The Billionaire Takes All (The Sinclairs Book 5)

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The Billionaire Takes All (The Sinclairs Book 5) Page 14

by J. S. Scott

  “Oh, my God. They’re huge.” The excitement in her voice was real, the hand Julian was holding trembling with the experience of seeing the massive mammals in their own habitat.

  “I’ve seen them before, but it’s always just as fascinating as the first time,” Julian answered as he shot her a grin. “Are you doing okay?”

  The concern in his voice made her smile back at him. “I’m fine. I can see where we’re going, and the pills seem to be working. I won’t puke on you. I promise.”

  “I don’t care if you do. I just don’t want you to feel sick,” he grumbled, then turned their attention back to the whales.

  The way he cared about her made her heart melt. He might be a smartass, but she’d come to learn that Julian had a heart. A big one. But Kristin had a feeling that he rarely showed it to anyone.

  They watched the enormous animals rise and fall from the water, some of them coming so close that she felt the spray of their incredible splash on her face. “I can’t believe I live on the coast and I’ve never seen a whale,” she muttered as she continued to watch the antics that were playing out in front of her.

  Julian had bought out the entire trip, so, other than the crew, they had the whole boat to themselves.

  “Different season in Maine for whale watching,” Julian told her.

  She shrugged. “It was mostly about money. We couldn’t afford it.” They couldn’t afford to take the time away, either. And she and her father weren’t about to leave for the day with her mom at home alone.

  “I can get a boat,” Julian suggested earnestly.

  She chuckled. “Can you captain it?”

  “Of course. I can teach you to scuba dive, too. I lived in Southern California. I didn’t have a boat, but some of my buddies did.”

  “Surfer guy?” she joked.

  “That, too,” he admitted. “But I dive better than I surf.”

  “I’ve snorkeled off the beach, but that’s about as far under the water as I’ve ever gotten.” It was pretty pathetic that she’d lived her whole life on the coast, yet had experienced very few water sports. She swam well, but that was about her only water talent.

  He paused before asking, “Interested in learning, if I get a boat?”

  Hell yeah, she was interested. It would be fantastic to be able to dive, see more of what might be deeper in the ocean. “We’ll see,” she murmured, trying to remember that her and Julian’s marriage was a farce. It wasn’t like he’d be around to teach her to scuba dive or surf.

  Once the boat turned around and headed back to shore, Julian handed her another dose of pills and a water to swallow them.

  “Thanks.” She was starting to get used to him remembering everything, and being considerate. However, it wasn’t something she was totally accustomed to yet.

  Once they arrived back to their hotel, Julian stepped away to pick up a package that had arrived for him. When he took her hand to lead her back to their suite so they could change to go find some dinner, he didn’t have anything in his hands.

  Maybe it was just a letter or papers.

  She blew it off until they arrived back in the suite and he pulled a tiny box out of his pocket. “I promised your mom you’d come back with your ring,” he explained.

  No! No. No. No.

  There was not a ring in the box he was holding.

  “But I planned on putting her off,” Kristin explained hastily. “Please don’t tell me that you really bought a ring.”

  “Okay,” he agreed amiably. “I won’t tell you.”

  She watched as he took a small velvet box from the cardboard and then popped it open. “I’ll just put it on your finger.”

  She gasped as he turned the container around, the ring nearly blinding her because of the center and surrounding diamonds. “Oh. My. God.” She recognized the maker on the box: Mia Hamilton. She was a custom-jewelry maker, and every piece she made was superb but incredibly expensive.

  “Mia did a great job.” Julian took the ring from the box and tossed it aside.

  “I can’t wear that,” Kristin squeaked.

  “Why? It’s pretty,” Julian answered, looking confused.

  “I recognize the maker. Those pieces are outrageous.”

  He ignored her, taking her hand and sliding the flashing band on her left ring finger. “I’m rich, Kristin. Filthy rich,” he added. “One ring is not going to break me.”

