Chi-Town Bosses & the Women That Love Em 1

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Chi-Town Bosses & the Women That Love Em 1 Page 9

by Anna Black

  D.T.: Just like that???

  I let the air out of my chest and decided not to go the fuck off. I had a mind to get up, walk over and put her ass in her place, but now that Gabby had my ass all soft, I decided a gentle approach.

  Me: Baby, I kno this shit is fuckin’ wit’ u and I’m sorry. Just give me a min 2 c if this is something I wanna do. U know hurtin’ u is the last thing I wanna do, just a lil space for now.

  Knowing that shit was over and done, I just wanted Trina to chill the fuck out and not blow up my got’damn phone for the rest of the night.

  D.T.: Do u love me Gutta?

  I looked at my phone like those words were in a different language. I had love for Trina and had told her that on numerous occasions. If she died, I’d shed a tear or two, but I didn’t love her ass the way she wanted me to. And if I said yes, I wondered what effect that would have on everything.

  Me: I’ll always have love for u, T

  I looked in her direction and saw a smile form across her face. I knew that would keep her at bay for a minute, but I knew I had to do something to make it clear that I was moving on.



  It was finally Wednesday, and I was so nervous that I didn’t know what to do. I was meeting Gutta’s parents, and I couldn’t even figure out what outfit to wear. I had changed three times, and still didn’t think my final choice was nice enough. Since Gutta said he was a couple of blocks away, I had no time to change again. I was too old to have jitters like that but then thought back on my dating life. Mario and I had pretty much grown up together since we met when we were teens.

  My mother had finally left my crazy ass alcoholic father and moved us out to the southside in the Oak Lawn neighborhood with my grandparents. We moved in with them by my fourteenth birthday, and that’s when I met Mario. He lived two doors down and was just as new to the neighborhood as I was, so we started to hang out. Our moms became good girlfriends, and even though Mario and I didn’t last, my mom and his mom still remain great friends. I had no clue if Mario was coming home for Thanksgiving and to be painfully honest, I didn’t give a fuck if he was. They only thing I had for him was a big fuck you and a kiss my fat ass.

  Since I had unblocked him, he’d send me lil memes and shit, trying to keep things cordial, but I never replied to his ass. According to some shit, his momma told my mom, the woman who had claimed to be pregnant wasn’t pregnant after all, but that made no difference to me. The fact that he could have made a baby while with me was e-fuckin-nough, and I prayed that God would keep him as far away from me as possible. I had a new life, a new man and I was happy. Our thing was like a fucking fairytale. I enjoyed every moment of it and thought I deserved it since I went through so much hell with lying, cheating ass Mario.

  “Thank God for damn good sense,” I said out loud.

  If I didn’t have damn good sense, my ass would still be at Fort Hood waiting on his lame dick ass to finally make me his wife. I cringed at the thought of my life with him. I was so stupid back then to let him get away with just cheating and cheating and cheating. I mean, damn, was I desperate?

  My bell chimed, and it was my new man, so I shut the thoughts of my ex way the fuck down. I hurried to the door, and when I opened it, he was standing there looking as good as always. I was so mesmerized over that man. Gutta was not only super sexy, but he was smart, in charge, classy, romantic, and a motherfucking beast in bed. Every moment with him was like paradise, and I’d countdown the minutes whenever we were apart. One thing I loved about him was he was never too busy for me. Even if he could only talk a second or two, I’d never get his voicemail, and he texted me back immediately, all the time.

  I trusted him because he was a Facetime man, something that stupid ass Mario never wanted to do. I remember calling and texting for hours and his dumb dick ass wouldn’t reply until he damn well felt like it. I was so glad that shit was behind me. I finally had something real with someone who adored me and let it show. Gutta’s mission was to please me at all costs, and he never failed at that task.

  “Baby, you look beautiful,” he complimented.

  “Thank you, handsome. Come in while I get my coat,” I said, clearing the doorway so that he could enter. He stepped in and shut the door behind him.

  “Got’damn, baby, your ass looks sexy as fuck in that romper,” he expressed and followed up with a hiss.

