Tangled: A Small Town, Brother's Best Friend Romance (Willow Springs Series Book 2)

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Tangled: A Small Town, Brother's Best Friend Romance (Willow Springs Series Book 2) Page 5

by Laura Pavlov

  “TMI,” I shouted, covering my ears with my hands. I didn’t want to think about Gray and his dazzling… goods. I’m sure it was a super-powered love machine. But that didn’t mean I wanted to talk about it. Or think about it.

  I didn’t.

  I shouldn’t.

  I wouldn’t.

  “Take it down a notch. It’s okay to get worked up. Most females do. No shame in that game.” He dropped back down to lie on his back.

  “What’s wrong with you? You’re off. Is your mom okay? The girls?” I asked, suddenly worried because Gray wasn’t himself. I’d noticed the minute he walked through the door before getting distracted by his giant—members-only package.

  Oh. My. God.

  What was happening?

  Get your head out of the gutter.

  “No. They’re fine. Just some shit with my dad.” He pushed back up to sit when his phone vibrated in his pocket.

  He reached down to grab it and read the screen, cursing under his breath.

  I moved to sit beside him. “Is your dad okay?”

  I knew his dad struggled with alcohol and drugs, but he never talked about it. Cade told me that Gray had a tough time dealing with it all.

  “Not really. I don’t fucking know, G. Being a slave to addiction is no way to live your life. And it’s a battle that he’s losing. You know Wren, right?”

  “Wren Staub? From back home?” I asked.

  “Yeah. That was him, letting me know he heard my dad left rehab early. They were friends back in the day. And when I last talked to my dad, he was getting antsy. I should have known he’d fucking bail.”

  My chest squeezed at his words. I’d never seen this vulnerable side of Gray. He always seemed so on top of the world. But having a parent struggle with addiction like this couldn’t be easy. Guilt engulfed me that I’d never stopped to think about how that probably felt for him. My annoyance with this boy usually kept me so distracted.

  “I’m sorry. Do you know where he is? Can you call him?”

  “I’ve tried a few times, that’s why I reached out to Wren.” He shrugged. “All right. I’m going to go. I didn’t come over here to burden you with my shit. Just beware of Jaden, okay?”

  He’d come all the way here to warn me about a boy I didn’t even really like. I just wanted Gray to think I did because I knew it annoyed him. But I didn’t care about any of that right now. He was hurting and I could feel it in every bone in my body.

  “Wait. What are you doing now?”

  He paused as he reached for his shoes and his smile was forced. “Probably just go bust some balls at the house.”

  “Why don’t you stay and watch a movie? I’ll even let you pick. Come on. I’m bored. Addy’s gone. It will be a good distraction for both of us.”

  His tongue swiped out to wet his plump bottom lip, and I squeezed my thighs together on instinct.

  Holy mother of God, this is not good.

  “You want to watch a movie with me, G?” His voice was gravelly and sexy, and all the air left my lungs.

  “I just thought maybe, I don’t know,” I fumbled over my words.

  “I’m just giving you shit. Yeah. Let’s watch a movie. That way I can make sure Jaden stays the fuck away from you, right?” He laughed, dropping back down to sit on the bed beside me. His weight caused me to bounce and I tipped into him. His hands came around my middle and he pushed me back up, and my skin heated instantly. Chills ran down my arms, and I struggled to gain my composure.

  He kept his hands there for longer than necessary before pulling away, and I finally cleared my throat so I could speak. “Okay, what should we watch?”

  I reached for my laptop and scooted back so I was pressed against the wall. He did the same and I settled my computer on my lap.

  “You pick. I don’t care,” he said.

  “You sure about that? You know I’m a big fan of chick flicks. Last chance to choose,” I said, my voice was all tease.

  “Surprise me.” He folded his hands together and rested them behind his head, stretching out his big body next to me as our legs hung off the bed. There wasn’t really anywhere else to watch a movie in a dorm room. But it suddenly felt very intimate.

