Tangled: A Small Town, Brother's Best Friend Romance (Willow Springs Series Book 2)

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Tangled: A Small Town, Brother's Best Friend Romance (Willow Springs Series Book 2) Page 2

by Laura Pavlov

  They were tough shoes to fill. But I was happy to step up to the plate.

  Except when it came to school. It was the one thing I cared about. My father had been a brilliant attorney before he fell off the planet and lost himself to booze and pills and sports betting. And I’d decided somewhere along the way that I wouldn’t take that path. I planned to go to law school. Probably become a divorce attorney. Hey, hopefully my mom would come to her senses one day and need good representation when she left the asshole.

  One can dream.

  I think it actually got under Simon’s skin that I’d made the dean’s list every semester since I’d started at Texas University, which also happened to be one of the most prestigious colleges in the country.

  Take that, dickhead.

  I might be incapable of commitment and a perpetual good time, but I was smarter than shit, and he couldn’t take that from me. It was the one thing my father had clearly gifted me.

  Thanks, Dad. Now sober the fuck up and step up to the plate.

  Even with my dad battling his demons, he was more of a man, more of a father than Simon had ever been. Had he been a huge embarrassment over the years? Sure. He’d had one too many public intoxication charges, he’d been involved in endless fights at local pubs in town, and he’d had a pretty fierce fall from grace. And we lived in a small town, which meant everyone knew your shit. Everyone in Willow Springs was the judge and the jury.

  Cue my best friend, Cade.

  The Jacobs’ family accepted me for who I was, in spite of my dad. Hell, Bradley Jacobs, Cade’s father and my dad went way back. They were the best of friends. Bradley knew there was a good man beneath all that numbing going on.

  They’d opened their doors and their hearts to me, making me feel like part of the family. When I was home, I did not stay at my mother’s house. I stayed at the Jacobs’ home, and they’d even given me my own room there. It had just been the way it had worked for the past few years.

  I loved them. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for any of the Jacobs. Hell, Cade was the brother I’d never had, and he knew about my struggles with Simon. He was my best friend and my wingman. He’d held my head up when I puked my brains out from drinking myself sick more times than should be required of a best friend.

  I dropped to sit on my bed when I saw an incoming call from Cade. He went to school about an hour and a half away from me, but we talked often.

  “Hey, asshole. How are you?” he said when I picked up the phone.

  “Why did I agree to be president of this damn fraternity again?”

  “Because it’ll look good on your resume for law school. Just suck it up and get it done.”

  I ran a hand over my face and fell back to lie on my bed. “Easier said than done. I quit drinking two weeks ago because I have my hands full with these goddamn animals in the house.”

  He laughed. It was fair. I’d been an animal for most of my life, so it was karma paying me back and making me deal with this shit.

  “It’s good to sober up every now and then. What’s happening with your dad?” he asked.

  “My grandparents spotted him the money. Basically, they gave him all that they had left in their retirement to give him this opportunity.” I closed my eyes as the words left my mouth. My father had just entered a ninety-day rehab program. My grandparents were two of the kindest people I’d ever known, and they’d given everything up to help my dad.

  “I’m sorry, brother. I know this is tough. But hopefully, getting him in a longer program will help.”

  This would be my dad’s fourth attempt at rehab, and he’d never made it beyond two weeks. This new program would be more intensive, and he’d be living there for three months.

  “Thanks. We’ll see what happens.” I didn’t have much more to say on the matter because I’d been let down too many times in the past. Actions spoke louder than words. I hoped he could pull it off, but I certainly wasn’t holding my breath.

  “How’s my sister doing? Are you keeping an eye on her?”

  “Is the pope Catholic?” I said with a laugh as I sat up and pushed to my feet. Speaking about Gigi always put me on edge.

  “Knew I could count on you. She seems happy about rushing Kappa Gamma. Thanks for placing that call. I guess it pays off to bang the president of a sorority house.”