  “Oh no, Gutta, I gotta change,” I said nervously. I wanted to look nice and well put together, not sexy.

  “Change, why?”

  “Because I’m meeting your parents. I’m not going for sexy.”

  “Well you might as well not go because no matter what you put on, it’s going to be sexy on you to me, babe,” he said, coming over to kiss me. “Don’t change, you look gorgeous. You are so perfect, my parents are going to love you.”

  “Are you sure, Gabriel? I don’t want them to think I’m hot in the ass,” I countered.

  “Oh, baby, but you are,” he said and slapped my cheek so hard it stung a bit.

  “Hey, now save that shit for when we get home tonight,” I said, playfully rubbing the spot he had lit on fire.

  I grabbed my coat, put it on, and grabbed my designer handbag. I had a couple of name brand items in my closet, but never an expensive bag like that one. My new boo surprised me with it the day before. Hesitant to even take it, he said he’d be insulted if I didn’t, so I took the Louis with a damn smile on my face.

  When we made it to his parents’ place out in Beverly, a wave of nervousness took over me. I was so nervous my hands began to visibly shake.

  “Baby, calm down, relax. They are just people.”

  “I know, but it’s your parents, the holiday season and all that. I want to make a great impression.”

  “Just be yourself, Muffy, and things will be fine,” he assured me, but I couldn’t relax.

  “Do you want a shot?”

  “A shot? What? What do you mean?”

  “A shot, a shot of whiskey?”

  “Where in the hell will I get whiskey, Gutta?”

  He pulled out a flask. “Just throw one back,” he said, handing it to me. I thought for a moment, and in order for me to get my scared ass out of that SUV, I had to do it. I snatched it from him, unscrewed the little cap and threw it back. It burned like a bitch, but that didn’t stop me from throwing back one more.

  “Woooooo!” I yelled, and my body shook. “I’m good, I’m good, I can do this.”

  “Yes, you can. You are meeting my parents, not going to be judged by twelve,” he joked, and then the drive opened my door.

  “I guess you’re right,” I said and let the driver help me out.

  Once inside, we were greeted by an older version of Gutta and his brothers. I swear they were s splitting image of their fine ass father. He was a lot thinner than I imagined he’d be, but he was handsome and chocolate like all four of his good-looking sons. We stood in the entryway as we exchanged introductions then moved further into the house. Gutta took my coat and then offered me a seat. The music was playing smooth jazz, and before Gutta returned, Rel walked in.

  “Whaaaaa’d up, Ms. Gabby,” Rel said.

  I stood to give him a hug. “Hey, Rel, how are you?” I asked. I already knew the dirty details of his and Chasity’s weekend. Although Gutta and I predicted they would never catch real feelings for each other, I was happy my girl was getting the good big black dick from my man’s brother.

  “I’m good, hell, I’m outstanding,” he said when he released me.

  “I bet,” I mumbled.

  “I know yo’ girl told you about our hook up and thangs. She cool, but we just taking it light.”

  “Hey, I’m not in y’all business. According to Chas, y’all are just like you said, taking it light.”

  “Absolutely. What’s good, big bro,” Rel, said when Gutta walked back into the living room.

  “Same ole same, lil bro. I see you trying to turn in yo’ playa’s card, spending entire we
ekends and shit,” Gutta teased.

  “Man, watch yo’ mouth and don’t be spreading my biz.”

  “Hey, I’m just sayin’,” Gutta continued to tease.

  “Yeah, whatever, big bro.”

  Gutta finally reached for my hand. The aroma of food tickled my nose, and I wondered what good fixings his mother would be serving. Gutta made a point to tell me to eat a light meal, so I’d have room to enjoy the food his mom was preparing.

  “Come on, babe, let me take you into the kitchen so you can meet my mother,” he said, helping me up from the sofa. I’m not sure where his dad had disappeared to, but I was more than anxious to finally meet his mother.

  I followed him, squeezing his hand as he led me through the dining room to the kitchen. For the house to be as massive as it was from the outside, I didn't expect the kitchen to be so tiny and tight.

  “Ma,” Gutta called out, and she looked up from the pot that she was stirring.