  I chose Sweet Home Alabama. It was one of my favorites and I thought he might like it because Cade did. The movie started and I tried to relax.

  But sitting this close to Gray was doing all sorts of crazy things to me.

  The smell of mint and sandalwood seeped into my senses.

  This wasn’t the first time I was feeling things about Gray. And I hated it. We’d grown up together and he’d always acted like a big brother, but sometime over the past few years, things had shifted. I looked at him differently, and I wasn’t proud of it.

  This was Gray.

  My brother’s best friend.

  He was sexy and beautiful and he stole the air from my lungs most days.

  I knew he didn’t look at me that way. But when I was around him, or alone with him, I felt all sorts of things. My brain was trying everything not to look over at him. His big hand rested right next to mine.

  My back remained ramrod straight and I stared at the screen for two hours.

  Crossing a line with Gray Baldwin was not an option.

  It was a complete impossibility.

  We were all going out. Jett had led the team to victory on the field, and it had been a fun day on campus. College football had a way of bringing everyone together. I’d run into Gray at the game. I hadn’t seen him since the night we’d watched a movie together. He’d left shortly after. When I’d talked to my brother the next day, I didn’t mention it. Nothing had happened, and it didn’t mean anything—but for some reason, I felt like Gray had opened up about his father, and I didn’t get the feeling he did that often. Or with many people. And it wasn’t my story to tell.

  I’d checked in on him every day since, and we’d texted back and forth a few times. I guess in a weird way we were becoming friends. We’d always been family, but he was showing me sides to him that I didn’t know existed. He still hadn’t heard from his father, and I knew it was weighing heavily on him.

  We were going to a party at his house tonight, and I’d already talked to him about staying out of my business. I was in college and I wanted to have fun. Bailey’s words had stayed with me—her laughing about Ophelia being a virgin. It made no sense. Bailey was not someone I respected, and her opinion didn’t matter to me, but what she’d said still made me wonder when my life would start. When I’d meet someone who I’d want to take that step with. I wondered if I was the problem? Was I unapproachable? Too closed off? I’d always been a bit more on the shy side with people I didn’t know, but I considered myself a friendly person.

  “So, Sadie, Bailey, Ophelia, and a few other girls from our floor are walking over to the Sig Alpha house with us. Jett’s on his way over now and he’s bringing a few of his teammates,” Addy said, wriggling her brows.

  I laughed. “Okay. I’m open to that. Jaden’s been texting that he’s looking forward to seeing me tonight, but after what Gray told me, I don’t have real high hopes about him.”

  “Gray sure is protective of you, right? I’m telling you, he likes you as more than a friend,” Addy said, pulling out a few outfits and placing them on her bed. All the Magic Willows thought there was something between Gray and me, and they’d always teased me about it.

  “Um, that’s a hard no. He’s a total player. I’m definitely not his type. He just feels protective because he’s so close with my family.” I searched through my closet, shoving hanger after hanger to the side. I loved my clothes, but they screamed country chic. I wanted to channel my inner Coco tonight.

  My phone vibrated on my bed and I laughed when I looked at the screen to see the incoming FaceTime call.

  Her timing was always uncanny.

bsp; “Hey, Co. What’s up?” I held the phone in front of me so I could see her face.

  Addy ran up behind me and waved. “Hey, girl. We miss you. We’re meeting at home next weekend, right?”

  All five of us had agreed to meet in Willow Springs next weekend, and I couldn’t wait to see my girls.

  “Yes. Can’t wait. So, I figured you needed some help picking out your outfit, Gigi. I’ve been texting Addy and she’s got a few options for you on her bed.” Coco dropped to sit at her desk and applied some lip gloss.

  “Those are for me? I thought those were for you. What’s wrong with my clothes?” I asked, moving over to Addy’s bed to look at my choices.

  “It’s a frat party, not a church barbecue. And it’s certainly not like Addy has the sexiest clothes either, but she’s got a few cute bodysuits and some sexy jeans. You can totally rock that look.”

