Passion, Victoria 7: Duncan and Alec (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Passion, Victoria 7: Duncan and Alec (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Becca Van

  “Did he have any distinguishing marks on him? Say, a tattoo, scar, anything like that?”

  “Not that I can recall.”

  “Do you think if I showed you a photo of him, you would be able to pick him out?”

  “Yes. Oh, he had really strange eyes. Sorry, I forgot. One was blue and the other was green.”

  “Good girl, Amy. That’s the sort of information I need. Now, did you see the car he was driving?”

  “He wasn’t driving. He pulled Crystal into the back of the car and it sped off. The car is a dark-blue sedan and I can give you the registration plate number.”

  “You ever want to change jobs and work for the police force, sugar, you let me know. You are amazing. You’ve been such a great help.” Zach rose to his feet, grabbed his portable radio, and relayed all the information supplied by Amy back to Noah.

  Duncan moved to Amy as she stood up and gave her a hug and kissed the top of her head. “Thank you, Amy. We owe you, sweetheart.”

  Alec took Amy from Duncan’s arms, gave her hug, and kissed her temple. “We are forever in your debt, darlin’.”

  “Are you all right to get home by yourself, Amy? I know Jason and Sean would give you a lift,” Zach said.

  “I was going to walk, but I really don’t feel safe enough right now.”

  “No problem, sugar. Come on, I’ll take you home.” Jason placed a hand at her elbow, guiding her toward the door. “I’ll be back as soon as I see Amy safely home.”

  “Wait a minute, Amy,” Zach said.

  Duncan moved to the fax machine when it beeped. He waited for the information to come through and was glad that he’d heard Zach ask Noah to send a mug shot of their suspected kidnapper. He picked it up and handed it to Zach.

  Zach walked out where Jason and Amy were waiting for him just outside the office door.

  “Is this the man you saw, sweetheart?” Zach asked, handing her the paper.

  “Yes, he’s the one who kidnapped Crystal.”

  “Thanks again, Amy. You’ve been a huge help.” Zach took the proffered paper back from Amy and turned toward Alec’s and Duncan’s office.

  Duncan sank down into a chair, and when he lifted his arm to rub the back of his neck, he noticed it was shaking. He was so scared for Crystal he felt sick to his stomach. He wanted to be out there looking for her but had no idea where to begin. If he did go off half-cocked and tried to find Crystal, he could be putting her in even more danger and she could end up dead. That thought was untenable, and he couldn’t live with himself if he caused her to die. But what the hell was he supposed to do in the meantime? Duncan didn’t know if he could just sit around and do nothing.

  Crystal was the love of his and Alec’s lives and they had only just found her. If anything happened to her it would kill him.

  * * * *

  Crystal woke up. The throbbing in her jaw told her she was alive. She listened intently, hoping she was alone, at least for now. She needed to know where she was and if she could escape by herself, but she didn’t want to alert her kidnappers to the fact she was conscious. After ascertaining no one was nearby, she opened her eyes to slits and began looking about her. Because she only had her eyes open slightly, if anyone came in hopefully she would be able to play possum and gain some more time, it took her a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the lack of light.

  She was in a darkened bedroom. She moved her head up to look at the curtain-covered windows and knew it was nighttime. She had no idea how long she had been out of it and grieved the fact she had been knocked out. Now there was no way to know where she was. Crystal gingerly sat up, the movement making her jaw throb as more blood rushed to the injury site. When the pain subsided to a dull ache, she pushed the hurt to the back of her mind. It wasn’t the first time she had experienced pain from a man’s fist, but she hoped it would be the last. She rose to her feet, moved to the window, pulled the curtains back, and looked out into the shadowy night.

  Crystal couldn’t see any streetlights, so she knew she wasn’t in or near a city. She had to be in the countryside still. But where? She bent her head to examine the lock on the window, wondering if she could slide it open, then saw the large wooden board on the outside of the windowsill with nails hammered into it. She knew she was out of luck. She heard a thump on the other side of the door. Moving quickly, Crystal got back on the bed, lay down, closed her eyes, and tried to keep her breathing even and deep. She was glad there was no light on in the room, which would help make it hard for whoever came in to see whether she was awake.

