Their Private Need

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Their Private Need Page 6

by Ella Goode

  He spreads my legs wider, kisses me ferociously with his tongue and slams into me repeatedly until I can’t hold onto this realm anymore. I spin out of my head, my eyes shuttering and I can see only a medley of colors and can hear only the harsh panting of our mutual breathless climb over the edge of the cliff.

  Michigan pumps against me, once, twice and then the hot jets of his come spill inside my sex.

  “Fuck, yes!” he shouts and the grip on my hip turns almost bruising under his tight embrace. I love it. I hope I wear the signs of his possession and Easy’s for a long time.

  Michigan pauses and kisses me again, this time with tenderness. Our kiss is long and leisurely and we caress each other in giddy repletion.

  All too soon, he leaves me, pulling away and leaving behind a trail of sticky liquid as he withdraws. “Be back in a minute, sweetheart.” He gives my face a rough caress and then walks off through a nearby door.

  “Do you need some time to rest, Little Red?” Easy says.

  I move my legs experimentally. “No, I’m still in one piece.”

  “But no longer a virgin.” He grins.

  His smile is contagious and I can’t help but respond to his good humor. “No, I’m not.” A thought occurs. “Are you upset that it was Michigan?”

  “Not at all.” He rises from his chair to bend over my supine body. With the hand that he had used to rub himself, he reaches between my legs but doesn’t stop at my opening. Instead he moves backward and presses the tip of his finger inside my butt! “I’m going to be the first one to fuck you here. We’re both going to enjoy the hell out of it, I promise you that.”

  He removes his finger and then leans down to kiss the shock off my face. I’m dazed by his words and by his taste and then the feel of his large frame pressing down on my own. I hear something slap Easy and when I peer over his back I see it’s a washcloth. Easy swipes it from his back and places it between my legs. He cleans me off and then tosses the soiled cloth on the floor.

  “Move over.”

  I do as he orders and he climbs in beside me, rolling me on my side. At my back I feel the king bed dip and then the warm body of Michigan snuggling up against me. He draws some of my hair away from my sweaty neck and back while Easy lies down in front of me.

  “Are we going to sleep?” I ask uncertainly.

  “No, but Michigan took you hard and I know you’re going to be sore tomorrow so we’re going to fuck nice and slow this last time tonight. Tomorrow we’ll cook you breakfast and send you home with a present.”

  “What kind of present?”

  “The kind that will make you wet and horny and have you running back to our bed,” Easy answers and raises my leg to hang over his hip. I’m still wet and slippery and there’s almost no resistance when Easy’s broad head nudges my entrance. But once his head is inside me, I wonder how the rest of it’s going to fit, even after Michigan worked me over.

  “It’s going to feel real good,” Easy says soothingly. He reads the panic that had raced across my face. Behind me Michigan is squeezing my shoulders and running a finger down the center of my spine. I shiver and move closer to Easy. He’s got a little more hair than Michigan. His chest has a sprinkling of short, curled light brown hair which thickens near his penis. It feels both soft and scratchy against my skin.

  His hand captures a breast and teases the nipple into a taut point. He moves to the other breast, closest to the bed, and then Michigan reaches around and suddenly I have two hands on my body but they belong to different men. The sensation is strange and wonderful.

  Easy’s face as he pushes inside is a far cry from his smiles and winks. His nostrils flare wide and all traces of laughter have been replaced with serious intent. The veins of his neck are strained. His eyes eat me up and then he pushes forward and we both moan. Michigan braces my hips from behind as Easy inches inside. He feels enormous and I fear I might split in two from his possession. But he doesn’t rush me and after long moments of incremental progress, he finally reaches the end.

  Easy huffs out a half laughter, half moan as he fully encases his shaft. I swear I can feel his blood pulse along the entire length. It’s like his very heart is inside me, pounding out the words of his lust.

  He claims my mouth and we kiss in long, lazy, languid caresses as he slowly moves his thick shaft in deep strokes. We’re barely moving. Whereas the thrusts of Michigan shook the bed and me, Easy’s glides shift my hips in small movements but the effect is as devastating.