  I reached for the red bodysuit that dipped low in the back. “I can’t wear a bra with this one.”

  “Exactly. You don’t need one. It’s not low-cut and you don’t have much there, and what you do have is very perky,” Coco said through her laughter.

  “Is it sad that you know my boobs better than any boy ever has?”

  “It’s fine. But it’s time to change that. You aren’t in Willow Springs anymore, where you’ve known everyone your entire life. That’s why you’re getting so much attention at school, because you’re freaking gorgeous and everyone is taking notice. So, own your shit tonight. Make them beg for it.”

  “Jeez, Co. She’s not looking for a top dollar bid, she just wants to flirt with a cute guy.” Addy fell back on her bed laughing.

  “Same difference. I’ll wait. Try on that red bodysuit with those fitted dark skinny jeans. You’ve got some cute black heel boots, right?”

  I handed the phone to Addy and held up a pair of booties and they both gave me a thumbs-up. I slipped on the bodysuit and tugged the jeans over my hips and butt, taking in a deep breath to get the zipper up. I leaned over and put on the booties and then turned to face Addy. She held the phone up for Coco, who whistled and cheered.

  “Holy hotness, girl. Prepare to have all eyes on you tonight.”

  I moved toward the full-length mirror that hung on the back of our door to check myself out. Wow. It was a different look, that’s for sure. I did tend to dress pretty boho in loose-fitting, flowy dresses and tops with my ankle booties. But Coco was right. This was a fraternity party. I was in college now. It was time to start acting like it.

  I turned to check out my butt in the mirror and thoughts of Gray flooded my mind. He would have a fit when he saw me in this.

  And for whatever reason, a big smile spread across my face.

  Pissing off Gray Baldwin was quickly becoming my favorite pastime.

  Chapter Six


  The house was going off and I leaned against the wall and sipped my Perrier water out of a red Solo cup. I was bougie that way, and I didn’t need anyone giving me a hard time about not drinking. I needed to make sure this party stayed under control, and I was on call if Wren found my father. I needed to be ready to jump in the car and head to Willow Springs to drag his ass back to rehab if needed.

  So, it would be another sober party.

  “You guys throw the best damn parties, Gray,” Lila said as she kissed her way down my neck. Her hands moved beneath my T-shirt and ran up my chest.

  I continued to look out at the party as her lips moved up to my face and covered my mouth. The girl was some kind of sex goddess and we’d banged it out a few times over the years, but it had been a while. We didn’t have much in common outside of the physical, but right now this was the only kind of escape I would allow myself. I hadn’t hooked up with anyone since I’d come back to school, because I’d been in a foul mood for the past three weeks.

  Between the pressure of being president, keeping an eye on Gigi, my class load, and worrying about my dad, I hadn’t been a whole lot of fun lately. My fingers tangled in her hair as I kissed her. She tasted like cherries just like she always did. The girl must use some kind of sexy toothpaste or something to have a mouth that tasted like the top of an ice cream sundae.

  I tried to get lost in it, but I couldn’t seem to get there. I tugged her mouth away and pulled her into a hug. I didn’t want to be a total dick, but I wasn’t in the mood for Lila at the moment. “Sorry. I need to keep an eye out on the party, so give me a bit, okay?”

  She looked up at me. Big brown eyes, red lips, and a mouth begging to be fucked.


  And yet nothing was happening down south, which was odd. Hell, I’d been hard since the football game the entire time I talked to Gigi. My best friend’s little sister.

  How fucked up was that?

  I’d had to come home and take care of business in the shower for the hundredth time this week. I’d rubbed it out so many times I thought my dick would fall off. But it hadn’t happened yet. I’d decided there was no harm in fantasizing about Gigi as long as I never acted on it.

  But now I was thinking about her while a sexy as fuck girl was rubbing up against my junk, and I only wanted to get away.

  This was not good.

  Maybe I could get her out of my system by banging Lila tonight. That was an idea.

