Wild Sexy Fix

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by Serena Grey

  Wild Sexy Fix

  Wild Sexy Series #2

  Serena Grey

  Sweet Acacia Press LLC

  This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

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  Copyright © 2018 by Serena Grey

  All rights reserved

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  Sweet Acacia Press LLC

  To my crazy, supportive and very sexy husband. Thank you for being here.

  And my readers…

  All my love, as always.


  Wild Sexy Fix

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Wild Sexy Hurt

  About Serena Grey

  Books by Serena Grey

  Wild Sexy Fix

  Serena Grey’s Wild Sexy Series #2

  He’s my fix.

  My addiction.

  I can’t walk away from him.

  I don’t even want to.

  Daphne's attraction to her roommate's incredibly sexy brother results in a night of explosive passion, then another.

  * * *

  Jason has never been a long-term kind of lover, but when it comes to Daphne, he’s not willing to let go. He wants more, but she's wary of letting him, or anyone else into her life.

  * * *

  How long can she continue to share her body without sharing her heart?

  Chapter One

  “I’m so glad you agreed to come.” Amy turned back to look at me and smiled. “Mom and Dad are so looking forward to meeting you.”

  We were on our way to her parents’ house for an overnight visit to give them a chance to meet and get to know Colin, and Amy had cajoled until I agreed to come too.

  From what Amy had told me, her parents were great and very supportive, and I was looking forward to meeting them too. Her dad was a retired bank executive, and her mom taught art at one of the local schools. Amy had pleaded with me, saying it would be nice for Colin to have a familiar face around when he met them for the first time. That, coupled with the knowledge that Jason wasn’t going to be there, had convinced me to tag along.


  Hardly a second had gone by in the last few days that I didn’t think about him. After he’d left my room on the night of our fight, it had only taken a few moments before my decision to go out, have a drink, flirt a little, find myself a man, and forget about Jason Wild lost all its steam and I ended up not going anywhere. I didn’t want any other man. I wanted Jason.

  Thinking about him alone was enough to make my body throb with a relentless, aching need and I had to force my thoughts to the present moment, away from my memories of just what Jason’s body could do to mine.

  “I’m only doing this for Colin,” I said lightly.

  “And I am grateful,” Colin said. He was focused on the road, but he gave me a grateful smile in the rearview mirror. I liked Colin. If anyone in the world deserved Amy’s sweet nature, it was him.

  “I still don’t get why you’re so nervous,” Amy said. “They have absolutely no choice but to love you.”

  “You think that because you love me,” Colin said.

  Amy smiled. “I do,” she said softly.

  I gave them their moment of intimacy, gazing out the window, where the buildings and blocks had long given way to trees and brush. There was a book open on my lap, but even the mysterious Maxim de Winter wasn’t compelling enough to keep my thoughts away from Jason. According to Amy, he had traveled for work, first to London and from there to Miami. I wondered what he was doing. I wondered what would have been different if I hadn’t panicked when he proposed that we should be a couple. I wondered if he was thinking about me the way I was thinking about him.

  I took a deep breath. It really wasn’t my style to spend so much time fixated on one man—on any man—but as much as I had tried to tell myself Jason was just some guy I’d slept with, I couldn’t let him go.

  It was a long drive, and it took almost an hour before Colin turned into the paved drive leading to a beautiful ranch-style house surrounded by perfectly trimmed hedges. The front door opened just as Colin shut off the engine, and a pretty woman emerged into the porch. She looked just like Amy, tiny and slim with the same blonde hair, except hers was straight instead of curly.

  “Mom,” Amy squealed, jumping out of the car and running to the porch where she threw her arms around her mother. They hugged for a long moment, smiling and talking, then hugging again. I swallowed the lump in my throat as a familiar emptiness rose in my chest. It was a feeling I got whenever I remembered everything I’d lost when I lost my mom, and I knew it would probably stay with me all my life.

  “You okay?” Colin had opened his door and was about to step out of the car.

  I nodded. “Yeah.”

  I shouldered my light overnight bag and left the car, walking ahead of Colin to the porch.

  “Daphne, this is my mom.” Amy’s voice was bubbly. “Mom, Daphne.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I said politely.

  She surprised me by drawing me into a soft hug before drawing back and giving me an open, welcoming smile. “Call me Helen, dear. Amy has told me so much about you. I’m just glad to meet you at last.” She turned to Colin as he climbed the porch steps. “And you must be Colin.” She gave Amy an approving smile before hugging Colin too. “Welcome.”

  “Thank you.” He glanced at Amy, who gave him an encouraging smile. “Your house is lovely.”

  Helen’s cheeks dimpled. “Why, thank you! Let’s go inside.” She turned back to her daughter. “Your father is in his study, but I’m sure he heard the car.”