  He was right. He could well afford a Mia Hamilton ring. But it shouldn’t be on her finger. It was a special piece of jewelry. Every wedding ring was incredibly unique.

  She looked down at her hand, marveling at the craftsmanship of the ring. The diamonds were obviously high quality and very clear, creating a flash every time she moved her hand. The center stone was enormous, a heart-shaped diamond surrounded by a delicate circle of small baguettes. “It won’t break you financially,” she admitted. “But it’s way too dear for me to be wearing. This marriage isn’t real.”

  Julian looked at her finger and smirked. “Looks pretty real to me. Your mother will love it.”

  Kristin was sure she would. Hell, she already loved the ring herself. But she couldn’t keep it. “Will they take it back?”

  “Nope. Custom pieces can’t be returned unless there’s some kind of problem that involves the maker or the gems.”

  “It’s perfect,” she said unhappily.

  “Just wear it,” Julian cajoled. “What is it going to hurt? I have so much money I don’t know what to do with it anymore. And if we separate, you can keep it. The ring was made for you. It would never be worn by anyone else.”

  “You can’t just give away a gift like this,” she balked.

  “I just did,” he answered as he winked at her.

  “What if it gets lost?” she said in a panic.

  He shrugged. “Then I’ll get you a replacement.”

  Rolling her eyes, she walked through the living room and out onto the balcony for a breath of air, realizing she was so uptight she could barely suck air in and out of her lungs.

  The ring caught the light as she gripped the balcony rail, as though it was mocking her.

  Strong hands landed on her shoulders. “What’s wrong?” Julian asked calmly.

  “This is too much, Julian. I’ll walk around terrified that someone will mug me.”

  “Doubtful in Amesport,” he answered, sounding amused. “It’s not a big deal, sweetheart. It really isn’t.”

  “Maybe not to you, but it is to me,” she answered, a tear starting to track down her cheek. “Did you decide on the design?”

  “Yeah. If you look really close, underneath you’ll see some very tiny chips of black obsidian. I took them off the rock Beatrice gave me. It’s been lucky for me so far.”

  She pulled off the engagement ring carefully and peered at the inside, now able to see the small black chips in between each prong. “How did she do that?”

  “I had a jeweler knock off a few pieces to send to her.”

  It was sentimental and thoughtful. So much so that Kristin wanted to cry in earnest. “Thank you,” she said softly, so touched by his kindness that it was hard to be angry. “I’ll do my best not to lose it.” Arguing was futile if she couldn’t return it, so she placed it back on her finger carefully.

  “How did you know it would fit?” she asked curiously.

  “You told me your ring size in Vegas. I remembered it.”

  Kristin cringed, wondering why they were having that conversation in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, she’d been too drunk to recall. “I don’t remember it.”

  “I’m not surprised.” He leaned forward and kissed her gently on the forehead. “You were completely hammered.”

  She closed her eyes and swallowed, hoping the lump in her throat would disappear. Whether it had been good or bad, she hated the fact that she couldn’t remember her own wedding.

  Later that night, Julian would have killed to join his wife for her shower before they went out for dinner.

  But he c
alled his brother instead.

  “Hey. What’s up? You called?” Julian asked Micah as he flopped down on the living-room couch.

  Micah had phoned earlier when he and Kristin were out watching the whales. He’d felt his phone vibrate, but he’d ignored the call.

  “Yeah. Xander is coming back to Amesport. He says he’s ready to leave the rehab facility soon,” Micah informed Julian unhappily.

  Shit! Julian had hoped he’d stay a little longer. “It’s too soon,” he told Micah adamantly.

  “He says he’s clean, and if he stays there any longer, it’s going to make him want to start drinking again,” Micah said irritably. “I don’t like it, either. But it’s the furthest he’s ever gone in a program.”

  “I’ll be home soon. I’ll be there to help.”

  “Julian, you have a career to worry about,” Micah replied.

  “Not anymore. I’ve made my last movie, bro. I’m not happy with doing the latest action films. I’m writing. All of this time working my way to the top and I discover I’m in the wrong area of my field,” he told his brother honestly.