  My sensitive breasts are crushed against his chest and his mouth devours mine. Michigan rubs his hands over every exposed inch of me. I feel surrounded by their attention and care.

  The orgasm builds as leisurely as our joining. Easy’s penis is no longer stretching me but filling me. The musk of our joining fills the air and our sweaty bodies slide against one another in a steady rhythm. I can feel the pleasure coiling inside as each pass of his penis against my swollen tissues winds the spiral of delight tighter and tighter.

  I grind against him and Michigan helps, pushing me closer to Easy until we are so intimately clasped that we are one body. I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine.

  The words of Solomon spin through my mind as Easy loves me with his body. He grips me to him and I feel the muscles in his shoulders bunch under my fingers as he spurts his release in long heavy ropes. The warm fluid spurs my own release and as the pleasure overtakes me, I shatter into tiny pieces only to find that four hands hold me as I fall.

  Easy murmurs tenderly in my ear that I felt so good, better than any he’s ever had. Michigan rubs my back as I shudder with the aftershocks of the ecstasy they’ve wrought. I’m too wrecked to move when Easy peels away from me. His laughter is back and amused but satisfied masculine voices exchange words I’m too exhausted to make out. Footsteps pad against the hardwood floor. Water turns on and then off. A warm cloth is pressed between my legs and a cool one is stroked across my forehead.

  “We wore her out,” Michigan comments gruffly.

  “There’s still morning sex,” Easy replies. I can hear the smile in his voice.

  Groaning, I stretch my legs and feel a tug on muscles and tendons I didn’t know existed. For the moment, as amazing as sex with both of them was, I can’t imagine another bout. The two crawl in on either side of me. One flips a television on and the other hauls me close to his side. By the smell, I know it’s Michigan.

  “How is it someone as gorgeous as you is a virgin?” Easy asks.

  “Oh, a lot of reasons,” I answer softly, snuggling into the warmth surrounding me. “I was a really awkward kid and by sixth grade taller than almost every male. I wore dowdy clothes and my father is Pastor Bloom. He’s very strict. I had to be home when I didn’t have school activities and my circle of approved friends was rather small. My rebellions were watching television shows that he didn’t approve of, not drinking behind the football bleachers.”

  “Where were you?” Michigan asks Easy in an almost accusatory tone.

  “I’m six fucking years older than her, asshole. I was in the Marines saving your ass when she started high school.” Easy shoves him but Michigan doesn’t move. The mass of these two men is giant.

  “It’s okay. I had braces until I was sixteen and big glasses and I was super awkward. If I liked a guy, I’d stand and stare at him but would never say a word so I’m sure I just freaked them out.”

  “Good,” Michigan grunts, generating a snort from Easy.

  “But what about after high school?” he presses.

  This part isn’t as easy to share. With a sigh, I admit, “I tried to find a job but couldn’t, so when Father offered me the church secretary position, I accepted. He said I should live at home and save my salary and that made good sense to me. Only…” I pause, thinking how narrow my world had become. It was church, my father, and me.

  “Only what?” This time it’s Michigan who prompts me.

  “Only I see now that I could have easily become the virgin spinster. In a
couple of years I’d be crocheting cat cozies and yelling at the kids to get off my lawn.”

  The serious talk combined with the sexual overload has worn me out. I can’t stifle a jaw-cracking yawn. When Michigan tugs me closer, I curl into his chest and drift off into slumber with his arm around my shoulders and Easy’s heavy hand palming my ass.

  It’s early when I wake up. The sun is still a rosy partial glow on the horizon. Between my legs is a mouth and another pair of lips is tugging at one of my nipples. Neither of them are in a hurry and they lick and suck every inch of my body until I’m quaking with need. Strong fingers move in little circles until my climax shoots through me, leaving me breathless before I am even fully awake.

  “That is quite the alarm clock,” I say when I manage to catch my breath. Michigan cuddles me while Easy sits on the side of the bed fiddling with something on the nightstand.

