Beautifully Broken

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Beautifully Broken Page 15

by Kira Adams

  “What are you looking to get into now?” I asked, sticking my tongue out playfully in his direction.

  “I don’t need a plan or structure babe, that’s what’s so great about me—I’m versatile, I go with the flow.”

  “My adventure man,” I said squeezing his arm.

  “Honestly, as long as I’m with you, I feel invincible—like I can do anything.”

  He had to know he had the same effect on me.

  It wasn’t a surprise that I was slightly nervous to see Parker—to meet Madalynne for the first time, but I was ready to take the next step towards my new relationship with Lee.

  As soon as we hit the first set of steps I caught Lee letting out a big exhale of air.

  “You sure you’re ready for this?” I wasn’t even sure I was.

  Lee swallowed loudly. “We have each other—we can do this.”

  I smiled back at his fearlessness.

  Madalynne and Parker had decided to forgo the festivities and simply make it official before he deployed. They still needed witnesses and thought it would be a good setup early on. They had no clue how right they had been.

  For the longest time Parker was my every thought, my every dream. And when he came to Montana to visit me, I thought we would finally get our chance. But then he broke my heart—Travis left me shortly after—and I was left fragile. Lee was there to pick up the pieces. He pieced me back together. He knew how to calm me like no other.

  Their figures came into focus before their faces did. They were both grinning ear to ear, they looked happy.

  Lee squeezed my hand as we approached the pair, letting me know I wasn’t alone—we were in this together.

  “Aren’t you guys the cutest thing ever?” Madalynne exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around us both.

  “Hey man, sorry about your face,” Parker laughed uncomfortably.

  “It’s water under the bridge,” I heard Lee say. That deserved a squeeze.

  As I hugged Parker for the first time in what felt like forever, I watched as Lee embraced Maddy. I wondered if he was feeling the same mix of emotions as I was.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?” Parker asked as he released me.

  “Sure.” I nodded as he led the way out of the chapel.

  “I want to apologize for leading you on—for hurting you,” Parker said softly.

  “Parker, you’ve already apologized for that, remember?” I couldn’t deny what an utterly good guy he was.

  “I know, it just kills me to think I could have caused you any pain…you need to know that.”

  “I do know that—if it wasn’t for your persistent fiancé I wouldn’t have met Lee. I really have you guys to thank.”

  “Are you happy?” Parker—still trying to be the hero.

  “Lee is amazing. And even though I really cared about you and was hurt, he is the perfect person for me.”

  “Madalynne the Matchmaker. Kind of has a ring to it, don’t you think?” Parker laughed.

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” I giggled. “You ready for this?”

  Parker inhaled sharply then smiled. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”


  His mischievous glances and grins were about to drive me nuts. I was returning the advances with a stink eye—if the officiant wasn’t so hard of hearing and oblivious in general we may have been stripped our titles as witnesses.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife—you may kiss the bride,” the officiant said; my stomach dipped with the realization that this was the end of a chapter. As bittersweet as dark chocolate.

  Madalynne and Parker kissed in a quick, classy way, one that wouldn’t rub it directly in our faces.

  “Hold up,” I heard Lee’s voice as soon as the two parted.

  “I’ve been wanting to tell you something for a really long time…I just wasn’t sure of the right time or right words to convey what I was feeling.” Lee addressed me in front of the others.

  “I thought I knew what I wanted in life before you…I used to enjoy the variety of women, the endless privileges. A lot of those women were pushovers—you pushed me back, challenged me.” Lee stepped closer to me then, taking both my hands in his.

  “I always knew the extent to how much you needed me in your life—but I never fully digested the extent to how much I needed you. I needed you to remind me of the person I used to be…the person I can be again.”

  Just as I began to open my mouth to respond I noticed Lee was still going. His display of affection was not something I was used to, but I let myself enjoy it fully.

  “Even though you irritate me, aggravate me, frustrate me, and annoy me to no end—there’s no one else in the world I would rather spend my days with. I love you Jacqueline Marie Blunt.”

  My stomach dipped as I watched Lee drop to one knee. “Will you marry me?”

  “Now?” I asked, my eyes darting around the room.

  “What better time Jac?” He posed the obvious question.

  “You’re going to be stuck with me,” I whispered so only he could hear.

  “There ain’t anyone else I’d rather be stuck with.” He kissed my forehead then looked at me expectantly. “So—ready to be Mrs. Bennett?”

  I took a few deep breaths before stepping forward, lacing my arm through his. “Let’s do this.”



  I was nursing a broken heart when I met her—as was she. The mixture was like oil and water, we couldn’t have been more different—but there was something to her spiciness, her unstableness—it was raw, and it was beautiful.


  He was my medicine. For so many years doctors had me on endless medication, “numbing” my problems—but what it really did was silenced me. I became a shell of myself.

  And then I met Lee and he taught me how to live. He became my cure. Before him, I was convinced things like that didn’t happen except in fairy tales. He proved me wrong at every turn. He gave me hope in the darkness.

  Preview of the third book in the Infinite Love series, Against All Odds:


  We lock eyes from across the room and I quickly blush, breaking the stare. His green eyes have me entranced for a moment too long there.

  I feel an arm snaking around my neck and my nose scrunches up in fake disgust. “Better quit that, or people will think we are together!” I playfully push my cousin Lee away from me.

