Chi-Town Bosses & the Women That Love Em 1

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Chi-Town Bosses & the Women That Love Em 1 Page 11

by Anna Black

  I convinced my sisters that I’d be okay, and everyone left but Chasity. She sat with me then said, “Rel told me that Gutta and Trina weren’t fucking.”

  I looked at her and clicked my tongue. “First of all, I heard him break things off with her and I don’t believe for a second that they weren’t fucking.”

  “Normally, I’d not believe that shit either, bestie, but after Rel explained the entire truth, I believe that they weren’t.”

  “Oh, so, Rel has dicked you down so good that you are blinded by the dick,” I spat.

  “Okay, you know what, Gabby, I’m going to let that shit slide because I know your ass is all jacked up and shit over this fiasco with Gutta, but no man has me like shit, okay. Rel and I don’t just lay up and fuck all day. He just happens to be closer to Gutta than anyone else, and Rel is that type of nigga to call a muthafucka out on his shit. Brother or not, Rel wouldn’t lie for Gutta’s ass.”

  “How can you be so sure Chas, huh? Tell me?” I hissed.

  She threw up her hands. “You know what, bitch, I don’t have soothing words or fairytale-like advise to give you right now. All I know is Gutta loves you and that shit with Trina’s dumb ass was just to keep the peace. Gutta is a good man, but he ain’t perfect. He went about this thing with Trina in a foul way, but the only way he knew how. You are the man’s first love, and Trina had been in the man’s life for six-plus years, and he never had once committed himself to her. According to, Rel, when he met you, you turned his life upside down, and he was trying to spare her damn feelings, Gabby. I know the shit makes no sense but think of it like you were Trina and the man you gave your body, heart, and soul to, to just drop you for another woman.”

  “But they were never in a relationship, Chas,” I defended.

  “Even fuckin’ worse. And according to your own damn words and if that’s what you truly believe, how in the fuck did he just break up with her last night if they were never in a fuckin’ relationship? What you heard was him canceling that bitch out of his life for good. What you heard is him tell her that he is all in with you. And worst case, if he was cheating, not saying none of that shit was right, last night he still chose you.”

  It was not traditional, but she was right. What Gutta kept from me with Trina was very fucking deceitful, and I was afraid to forgive his first lie. I did that shit with Mario only for him to lie to me again. Whether it was physical or not, I couldn’t see myself just running back to him.

  “Whatever it was should have been shut down the day he chose me.”

  “Maybe that day was yesterday,” she said and stood. “You can do whatever you like, my friend, but I suggest you talk to him and at least hear him out.”

  “I did that shit with Mario and look where the fuck it got me, Chas? Ten long sorry ass years of lies and heartache,” I sniffled.

  “Oh my God, Gabby, really? Fuck! Gutta ain’t Mario’s dumb ass. Mario had been a damn dog since fucking high school. You can sit here and pretend like you only knew about three of his affairs if you wanna, but I know the damn truth about it all. You’re gonna sit here and keep letting Mario ruin shit for you. That bullshit with you and Mario is over and done. I came by here to try and talk some sense into your stubborn ass. Gutta loves you. He had plans to propose to ya’ ass,” she said and then caught herself.

  “I’m sorry, what was that?” I said, looking her in the eyes.

  She ran a hand over her face. “Listen, I went with him to pick out a ring for you. Originally, he was trying to set something up to propose yesterday, but since we all had family shit going on and couldn’t be there for the proposal, he decided New Year’s Eve would be better. I’m sorry I ruined the surprise Gabby, but I know he loves you. That bullshit with Trina was extra for sure, but you need to at least talk to him and get to the bottom of it before you just throw in the towel.”

  “Since when did you become a fight for love type of bitch?” I sniffled.

  “I’m not, I just want you to be happy. Gutta makes you happy, Gabby, and I have watched this man literally sweep you off your damn feet. When you speak of him, it’s like you glow and I enjoy seeing you happy,” she said and moved closer to me. “Men and women fuck up. I’d never sit here and tell you to be a fool for no man. If I thought he was living foul, we would not be having this conversation. I don’t know, but Gutta has this look in his eyes when he talks about you. It’s so intense like nothing is too much when it comes to you. When we were shopping for the ring, that mah’fucka was driving me crazy, but he only wanted the best for you. Talk to him Gab, do that for you. You can’t sit here and wallow. You have to resolve the relationship if anything.”

  I nodded. “Okay, bitch, I will talk to him. And if he and I work our shit out and end up married since I know he got a ring, I will name my first daughter after your crazy ass.”

  “Please do because I’ll never have a mini-me to give my name to,” she laughed and stood.

  “Keep fucking with Rel,” I teased.

  “Girl, he’s cool and all, but we are both free spirits. We are okay with doing what the fuck we wanna do, and I like that. No lies, no secrets, and no drama.”