  “Don’t make me wait too long. I’ve missed you, Gray. We’re so good together,” she said, as her red lips came up to meet mine and her hand grazed my cock. He wasn’t in the mood for Lila apparently.

  A group of people walked through the front door and my eyes landed on Gigi Baldwin, surrounded by Addy, Jett, and a few guys I recognized from the football team. As she moved through the crowd and I got a better look at her, I was pushing Lila away and moving forward.

  Hell no.

  She wore a skin-tight red top and jeans that fit her tight little body like a second skin.

  My dick jumped to attention as I pushed through the crowd of people standing between us.

  She was laughing and talking, and I caught Jaden out of my peripheral moving toward her. Her blonde waves ran down her back which I just noticed was completely bare, and she looked sexy as fuck.

  “Gray, there’s a fight out front,” Ricky said, reaching for my arm just before I made my way to Gigi.

  Fuck me.

  “Let’s go,” I said, beelining for the front door. The cops were looking for a reason to shut us down. I wasn’t going to give them more reason than necessary.

  Two drunk assholes were shouting and shoving one another. No blows had been thrown as far as I could tell.

  “Hey, dickheads. Figure it out and go inside and have some fun or get the hell out of here. We don’t need the cops here. Got it?”

  They shrugged and then laughed. Dudes were so weird sometimes. They were ready to go to blows two minutes ago and now they looked like they might hug it out.

  “Fuck it. Let’s get a beer,” Dipshit one said to the other.

  “Well, that was easy,” Ricky said, and we both laughed.

  I made my way back inside and found Gigi right away. She was standing against a wall now, with Jaden all up in her business. I stayed back. I wanted to see how she’d handle him. I’d warned her about him already. What was I going to do, go yank his ass out here?

  It wasn’t a bad idea, but I needed to know that Gigi could handle herself.

  I wouldn’t always be around.

  Hell, I should be in my room banging Lila, who was currently licking her lips and staring at me across the room.

  Yet, my gaze kept going back to my best friend’s little sister. Jaden leaned down and whispered something in her ear, and she smiled. My chest tightened. Was she falling for this bullshit? Hell, I was the king of this game. I knew how it went. But Gigi was too good for this shit.

  She put her hands on his chest and pushed him back a little before shaking her
head and giving what I could only assume was an apologetic look. My inner asshole cheered.

  She shut that shit down with the grace of a fucking angel.

  He bowed his head and stepped away, and I couldn’t help but smile.

  See ya, asshole.

  She looked up and her sapphire blues locked with mine. She cocked her head to the side and smiled, and I swear to fucking god, my chest squeezed. My heart fucking raced. A heart I didn’t even know still knew how to beat from the attention of a girl. But it was threatening to jump out of my chest.

  My gaze scanned her and stopped at her goddamn nipples that were now hard enough to cut glass.

  I moved toward her, reached for her hand and led her through the crowd. I didn’t miss all the eyes following us. I hurried to my room and pulled her inside, before slamming the door closed.

  “What the fuck are you wearing?” I hissed.

  She blinked a few times as if she were stunned by my outburst.

  Buckle up, girl. I’m just getting started.

  “Excuse me?” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared.

  “Your fucking nipples were staring at me across the room.” I stormed angrily to my closet and pulled out my oversized black hoody. “Put it on.”

  “You’re literally insane.” She shoved my hand away. “I’m not wearing this ridiculous sweatshirt because you can’t stop staring at my chest.”

  “Damn straight, G. And neither can anyone else here. I saw that fuckface Jaden talking to you and I’m sure he was looking at the same goddamn thing.”

  She shook her head, and her tongue peeked out to wet her pouty lips, and I nearly came undone right there. Jesus Christ. I needed to get control of this situation.

  She’s your best friend’s sister, dickhead.

  She’s Gigi fucking Jacobs.

  The best girl you’ve ever known.

  Smart and beautiful.

  Innocent and trusting.

  Way out of my fucking league.


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