by John Hamer
The government contracting organisation, Kellogg, Brown, Root (KBR)’s tender for FEMA camp service bids came soon after the US Senate passed the National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA) which expressly permits the military to detain and interrogate supposed domestic terror suspects and which is in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment and Posse Comitatus.
Section 1031 of the NDAA bill declares the whole of the United States as a ‘battlefield’ environment and allows American citizens to be arrested on US soil and incarcerated at the camps at Guantanamo Bay. This is indeed the stuff of Orwellian nightmares.
Next time you hear anyone say ‘it’s just not possible’ or ‘they would never do that’ please show them the above email. The extreme gravity of Agenda 21 renders it difficult to write about without sounding alarmist, but these Elite psychopaths are obsessed with power and the centralised control over all aspects of human life and innocent-sounding euphemisms such as ‘sustainable development’, ‘saving the planet’ and the ‘green cause’ are often used to mask their true intent. Agenda 21 is indeed worthy of far more public scrutiny than that to which it is currently being subjected.
In fact the whole concept of Agenda 21, when one delves beneath its thin outside veneer, would appear to be as far from true environmentalism as it is possible to get, but as with all things Elite and New World Order oriented, nothing is ever as it would seem. And what is more, it is these very same psychopathic Elite that are actually destroying the very planet about which they pretend concern, in their endless quest for obscene profits.
Indeed, the same power-mad psychopaths most responsible for the self-defeating fossil fuel economy are the very drivers of Agenda 21. The perpetual, colossal consumption of earthly resources, especially energy, cannot be maintained with so many people on their planet competing for their resources and this is the primary reason that only a deliberately engineered cull of 95% of humanity can safely preserve those Elite ‘comfort zones’ such as their ‘gated communities’ liberally sprinkled with sprawling mansions, golf courses, country clubs and helipads. It of course, takes obscene amounts of starvation, polluted water, death and disease to support even one billionaire.
So, as the old saying goes, ‘something’s gotta give’ and one thing we can count on for sure is that it most certainly will not be any of the Elite’s own home-comforts. Psychopaths have no conscience, no empathy and very little humanity, however, the one thing that really scares them is that we 99%, to use a current idiom, outnumber them by almost a million to one and the ultimate power belongs to us. Is it that much of a leap to actually organise ourselves to do something about it and stop them in their tracks? Apparently so, judging by the disbelief and apathy I encounter whenever the subject is raised.
But, we digress slightly. To wake up the masses to nefarious, crackpot schemes such as Agenda 21, how many more ringing alarm-bells do we need? This scheme-from-hell claims to be a ‘comprehensive blueprint of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organisations of the UN, governments and major groups in every area in which humans directly affect the environment’. However, it is really about depopulation, purloining much of the Earth's surface in the name of protecting it and imposing a rigid control structure that would bring back the Dark Ages for humanity as a whole.
If none of the above makes any kind of sense, perhaps we should ask ourselves this somewhat obvious question…
Why would the very people responsible for all the pollution, destruction, radiation, poisoning and devastation of the environment suddenly turn out to be eco-friendly?
Obviously this is not the case as Agenda 21 is the work of the bloodline-created and controlled United Nations. It propounds a programme to hijack the world on behalf of its devotees and the ultimate goals include, among many other disturbing facets… (by the way I have not stolen this list from the Communist Manifesto, although you could be forgiven for thinking so):
An end to national sovereignty
State control of all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forests, mountains, oceans, fresh-water lakes and rivers, agriculture, rural development, biotechnology and ensuring equity. (In other words we will all be equally enslaved)
State defined roles of business and financial resources
Abolition of private property
'Restructuring' the family unit
Children raised by the State
People allocated their jobs
Major restrictions on movement
Creation of 'human settlement zones'
Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate land where they live
Dumbing down education (see relevant section)
Mass depopulation
This is the plan for the entire world and not just for the USA, but below is a plan of how the proposed new order will look in North America, if the Elite manage to get their evil way.
Harvey Rubin, vice-chairman of the Agenda 21 front operation, the International Local Governments for Sustainability was asked how all this would affect liberties with regard to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, private property and freedom of speech. His reply was short but not very sweet. “Individual rights must take a back-seat to the collective”. Spoken like a true Stalinist!
One of the reasons for the planned systematic dumbing-down of education is encapsulated in this comment in another 'sustainability' document:
“Generally more highly educated people who have higher incomes can consume more resources, than poorly educated people who tend to have lower incomes. In this case more education increases the threat to sustainability.”
