Scandalous Past

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Scandalous Past Page 21

by A H S Salt

  His words forced me to push away from him.

  “Your responsibility!” Instantly my arousal depleted. “Oh, I’m sorry if I’m such a burden. I didn’t ask for this!” I shrieked, storming away into the bathroom. I slammed the door and locked it, desperately needing space away from him.

  “Responsibility” I muttered in a mocking tone as I leaned over and turned the shower on. I stripped out of my clothes, wanting the comfort of the warm water to take the stress away.

  “Jessica!” Cillian yelled, pounding on the door.

  I couldn’t even be bothered to answer him back. I was still seething, I knew it would just cause another argument. Instead, I stepped under the shower, allowing the rush of the water to drown out the noise.

  Close to crying from the stress that had unfolded. I closed my eyes and forced myself into washing with my favorite scented body wash, losing myself in my thoughts.

  How in the hell was I supposed to go and confront Elijah now, with henchmen watching my every fucking move? And Cillian too! He can tune into the video feed from my building at any given moment. I sighed, trying to calm myself down a bit. I quickly rinsed, then turned off the water before stepping out and wrapping a fluffy towel around myself.

  Two subtle knocks on the bathroom door had me looking directly at it.

  He’s still here!

  I turned back to the sink, and sprayed on my Coco Channel, before rubbing my hand over the mirror to check myself out. Thankfully, my cloudy Blue eyes looked less tired than how I felt.

  I unlocked the door and stepped out. Cillian was leaning against the hall wall, with his arms folded. No matter how angry I was with him, he was still irresistible to me.

  “Can we talk like adults. Or are you going to keep acting like a child?” He asked with an annoyed expression.

  I pointed a finger at myself “Oh, I’m acting like a child!” I roared.

  Making my way to my bedroom. It didn’t take much to make me snap again, it wasn’t what Cillian had said, it was the stress of the shit Elijah was causing, I only had Cillian, to take my frustration out on.

  I reached for casual clothes, deciding on my skinny Blue jeans and Gray boyfriend t-shirt. My eyes drifted to my mirror, which was stationed on my chest of drawers. Cillian didn’t once take his eyes off me. He gave me a look over from my head to my toes.

  “Don’t you have to get to the club?” I asked dryly, wanting space from him to calm down.

  “I’m not leaving until you talk to me,” He said, sitting on the edge of my bed. I couldn’t stay angry at him, he’s was only trying to protect me from Elijah. I turned and sighed. Knowing I had to fix this situation. Elijah would be dancing with glee if he knew the chaos he was causing.

  “Your henchmen can watch the building and this floor. But they are not allowed to follow me about like a God damn lost puppy. It’s bad enough we have the media stalking our every move, I don’t need it from them too.” I warned.

  He was silent for a few seconds.

  “Okay,” He said in agreeance. He knew I didn’t compromise much, nothing was going to change. He drew his attention to my body, gently tugging at my towel allowing it to drop to the floor. I stood naked in front of him, water dripped from my hair over my breasts, his hands glided lower. I knew where he was going, his hands moved over my stomach.

  “Cillian” I breathed.

  “Give in. Jessica” He murmured,

  Dancing his tongue over my nipples. They grew harder with every lashing of his tongue.

  Slowly the pad of his thumb circled my clit in slow circular teasing motions, forcing a loud erotic whimper from me. I wanted nothing more than for him to do anything and everything to distract me from my ex.

  To have Cillian naked and towering over me, right there and then was all I wanted. I closed my eyes, willing to surrender.

  My head dropped back.

  “That’s it” He moaned “Come for me” My breathing became raspy. I held onto Cillian’s shoulders. I groaned and squirmed as Cillian dropped to his knees, forcing my legs apart.

  I glanced down, breathless, rushing my hands through his hair. His long slow controlled licks tickled every sweet spot of my sex, sending shockwaves through my entire body.

  My thighs quivered. My core tensed.

