When a Savage Falls for a Good Girl: A Crazy Hood Love

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When a Savage Falls for a Good Girl: A Crazy Hood Love Page 12

by Tina J

  “Please don’t kill us.” Some other woman cried.

  “Why wouldn’t we when y’all smoking our shit.” I pointed to the package laid out on the table. I know it’s ours because all the shit is wrapped in blue foil and that’s exactly what’s sitting on this table. Little did he know, the spots he robbed had nowhere near as much as the others.

  “I only came here to get money from my son’s father. Please my baby is over there in the car seat. He needs milk and diapers.” We all looked and sure enough there was a baby.

  “Why the fuck you got a baby in a trap house?”

  “He told me, I could only get money if I came here.” She was hysterical crying.

  “Yo, get her and the baby the fuck up outta here.” She stood and I nodded to my boy Drew.

  PHEW! She screamed out when he put a bullet in the top of her leg.

  “That’s a warning in case you decide to open your fucking mouth. Next time, it’ll be in your motherfucking skull. Am I clear?” She shook her head yes and Drew pushed her out the door and placed the baby on the porch.

  “Next. Where the fuck he at?”

  “YO! Turn the fucking stereo sound down. Y’all got it sounding like real gunshots in here.” I smiled at Jamaica when Teddy walked out with the snitch.

  “What… are you guys… doing here?” Dallas asked. He was one of the lieutenants who’s been with us for a long time.

  “Looks like we’re getting rid of dead weight.”

  BOOM! Jamaica chopped his head off with a machete. I told that nigga to bring guns but he said and I quote, I love feeling body parts detach from people. And people think I’m the crazy one.

  “Where’s the rest of our shit?” Teddy had his hands up after he vomited all over the floor.

  “Don’t kill me. I’m only doing what the guy paid me to do.”

  “What guy?”

  “His name is Geoffrey.”


  “Yea. He told me if I robbed you, he’d give me enough money to get me and my family outta the hood.”

  “Who’s your family in here?” I pushed him in the living room where everyone was lined up. He pointed to three dudes, and four females. Two chicks were his sister, and everyone else were his brothers and cousins.

  “You can thank me for this later.” I pulled my Glock out and made sure each one had a bullet to their head.

  PHEW! PHEW! PHEW! PHEW! PHEW! PHEW! PHEW! There were three people left and all of them were crying.

  “Jamaica finish this for me.” I walked to the back and heard screams. I knew my boy didn’t ask no questions and probably killed each one that fast.

  “JAMAICA!” I shouted and he came running in. I pointed out the window and his facial expression became even more scary.

  “What you wanna do?” I asked regarding Kandy, who jumped out the window and pulled off. It wasn’t until she turned around after getting to the car, did I recognize her.

  “I got something for her ass.” We stepped out the room and checked the place for the remainder of our shit. I grabbed dude and brought him outside. Sadly, his baby mama was lying in the grass barely breathing. I guess the shot in her leg is worse than she thought.

  “FUCK! Yo, can I call an ambulance for her?” This nigga didn’t even ask about the kid.

  “When we’re done here.” I pushed him against the van.

  “I’m not going to kill you Teddy and you know why?”


  “I’m gonna let you explain to your family how you’re the reason all of them are dead and gone. Then, you can tell your kid, how your baby mom’s ain’t shit because my boy over there was fucking her.” I pointed to my boy Drew. He shrugged his shoulders and picked the kid up.

  “Where you going with my baby?” He smirked.

  “I’ve been looking for this bitch for days. Sorry to tell you this bro, but this my son.” He placed him in the car and pulled off. I knew once we saw her, he’d want to leave. It’s the reason I let her go. The crazy thing is, Drew is the one who shot her. I guess he was mad she came asking another nigga for money when it came to his seed.

  “WHAT!!!!!” Teddy was pissed.

  “Bitches ain’t shit but look here.” I could tell he wanted to kill her.

  “Tell this Geoffrey dude, when he comes for me and my boy, he needs to come correct and make sure you’re protected. Oh, and for future reference don’t ever think its ok to approach my girl.”