  “What? You don’t find this attractive?” He looks offended, but only slightly.

  I can’t help but smile. “You’re disgusting, you know that?” I turn my attention back on the mysterious cutie across the room, hoping he didn’t catch Lee’s dumb move from a few seconds ago.

  I can’t be too upset with Lee, he’s the reason we are on this adventure to begin with. He’s always been the big brother I never had; providing for me whenever necessary. He was able to get me out of college for a week, so I am forever grateful.

  I’ve never been to the Bahamas before. I’ve never really been out of the state of California, so the trip has me all sorts of anxious. I can’t wait to break out our stash of alcohol we so swiftly snuck into our cabin, but all in good time. Lee and I are on the observation deck as the ship takes off.

  “Don’t look now, but I think someone has the hots for you,” Lee whispers into my ear.

  I can’t help looking around wildly, hoping it is the cutie from earlier. “Where?”

  “Don’t make it obvious or anything,” Lee chuckles to himself.

  I elbow him in the chest when he least expects it causing him to back up in surrender. “I’m just being a good wing man.”

  “Seriously.” Again my eyes scan the room madly. “Which one was it?”

  That dumb ass is smiling back, knowing he has the upper hand as always.

  “You’re an ass—you know that right?” He always finds a way to piss me off. I begin to walk away when I feel him grab my arm to stop me.

  “He’s going to be too intimida
ted with me standing here with you. I’m going to go back to the room, and why don’t you invite him back—we can drink and get to know him in a laid back atmosphere.”

  “Which one?” I ask for what I hope to be the last time.

  “Skater boy,” He spits out before turning around and heading to our cabin.

  I sneak a glance across the deck one more time. The stranger’s eyes are fixated on me. My heart begins racing as I slowly make my way across the observation deck towards the hippie looking male. To my surprise, he sees me approaching and begins to make his way towards me; we end up meeting in the middle.

  He has longer shaggy blond hair and the most piercing green eyes. I find myself searching for my words.

  “Hey, how’s it going?” He finally breaks the uncomfortable silence, smiling, his eyes twinkling as he does so.

  “Hi,” I smile politely. “I’m Austyn.”

  “Avery,” he replies, his eyes intently on mine. “So—the Bahamas…” he fills in the awkward silence. “Ever been before?”

  I shake my head as if to say no. “You?”

  “This is my third time,” he answers like it is such a normal thing.

  I’m only eighteen and therefore still young, but this angers me somehow.

  “Listen, you want to grab a drink?” Avery asks, unaware I am not of legal age.

  “Actually yeah,” I nod. “I actually snuck some aboard with me—want to come back to my room?” I am positive he saw Lee earlier. He would have had to have been blind to miss him.

  “Even better.” He claps his hands together and we begin walking back in unison.


  It was a strange feeling being watched, yet one I had become accustomed to. One I lusted for. His green eyes could pierce through me like no one else’s. My senses were heightened; he was winning the game as always.

  I was supposed to be upset with him; angry with him. I was supposed to be giving him the cold shoulder but Avery Phillips knew exactly how to make me forget why I was even mad at him in the first place with little to no effort. To say he had complete control over me was an understatement. I wasn’t even sure how I made it through my life prior to him entering it. He changed everything with one charming smile.

  “I know you’re awake,” I heard him whisper through my tightly squeezed eyes.

  My lips curled up into an uncontrollable smile, my eyes slowly opening. “I’m supposed to be mad at you.”

  Then it came, that damn charming smile. The one that broke me every time. “Do you even remember why you were angry with me in the first place?”

  Of course I did, but when I opened my mouth to speak all I could manage to do was stumble over my words.

  “That’s what I thought,” he chuckled.

  Even though Avery chose to grow his hair out and sometimes experimented with his facial hair, he was still a very handsome guy. Rugged and wild.

  I felt his warm breath on the back of my neck, the crook of my shoulder, sending chills down my spine. His arms wrapped around my waist from behind, pulling me into him. I felt him bury his face into my short hair, inhaling me.

  “You know I hate going to bed mad,” he said softly.

  I turned to face him so we were now face to face, running my fingers down the side of his cheek lightly. “I’m sorry. I promise I won’t do it again.”

  He smirked. “Good.” And then he lowered his lips to mine slowly and eagerly.

  We had been dating for over six years, and while I was ready for commitment it appeared Avery had more important things on his mind. Not that he didn’t love me, I never doubted that for a second—just that he wasn’t quite ready to grow up yet.

  Avery was the first person to make me feel important; to make me feel safe. I wanted the happily ever after with him—the white picket fence, the house, the children, and the pets. I wanted it all. Although, for as far back as I can remember that was all I wanted in my very core.

  Before Avery I didn’t know my worth. I let guys walk all over me because it’s what I thought I deserved. A normal relationship to me was riddled with unhealthy jealousy, cheating, and abuse. By the time Avery found me I was a shell of myself. I knew the girl I used to be and I fought against the current to get back there; Avery helped me succeed. He saw the beauty in my core even when I didn’t anymore.

  “Hey, where did you go just now?” Avery asked softly, stroking my hair.

  I kissed him then fast and strong, taking him by surprise. He melted into me as he pulled me in deeper, closer. The passion was good, not great, but good.

  His hands find the elastic waistband of my sweatpants within seconds, one of them making its way under and beneath my sheer undies.

  Let’s just say he had mad skills.




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