  “Right there! Don’t stop” I moaned erotically. His licking pattern had me surrendering. My eyelids flickered as my whole body began shaking from an eruption of spasms that left me speechless.

  Cillian yanked down his jeans, exposing a large bulge.

  Lying on his back “Sit on me” He ordered, yanking down his boxers.

  His dominant demand spurred me.

  I straddled him, slamming down hard, my swollen, tender sex clenched his thickness as I fucked him hard and fast.

  Cillian growled and grabbed onto my hips.

  I rolled my hips, viciously, not once taking my gaze off him. Licking my dry lips I fell forward, leaning over Cillian, gasping, while riding out the sensation that came rushing at me. Cillian took control, slamming fast, burrowing deeper, and gripping my ass cheeks to get a better grip. I pulled back up, returning my gaze to his face, reaching for my clit, rubbing roughly in circular motions.

  Staring down to Cillian with a lusty stare, he gasped and gritted his teeth. I whimpered as I climaxed again, ripples of pleasure coursed through the pulsating folds of my sex as Cillian pumped every drop of his warm semen in me.

  Exhausted, we lay side by side, staring at one another, Cillian leaned closer and kissed away the bead of sweat from my brow.

  “That wasn’t supposed to happen” I chuckled.

  “Then don’t parade your naked body in front of me” He stood, yanking his jeans up “You know I can’t resist your sweet cunt”

  “Round two?” He questioned, with a raised brow, reaching for me.

  I scooted off the bed with a squeal, towards my underwear drawer before he had a chance to pull me back.

  “I have to get ready,” I told him, fully aware of him watching my every move.

  Cillian's phone started to ring. He stood and answered the incoming call. I sat down on the edge of my bed to get ready.

  “Claremont...” He answered, to whoever was on the other end of the call, being as blunt as ever.

  “I want someone on the fifth floor at all times. And I want you to check in with me every half hour, understood?” He listened for a moment before he swiped at his smartphone before looking at me. He literally was curt with most people I had come to notice.

  He placed the phone in his jeans pocket.

  “The henchmen - as you call them, will be arriving within the next half hour. I need to get to the club and do some paperwork. How long before Macey gets here?” He questioned, looking down at his ridiculously expensive leather watch.

  “Probably, within the next twenty minutes or so,” I replied, making up more lies, playing along. I glanced at my watch, it was a little before Eleven o’clock, I knew I could slip out without being watched by Cillian’s security.

  “Good. I will be back later,” He announced, placing a kiss on my forehead. I walked him to the door, watching as he went towards the staircase instead of the elevator. I don’t blame him, that thing was an accident waiting to happen. I made a mental note to tell him it needs to be fixed. Maybe Cillian owning this building could have its perks.




  I quickly dashed from room to room, grabbing my phone, converse and car keys. Nearly losing my balance as I pulled my shoes on quickly. I knew Cillian would have left the apartment grounds by now. I slipped my phone in my jeans back pocket as I rushed out my apartment door making my way down the stairs. My hands were clammy, sliding along the railings from my nerves that had set in from the thought of coming face to face with Elijah. I didn’t even know if he would be at his photography studio. The thought of having to speak to him had an unsettling feeling rustling within me.

  I felt sick to th
e pit of my stomach.

  “Fuck!” I muttered, existing the staircase remembering Cillian had a direct feed to the cameras. I was certain he would be watching my every move, after everything that unraveled this morning. I stood for a few seconds pondering the best way to leave the building without being detected.

  I had always preferred to pass Joe to say hi, but knowing he was away home, I scurried to the other end of the foyer, bumping my hip against the large exit bar that led into the parking garage, sprinting towards my Silver Toyota Yaris. It was old and not the prettiest thing by any means, but it got me from point A to B.

  I tossed my smartphone onto the passenger seat and pulled out into the street, scanning the cars, wondering if Cillian’s henchmen were anywhere to be seen yet.

  Would they even know what I looked like? I drew my attention back to driving, the studio was only on the other side of the city. However, it was early enough, and the traffic wasn’t too busy at this time. I estimated it to be less than twenty minutes. That gave me enough time to go over in my head what I was going to say to Elijah.