  “Your girl?”

  “Rhythm.” His eyes grew wide. She told me some guy named Teddy approached her at the motel when he rented a room. She mentioned having a man and he became even more persistent. She had to threaten him with the cops, in order for him to leave her alone. Who goes through all that? If the chick says no, then beat it.

  “Exactly! Now that we’re clear on these few things. Have at ‘em guys.” I walked away to smoke with Jamaica who was pissed and watched as they damn near beat him to death. I had to make them stop because we needed him to relay the message.

  “You good?” I asked my boy when I parked in front of his house.

  “Yup. You know it’s about to be a war?”

  “I’m ready. Just say the word.” He gave me a pound and went inside. I pulled off, stopped at Wendy’s to grab some food and went home. I smiled when the gate opened because she was standing at the door.

  “Why aren’t you naked?” I walked up with the food.

  “Because I’m hungry and I knew you’d need to clean yourself up first.” She pointed to blood on my sneakers.

  “Don’t act like you know me.” She took the bag out my hand. This is the first time she’s been in this house but walked around as if she owned it. On the way home, I sent her a text telling her to meet me and gave her the new code to the gate and house.

  “I know you a little and I’m not kissing or touching you until you’re cleaned up. And don’t forget to burn that stuff in the back yard.” I had a grin on my face as she walked in the kitchen eating.

  “AND DON’T MAKE A MESS ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR. I LOVE THE BLACK MARBLE.” I busted out laughing on my way up the steps. She can love it all she wants but it’ll be changed soon.

  After showering and getting rid of evidence, I heated up my food and joined her on the couch. Fast food doesn’t taste the same outta the microwave but when you’re hungry, you’ll eat anything. We watched a movie and once it was over, I took her upstairs and made love to her all night. It felt good having a woman in my bed, or should I say the guest bed because she wouldn’t go in the master bedroom and I didn’t blame her.


  “How in the hell is he even entertaining the bitch?” I paced in Mrs. Garcia’s kitchen.

  When Kruz left me speechless two days ago, I didn’t take anything from the house. I was too scared he’d return and do damage.

  In the four years we were together, he never put his hands on me or tried to hurt me in anyway. But now, it’s as if he’s an entirely different person. If you didn’t know we used to be a couple, you’d have no idea we shared a bed.

  I don’t understand what he even sees in Rhythm. For one, her name is Rhythm. Who the hell names their child that? Two... she already has a family, therefore; the child won’t be his first with her if it ever came down to them reproducing. And third... she doesn’t even have a college degree. I mean the bitch works at a damn motel. There’s no future with her and I wish he realizes it soon. I’m tired of sleeping alone.

  “I’m going to ask you two questions Zahra and I expect the truth.” Mrs. Garcia pointed to the chair for me to sit. I stared at her husband walk in. He couldn’t stand me either.

  “Is that Kruz’s baby and did you sleep with anyone close to him?” I swallowed hard and hoped they didn’t see me.

  “Yes, this is his baby and no I didn’t.” I wasn’t lying about the baby being his. Granted, had the test come back negative I probably would’ve tried to get someone to change them or ran away. As far as sleeping with someone close to him;
shit happens. If he ever found out, both of us would be dead.

  “She don’t even believe the lies.” Kash strolled in playing on his phone.

  “Steal one more time nigga and I promise to let Kruz do what he wants to you.” Kash lifted his head.

  “Ma, why you tell him?”

  “I didn’t tell. You know I wouldn’t put you in harms way.” She hugged him.

  “That’s why he a got damn thief now.”

  “He’s not a thief. He just likes taking things.”

  “Exactly! A got damn kleptomaniac. Get yo ass ready for school.” He hauled ass upstairs.

  When they called about him getting arrested I knew Kruz and his father would dig in his ass. Mrs. Garcia is such a sweetheart and never wants to see anyone hurt. It’s the reason I came to her. I did think she’d be able to change Kruz mind but he is not budging, which means I have to step my game up.