  Crystal heard a key turn in the lock and then a squeak as the hinges protested with their lack of oil. Her ploy didn’t work. One moment she was lying on the bed, the next, large hands hauled her up and pulled her from the room. She squealed in surprise at her rough treatment and knew she would have bruises left behind from the large, strong hands gripping her upper arms. She blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted from the darkness of the other room to the bright lighting she was now in. The man holding her suddenly released her and stepped back. Crystal watched him warily as he moved around her and sat down on a worn leather sofa. It was then she noticed two other men in the room.

  She stared at the three men as they watched her intently. Her body began to shake with fear as she looked from one cold, expressionless stare to the next.

  “Who are you and what do you want with me?” Crystal spat out, using the anger beginning to rise within her. She didn’t want them to know they scared her but knew she failed when one of the men gave her an icy smile. A smile that didn’t reach his eyes. A smile that was malicious and made her insides freeze with fear.

  “Your father owes me a great deal of money. He used your address for collateral. He seems to have disappeared, and since he owes me, I thought you, being such the loving daughter you are, could pay me back in his stead.”

  Crystal looked back to the man who had spoken. He was dressed in a suit and tie, looking for all intents and purposes like an executive in a business meeting. He sat back on the sofa, looking far too relaxed for her comfort, but what scared her most was his emotionlessness.

  “Look, I don’t know who the hell you are, but let me tell you, I haven’t seen or spoken to my father in years. Find someone else to pay for his habit.” Crystal hoped they didn’t see through her bravado, but she wasn’t going to hang around to find out. She lifted her chin, glared at the arsehole, and hoped no one would stop her when she moved toward the front door.

  “Ah, ah, ah. I don’t think so. You’re not going anywhere. You are going to pay me back for your father or I will make you work off his debt.”

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “Christoph Blane, perhaps you’ve heard of me?” Christoph asked, but Crystal just continued to stare at him. “No, I don’t think you have. I’m not surprised. You’re such a good girl, aren’t you, Crystal? Always doing what you’re supposed to, never breaking the law. I don’t think you’ve even had a parking ticket, have you?”

  “You’ve had me investigated? What the hell for?” Crystal knew she shouldn’t be goading the man who had had her kidnapped but couldn’t seem to help herself. She was so cold and scared inside, but there was no way in hell she was letting him know that. “Look, Mr. Blane, I don’t know you, and to be honest, I want to keep it that way. Send one of your lackeys out to search for my father and make him work off his own debts. I have my own life, and it doesn’t include working for you.”

  “Hmm, well, I was considering hiring you out. But I think I need to reconsider my options. You’re really quite beautiful. Maybe we can come to an arrangement, just between the two of us. What do you think, Crystal?” Christoph moved almost lazily up from the sofa and then toward her.

  Crystal took a step back away from him. This man gave her the creeps. There was something familiar about his name, but she couldn’t remember where she had heard it before. Maybe she’d heard of him through her father, when she was younger. There had always been men coming and g
oing in their house, taking whatever they wanted as compensation for the money her father owed them.

  Crystal took a step back with every forward step Blane took. She was too frightened of him to take her eyes from his. She came to a stop when her back hit the wall. She was trapped. She wrapped her arms around herself protectively as he stalked closer. The hair on her nape prickled and rose when he finally stood in front of her. She flinched when he reached out, picking up a few strands of her hair and rubbing her tresses between his fingers and thumb.

  “You smell very nice, Crystal. Your hair is so soft. I’ll bet your smooth skin is even softer. What do you say we find out?” Blane leaned down toward her.

  Crystal knew what was coming. She felt the dread sink into the depths of her stomach, making it roil as bile tried to rise up her throat. Her breathing was fast as fear and adrenaline took over, preparing her body for the inevitable flight-or-fight situation. She turned her head away at the last moment and heard the evil sound of Christoph Blane’s laughter. He placed his hot, sweaty hands on her face, holding her head still, and lowered his disgusting, wet lips to hers. Her body took over.