  “Gabriel, my son,” she said, placing the big spoon on the stove and putting the lid back onto the pot. “Come here, son. It’s been ages since I’ve seen you. Oh, son, come here,” she said, pulling him into a big hug.

  Although his father was slim, his mother was the exact opposite. She was good and stout like a plump grandmother who always baked cakes and cookies would be; similar to how my granny looked before she passed. Not light skinned, but caramel complexioned, a few shades lighter than Gutta and I. She had her hair up in a neat bun on the top of her head, but her sweaty edges showed she had a soft and nice grade of hair. Her skin was clear as hell except for the speckles of black beauty marks. Overall, she was a beautiful woman.

  “It has not,” Gutta returned.

  “It has,” she countered before letting him go.

  “Ma, I’d like you to meet my lady, Gabrielle Jackson,” he said.

  I extended my hand. “Hello, Mrs. Wilkerson. It is so very nice to finally meet you.”

  She slid her hand in my direction and barely gave me a handshake. “Likewise,” she said dryly.

  I did not get the greeting she had given my man, and I tried not to think anything negative because I had just met the woman. Gutta had filled me in on how he had never taken a woman home before, and since I was his first, I thought I’d get a more welcoming Mrs. Wilkerson.

  “Okay, well let me show Gabby around,” Gutta said quickly. I guessed he could sense his mother’s negative energy too. Once we were downstairs in the basement, I exhaled.

  “She hates me,” I said.

  “No, she just has to warm up to you,” he said.

  “Well, I don’t see that shit happening tonight.”

  “Calm down, babe, we’ve been here ten minutes tops. Give her a few, and once we get to talking and she gets to know you, she’ll be cool, I promise,” he assured me with a quick kiss.

  Not long after, all of his brothers were there, and the card table went up. The basement was definitely for entertaining, and Gutta told me how Rel had done all of the renovations himself just to make it their gathering spot when they’d all visit. It resembled a small lounge, and if Rel did all of that work alone, he was damn good at what he did. A couple of their other family members came by, and I was introduced. Everyone seemed nice, and I no longer felt uncomfortable in his parents’ home.

  When I had to use the bathroom and the lower level one was occupied, Gutta told me to go up to use the one on the third floor. I didn’t want to do that because I’d have to go through the kitchen, and I didn’t want to be alone with his mother, not for a damn second. I sat there with my knees knocking as I struggled to hold my pee. I kept looking over my shoulder at the bathroom door to see if the person that was inside would vacate, but the door never opened. Deciding that I’d have to go before I pissed myself, I stood and prayed that I’d hold on to the liquids long enough to make it to the third floor. When I opened the basement door off the kitchen, I was relieved to see the kitchen was empty, so I hurried to the stairwell and made it just in time. A second later, and I’d have a pissy panty seat. I thanked God he allowed me to make it because that was the most uncomfortable feeling in the world to have a wet ass crouch. I washed my hands and did a mirror check. Maybe it was my lip color that made his mom give me the stink eye. It wasn’t a loud red or anything like that, but it was dark and sexy.

  “Damn, I should have just worn gloss,” I said to my reflection. I exhaled again as I shook my head and then opened the door. I headed back down, and when I walked into the kitchen, not only was Mrs. Wilkerson in there, but there were two beautiful young ladies with her. “Hello,” I smiled and tried to keep going.

  “Hello,” the two said in unison.

  “This is Courtney and Carla. These two young sisters are from my church,” Mrs. Wilkerson said.

  “It’s nice to meet you ladies, I’m Gabrielle,” I said and stretched a hand to shake theirs.

  “I invited them before I knew Gabe was coming with someone,” his mother added.

  It didn’t take me but a second to realize what she meant. “Well, my apologies. Gu – I mean, Gabriel wanted our introduction to be a surprise.”

  “And it was. Please let my boys know that dinner is almost ready,” she said, stirring whatever the fuck it was in her damn pot. I wanted to like this woman, I did, but she was not as lovely as I thought she’d be and definitely not fucking likable.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said, being the respectable woman, my mother raised me to be. This old woman was trying to hook my man up with one of her church sisters. Oh, hell, no! Gutta wasn’t a thug, but those blouses buttoned up to the neck chicks ain’t my man’s type. I huffed as I marched down the steps. When I flopped down in the chair next to him, he looked at me, and I was sure he could see the frustration written all over my damn face.