  “We could wake you up like that every morning,” Easy says. When he turns toward me, I see a small cone-shaped object in his hand.

  “Every morning?”

  “Every morning,” Michigan affirms in a low, sleep-roughened voice.

  Easy rolls me on my side while Michigan rubs me with two long, hard fingers.

  “Michigan and I like to share. I don’t think that’s a surprise for you but it’s more than sleeping with each other in the bed after a nice night of fucking. It’s being inside you at the same time, pushing you over the limit of what you think your body can take. This plug will help stretch you and prepare you for the both of us. If you want us, wear this plug every day for the next week, just like the claiming cuffs.”

  The plug looks innocuous but I can feel my body clench in protest looking at it. “I don’t know,” I say doubtfully. “It’s not that I don’t want to but can I even walk with that in my body?”

  Michigan turns away and I know he’s hiding a laugh. Easy makes no pretense about his amusement.

  “Yeah, it might even get you a little excited.” He tosses it up in the air and my eyes track the purple toy as it rises and then falls into Easy’s big hand—the hand that held me, brought me pleasure until I couldn’t even see. There’s no debate in my mind. I want to wear the plug like I want to wear the claiming cuffs.

  “I trust you.”

  Michigan’s swift intake of breath is followed by his head buried in my shoulder. My heart sings in response. This is the right decision. These are the right men for me. I don’t know how I’m going to explain it to my father or anyone else but I know that being with these two is worth any approbation from my only family. I’ve lived so long in the bubble created for me but that’s no life at all.

  “You won’t regret it, Little Red.” Easy douses the purple plug with a gel and with a nod, Michigan lifts my leg. He pets me softly around my labia, stroking two long fingers on either side as Easy spreads the same gel-like substance around my rear.

  “Bear down when you feel it coming in,” Easy instructs.

  Michigan tips my head up and says, “Eyes on me, sweetheart.” His mouth lowers to mine in a sweet morning kiss but our eyes are glued together so when the plug pushes at my small forbidden entrance, I concentrate on the rich emotion that is swirling in Michigan’s beautiful light brown eyes and the luxurious feeling of his lips pressing into mine. The golden glow of the rising sun casts his body in bronze, tanned and golden and breathtaking.

  Behind me, Easy twists and pushes until the small plug is fully seated. “You wear this every day for a week and by the end of the week, we’ll see you again. If you’re still wearing the plug then we know you’re interested in being with us.”

  Chapter Nine


  Letting Annie go didn’t feel right. I made Easy take her home because I knew if I got her on the back of my bike, I wouldn’t drop her off. We’d just ride until the bike ran out of gas and then I’d fill it up and we’d ride some more. Maybe we’d wind up in Montana and I’d hire on as a hand on some ranch while Annie waited tables in a local cafe. We’d send for Easy when we were settled in.

  “It’s going to work out fine,” Easy says for about the fiftieth time and pushes another beer at me. It’s going to take something stronger than beer to get me through the next couple of days. It’s been a week. The only thing we’ve heard from Annie is that she’s still got our gift but doesn’t know how to get it back to us. Easy and I take that to mean she doesn’t know how to get away from her old man.

  “What’s going to work out?” Judge, our club president asks. He’s snuck up on us at the granary.

  “Our deal with Annie,” Easy replies and pulls out another beer from the cooler for Judge. He twists off the cap and drains half the dark brew.

  “You guys interested in a trip to Minneapolis? The situation with the Viper Crew is coming to a head. I need someone to go and check them out.”

  I nod and Easy answers for me. “Sure. Just want us to evaluate them or do you want us to run them through a test?”

  “Evaluate to see if they’re worth a test. At this point all we know is that they’re barely old enough to vote and hold almost no power. Only reason I would even consider bringing them in under the Death Lords’ protection is because I knew Rabid’s old man.” Judge scratches his head. “My hope is that you think they’re fucking hotheads who are two steps away from a jail cell. If they’re even halfway decent, I have to seriously consider bringing them in.”