  I knew I had to stand my ground, and not let my guard down. One inkling of weakness and he would jump on it like a fly on shit.

  I had to get this out my system; I never did have time to confront him and get closure. My dad had in the blink of an eye, packed me up and shipped me over to the other side of town. The car journey passed quicker than expected. There was no going back now, even though I just wanted to curl up in bed and cry at the idea of my ex-boyfriend toying with my emotions again.

  I pulled up to the busy street, parking in-between two cars hoping not to be noticed by him before I had a chance to have my say. I could see straight across into the shop window. His studio was to the left side of a nail salon. I had the perfect view from where I parked my car. A girl stood throwing her hands up in the air. I sat spectating as she started to pace up and down the shop floor, giving me a clear view of Elijah in between her strides. Seeing him after so long was disconcerting.

  I caught myself taking in an unsteady breath as I watched them arguing with one another.

  Who is she…his girlfriend? Maybe she found out he had sent me flowers. I felt sorry for her, the poor girl has no clue as to what he’s really like. Maybe that was her just finding out.

  The young-looking girl stormed out the shop looking at both sides of her, before crossing the road, coming my way.

  I swallowed hard, panicking. Did they see me? Does she know who I am? She was walking fast in my direction, I panicked looking around the car. I reached over into my glove box, pretending to be searching for something. My eyes lifted to movement coming closer towards me.

  She didn’t seem to take anything in, it appeared that she was in her own little bubble. Even from where I was sat, her eyelids were red and blotchy as if she had been crying for hours on end. She looked to be younger than me, nineteen at the most. Her long chestnut brown hair hung limp and lifeless, and the look of exhaustion washed over her pale complexion. I just wanted to run after her and warn her about him.

  I looked in my wing mirror, watching her as she got further away. I decided now was the time. I opened the door and leaped out slamming my creaky driver’s door behind me. Walking towards the end of the pavement my eyes locked on Elijah. Was he waiting for me to come to him?, Was this part of his plan?. I couldn’t stop thinking about the girl. I had no clue as to who she was, but I knew that look that haunted her, the fear was real. I knew she was suffering at the hands of my tormentor, it was obvious to see. Elijah had his back to me, doing whatever it was that he was doing behind the counter. I waited for a good gap in-between the traffic before making a dash over. My legs began to shake with the fear of seeing him after all these months.

  I couldn’t stop them.

  I forced myself to take in slow deep breaths to try and calm my nerves. I wanted to run back to my car and just leave, hoping maybe he would leave me alone. But I knew him too well though, I knew he would continue tormenting me in his sick and twisted ways. He got his kicks out of setting panic among people - I had seen that first hand.

  My hand trembled as I reached for the handle. Pushing the door open, the bells that were placed above the door that alerted Elijah to customers clanged loudly, startling me, having forgotten about them. I watched as he took his time to turn.

  I didn’t say anything.

  I waited, and it felt like time had slowed down. I could hear my heart pounding, my face became hotter, the longer each second passed. I was sure, I was going to pass out. I pushed through the uneasiness and cleared my throat, trying to attract his attention so I could get this over and done with.

  “Hi, what can I do for-” He stopped mid-sentence, having turned to see that it was me. He stared hard, looking me up and down. I was glad I covered up not giving him any satisfaction. He was savoring every second of me standing in front of him. He looked rough as could be, his bloodshot eyes no doubt, were the effects of the alcohol. The cans of Red Bull on his counter were probably his way of handling a hangover.

  “I knew it would be only a matter of time before you would come back to me,” His mouth curved into a wicked smirk “Did you like the flowers I sent you?” A flicker of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

  I quickly swallowed the bile that was rising in the back of my throat.

  “How did you find me?” I breathed.

  I stared at him cautiously.