  “What up?” I turned and Kruz brother walked in looking sexy as hell. People often mistake them for twins but they are definitely different in more ways than one.

  “Hey son.” He gave his father a hug and kissed his mom on the cheek.

  “Hey Zahra. How’s my brother treating you?” I heard the hint of sarcasm in his voice and the two hickeys on his neck.

  “Fine.” I pushed my chair out to stand.

  “Damn, you’re huge.”

  “Boy, you don’t say that to a pregnant woman.” His mom popped him in the back of his head like a child.

  “Shit, she is huge. You sure it’s not two in there?”

  “Whatever. I’ll see you later.”

  “Where you going hun. You haven’t eaten your breakfast.”

  “It’s ok. I’ll stop on the way to the doctors.”

  “You sure?” I gave her a smile.

  “Positive.” I walked out the house and to my car. Not only am I excited to see Kruz, I have a plan to win him back.

  I noticed the hateful look Kommon had on his face when he stepped on the porch to talk to his dad. Him and his mom weren’t close and I’m shocked to even see him here. He’s gone so much, I started to believe he was dead or something when Kruz and I first got together. He never came home for holidays and when he did, I think he stayed for a few days and went back out. I didn’t meet him until last year. I started my car and pulled off in hopes to win back my boo.

  It didn’t take me long to get there and I noticed his truck coming in behind me. When he stepped out, I damn near came on myself. His swag is always on point, the diamonds were shining and I’ve always been in love with his smile. The fact he’s smiling on the phone did aggravate me but I’m not gonna let it him know.

  “Hey.” He nodded and continued his conversation.

  “Are you gonna be on the phone for the entire appointment?” He held the door and let it close behind me as he stood outside continuing to talk.

  I signed in and took a seat next to a woman and her man. They seemed happy and it’s what I wanted with Kruz but he’s so stubborn and stuck in his ways. If he just gave me another chance, he’d see I’m where he needs to be. I’m the woman who is having his first child. The woman he loved for four years. You don’t just throw it all away for a mistake.

  “Zahra Bell.” The nurse called and Kruz still hadn’t come in. I told her to hold on and went outside to get him.

  We both followed her in the back. She had me step on the scale and did my vitals. Afterwards, I sat on the table waiting with my legs swinging. Kruz stood in front of me against the wall with his hands behind him.

  “Ok Ms. Bell. This is the last appointment until you deliver. Let’s take a look.” The doctor had me lie back and turned the machine on. I smiled at my daughter moving around.

  “She moves a lot.” Kruz said and I placed his hand on my stomach. It’s the first time he’s touched it since I announced us having a baby. He smiled and a bitch was happier than a kid in the candy store.

  “Yea. She’s gonna be active. Do you want one more picture?” He told her yes and printed one out.

  “Remember sex can help during the delivery process.” Kruz looked up from his phone when she said it.

  “Bitch, you better not fuck that nigga with my daughter in there.”


  “What? We not together and I don’t know what the fuck you out there doing.”

  “Sex may not be an option but walking helps too.” The doctor said goodbye and moved swiftly out the room. I pulled my leggings over waist and stepped off the stool.

  “That wasn’t necessary Kruz.”

  “Says who, you?” He opened the door and I closed it back.

  “We may not be together but it doesn’t change the fact I still love you. I’m having your daughter and you treat me like the dirt on your shoe.” I put my hand on the side of his face and took a chance. When our lips met and he didn’t stop me, I rushed to get his jeans down. He never wore a belt and let them sag so it was easy.

  “Oh shit.” I wrapped my mouth around his dick and sucked like my life depended on it. I stared up and noticed him looking down at me. I couldn’t read his demeanor but he definitely enjoyed it.

  He pushed me off, backed up and released all over my face. I didn’t know if I should feel disrespected or what. He walked over to the sink, grabbed some paper towels, wet them with water and soap and cleaned himself up. I struggled to stand and grabbed some tissue out the box.

  “I fucked up Zahra and allowed my old feelings to get in the way but make no mistake.-” I was still wiping his cum off my face.

