White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5)

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White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5) Page 1

by Autumn Jones Lake

  Also by Autumn Jones Lake

  Lost Kings MC

  White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5) (Coming Soon)

  Tattered on My Sleeve (Lost Kings MC #4)

  WHITE HEAT (Lost Kings MC #5)

  by Autumn Jones Lake

  Digital ISBN: 978-1-943950-00-3

  Print ISBN: 978-1-943950-01-0

  Copyright 2016 © Autumn Jones Lake

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by: Vanessa Bridges, PREMA

  Proofread by: Manda, Tiffany, and Sue B.

  Cover Design: Letitia Hasser, RBA Designs

  Photography: Lindee Robinson Photography

  Cover Models: Travis Bendall & Kelly Kirstein

  Formatting by: Max Effect

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  Publisher’s Notes:

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author recognizes the trademarks and copyrights of all registered products and works mentioned within this work.

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  Questions about the LOKI men?

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  Without the following people, White Heat would not be in your hands right now.

  My husband who encourages me and listens to me talk about writing stuff and my imaginary friends every day—for hours sometimes and never complains.

  My critique partners. I am so proud and happy that I get to work with you every week. Cara Connelly, Kari W. Cole, and Virginia Frost, thank you for checking to make sure I’m alive every Tuesday night. I don’t know what I’d do without you.

  K.A. Mitchell, you’re an inspiration to me and help me remember what’s important.

  Jeanette Grey, Jenna Kendrick and Marie Lark, who are always so supportive.

  Angi J., Amanda, Brandy, Chris, Clarisse, Elizabeth, Iveta, Tamra, and Shelly. Thank you for hanging in there for another book. Tanya, thank you for taking a last look and letting me bug you with a bunch of extra questions. Sue, thank you for the last-minute catches!

  Vanessa, thank you for going above and beyond.

  Amanda R. Thank you so much for everything!

  Elizabeth, Tanya, Terra, Johnnie-Marie, Natalie, thank you for the time you spend promoting my books.

  My Lost Kings MC Ladies Facebook group. Each one of you means so much to me. I love our little group. Thank you for hanging out with me. I think shit’s about to get real in the Murphy/Axel debate.

  You may not know this, but Wrath has a mistress. Her name is Iza and she’s awesome. Thank you for all of your support.

  Jeannie V. and Sunny H., thank you for your thoughtfulness.

  Sometimes I’m asked what I’ll do when this “MC Fad” dies out. I don’t think MC Romances are going anywhere, and that’s because of its loyal, generous and enthusiastic readers—you!


  For straight-laced attorney, Hope Kendall, loving an outlaw has never been easy. New challenges test her loyalty as she discovers how far she’s willing to go to protect her man.


  MC President, Rochlan “Rock” North finally has everything he’s ever wanted. Hope as his ol’ lady and his MC earning money while staying out of trouble. The only thing left is to make Hope his wife. But as their wedding day nears, an old adversary threatens Rock’s freedom, the wedding, and throws the Lost Kings MC into chaos.


  While the club waits for Rock's fate to be decided, Wrath has to balance solidifying his new relationship with Trinity and fulfilling his president's orders.


  Threats from unexpected places will challenge every member, but in the Lost Kings MC, brotherhood isn’t about the blood you share. It’s about those who are willing to bleed for you.








































  Glossary of Terms

  Note from the Author

  Keep in Touch

  Also by Autumn


  I first used a glossary in the Road to Royalty Limited-Edition box set and again in Tattered on My Sleeve. I’ve made a few small updates and changes here.

  The Lost Kings MC Organizational Structure

  President: Rochlan “Rock” North. Leader of the Upstate NY charter of the Lost Kings MC. The word of the President is law within the club. He takes advice from senior club members. He is the public “face” of the MC.

  Sergeant-at-Arms: Wyatt "Wrath" Ramsey. Responsible for the security of the club. Keeps order at club events. Responsible for the safety and protection of the president, the club, its members and its women. Disciplines club members who violate the rules. Keeps track of club by-laws. Will challenge Rock when he deems it necessary.

  Vice President: Zero or “Z.” In most clubs, I think the VP would be considered the second-in-command. In mine, I see the VP and SAA on equal footing within the club. Carries out the orders of the President. Communicates with other chapters of the club. Assumes the responsibilities of the President in his absence. Keeps records of club patches and colors issued.

  Treasurer: Marcel "Teller" Whelan. Keeps records of income, expenses and investments.

  Road Captain: Blake "Murphy" O'Callaghan. Responsible for researching, planning and organizing club runs. Responsible for obtaining and maintaining club vehicles.

  The Lost Kings MC Ladies
br />   Hope Kendall, Esq.: The object of Rock’s love and obsession. Their epic love story spans four books; Slow Burn, Corrupting Cinderella, Strength From Loyalty, and now White Heat.