  “We got this,” Easy says and winks at me. The hairs on my neck stand up because whatever he’s got in mind is trouble. “But maybe your old lady can help us out.”

  “No,” I interrupt.

  “Why not?”

  “Because we don’t want to involve anyone else.” It’s bad enough he got his grandma to make up a story to get Annie over to our place. Now he wants the old lady of our club’s president to lie to some preacher so we can fuck his daughter?

  Judge slides onto a stool next to me. “What’s going on?”

  “Annie’s father is Pastor Bloom. From what I’ve gleaned, he’s got his thumb on her pretty heavily. She works as the church secretary and lives in the house. She hasn’t said that he’d kick her out, but I think it’s fair to say that's a reasonable outcome,” Easy says.

  “How long’s she been church secretary?” Judge asks. His question surprises me.

  “Since she was eighteen, I gather,” Easy answers.

  Judge nods silently and then turns to me. “What’s your damage, brother? Annie just a temporary sweet butt?”

  I rise up, fists clenched. “Fuck no. Don’t call her that.”

  At my outburst, he merely raises his eyebrows while Easy reaches over the bar top and draws me back. It takes me a couple deep breaths to calm down.

  “Sorry,” I mumble and drop back onto my stool.

  “How long you been patched in?” Judge asks. It’s a not a real question because Judge knows exactly how long I’ve been a member, same as he knows when we got our tattoos of the flaming skulls, how many bones are buried at the quarry and probably the last time all of us got laid.

  “Five years and you tapped me as enforcer two years ago.”

  He nods. “That’s right. You’re a loyal brother. You’ve done the wet work, bled for the club, so helping you get a little cover for your woman is pretty low on the totem of the things that the club will do for you.” Judge drains the remainder of his beer and then stands, clapping a hand on my shoulder. “The Death Lords are your family. It’s not weakness or using to lean on your family from time to time. Text me what you want Pippa to do.”

  Easy waits for Judge to leave before leaning across the counter. “When are you going to start trusting me?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” I scowl. “’Course I trust you.”

  “Really? Because you don’t act like it.” He straightens to his full six-foot four-inch frame and folds his arms. His face is hard and I know from past experience that he’s pissed. “If you trusted me, you would be working together with me instead of fi
ghting me every step of the way. Is it that you don’t want Annie?”

  “No,” I shout and then, gathering myself, I repeat it, but this time quietly. “No.”

  Easy’s asking for something from me that I’ve never fully given him. It’s not that I don’t trust him, but he’s asking me to lay myself bare for him and Annie. My options are simple. Either buy in or step away. I give up Annie and I probably give up Easy too. Not that he’d push me aside but seeing them together and knowing I could be part of that would eat me up inside until I would need to climb onto my bike and ride away. The answer is well, easy. “I’m in.”

  “All the way?” He looks suspicious and it cracks me up.

  “All the way.”

  All the way means that by the end of the work day, Annie appears on our doorstep like we rubbed her out of the genie bottle.

  Easy opens the door and pulls her inside. Next to the curb, Pippa in her death box of a tiny car waves and speeds off.

  “What’s the story?” I bark out a little harsher than I mean to.

  She smiles tentatively and says, “I’m going to a library get together in Minneapolis until Thursday.”

  A big grin breaks out over Easy’s face. “Two days with us, huh? That’s nice. Real nice. Now to the important stuff. You wearing it?”

  She nods.

  “Show us.”

  I want to object that we should feed her first or watch a fucking movie but Annie turns around, gathers up her ugly navy skirt and bends over. Underneath ain’t ugly at all because under the skirt is all Annie. She’s gone commando, either all day or just for our benefit.

  “If I knew you weren’t wearing panties under those skirts, Little Red, you’d be bent over the stacks with me pounding inside you.” Easy’s voice is rough with his lust.

  I nod in agreement, suddenly a fan of big shapeless pieces of fabric. No one but Easy and I know what’s underneath. Her ass is small but juicy and the purple base of the plug is a bright contrast to her pale skin.


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