This of course is utterly terrifying stuff that could have been lifted verbatim, from the pages of ‘Brave New World’ or ‘1984’. Have these people no shame at all? That, by the way, is a rhetorical question.
As mentioned elsewhere in this book, the late Aaron Russo, the award-winning film producer who produced ‘Trading Places’ with Eddie Murphy, began to alert people to this conspiracy shortly before he died. He said publicly in 2007 that a member of the Rockefeller family, Nick Rockefeller, had told him that the population was going to be reduced by ‘at least half’.
John P Holdren, the 'Science Czar' appointed to the Obama administration, is another advocate of 'human culling'. He says that the optimum human population is one billion and he co-wrote the 1977 book, ‘Ecoscience’, which proposes mass-sterilisation by medicating food and the water supply and imposing a regime of forced abortion, government seizure of children born outside of marriage and mandatory bodily implants to prevent pregnancies.
Indeed, there has been nothing of significance omitted from their plan; it guarantees both birth-control and death-control, not by the individual but by the ‘State’. It promises the basic necessities of life in return for total and absolute submission to the ‘State’. It guarantees the substitution of critical analysis for re-education and brainwashing by the ‘State’. It destroys the very fabric of society, culture and the family unit, proscribing only one way to live, that of the ‘State’s’ making. It herds the population into small, easily managed areas in order that we may be more effectively controlled by the ‘State’ and it creates an environment where we will all be more easily managed by the promise of being taken care of by the ‘State’.
Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky and Josef Stalin would be very proud indeed of their twenty-first century protégés.
World War III
Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Albert Pike the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in America reportedly wrote in a letter, an outline of the Elite plans for the twentieth century which included three World Wars leading to total Elite domination of the world. We have had the first two already as everyone knows but not yet the third, which has obviously been delayed by circumstances beyond the control of the perpetrators, for the moment anyway.
Pike wrote that the first war would be a war to overthrow the Russian Czars, as related in a previous chapter and to dest
roy the Russian monarchy through a contrived conflict with the British and Germanic empires. The second war would be instigated through the Zionist struggle and would establish a Zionist-Jewish ‘homeland’ in Palestine (again, see the chapters on WWI and WWII).
Regarding the possible third war, Pike wrote:
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agents of the Illuminati, between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam [the Arab nations of the Middle East] and political Zionism [Israel] will mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile, the other nations, once more divided on this issue, will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economic exhaustion… We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.” Albert Pike, 1871
Pike was certainly a distinguished prophet, unless of course he had foreknowledge of the grand master-plan to enslave the world. Even the phrase ‘World War’ was not in common usage at that time and indeed only came to prominence several years after the first war, which for many years, even after the event itself, had been commonly referred to as the ‘Great War’. But is this not what we are seeing today, the sabre-rattling and aggressive rhetoric currently aimed at Syria and especially Iran, by and on behalf of the Israeli Zionists? The world could explode into WWIII at any moment given the current fragile state of the peace in the Middle East area. In fact I would go as far as to say that the world has never been nearer to world war since the last one ended, even throughout the dark days of the ‘cold war’ in the second half of the last century.
Since the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and 7/7, world events in particular in the Middle East, demonstrate the growing unrest and instability between Zionists and the Arabic world. This is completely in line with the call for a third world war to be fought between the two and their allies on both sides. This third world war is still to come and recent events would tend to create the impression that it is imminent.
In July 2009, the President of China openly warned the US that in the event of an Israeli attack upon Iran, “World War will be our response.”
The above information also demonstrates clearly to me, that historical and political events do not happen by accident. We are being led by a group of people and their stooges in governments throughout the world, who are following a script that has been laid down many years previously and whilst the minor details may be subject to the occasional tweak, the major premise remains unchanged throughout and that ultimate goal is of course the total subjugation of humankind and the establishment of their New World Order.
Big Brother is Watching You
As I describe throughout this book, the world is becoming more like the dystopian nightmare portrayed by George Orwell in his extremely prescient work 1984, almost by the day. Indeed the above chapter title is taken from that very book and for the benefit of those have not yet read it, the phrase refers to the fact that a supposed benevolent entity, known by the cosy, friendly name of ‘Big Brother’ is constantly watching over the citizens of ‘Airstrip One’, the new name for the United Kingdom, in order to ‘protect them from harm’.