  I rolled my eyes. Tiffany and I had hooked up one time last semester, and I’d asked her to look out for Gigi and Addy during rush a few weeks ago. I knew Gigi was nervous, even if she’d never admit it. And I’d known Addy most of my life, as well as her boyfriend Jett. The dude was a cool cat, and he’d pulled me aside and asked that I look out for his girl as well during rush week.

  “Yeah, well, now Tiff keeps texting me because I asked her for a favor. We’ve all been on restriction for rush, but the gates have opened, and this chick is so far up my ass I won’t be able to hide from her anymore.”

  “Gray, Gray, Gray… this is what happens when you dip your pen in company ink.” He barked out a laugh.

  “Whatever, dude. Don’t ever refer to my dick as a pen again. It’s offensive.” We both laughed. “How’s Camilla?” My best friend had started seeing a girl a few months ago and I’d never seen him so into any chick before.

  “She’s awesome. I’m happy to be back at school with her.”

  “Never thought I’d see the day,” I said. “I’m going to head over to your sister’s a little later and check on her. She wants to come to the party this weekend, and I need to prepare her for all the dickheads that she’ll have to deal with.”

  “Dude, are you seriously giving my sister the birds and the bees talk?” He laughed so loud I had to hold the phone away from my ear. “This is why she’s always pissed at you.”

  “Duty calls. Nothing’s going down on my watch, trust me,” I said.

  “I trust you with my life, brother. Thanks for always having Gigi’s back. Camilla’s here. I’ll call you later.”

  We disconnected the call, and I dropped my phone on my desk. It had been a day. Hell, it had been a rough couple of weeks. I’d been stone-cold sober, trying to keep an eye on Gigi and make sure no dickheads came near her, and also keeping my fraternity brothers in line. That meant no hazing, no out-of-control parties, and no one looking at Gigi Jacobs.

  And I was fucking exhausted.

  There was a knock on my door and I barked out for them to come in. It was one headache after the next lately.

  “What’s up, Pres,” Colin said. He was a sophomore and had moved into the house a few weeks ago. The dude bugged the fuck out of me.

  “Don’t call me that. What do you need?” I growled. I’d become a goddamn babysitter, and I wasn’t having any fun.

  “The toilet on the second floor is clogged and the showers don’t have hot water.” He moved around my room, pausing to look at the two framed photographs I had sitting on my dresser. There was one of my family with Mom, Simon, and the girls, and another of the Jacobs that Katie Jacobs had given to me last year. He pointed to Gigi in the photograph. “Damn, I know this girl. She’s in my poli sci class. She’s so fucking hot. Can you hook me up?”

  “I can hook you up by your fucking balls, you douchedick. Don’t even fucking look at her, or I’ll throw your ass out of here so fast your goddamn head will spin. There’s a plunger under the sink, go plunge some shit. And maybe a cold shower is exactly what you need.” I held the handle to my door and used my hand to encourage him to leave.

  “Jesus. What happened to good time, Gray?” he asked as he moved out to the hallway.

  “He grew some fucking balls. Go plunge the shitter,” I snarled and slammed the door in his face.

  My phone vibrated and I yanked it from my back pocket and read the text.

  Tiff ~ Hey Gray. Looking forward to the party this weekend.

  Me ~ Yeah. Should
be a good time.

  Tiff ~ So, I know I helped those two friends of yours get a bid in the house. Just making sure they aren’t competition for me.

  Jesus. This day just wouldn’t stop. She was trying to make our one-time hook-up something that it wasn’t. I’d been straight up with her that I didn’t do the girlfriend thing, and she’d acted like she was on board. But last week we had a Greek meeting with both the fraternities and the sorority officers, and the girl had inserted herself the two times I’d been talking to other girls. Just talking. And she’d gone for the full cockblock both times. It hadn’t bothered me too much, because I wasn’t in the mood to hook up with anyone at the moment—which was a definite first. But knowing Gigi was here on campus had me on edge, and my new responsibilities at the house were way more stressful than I’d anticipated. And I’d shut Tiff down too, because I wasn’t interested. But I sure as shit didn’t want her taking it out on Gigi and Addy.