  Crystal used her knee and nails at the same time. She kneed Blane so hard in the balls she hoped she had ruptured his testicles, and she clawed down either side of his face. Skin built up beneath her nails, making her gag as they sank into his flesh and ripped his skin. She had the satisfaction of seeing the evil man drop to the floor and roll about in agony. She jumped over him and ran for the door. She didn’t get very far. She was hauled back by the large brute who had first abducted her, but she wasn’t giving up and fought with everything she had.

  Crystal kicked, scratched, punched, and screamed, trying to gain her freedom. A large fist to the jaw knocked her reeling. Pain exploded through her jaw and up into her head. She literally saw stars until blackness finally claimed her.

  Chapter Ten

  Alec saw fear on Zach’s face as he walked back into their office. Alec had never known such dread before. He felt the strength leave his legs, his hands were shaking, and he felt sick to his stomach.

  “What?” Duncan stood up and voiced the question Alec couldn’t. His brother’s voice trembled with terror, and Alec felt just as bad.

  Alec’s imagination was working overtime, and he didn’t know if he wanted to hear what Zach had to say. There was such a huge knot of anxiety lodged in his chest and throat he didn’t think he’d ever be able to swallow or speak again. He sank down into a chair and waited for Zach to speak.

  “I just showed this picture to Amy. She says this guy is the one who kidnapped Crystal. His name is Darren Rich and he works for the underground mobster Christoph Blane. He usually works with his brother, Adam Rich, who no doubt was the driver of the car,” Zach explained quietly.

  “Fuck,” Duncan whispered and sank down into a chair. His legs looked like they had buckled.

  Alec roared with fury, got to his feet, turned, and hurled his empty coffee mug at the wall. He stood with his fists planted on his hips and tried to gain control of his rage and fear. Zach placed his hand on his shoulder, but Alec shrugged him off. Nothing was going to calm him down until he had Crystal back in his arms. He was scared to the pit of his stomach for his, their woman. Alec knew what this bastard was capable of. He’d been in the media often enough, but the fucker always seemed to escape being charged. There was always someone ready to step in to give Blane an alibi. Unless the cops caught him red-handed, there was nothing the authorities could do.

  Tears pricked the back of Alec’s eyes and he prayed to God that this fucker Blane wouldn’t hurt Crystal, but he didn’t have much hope.

  Noah and Tom arrived at the shop from the police station. Alec was actually thankful the shop was now closed for business. A few moments later, more of the men in polyandrous relationships living in Passion turned up as well. Alec was relieved to see Tony, Colt, and especially Bear walk in the door. Noah had just finished telling him and Duncan about Bear’s and his brothers’ unique abilities.

  Alec didn’t know how he did it, but he was able to keep semi-calm now that his burst of anger was over, and he set about making everyone coffee. The room quieted down as Zach filled everyone in on the situation with Crystal’s abduction. No one said a word as they took in the information and processed it. Every male in that room knew Crystal’s life was in jeopardy. Alec could see the worry on their faces, but there was also dogged determination. Not one of them would give up until they had Crystal back safe and sound.

  Bear finally broke the silence, his deep voice loud to his ears. “Have you got something of Crystal’s here at the shop? Anything will do—keys, a purse, or a jumper.”

  Duncan got up from his seat, hurried from the room, and was back in moments. He held Crystal’s purse in his hand, spilled the contents out on the table in front of Bear, and then placed the empty purse on the table as well. Alec moved closer to Bear, coffee forgotten, as he watched Noah’s friend look over the contents strewn in front of him.

  Bear picked up quite a few items, holding them in his huge hands and then putting them back down again. He finally picked up Crystal’s purse by the handles, trembled slightly, breathed deeply, and then closed his eyes. Tony and Colt moved behind their brother, placing their hands on his shoulders.

  Bear looked like he had fallen asleep sitting up in his chair. His breathing remained slow and steady, but the tight grip he had on Crystal’s purse gave him away. His knuckles were white. Even though he and Duncan had just heard of the Spencer brothers’ gifts, he was curious to see them at work.