  Trinity Hurst: Caretaker of the Lost Kings MC clubhouse and the brothers. She and Wrath have a long, tattered love story full of lust, fury, and forgiveness in Tattered on My Sleeve (Lost Kings MC #4)

  Heidi Whelan: Teller’s little sister. Has nurtured a crush on her brother’s best friend, Murphy, since she was a little girl. You get glimpses of Heidi through Corrupting Cinderella, Strength From Loyalty, Tattered on My Sleeve, and White Heat. She will have her own book, tentatively titled On the Edge (Lost Kings MC #6), to be released sometime in 2016.

  Lilly: One of Hope’s best friends and frequent “booty call” of Z. You’ve met her in Slow Burn, Corrupting Cinderella, Strength From Loyalty, Tattered on My Sleeve, White Heat and two short stories, “Z and Lilly” in Three Kings, One Night and “Infatuated” from the Pink: Hot ‘n Sexy for a Cure anthology. She will be featured in Zero Tolerance (Lost Kings MC #7).

  Mara Oak: Friend of Hope. Also an attorney. She’s appeared in Slow Burn, Corrupting Cinderella, Strength From Loyalty, Tattered on My Sleeve, and White Heat. She’s married to Empire city court judge, Damon Oak. Their story, Objection, will be available in 2016.

  Sophie: Friend of Hope. Also an attorney. Helped orchestrate Hope and Rock’s get together in Slow Burn. She’s appeared in Corrupting Cinderella, Strength From Loyalty, Tattered on My Sleeve, and White Heat. She’s in an on-again-off-again relationship with heavy metal singer, Jonny Cage.

  Lost Kings MC Terminology

  Crystal Ball – The strip club owned by the Lost Kings MC and one of their legitimate businesses. They often refer to it as “CB.”

  “Conference Center” – The clubhouse of the Lost Kings MC. It was previously used as a conference center and is sometimes jokingly referred to this way.

  Empire – The fictional city in Upstate NY, run by the Lost Kings.

  Green Street Crew – Street gang the Lost Kings do business with. Often referred to as “GSC.” “Loco” is their leader and frequent nuisance to Rock.

  LOKI – Short for Lost Kings.

  Vipers MC – Rival and frequent enemy MC. Runs Ironworks which borders the Lost Kings’ territory. Their president, Ransom and his SAA, Killa appeared in Tattered on My Sleeve.

  Wolf Knights MC – Rival and sometimes ally of the Lost Kings. Their president, Ulfric appeared in Slow Burn. Their SAA, Whisper is a partner in Wrath’s gym and appeared in Tattered on My Sleeve as well as Slow Burn.

  Dedicated to those who’ve found love in the most unexpected places.


  “Ever seen a green wedding dress?”

  Hope glances up at me with one of her adorable, baffled expressions I love so much.

  “You said you didn’t want to wear white,” I explain.

  “Oh.” She pauses and I can see the excitement building.

  Tracing a finger down her arm, I remind her. “You were wearing green the day we met.”

  Another confused face and I don’t even know what to think about the fact that I remember what she was wearing the day we met better than she does.

  “My jewel green suit.”

  “That’s my favorite color on you,” I tell her while brushing her hair off her shoulder and planting a kiss on her neck.

  “Guys, seriously, chunks rising.” Wrath gags from across the table.

  Hope chuckles, then looks at him more seriously. “I assume Rock is going to ask you to be his best man?” Wrath’s gaze skips to me and he shrugs.

  “Do you think Trinity…”

  Curling my hand over her shoulder, I give her a squeeze. “What about Sophie?” I can’t say I’d be super comfortable with Sophie standing up at our wedding, but I don’t want Hope to feel pressured to only include club family either.

  She sighs and drags her gaze to her lap, where her hands are nervously twisting. “She did it for my first wedding…and I don’t know. It feels weird? Plus—” she flicks her gaze at Wrath, waiting to see if he’s going to make fun of her I guess. “I feel closer to Trinity, than, So—”

  “I can’t believe you’d want Sophie as your maid of whatever after she pulled that stunt with Rock,” Wrath says.


  Hope turns her head very slowly in my direction. “What’s he talking about?”

  Wrath’s eyes widen. At least he didn’t let that slip on purpose. Still gonna kick his fuckin’ ass.

  “She doesn’t know?” Wrath asks, making it worse.

  “No. So, thanks for that.”

  “Know what?” Hope insists.

  “Your girl Sophie tried to climb him like a jungle gym.”

  Hope’s gaze shoots to me. “What? When?”

  “Uh, at that fundraiser thing we went to. She was drunk.”