  Same height as me - five foot seven and yet his frame looked smaller, from the weight he had clearly lost, his clothes were far too big for him; his style hadn’t changed at all. He was still wearing his usual baggy jeans and vest top, Black Adidas originals and his Black inky hair was sticking up all over the place. I used to think he was a heartthrob. Not now - now he was just trampy looking. My inner bitch was smiling from ear to ear. I had hoped that I caused him the pain, he seemed to be in.

  “Macey” He answered slowly “I knew if I followed her - she would lead me to you”

  I froze. A tremor of fear went through me.

  The son of a bitch had followed Macey which lead him straight to me.

  I was in complete shock.

  “You have to leave me alone, Elijah” I cautioned “The flowers. The fucked-up calls, all of it needs to stop!” My voice quivered. Fuck, why did I have to act like a scared child in front of him?

  “I can’t do that” He murmured “I’m having too much fun” Malice flickered in his eyes.

  Fun! Who in their right mind thinks stalking their ex is fun!

  “I’ll call the police” I threatened.

  He shook his head “No, you won’t”

  He’s deranged. Unstable.

  “Try me!” I shot him a warning look. This went beyond love - it was an obsession.

  I stood waiting, knowing he always had to have the last word. He lifted the countertop up allowing himself to come closer to me.

  I backed up quickly.

  “You won’t call the police” He countered “Do you know why?” I never muttered a word. He was enjoying every second of tormenting me.

  “Because the video that shows you and I making love could find its way to your boyfriend. And that wouldn’t do well for your relationship, now would it?”

  “You can’t send anyone that footage because you don’t have any video!” I snapped “And it was never love. It was sex!” I hissed, hoping those words twisted deep like a sharp knife jabbing at his cold heart.

  As far as I was aware the courts had blocked it and the police had retrieved the only copy on the night the warrant was issued for his arrest.

  He was simply bluffing me.

  “Wanna bet?” He smirked.

  “Fuck you!” I screeched “There is something seriously wrong with you!”

  I turned, ready to leave refusing to entertain him.

  My head was spinning and my heart was thumping causing me a great deal of anxiety. Having copies of the sex tape never crossed my mind.

  I underestimated him.

  He was still as twisted as when I dated him - if not worse.

  “Who is he, Jessie!” He growled impatiently, demanding an answer. I hated being called Jessie that was his name for me.

  I pivoted to face him “Who?” Acting oblivious to the fact he was clearly talking about Cillian.

  He took another step closer.

  “You know who!” He said in a throaty growl. I had only been around him less than five minutes and already he had turned nasty.

  I also knew him and knew he would have made it his business to find out who Cillian was. Considering he was plastered all over the magazines, he was no doubt trying to mind fuck me, to get me to tell him. I was wiser now, having seen him for what he is. Suddenly, I found my voice, and there was no way in hell I was going to tell him anything. Cillian was not his to know.

  Feeling protective of the man I had fallen for.

  “It’s none of your God damn business,” I said, feeling proud of myself for standing up to him. My body told a different story, it had begun to tremble with fear. I curled my hands up, hoping he hadn’t noticed. The thought of him bringing Cillian into his games made me want to punch him in his face. To think this pathetic bully got pleasure from playing head games the two years we were together. I wanted to shake myself for how stupid I was back then.

  My parents raised no fool.

  I should have known better than to crumble to his bullying.

  He let out a creepy laugh, then his jaw pulsated as he stood with his gaze locked on me.

  “You’re just confused, baby girl. We can forget about all of this. Come back to me, and I’ll forgive you.” He calmly replied, his mouth curved into a sinister smile as he enjoyed trying to do what he was good at. Only, I wasn’t getting pulled in this time. I was no longer the fool I once was. I was adamant he was not going to manipulate me anymore.

  I offered him nothing more than a blank stare. He would love nothing more than pull me back into his dark, sad little world, but I felt the strength building up within me. His attempt to manipulate me wasn’t working; the old Jess would have agreed to his demands, but not now. I had to stop myself from laughing in his face, but he had a temper and I wasn’t sure if he would show it.


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