  The house was beautiful on the outside, but inside it was even more lovely. Light spilled in from large windows to give the high-ceilinged interior an airy feeling. We entered the hall, and as Helen shut the front door behind us, a man emerged from a door farther down the hall. He was tall and dark-haired, slightly above middle age, and he bore a striking resemblance to Jason that floored me for a moment. He was a little thicker around the waist and jawline, with some gray in his hair. Apart from age, the most noticeable difference was that his eyes were blue like Amy’s, whereas Jason’s were the stormy gray that still haunted me every night.

  “Baby girl,” he exclaimed as Amy barreled into his arms. She barely reached his chest, and her tiny frame practically disappeared in his hug. After a moment, he released her, and she pulled him over to where we were standing.

  “You must be Daphne,” he said, taking my hand, “and Colin.” He shook Colin’s hand, at first giving him a stern once-over, but then he smiled, and Colin relaxed. “I’m Grant, this one’s dad.” He patted Amy’s hair. “It’s good to finally meet you both. How was the drive?”

  “Great,” Colin said. “I expected it to be longer, but it was a breeze.”

  “A breeze, eh?” Grant laughed. “Well, good you’re here.”

  “There are drinks in the kitchen,” Helen told us, “then you can go freshen up before dinner.”

  In the kitchen, there was a jug of freshly made iced tea chilling on the island. A plump woman was hanging up her apron in the pantry and turned around as we entered.

  “Minnie!” Amy said happily, going to hug her.

  “You look good.” Minnie looked her over and nodded approvingly. She glanced at Colin. “Is this him?” she whispered, even though we could all hear.

  Amy nodded.

  “I like him,” Minnie announced. She studied
Colin for a few more moments. “I’m Minnie, and this baby is precious to me, so you better treat her good.”

  Colin chuckled. “Better than I treat myself.”

  “Good.” She paused. “I like the accent,” she whispered to Amy before turning to me. “Daphne,” she said warmly. “Amy didn’t say how pretty you were.”

  I blushed, absurdly pleased with the compliment. “Thank you, Minnie.”

  Amy poured the tea into tall glasses and I sipped the refreshingly cool drink, surprised by how thirsty I was.

  “I hope you’ve introduced her and Jason,” Minnie was saying. “She’s a hell of a lot nicer than most of the girls he hangs out with.”

  I almost choked on my drink, but Amy was laughing. “She’s my roommate Min, not one of Jason’s harem, and she isn’t interested in him, thank God.”

  I smiled weakly, a well of guilt rising in my chest. I still hadn’t come clean to Amy, but the way things were, I’d probably never need to. What did it matter if we had hooked up twice? Especially if it would likely never happen again.

  Minnie was peering at me. She made a sound I couldn’t decipher then retrieved her handbag from a stool beside the counter. “I made dinner with your mom, and everything is in the oven and the fridge.” She gave Amy another hug. “Take care now, okay? Enjoy.”

  Amy made a face. “You’re leaving already?”

  “Yes. Theo and I are bingeing on some Netflix show he loves.” She opened the door. “Oh, and tell Jason thank you for helping Theo with his college applications.”

  “I will, and say hi to Theo for me.”

  The door closed, and a few seconds later we heard Minnie’s car leave.

  “She every bit as awesome as you said.” Colin put down his glass and drew in a deep breath. “And whatever it is they’ve been cooking in here, it smells good.”

  “I know right! I can hardly wait.” Amy looked at me. “Ready to go up, Daphne?”

  “Yeah,” I said quietly, putting my glass back on the tray. I’d been thinking about Jason again, about the way the housekeeper had seemed to see through my pretense that I wasn’t interested in him. What red-blooded woman wouldn’t want him? He wasn’t just an insanely sexy man, he was also the kind of man who took the time to help the son of his parents’ employee with his college applications.

  I waited as Amy quickly rinsed the glasses and Colin went to get their bags from the car, then we went upstairs. Amy showed Colin to the room they were sharing then took me to a room farther down the hall. It was lovely, with a queen-sized bed and a wide window that looked out onto the back lawn and a natural lake that shimmered in the evening sun, reflecting the dense woods on the other side.

  “Nice view!” I dropped my bag at the foot of the bed and went over to the window to admire the scenery.

  “It’s lovely, isn’t it?” Amy sighed. “Sometimes I forget just how much I love it here.”

  “How?” I asked. “I’d come back every weekend if I…” I stopped. If I had a home, with loving parents and a lovable housekeeper who treated me like a favorite niece.

  “It’s not too much for you, is it?” Amy asked softly, somehow attuned to my feelings.

  I smiled to put her at ease. “Of course not. I love that I came.”

  “Okay.” She looked around the room. “This is Jason’s old room. Mom finally redecorated it this year.” She laughed softly. “You can imagine how long it stayed the same with all his football trophies and music posters still hanging on the walls. Mine is still the way it was, so maybe in the next five years, it will get a makeover. Colin is probably drooling over my cheerleading pictures right now.”

  “I would say definitely.” I laughed. “Seems he had no reason to be nervous. Your parents like him.”

  “You think?”

  “What’s not to like?” I said. “He’s adorable.”