  Me ~ Family friends. I appreciate you looking out for them.

  Tiff ~ Anything for you, Gray. I’ll see you at the party this weekend. We’re finally allowed out. You know what happens when the cat’s allowed out to play.

  What the fuck did that mean? Was she the cat?

  Good Christ.

  There was no way for me to get out of it because the party was at our house. And I was the fucking warden of this shit show.

  Me ~ Okay. I’m on babysitting duty so I won’t be able to hang. I’ll be keeping an eye on the pledges and making sure things don’t get out of control.

  Tiff ~ Ohhh, was that an invitation? Do you want to play house, Daddy?

  I scrubbed a hand down my face. What the fuck was happening?

  Me ~ No. It’s a one-man job. See ya later.

  I needed this conversation to end.

  I shot Gigi a text.

  Me ~ Heading over to talk to you.

  Gigi ~ Stop hovering.

  I didn’t respond. Because when it came to Gigi, hovering was my specialty.

  I drove over to the dorms and parked my truck and jogged inside, before knocking on her door. Like a fucking hormonal teenager dying to get to his girl. What the hell was up with that?

  She pulled the door open, one brow raised, trying to look annoyed, but I saw the smile fighting to come out. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail, and she wore a white blousy tank top and a pair of jean cut-off shorts. Sexy as shit. Her tanned, toned legs were hard to look away from and I forced myself to meet her gaze.

  So fucking pretty.

  “What is it this time? We’ve already covered the basics in your last visit. I took notes, remember?” She rolled her sapphire blue eyes. “All college boys are scumbags. Nothing good ever comes from getting drunk. And my all-time favorite, sex will make my boobs smaller. What is it this time, ol’ wise one?”

  I barked out a laugh. No one gave me shit the way Gigi did. The girl just got me. I moved past her and dropped to sit on her bed.

  “Where’s Addy?” I scanned her room. It wasn’t my first time here, hell, I’d helped move her in. And assisting Addy’s mom was no easy task. The woman had bossed Cade and me around all day, forcing us to attach these goddamn headboards, and to hang eight million ridiculous things on the walls. I did it for Gigi. Hell, I’d do just about anything for this girl.

  Because she’s my best friend’s little sister.

  Nothing more.

  “She’s with Jett. What are you up to?” she asked, dropping to sit on her desk chair across from me.

  “I came over to tell you not to come to the party this weekend. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  Her eyes doubled in size. “You came all the way over here to tell me that?”

  “Did I stutter?” I lay back on her bed, and it smelled like peaches. I fucking loved it.

  It reminded me of home.

  And goodness.

  And Gigi.

  “You aren’t the boss of me, Gray, so save your breath.”

  I knew she wouldn’t listen to me. Hell, I just wanted an excuse to come over here. For whatever reason, I liked being around Gigi.

  More than I should.

  “Do you disagree with me just for sport?” I asked, sliding her pillow beneath my head and making myself comfortable.

  “I disagree with you because you’re a pompous ass.” She bit down on her juicy bottom lip, and I sat up quickly as my dick sprung to life.

  What in the motherfuck is up with that?

  My dick was an attentive little fucker when it came to Gigi. Especially these past few months. She didn’t look like Cade’s little sister anymore. Hell, she’d always been gorgeous, and I’d always had to remind myself that she was off-limits, but lately, I was feeling things I knew I shouldn’t. And bickering with Gigi Jacobs had become better than sex with anyone else.

  How messed up was that? I would definitely need to get my game on with some other girl this weekend to get her out of my head.

  I scrubbed a hand down my face. “Have you talked to your brother? Never thought I’d see the day that Cade was pussy-whipped, but he sure seems to be spending a lot of time with Camilla.”

  “You’re so crude,” Gigi said, crossing her arms over her chest when she saw my gaze land there. I didn’t miss the way her tits perked up when I looked at her.