  “Baby, you okay? Was the bathroom upstairs occupied too?”

  “No, but your mother said to tell y’all dinner will be ready soon and she got a couple of her church sisters upstairs waiting to meet her eligible sons,” I said.


  “Your mother invited young women from her church to dinner tonight for you, and I guess one of your brothers because I met two.”

  Confused, I assumed by his arched brow, he asked, “Baby, what in the hell are you talking about?”

  “I don’t know, Gutta, but coming here unannounced to meet your mom was not a good idea. I feel so uncomfortable and unwelcomed, babe. I don’t know if I can even sit at her table and eat.”

  He grabbed my hands. “Look, babe, stop it with the dramatics, okay? My mom is always trying to introduce us to one of her bible thumping church girls ever since we were teens. We’re all up to speed on my mother’s game. I figured she’d invite one, two, three or even four of her bible toting sisters. She does the same shit every year, three, maybe four times a year. So, my brothers and I are used to this. All she does is get one or two of them holy chicks turnt out because my brothers are some nasty niggas,” he joked and then laughed.

  That wasn’t funny at all to me. “Stop, please, that’s T.M.I,” I said, cutting off his laughs.

  “All I’m saying is she has to get to know you, Gabby. Once she puts her walls down and gets to know you, she will love you. Trust, after dinner, once we settle into the living room and my mother lets my father convince her to have one glass of wine, she’ll loosen up. We do this same shit every holiday. Daddy will say, ‘come on D.D. have one glass of wine.’ And mama will be like ‘Sam, stop it now. You know I don’t indulge’. And Daddy will come back with ‘our Savior enjoyed wine, D.D.,’ and momma will take a few sips like she hadn’t had it the year before. By the time she is on drink number two, she will be laughing and two-stepping in the living room with my brothers and me. Yes, my mother is a bit much, but she is a God fearing, loving woman, and she is incapable of hating anyone,” he said and kissed my nose. Just then, the light flashed on and off.

  “The hell?” I said.

  “Relax, that is momma’s way of telling my brothers and
me to come to eat. That has been our way since we were boys.” All the guests began to file up the steps, and most took a plate to go. We ate with lots of conversations that I just listened in on and didn’t offer up my views or opinions because I didn’t want his mom to zero in on me. After dinner was done, I offered to help with clean up, and the men filed back down to the lower level.

  After Courtney and whatever that other church girl finally left, Mrs. Wilkerson said, “So are you in love with Gabriel?”

  I was caught off guard, and I wanted to say no, but that would be a lie. “I am,” I answered honestly.

  “Really, so where did you two meets?”

  “We met at Passion’s.”

  She chuckled. “So, y’all met in the club? How interesting.”

  “What does that mean, Mrs. Wilkerson?”

  “Did he tell you how his father, Samson, and I met in church?”

  “Yes, ma’am, as a matter of fact, he did.”

  She sighed. “Listen, young lady, I don’t know you, and I’m not going to stand here and judge you, but my sons need God-fearing women in their lives. Someone that the Lord has sent for them. And I don’t think a woman in a nightclub is where God planned for my sons to meet their wives.”

  “Well, with all due respect, Mrs. Wilkerson, your son, happens to be a club owner. Not just one, but he has a couple and one that is still under construction. You can judge me if you’d like because what matters most to me is how Gabriel feels and thinks about me. I’m an educated black woman who was raised in the church, and I do know right from wrong, Mrs. Wilkerson. I fall short like some of us real people do, and I know how to repent and keep striving for excellence. I was raised by a bible-toting, God-fearing woman just like you, but I never recalled my mother looking down on others. Nor did she count them out because they sin differently than she. I’m not a holy roller, nor am I a saint, but none of that takes away from what Gabriel and I have or what we will continue to grow into. I met your son the very first night that I patronized his club. The very first night after maybe nine or ten months that I’d stepped into any club, I might add. You can’t judge me because you know nothing about me,” I said and turned to walk away.


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