  She brightened. “I’m going to change, and hopefully stop Colin before he discovers any remnants of my teenage crushes. It’s embarrassing how obsessed I was with Rob Pattinson. There are probably some Amy loves Rob hearts on the wallpaper.”

  I chuckled. “To be fair, that’s Cedric Diggory you’re talking about.”

  “He was sexier as Edward,” she countered seriously.

  “If you like sparkly vampires,” I said dismissively.

  “I did.” She covered her face, giggling.

  “Ryan Gosling was my celebrity crush,” I said, still laughing. “The Notebook used to make me melt.”

  Amy considered me for a moment. “You’re a closet romantic,” she declared. “One of these days, you’re going to fall for someone, and it’s going to be fun to watch.”

  I forced a laugh. “I don’t think so.”

  “Whatever you say,” she sing-songed. “Anyway, see you downstairs.”

  After she’d gone, I lay down on the bed and tried to imagine this room with Jason in it. I wondered what bands he’d liked. He had probably been very athletic, and I wondered if even then I would have found it easy to walk away from him the way I’d walked away from everyone else.

  One of these days you’re going to fall for someone…

  Problem was, I already had, and it was proving really difficult to pick myself back up.

  About half an hour later, I went back downstairs. I’d changed out of my jeans and blouse into a black knit dress. I wasn’t wearing makeup, only some lip gloss, and my hair swung loose past my shoulders. I hadn’t made much of an effort, just enough for the semi-formal dinner rule Amy had informed me her mother enforced during family dinners.

  In the living room, Colin was on the sofa flanked by Helen and Amy. There was a massive family album open on Helen’s lap.

  “This is from her fourth birthday,” Helen said. “She was such a sweet little thing, hardly ever cried, and as soon as she could walk, she followed Jason around like a puppy.”

  I breathed sharply at the sound of his name. I’d known that even though he wouldn’t be here, there would be reminders of him everywhere, but I had thought I’d be able to take it. Now, I wasn’t so sure how long I could keep hearing and seeing hints of him everywhere and not combust with unfulfilled need.

  Amy was laughing. “I was really annoying.”

  “Nonsense,” Helen said. “If anybody loved being a big brother, it was Jason.” She saw me at the entrance to the living room and beamed. “Here you are, Daphne. You look lovely.” She got up and patted her seat. “Come, sit—I was about to go set the table anyway.”

  “I’ll help,” I offered.

  She shook her head. “Don’t worry about it.”

  I walked over to the sofa as Colin held up a picture of Amy missing two front teeth and grinning widely anyway. “Daph, look at this little cutie.”

  “That smile,” I said with a chuckle.

  “I’m so embarrassed,” Amy mumbled.

  “Why?” Colin kissed her nose. “You were the cutest.”

  Grant entered the dining room through another doorway, and while Helen was setting the places, he placed a bottle of wine in a beautiful chrome wine chiller set in the middle of the table. I started to sit, preparing to tease Amy about her pictures, then I frowned, realizing Helen was setting six places.

  There were only five of us.

  Just then I heard a car outside. It grew louder as it approached, then it stopped, the ensuing silence quickly followed by the muted sounds of a car door shutting.

  “He’s here,” Helen told Grant.

  “On time too,” he replied, heading toward the hall.

  Blood rushed to my head, faster and faster until I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Please let it be anyone else, I thought, desperate. Anyone but Jason.

  The front door opened with a smooth sound and I turned a desperate glance toward Amy. “Who’s here?” I asked, praying the answer would be anything apart from the one I was dreading.

  “Oh, Jason,” she said absently, unaware of the epic storm raging in my mind. “He called just before you came down. He returned early
and decided to join us after all. Great, right?”

  She was still engrossed in the pictures and didn’t look up at me as she spoke, but Colin did, and he saw the panic in my face.

  I schooled my features a moment too late and forced a smile. “Yeah…great,” I replied, turning in the direction of the hall just as he walked into the living room.

  Chapter Two

  Jason’s presence filled the room immediately. He was like a thing of brilliance, compelling everything else to orbit around him. He looked terrific too, intense, with his hair combed back and the overlong waves at the top just begging for my fingers to thread through them. A dark blue shirt emphasized the breadth of his shoulders, and it was tucked into light-colored pants that showed off his long legs. The muted leather belt at his slim, tightly muscled waist made me want to hook my fingers through it and press my body against the firm contours of his own.

  He was hot, and me—I was burning.

  I knew just how hard and strong his body was under those clothes. I knew exactly how the muscles in his abs formed a V all the way down to his cock. I knew exactly what his cock felt like when it was inside me, and the knowledge was turning me into an aroused mess of nerves.

  His eyes locked with mine. Under that gaze, my nipples tightened under my dress and arousal spread between my legs. It had been easy to tell myself I could stop wanting him when he was far away, but now, standing in front of him, I couldn’t lie to myself anymore. There was a hole inside me that he had filled and now that he wasn’t there, the rest of me was crumbling around it.


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