However ‘Big Brother’, in reality, is far from a cosy, friendly entity. He is a euphemism for the fascist/communitarian state in which all Airstrip One’s citizens live. He is not simply watching his citizens either, in anything resembling a caring, parent-like manner; he is actually spying on them and their every move through a comprehensive network of one-way only ‘tele-screens’ that are installed not just on every street, highway and in every building, but in every room in every building, including those of the repressed citizens’ own homes. How similar then to our own society? Although we do not yet have spy-cameras in our own homes, it is virtually impossible now in any town in Britain, to escape the gaze of the ubiquitous ‘security camera’ wherever we may wander, down its streets and alleyways and in its shops, banks and public buildings.
It is also common knowledge among the ‘truth’ community, that we are also now being watched covertly from space. Yes, that is absolutely true. There are literally hundreds of spy satellites circling above us, watching us whenever expedient for our controllers so to do. It is also known that they have amazing capabilities, for example the ability to ‘listen-in’ on conversations we may be having in our own sitting rooms at home and to be able to zoom-in on individual buildings and individual people at a resolution to which most regular camera manufacturers could only dream to aspire.
“Every now and then I like to lean out of the window and smile for a satellite picture.” Steven Wright, American comedian.
Tongue-in-cheek, the above statement may be, but nevertheless accurate with regards to the capability of satellite spy cameras.
We often hear the claim that ‘if you have got nothing to hide, than you have nothing to fear’, but as I have covered in detail in another section of the book, there is so much wrong with that statement that I barely know where to start, to refute it. Suffice to say at this juncture, that this statement is a gross distortion of the truth and one which is easy to prove as inaccurate.
The amount of public money spent on ‘security’ especially here in Britain is truly staggering and that is just the sums that the authorities admit to spending and for all those millions and billions worldwide spent on security cameras, I should very much like to ask the question, where are they when we really need them? I am thinking here for example of 9/11, 7/7, the Madrid train station bombing, the Pont de l’Alma tunnel when Diana died and the list goes on and on. All the security cameras that could have prevented conspiracy theories from springing-up around these incidents seemed to have either failed or have been switched-off in error for the duration of these and many other incidents. So it would seem that they are absolutely perfect for spotting and recording crimes committed by the 99% but not too efficient at detecting those of the 1%. This is obviously another rather large co-incidence of course and nothing at all to concern us in any way.
In Britain the total amount of public money spent on installing and operating CCTV cameras alone during the 2007 to 2010 period, was £321,331,453.18. When broken down this figure would equate to the employment of more than 13,500 extra police officers over a three year period. There are currently five million CCTV cameras in the UK to cover a population of 60 million, so this equates to one camera for every 12 people and there is absolutely no sign of this ratio decreasing. On the contrary, it is expected to increase proportionately as time goes by. The UK Home Office has spent a mind-boggling 78% of its crime prevention budget since the 1990s on surveillance cameras and the numbers are still increasing month on month and year on year.
Cameras are now being installed that can lip-read and recognise ‘suspicious’ body language – in other words pre-crime and there are now many cameras in London streets and maybe elsewhere too by the time you read this, that possess speakers whereby the operator can give orders to unsuspecting pedestrians passing-by. ‘Pick up that litter’ or ‘no loitering in this area’ or ‘keep off this grass’. It saves money on signs I suppose.
A recent ‘freedom of information’ request revealed that CCTV cameras solve less than one in 1000 crimes and yet surveillance cameras account for 75% of the spending on ‘crime prevention’ overall. What is wrong with this picture? This amply demonstrates to me that these cameras are not there for our protection or to prevent or solve crimes, they are there to spy on us in much the same way as the tele-screens in 1984. In fact I would say that the Elite, far from wishing to prevent crime, indeed encourage it. It is in their best interests to engender a crime-ridden society as this leads to fear and thus ultimately more control through the very surveillance that purports to protect us all.
Another reason for all this overt
and covert surveillance is to track resistance to the step-by-step imposition of the Orwellian state and not the 99.9% of the general public who are no threat to the system at all.
Not only is our every movement as pedestrians tracked, but so also are our movements when travelling. There are speed cameras along most of our streets and highways, many containing sophisticated licence plate recognition systems and security cameras in buses, trains, ships and airplanes. The licence plate recognition system is intelligently linked to various databases of information, enabling, for example, insurance details to be checked, where deemed to be appropriate. The ‘speed’ cameras are obviously not there to prevent accidents as the police disingenuously claim, as it has now been proven beyond reasonable doubt that the presence of traffic and speed cameras actually causes more accidents than it prevents, probably through the fear factor of people slowing down dangerously quickly, once a camera is spotted, causing skids, swerves, rear-end collisions and often complete loss of control of the car. In fact a recent independent report concluded that 85% of traffic accidents are not caused by excess speed, contrary to what they would have us all believe.