  “Are you doing this because of Xander?” Micah asked suspiciously.

  “No. I’m doing it for me.”

  “Okay. Then I guess I can use the help. And I’ll be damn glad to have you here.” Micah hesitated before he asked, “Are you really married to Kristin?”

  “How did you know?” Julian had hoped to break the news to his brother himself, but he should have known it would get around.

  “Since you sort of made a scene when Kristin was on a blind date, word spread pretty quickly. Do you know what you’re doing right now? Marriage is no joke. I mean, the honeymoon might be fun and all, but it’s a serious commitment, Julian.”

  “You think I don’t know that?” Julian retorted irritably.

  “Do you?”

  Letting his grip relax on the phone, he told his older brother more calmly, “Yeah. I do, actually. I think she’s had me tied up in knots since she flung her first insult at me,” he confessed. “I’ve known exactly how I’ve felt for a long time. Convincing Kristin is a little more difficult.”

  Micah chuckled. “If anybody can do it, you can. You’re the most persistent guy I know.”

  “Working on it,” Julian confirmed. He hesitated before adding, “Maybe we were both drunk when we got married in Vegas, but I wasn’t drunk enough not to know exactly what I was doing.” He wanted Micah to understand that in no way did he take his marriage lightly. “Speaking of marriage, how is Tessa doing?”

  “She’s good. A little nervous about the possibility of surgery again, but she’s pretty damn strong.”

  Julian thought about that for a minute before he answered. “Has she gotten any word on whether or not she’ll be eligible for cochlear implants?”

  “Not yet. But the doctor in New York thought she would be. We’ll be seeing her next month after the holidays are over.”

  Christmas was coming. Julian had almost forgotten. “It’s hard to think about winter when you’re in Maui,” he said jokingly.

  “Lucky bastard,” Micah grumbled. “I’m taking Tessa there after we get past this surgical possibility.”

  “You should. She’d love it. We did a good deal for this place.”

  “Dare I ask how you think things are going to end up with your marriage? You did the deed in Vegas while you were both intoxicated. You could get out of it fairly easily.” Obviously Micah wasn’t satisfied enough to drop the subject.

  “I don’t know.” Julian ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Yeah. Sure.”

  “Was it worth it?” Julian blurted out. “All the pain, the work and frustration. You and Tessa had some issues. Was it worth it to hang in there?”

  “Every minute of it,” Micah answered genuinely. “I’d go through hell and back for her.” He paused before asking, “Are you really thinking about staying together permanently?”

  “I’m thinking about it. I’m not sure she is,” Julian stated flatly.

  “It’s worth hanging in there to find out,” Micah mused. “From what I understand, Kristin had to grow up fast, and she’s hyper-responsible. Maybe the load was too much for her.”

  “It’s too much for anybody. Hell, she’s barely had a life.”

  “Sounds like somebody else I know,” Micah remarked sarcastically. “Hell, I don’t think you ever really took a vacation during all those years you were working.”

  “Yeah. And I regretted it,” he admitted. “But I’m making up for it. Besides, you have no room to talk.” Micah had been a workaholic before he’d met Tessa.

  “Maybe not. But take it from somebody who knows. Get her to talk. Women aren’t always feeling the same way we are.”

  “You mean they aren’t always thinking about sex?” Julian said in mock horror.

  Micah laughed. “Not always.”

  “Well, damn. Then I guess seduction is no good.”

  “It’s good,” Micah confessed. “But it’s not enough.”

  “I’m slowly discovering that,” Julian answered in a disgruntled tone.

  He chatted with his brother for a couple more minutes before they hung up, and Julian wasn’t any closer to finding a solution to his dilemma than he had been before.

  I need to step things up.

  Problem was, he didn’t have much time.


  “What are you doing?” Kristin asked nervously as she walked out of the bathroom after dressing for bed in a silky emerald-green nightgown that hugged every curve she had.

  Julian had no body issues. He’d just stripped down naked and was currently sprawled out on the bed with his engorged cock in his hand, stroking over the length of it absently.