  “If that’s what works for you.”

  “At least it does for now. All the shit I went through with my ex-husband has me, patient. I’ll wait until I’m ready to love again.”

  “Well, just don’t catch any STD’s or get pregnant in the meantime.”

  “Girl, a bitch stay carrying condoms, and I got an IUD that is good now for about four more good years, so fuck no to that shit. Plus, Rel’s dick is so magical, I’ll be hitting that shit for a minute,” she laughed.

  “Get your nasty ass out of here.”

  She grabbed her purse and coat. “So, you are going to call him, right?”

  “I will, Chas, but tomorrow. I need a moment or two to breathe.”


  I stood to hug my friend, and then I walked her to the door. After I locked up, I went back to my sofa and grabbed my phone. It was after four, and I hadn’t heard anything from Gutta. I didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing. I headed to shower and then I ordered a thin crust pizza from one of my favorite spots not too far from my place. I rechecked my phone, and still nothing from Gutta, so I tossed it.

  I grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels, then bell chimed. I had only ordered my Italian Beef from Portillo’s ten minutes prior. Grub Hub wasn’t that fast, so I wondered who could be at my damn door. I went up on my tiptoes to look through my peephole, and I almost fell to the floor when I saw him. I took a deep breath, exhaled, opened the door, and he smiled.

  “Mario, what in the fuck are you doing here?” Were the first words out of my mouth.



  I paced the floor back and forth, wondering what I’d do next. I went by his house, his clubs and he was nowhere to be found. I was going out of my damn mind. I needed to talk to him. I needed him to know that I’d do better, and I’d stop making shit hard for him and Gabby as long as he just kept me on the side. I knew I had shown my ass the day before and I knew I was out of order, but fuck, I wanted time with him too. Shit, she got to lie next to him every night, and I still failed with seducing him again. I wanted him, I wanted that big dick, and I wanted his dick down my throat so bad that I was willing to do whatever to have him back.

  What did that basic, nappy-headed, big-bone bitch have that made him just turn on me and drop me? I just could not understand how he’d throw us away so easily. I pulled out my phone and called him again and again, but it went straight to voicemail. I was sure he had blocked me at that point. I texted and texted but got nothing. I didn’t know what else to do. It was a day after Christmas, and there was no telling where he was, or they were. Shit, I was just so frustrated I wanted to scream.

  If I could get my hands-on Gabby’s ass, I’d choke the life out of her. Shit was perfect before she came along, and I had him. I fuckin’ had him. Gutter was mine, no matt
er how many bitches he screwed, we screwed, I was the only one that had access to him. I was the only one he took care of and laced with anything a bitch could ever want, but this lil nappy-headed, wanna be me, basic bitch came along and shut it all down. I had no clue what do to do. I went for the vodka and just turned the bottle up to my face. I know I played Gutta’s arm charm for six years with no promises of a ring or commitment, but I was heartbroken. It’s like having something or someone that you love and enjoy every day of your life to be taken away, and that is precisely what that bitch came along and did.

  Before I knew it, I was sobbing. Something I hadn’t done in six years, even on the day that Gutta said we were done because I was too cocky to believe those words. I thought this Gabby bitch was just a temporary phase or a little experiment for Gutta, but that shit was not the case. She managed to suck him better, fuck him better, shit, I don’t know. She did something to my man that I never managed to do in six-plus years, and I was infuriated.

  I gave the best head, had Grade A pussy, and since I was a flexible as fuck, I could fuck a man in every position imaginable. Beauty? Please, Stevie Wonder would pick me standing side by side with that bitch, but somehow, he wanted her and not me. I sobbed more and drank more. Then I heard a voice say, “Go kill that bitch.” I sat up straight and looked around to make sure I was the only one in my living room. “With her gone, y’all can be happy again.”

  “Wait, wait, fuckin’ wait. Hold the fuck up,” I said, shaking my head. “I can’t kill her,” I protested.

  “Why the fuck not?”

  I shook my head again and put down the Vodka. I knew I was losing it for sure. I went to splash cold water on my face and then went back to my phone. I went back to calling his phone over and over again, and before I knew it, I was in my car. I went to his place, rang the bell, banged and no Gutta. I sat in his circular drive for what felt like an eternity, and then I decided to go to her place. It was either find him there, or I’d actually kill that bitch. Either way, I sat in my car and watched her house. Finally, the door opened, and the man that stood in her doorway wasn’t my Gutta.

  Was this bitch cheating on him? I wondered and quickly grabbed my phone. I started snapping pictures like I was a detective on the job. When he held her close and kissed her, I knew she was just a whore ass bitch.

  “I got your ass now, bitch. He is going to leave your ass for me for sure now,” I said aloud and went to send Gutta all the pictures of his woman and another man.