  Everyone in the room held still, not making a sound, and Alec hoped and prayed the three brothers could get a feel of where Crystal was at and if she was okay. He watched and waited, impatient to get this ball on the roll. He needed to get after Crystal. Alec couldn’t continue to do nothing. He needed to go and find his woman. Hopefully the Spencer brothers would be able to tell them where Crystal was being held.

  * * * *

  Bear shivered in his chair as he followed Crystal’s essence, her spirit. He had never had to explain his abilities to anyone and didn’t know if he could put it into words. It was like he was following a cold apparition of the person he was tracking. He followed Crystal out of the shop as she wandered, peering into shop windows. He saw her turn at the sound of screeching tires and felt her fear as a large male stalked toward her.

  Bear’s own adrenaline kicked in as he watched Crystal being hauled into a large dark sedan and praised her in his mind as she fought back, trying to escape the man and the car. He literally felt the large fist slam into his jaw when the bruiser knocked Crystal out, but she gained semi-consciousness as the car traveled down the road. He stayed with her as the car sped into the night and eventually pulled up at a secluded house not far from the small town of Daylesford.

  Crystal had been carried into a bedroom in the house and locked in. When she came to, he saw her looking for avenues of escape. He felt her being hauled out into a brightly lit room, and her terror of being raped by Christoph Blane. He cheered her on in his mind as she slammed her knee up into the man’s groin and raked her nails down his face. She ran for the door but was stopped by the bruiser planting his fist to Crystal’s jaw again. He felt the pain explode into his own jaw and head, his body swaying as stars exploded behind his eyes.

  He slid off his chair to the floor but was still aware of everything, knew his brothers caught him beneath his arms and eased him down to the floor, so he wouldn’t hurt himself. He was shaking with cold and was so tired he just wanted to curl up and sleep but didn’t give into the urge. Bear lay still on the floor, breathing evenly and deeply, as he tried to regain some of his strength back.

  “Is he all right?” Bear heard Alec ask.

  “Yeah, he’s fine. Have you got anything to eat? Something full of sugar, and get him some coffee. The heat from the drink will help him warm up again,” Colt said.

  * * * *

  Alec headed over to the counter,
made a coffee with lots of sugar, and then grabbed a slice of chocolate hedgehog from the fridge. As he was heading back over to Bear, he saw Tony and Colt helping Bear back up into the chair.

  “Hey, man, I’m sorry. If I knew it would be that hard on you, I never would have asked you to go through whatever you just did,” Duncan apologized, as Alec set the hot, sweet coffee on the table with the hedgehog.

  “He’s fine, Alec,” Colt answered for his brother. “It just saps his strength for a bit. Bear will be back to normal as soon as he’s had his coffee and slice.”

  “What were you and Tony doing?” Duncan asked.

  “We can link our minds to Bear’s. We see whatever he sees. Sit down, Alec, and I’ll tell you what we saw.” Tony pointed to the empty chair.

  The Spencer brothers shared what they had seen and as soon as they’d finished Noah got onto his portable radio, putting a call into the Daylesford police station. Noah explained he wanted as many law enforcement officers helping them on their dangerous mobster hunt.

  Colt got on his mobile and called the newest male members of Passion in to help as well and explained his good friends Dillon, Chance, and Roman Bartram had not long left the Air Force behind. The Bartram brothers had moved to Passion less than twelve months ago and were now in a ménage relationship with their woman, Hailey Wood. The three men had rescued Hailey from her insane adoptive brother, with the help of Samson, Griffith, and Connor Ramsay from the Triple R farm. The Bartram brothers were such mean-looking bastards, and Alec wondered how the hell they had been able to claim Hailey. It was a wonder they hadn’t sent her running at her first glimpse of them. The three brothers had wooed the shy, beautiful Hailey right into their arms.

  Ben and Jack Landon arrived and they kept the coffee coming as all the men discussed the best strategic plan of attack. Ben and Jack’s brothers-in-law, Jason and Sean Gallagher, were helping out by taking the coffee mugs around the room and washing any of the dirty dishes. The four men wanted in on the hunt for one of their own and were more than capable of helping out. They planned to be backup for police and the military-trained men of Passion, just in case they were needed.


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