the day Hilda came with a large box of food, this time from “Fried Things” and laid out a plate of battered and fried vegetables and cheeses for him. She even tried some of the fried cauliflower, her Shadow shuddering a little as she swallowed, though she kept her face blank. He told her not to rush into the veggies, since her kind didn't really seem to need them in their diets like he did, at least none of the Trolleinkein bothered to eat them at all and they all seemed healthy enough.

  They ate in a companionable silence for a time, then talked about pastimes and hobbies.

  “I like animals. Back home I have a pet...I don't know the word for it in Human. Pig? Only bigger. Logt is bigger than me and nearly as smart! My mother watches him for me now. I probably won't be back to see him for years though. Travel from there to here takes a long time. We must go in secret by truck or travel at night for many a long time, at first, then go by ship and hide for months inside while we go around the world. It's hard for us to get papers to fly, and we don't really fit in the seats, I hear. I miss Logt. My mother too, of course... What do you do to 'pass the times'?” She looked interested.

  Zack thought about this for a moment. He mainly worked lately, of course, and sometimes went to the club and sat, watching people dance, but only when Troy made him. He sat and didn't remember things, which could be called meditation, he supposed. That sounded better when said out loud at least. At times, when he could get books, he read. Other than that he talked to Troy a lot.

  “Oh... Is Troy your girlfriend then?” She said this seriously and with a straight face. Her giant inner being told him that she really didn't get the concept at all, explanations of last night aside.

  He smiled at her.

  “No. Troy is my roommate. Which means we live together, but don't have a sexual relationship. We're friends. Also, he's a guy, so if we were together he'd be my 'boyfriend' not girlfriend. But we aren't together. I like girls, women, and so does he.” He hoped some of this made sense to her.

  She nodded and told him about how she had roommates too. She sometimes had sex with some of them though, but not all of them 'liked' girls all the time and a couple of them didn't think she looked nice enough, being small and not hairy like a proper woman.

  “I have sex with girls too, when I'm home. Not often. Most Trolleinkein women have enough sex with men seeking them out to keep them happy. The boys outnumber the girls five to one or so. I'm here mainly because I'm so small, and well, I got tired of everyone treating me as a child back home because of it. It's hard to find a woman of my people that's under this tall.” Standing she held a hand over her head indicating a height of about seven and a half feet.

  “My mother is about this tall for instance and that's pretty normal.” Her hand raised to about eight foot.

  All of the Trolleinkein here, she told him, were very small for her people since they had to blend in with Humans by the rules of the treaty. They'd also had to remove most of their hair.

  “I have more hair than this normally, but it runs a bit thin. I usually look like a blond... chimp? Most people have much thicker hair. I blend well here. The Glara, gave me a charm, so my hair doesn't grow fast and I shave it all off if it grows out too much.” Her Shadow supplied the information that 'Glara' roughly translated to Shaman or wizard. Zack concentrated on the word, trying to commit it to memory, in case it came up later.

  She reminded him that he'd promised to come to the gym after he finished work, whenever that was. He mentioned it might be late, since he'd planned on closing with Lisa.

  “That's fine, we're open twenty-four hours a day. We don't sleep and who knows when business will come in, yes?”

  No one came in for the rest of the day at all, but more people than usual did come to look in the window. Some of them stared at him, but a few actually looked at the window display, which pleased him.

  He locked up at nine, leaving Lisa in the back to finish up some paperwork. Then Zack waved to Nikki who smiled and blew him a kiss, making his face warm for some reason. He got to the gym a few minutes later. Merle saw him standing at the front desk and came over with Hilda and a giant man, who must have been over seven and a half feet tall, that Merle introduced as Lars.

  “That not my name toe, ist Largnonin, but Humans have troubles wit dot, so 'Lars' ist gut enough, yah?” He stuck out a hand Human fashion, and restrained his grip so that the handshake didn't quite bend the bones in Zack's hand out of shape.