  “Thinking about you,” he answered with a wicked grin.

  Her heart stuttered as she looked at his incredibly ripped body and casual position. One arm was stretched behind his head, the other was, um . . . busy. He looked like sin and temptation, the mischievous expression on his face dangerous.

  How he could be so amusing—yet so intense—was a mystery to her.

  And Julian was one big enigma wrapped up in a delicious package. He was unpredictable, and he could easily catch her off guard.

  Just like he was doing right this moment.

  Her eyes ate him up, lovingly caressing his muscular chest and six-pack abs.

  She waited where she had stopped, at least ten feet from where she wanted to be, on the bed right now. Julian would make his move. He always did.

  Chewing on her lips, she waited.

  And waited.

  Then, she started tapping her foot in impatience as she watched him turn his head, still stroking a firm hand over his cock.

  “Well?” he said with a devilish expression on his face. “Do you want some of this or not, baby?”

  Kristin nearly groaned, pressing her thighs together to stop herself from sprinting over to the bed and crawling up his gloriously nude body, begging for him to touch her. Julian always came and got her, taking her where he found her, or to bed to do all kinds of wicked things to her body that left her pleading for release.

  Never, not once, had she ever needed to wait for him to jump all over what he wanted.

  Licking her lips as she stared, mesmerized by the distracted motion of his hand, she answered huskily, “Yes. Yes, I think I do.”

  He crooked his finger at her to summon her closer. “If you want it, come and get it,” he answered bossily.

  It was a challenge. Kristin knew it. Julian wanted to see if she’d be the real aggressor. There was teasing behind his actions, but his purpose was very clear.

  Am I willing to go to him? Am I willing to initiate the intimacy?

  There was no question of whether or not she wanted him. Every time she so much as thought about Julian, her body reacted. But she’d be damned if his victory would be that easy.

  She put a fingertip to her chin. “I’
ll have to think about it,” she told him with a sultry smile. “There are a few things I’d like to do, but I’m not sure you’ll like it.”

  Sucking on the tip of her finger, she met his gaze boldly.

  “What?” he asked, his voice suddenly urgent.

  “I want my mouth all over your body right now, and I’d really like to move your hand aside and take over that job.” She nodded her head toward his cock.

  “Then fucking do it,” he rasped, his hand moving a little harder and faster.

  Sauntering over to the bed, she smiled down at him, her heart ready to leap out of her chest with longing. His body called to her, and it was screaming loudly right now.

  “I’m not sure I should,” she considered as she slid one leg onto the bed. “I mean, it is rather bold.”

  “Then be bold,” he demanded.

  Kristin had lost track of how many times he’d brazenly pleasured her with his mouth between her legs. Never once had she returned the favor. Not that she didn’t want to. Honestly, she wasn’t that confident with her skills in that department, but she was fairly certain she could find a way to please him.

  The way Julian was constantly lusting after her like she was a supermodel had given her a sense of sexual power that she had never experienced in her entire life. He made her want to break out of herself and be the temptress he accused her of being.

  Knowing she affected him in the most carnal of ways was as heady as it was crazy.

  She moved over to him and pushed his hand away, threading her fingers with his as she leaned closer and commanded, “Kiss me.”

  His warm breath was already wafting over her face as she lowered her mouth and their lips met in the most sensual kiss she’d ever experienced.

  His arm shot out from under his head and he threaded his fingers through her curls. He didn’t rush as he thoroughly explored her mouth, his hands caressing her scalp. The embrace was hot, erotic, and completely captivating.

  Kristin was struggling with control as she finally brushed her lips against his and then trailed her mouth down his neck and across his chest. “You have an incredibly hot body, Julian. But I’m sure you already know that.”

  He groaned as she licked her way down his abs, finally slipping her entwined fingers from his as she faced the most daunting cock she’d ever encountered. Recklessly, she flicked out her tongue and laved over the sensitive head, savoring the bead of moisture that was already hovering there.


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