  I forced myself to think of my dog Duke the day we’d put him down every time my mind went in the wrong direction with Gigi Jacobs. Which was happening a lot lately.

  It usually did the trick, but lately even the loss of my four-legged childhood companion wasn’t working.

  Fantasizing about a girl that was off-limits was not the best use of my time. I knew better. I may be a fuck up at a lot of things, but fucking up my relationship with the Jacobs was absolutely the one thing I’d never do.

  “Not crude. Just being honest.” I pushed to my feet.

  “He likes a girl. Worse things can happen.” She raised a brow in challenge.

  “Pussy? Is that the word you have a problem with? You happen to have one and trust me when I tell you, you need to be aware of it. You’re going to have a shit ton of losers trying to get in your pants at that frat party. College is not like Willow Springs.” Anger rose in my chest and I moved toward the door. Suddenly needing distance from the girl I’d known most of my life.

  “I can take care of myself, Gray.” Now she was on her feet and getting in my face.

  In my space.

  Consuming my air.

  “Your business is my business, like it or not. And these dudes are after one thing and one thing only.” I assumed Gigi was a virgin, because I made it a point to keep tabs on her. I wasn’t certain, but she hadn’t had a boyfriend yet, as she was too good for all those jackasses back home.

  “You’re such a pig.”

  “Trust me, I’ve been called worse, G.” I smiled.

  “Get out.” She walked to the door and placed a hand on the doorknob, raising a brow as if she dared me to fight her on this.

  The door slammed in my face when I got to the other side, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  I loved getting under her skin. It was far too easy.

  But that was as far as I would ever allow it to go.


  Chapter Three


  I pulled out a couple of outfits to wear to the party and held them up for Addy. Living with my best friend was the best.

  “I like the black top with the jean skirt and your cute booties. It’s perfect,” Addy said, as she sat at her desk which also worked as a vanity area. Her hair was clipped up, and she turned toward her makeup mirror and got back to work. “Has Jaden texted you again?”

  Jaden was in my English class, and he’d invited us to the Sig Alpha party tonight. Not
that you needed an invite. Everyone was talking about it. Even Jett had agreed to go with us, because he knew Addy wanted to go. Jett was focused on football right now, and they’d started the season strong coming out of the gate with a win against Utah. Jett had been called a freshman phenom in the local paper, and everyone was hoping he’d lead us to a winning season. Addy worried it was a lot of pressure for him, but he took it all in stride.

  “Yes. He said he’d meet me there, but he’s still a pledge, so he’ll most likely be working the party.”

  She turned to face me as she pulled the clip from her hair and let her long, dark hair tumble down her shoulders. “What do you think of him? Do you like him?”

  “He’s nice. But when I was leaving class, I stopped in the bathroom and when I came out, I found him getting a number from another girl. So, I think he’s definitely casting his net and seeing what he catches,” I said through my laughter.

  She chuckled. “Typical frat boy. But it’s good we’re going. I saw a few guys checking you out in poli sci.”

  “Checking me out?” I gaped. “Who are you right now?”

  “I’m channeling my inner Coco. She told me to make sure I get you to step out of your comfort zone and have some fun this year.”

  “I’m so happy that Coco rushed the same house as we did. I can’t wait to see where Maura and Ivy end up,” I said. Each of our schools held rush at a different time, and I was thankful that we were done. The whole experience had been a little stressful.

  Addy’s phone chimed as well, and she held it up. It was Coco FaceTiming to see what I was going to wear. “Speak of the devil.”

  I was so excited to go home and see my parents and the girls. We had to work around Jett’s game schedule because Addy didn’t want to miss any of them, which I understood. We’d gone to the first one together, and they didn’t have one this weekend which was the reason he could go with us to the party.

  “Hey, girls. Big party tonight,” Coco purred as she came into focus. She was our resident fashion consultant, and we all benefited from her tips when it came to choosing an outfit.


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