  “Bro, come on, it’s close to ten, get your ass up,” I heard after I felt a few taps on my face and chest. I stirred and struggled to open my eyes to see my brother Rel standing over me.

  “The fuck, dude?”

  “Get yo’ ass up. You’ve been sleeping all damn day. I mean, I know you were hungover and shit, but it’s fucking after nine.”

  I struggle to sit up. “Damn, I slept the entire day. Gabby is going to think I’m MIA on her,” I said. She was the first thing on my mind.

  “Maybe, but you need to get up and eat and drink some damn water. Malice and Royal gon’ take care the clubs tonight, and you know Mari is holding down Passion’s.”

  I nodded. “I know. I’m thinking about promoting her to general manager. When the new spot is up and running, I’m going to need someone handling Passion’s.”

  “And you should, bro. Mari is good people and a hard worker. She’s earned everything rightfully, not on her back like some of these other pathetic ass bitches,” Rel said. He headed for the kitchen, and I could smell the pizza he carried in his hand.

  “Is that Connie’s, nigga?”

  “Betta believe it is. Now go gargle and come help me smash this thin crust masterpiece,” he said.

  I stretched and stood. I grabbed my phone and saw that it was good and dead. I headed towards the bathroom but paused to give my brother my phone. “Plug this in for me, bro, while I hit the head.”

  I went to the bathroom and pissed before I splashed cold water on my face. I was up but wasn’t fully woke, and I had to get myself together. I had never been fucked up behind a woman, and I hated the feeling of being fucked up behind my Muffy. I knew what I had done was foul. There were no excuses, but I thought we had something so good that this shit would be a breeze. My black ass was so wrong. I just wanted to regroup and figure out a way to win my baby back. I dried my face with a towel I snatched from the cabinet and then threw back some Scope and gargled. Hell, I need a bucket of water because my mouth was dry as the fucking desert. I went into the kitchen where my brother sat at the table with the pizza box in the center. I grabbed a paper towel and then went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. I opened it, downed the contents, and then tossed the empty bottle. My thirst wasn’t quenched, so I swallowed another bottle before I sat.

  “I hope you are well rested, big bro,” Rel said.

  “I am, and as soon as I fill up, I’m going to call for a car and go to Gabby’s.”

  “That is a fuckin’ negative, big bro.”

  “Come again.”

  “Pump yo’ damn breaks, Gutta, damn. She ain’t Trina or these other desperate wannabes out here. Gabrielle is a real woman, smart, levelheaded, and she doesn’t troll. Trolling bitches will let you do dumb shit, but intelligent women like Gabby need a minute, bro. Just wait.”

  I shook my head but knew my brother was right. Women with heads on their shoulders moved differently, processed shit differently, so I had to slow my role and at least test the temperature.

  “I hate to admit it, but you are right. I can’t pounce on her or make her. I have to follow her lead.”

  “Exactly. Gabby loves you, man, and I know you two will work it out.”

  “And just what in the fuck do your ass know about love, Rel?”

  “I know that I’m not ready for it. I see you and Gabby, and I see how y’all are just patient with each other, how y’all gaze and hold on to each other’s words. One day I’ll be looking for that, but for now, I’m good,” he said and shoved more pizza into his mouth.

  My phone started to buzz, and I began to get back to back alerts. “I guess my phone has a bit of juice. I hope those messages are from Gabby,” I said, getting up.

  I went for my phone and D.T. just flooded my notifications. I was about to put my phone down, but I got image alerts, and I wondered what the fuck her crazy ass was sending now.

  “I’m going to have to definitely block Trina’s crazy ass,” I said.

  I click the last image, and when I saw my baby in another man’s arms on her porch, I damn near dropped my phone.

  To Be Continued ……


  Hi readers, I’m ANNA BLACK, national best-selling author of "I’m Doin’ Me" and "Sometimes I’m In My Feelings." I am originally from the Southside of Chicago. I am a divorced mother of one. I now reside in Texas with my twenty-one-year-old daughter, Tyra, who attends Sam Houston State University and my fiancé Gregory, and my two dogs, Jaxson and Jasmine.

  Professionally, I am in hotel management and have been in my field for twenty years. I enjoy writing, as you all know, and I read as much as time allows. My favorite things are football -The Chicago Bears, playing pool, and crocheting. When I’m not working on a project or on hotel business, I binge watch series on Netflix and Hulu.

  I hope you guys enjoyed reading this first installment for the Chi-Town Bosses & The Women Who Love’em series. Please do me a huge favor by leaving a review, and check out my other novels, anthologies, and novellas. My books are available on Kindle, Audible, and in stores near you. You can find me on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, and IG, and you can also email me at [email protected] or visit my website

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