  “Yeah, I remember. What happened?”


  “Rock.” She turns and faces me, Wrath apparently forgotten. “You told me there were no more secrets. Why did you keep this from me?”

  “I didn’t want you to get hurt,” I answer honestly. Taking her hands in mine, I give it to her straight. “She was drunk. She tried to kiss me. I left her and sent Ross to take care of her. I didn’t know if she would even remember it, so I didn’t want to ruin your friendship for no reason. I know she’s been a good friend to you otherwise.”

  She swipes a tear off her cheek and I shoot a glare at Wrath.

  “Damn. Is that why she didn’t stick around the hospital for long? Why she’s been acting so weird lately?”

  I shrug. I’d been too fucked up when Hope was in the hospital to give Sophie much thought. “I don’t know, sweetheart.”

  “You’re not mad at him, are you?” Wrath asks.

  “Why are you still here?” I snap back.

  He ignores me and focuses on Hope, waiting for her answer.

  “No. Well, I’m mad he didn’t tell me about it. Not mad at him that it happened. Is that what you’re asking me?”


  “When did he tell you?”

  “I dunno. The night it happened? You believe him though, right?”

  Hope cocks her head and narrows her eyes. “Of course I do. You’re like his excited utterance witness,” she says with a soft chuckle.

  Wrath and I share a look.

  “Lawyer thing,” she explains with a head shake. “Of course I believe him. Why would you ask me that?”

  I let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. That’s why Wrath asked her. He knows me well.

  He nods. “That’s good.”

  Suddenly her face falls and her eyes go shiny. “Wait. That’s not why after—”

  She means why after the party, I needed to have her so bad, we pulled over and frantically fucked in the front seat of my car.

  Slipping my arms around her waist, I pull her—chair and all—closer to me. “No, baby. All you,” I whisper in her ear.

  She grins against my face and tucks in closer to me.

  “What happened after?” Wrath asks.

  “None of your business,” I growl.

  Hope lets out a soft giggle. “At least you don’t tell him everything.”

  “Never mind,” Wrath says with a knowing smirk.

  “Shut up.”

  “What’d you do now, Wyatt?” Trinity asks from behind us.

  His face breaks into a genuine grin and he holds out his hand. I’m happy to see them finally together and not trying to torture each other every chance they get.

  She shuffles over to us and Wrath wraps her in a hug, making her wince.

  “Shit. Sorry, babe.”

  That gets Hope’s attention and she smiles at Trinity. “You okay?”

  Trin pulls out of Wrath’s embrace and turns her left side toward Hope. She’s got a shiny piece of plastic taped over fresh ink.

  I raise an eyebrow. “When’d you get
that, hon?”

  “Tuesday,” she answers softly with a look at Wrath.

  “Can we see?” Hope asks.

  “Yeah, I can take it off today.” Trin curls her body and starts picking at the tape, but Wrath brushes her hands away and starts undoing it for her.

  “Oh! That’s Wrath’s star,” Hope exclaims with a big smile. “Let me see.” Trinity moves closer. “Wrath’s girl,” she reads out. “Aw, that’s so sweet. I love it.”

  Trinity looks surprised at Hope’s enthusiasm.

  A playful grin curves Hope’s lips. “So, you branded Trinity. Where’s her name on you?”

  My brother surprises me. Instead of getting pissy with Hope, he breaks into a huge grin and lifts his shirt.

  “Christ, brother, I just ate,” I grumble.

  “Don’t be jealous, bro. You keep up with your workouts maybe someday you’ll look this good.”

  Hope snickers. Hell, I do too. Cocky, fuckin’ asshole.

  Wrath taps his finger at the Celtic symbol over his heart. “What is it?” Hope asks.

  “A Triquetra. For Trinity.”

  Hope leans over. “Trinity’s man. Oh. My. God. You two are the cutest ever,” she says with a laugh. Wrath drops his shirt and pulls Trin into his lap.

  Hope’s gaze darts to me. “I feel left out now.”

  “It’s okay, babe. I know it’s not your thing.”

  “You get her name on you, Rock?” Trin asks.

  I nod and tap my hip.

  “Wow. Never thought you’d do that.”

  “Never had a good enough reason to before.”

  Trinity points to the wedding magazine Hope has on the chair next to her. “Making any progress?”

  “Yeah. I think so. Rock gave me a good idea for a dress.”

  Trinity bursts out laughing and Wrath—dick that he is—joins her. “Really?” Trinity gasps.

  Hope has this cute indignant expression on her face. “Anyway. I guess I’d like to be laid back and simple this time.”

  “Sounds good to me. His first wedding was a fucking circus,” Wrath says.

  “Seriously, asshole?” I mutter.


  Trinity glares at him too. “It’s not nice.”


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