  “I’m with someone else and I messed up letting you kiss and go down on me.” I sucked my teeth because he claimed the bitch.

  “But what’s more mind boggling, is the fact you gave me head after four years and knew exactly what to do.” I’m not even sure why I did it for him and not Kruz.

  “Kruz.” He put his hand up to finish speaking.

  “You played with my balls, jerked me good, spit and everything.” The guy I cheated with showed me how to do it. I was gonna do him but he broke up with me.

  “All you did was show me you been sucking that nigga dick.” I let the tears fall from my eyes because he’s right. There was so much hurt in his voice and on his face I’m not sure we’ll recover after this.

  “Don’t call me until you deliver.” He opened the door and a nurse had her hand up to knock.

  “KRUZZZZZ!” I screamed and fell against the wall crying. How could I be stupid to do it? I should’ve waited and pretended to let him show me.

  I grabbed my stuff and stormed out the doctors off. Someone’s gonna feel my wrath, starting with the bitch at my mother’s house.


  It’s been six days, five hours and twenty-seven minutes since the situation at the hospital and all I’ve done is sit in this stupid ass hotel room. I thought he’d call and check on me but nope. His mother said, he went to Mexico the day after we saw the doctor. I asked if he took the bitch and she wasn’t sure. He told her, he’d see her once he came back.

  Now I’m on the way to my mother’s house in hopes to find out something. I haven’t been here in a while either because I was trying to keep my distance from my shady ass sister, and depressing mother. I still can’t believe the two of them are ok with Rhythm sleeping with my man. We’re about to have a child together and I’m not about to deal with Kruz neglecting her or even tryna have the bitch help raise her.

  I parked in front of my mothers and not one car sat in the driveway. I waddled to the door, stuck my key in and walked straight inside. I was amazed by how much different it looked. The downstairs was already nice but the upstairs is complete and a bitch is hating.

  There used to be three bedrooms but they added two. The bathroom was huge and so were each of the bedrooms. The furniture was beautiful and even Axel’s room had a nice look. Minecraft posters, a video game, TV on the wall and his closet’s full of clothes. I can’t assume Kruz did anything because truth be told, Axel’s father and his
family take good care of him.

  Something told me to go in the connecting room and to say a bitch is pissed would be an understatement. I wasn’t sure it was her room until I saw unopened mail on the dresser.

  The closet was full of expensive ass bags. I mean Gucci, Fendi and tons of other stuff. There were clothes with price tags on them and shoes I know the bitch can’t pronounce. She has to be fucking him because her baby daddy may be good to her son but he damn sure ain’t to her. He cheated, gave her a disease and lives with his new girlfriend.

  I was so mad, I started ripping shit off the hangers and tossing them out the window. All the bags, shoes and even the expensive looking comforter graced the back yard. I didn’t care who found out I did it. My anger got the best of me so bad, I ran downstairs, got the biggest knife and cut up her mattresses, pillows, sheets, and even the rug. Rhythm is not about to benefit off my child’s father.

  After I calmed down, I put the knife in the sink and walked out feeling ten times better mentally. Physically, I was fucked up because the pain in my stomach became unbearable. I didn’t know if these were contractions but whatever they are, made me hold on the railing and scream out.

  A few people outside ran over asking me if I was ok. Once the inside of my pants became wet, someone called 911. Not even five minutes later the EMT’s pulled up at the same time my sister and Jamaica did. What are they doing together if they’re not fucking?


  “Thanks Mr. Kruz, I had a good time in Mexico.” Rhythm’s son said when we got off the plane.

  The day I fucked up at the doctor’s office with Zahra, I picked up Rhythm and her son and went to Mexico. I needed a vacation and since we’ve become so close I didn’t wanna go without her.

  At first, she told me no and I had done enough for her with the shopping sprees. But once I told her the tickets were already paid for, she broke and came. The funny thing is, I owned a jet and we left from a private airport. I brought Kash with us so her son wouldn’t he bored. Her and my brother hit it off good too. He did ask if she or Kalila had any little sisters. Nasty motherfucker.


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