  Merle told him that Lars and Hilda had won the right to be his trainers in various contests over the last few days, that being the way such things were often decided among them when the issue wasn't too pressing. His giant Shadow told him that in matters of war and combat, his word would be followed absolutely and without hesitation.

  “I vas vinner in de strong test. Ony just doe. Hildgeurde won wrestling doe. Hit me wit barbell when did not see. She gut wrestle.” The accent's thickness made it almost impossible for Zack to follow until he explained this to Lars on the Shadow level. With his Shadow repeating everything, the large man was much clearer and suddenly sounded a lot more intelligent.

  “I think we should start by getting your height, weight, and base strength today, do you agree Hilda?” He glanced at her for approval.

  “Yes, and exercise clothes. We have some sweats that should fit, with our... sign? on it, so when you wear them other places people will know where you work out. Come with us. We'll get you dressed. Weight first. Come.”

  Modesty didn't seem to be a Trolleinkein concern as they had him strip naked to weigh and measure him. Hilda didn't bat an eyelash, except to gasp, which her Shadow explained had to do with how skinny he looked under his clothes.

  “The scale says you weigh 144 and the height measure reads 73 inches. That weight is light for that height for a Human, yes?” Lars asked seriously. “You need to eat more. Hilda, can you see to that?” She nodded and made notes on her clipboard.

  Lars pointed at Zack's groin. “Hilda! He has some hair here? We've all been shaving everything. Is this normal?”

  Zack blushed, but told them that, indeed, adults had hair there, though many did shave it off as well, especially women, so that wouldn't be taken amiss in most places, at least not in the U.S.

  After a few minutes, which seemed longer to Zack, since he'd been standing there awkwardly naked, they had him try on various sizes of sweats. After two shirts and three pants they found some that weren't too long or loose. Baggy, but they didn't fall down at least.

  Lars turned to Hilda and said something in their own language. It came through in clear English to Zack on the deep level though.

  Has he been ill? Even for a Human he's underweight and pale.

  Hilda answered in the same language. As I understand it, he went through a famine time that just recently ended. He had only small scraps to eat that his friend provided him. This should be over now, with his new fame and his abilities. Still we need to watch him and make certain he gets plenty to eat over the next months, to put conditionin
g back on him. He doesn't eat meat. I don't know why. We should find out. The extra protein and fat would make things easier.

  “I don't eat meat, because, well, it carries a part of the being that it used to be. I can feel its fear and death when I try to eat it... I know it's weird, but that's why I don't eat it...” He said, mainly to Hilda, as he didn't know how well Lars understood English.

  Lars swung around and looked at him closely.

  You speak our tongue? How?

  “It's more like I understand you, not your language itself, if that makes any sense?”

  They discussed this for a few minutes while Hilda set up the first of the weight lifting tests, to see where he should start. He figured that they'd laugh at how little he could lift, but they both regarded the numbers professionally. They did urge him to try as hard as he could, but accepted the weights lifted as being true indications of where he should start. By the end of it he felt a little tired but not too sore.

  “I think you'd be best served doing a power lifting regime, perhaps with some running added in after a while.” Hilda said and looked at Lars to back her up. “Not only is it what we specialize in here, but you don't need to lose fat like many do. We should focus on building up muscle as quickly as possible, which lifting heavy weights once or twice a week should do.”

  Merle sat at the front counter talking to Master Wu-Li, who'd come in and watched the last few minutes of testing. Seeing that they were done, Merle suggested Zack change and called his two trainers over to the front desk for a discussion. Zack had a suspicion that the topic would be him, but let go of the idea, since it sounded a little paranoid.

  When he'd finished dressing Zack carried the sweats to the front counter under his arm, not certain what he needed to do with them. There was a basket for used towels but not for clothing, so maybe he was supposed to take it home and wash it himself? He could do that at least, having a washer and dryer there. As bonus, he even had soap for that now.


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