Kelly Exposed

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Kelly Exposed Page 17

by Viktor Redreich

  I heard rough laughter and then the dildo was being shoved down my throat from behind. I tilted my head back and relaxed everything inside me, this time recalling lessons from class. I felt it slide into my throat, felt my flesh stretch taut around its shape.

  The man yanked the toy out of me. My breath rushed in, and back out again as he pushed it into my ass. I screamed my pain and leaned forward, jutting my ass out to make the angle better. The toy went in easily, partly because of how hard he pushed and partly as a result of the toy being slippery from my mouth and throat. Taking it was not easy, but I forced myself to do it because of the echoes of pleasure. As the man fucked me with the two appendages, one his own and one an approximation, the echoes grew more distinct and eventually became an entire symphony of pure delight, clear as anything found in a concert hall.

  The man fucked harder. So did I. The whole world rocked. The two cocks rammed against each other, separated only by a thin membrane. Pleasure twanged back and forth inside me. Wetness dripped from my filled pussy, down my thighs, and even onto my feet. Spasms tore through me. I was cumming, had been cumming, was still cumming; I couldn’t tell where one orgasm ended and where the next began. All I could do was grit my teeth against the force of the releases. Grit my teeth and let my body do as it pleased.

  The thrusting slowed. Through the hammering of my heartbeat, I heard chanting. My name. At some point, I had won the competition.

  Tears brimmed in my eyes, but not from the pain. Not from the glory of having won.

  I cried because I loved what I’d done. I loved being at this man’s mercy and having to suffer erotic torture. I liked being pummeled and used. I liked everything that was being done to me, everything I had learned. I liked it and I shouldn’t, and I was so torn, so filled with guilt.

  And need.

  Need for more.

  Terror made my muscles tense up. I dug my fingers against the bricks. I’d already won, so there was no need to have any further sex. But I was so filled with horniness. The well was overflowing inside me and I was going to drown.

  I turned around and clutched the man who had helped give me the win. “Please, don’t stop,” I pleaded. “I need to cum some more.”

  His eyes searched mine. Sympathy and understanding entered his gaze and I started to cry out of gratitude. “I’ve got you,” he said. “I’ll give you what you need. No worries.”

  His hands were somehow gentle despite also being demanding as he pushed me onto my hands and knees in the dirt. He crouched beside me and motioned to the other men who participated in the contest. When they had wandered over, I wasn’t sure. Their faces gleamed with hunger; they hadn’t been satisfied by their pitiful partners.

  “Looks like I’m not enough for this one, boys. Help me out.”

  The audience pressed in for a closer look. One of the professors said something that sounded like, unprecedented.

  I didn’t care. I was full of too much need to feel pride.

  The men gathered around me and soon all my holes were being filled. I spread out my arms and legs and gave myself over to my own personal paradise.

  Someone pulled the toy from my ass and pushed something else in its place. Two somethings, I quickly realized, feeling a second hard pressure join the first. My eyes went wide at an even more intense pain as the two cocks pushed inside of me, stretching me far more than I would have thought was possible for the human body.

  My pussy clenched hard around the cock inside me. The fourth and final cock rammed into my mouth. Absolute burning pleasure poured through my veins. I shoved my hand between my body and the men around me and rubbed my throbbing clit. All four of them started driving into me, forcing me back and forth, tossing me around like the sex doll I was. I reveled in the debauchery, my eyes rolling in my skull.

  My gaze landed upon Zion.

  He sat in the stands, in the spot reserved for him, like an emperor watching over his kingdom. As any emperor would, he had women surrounding him to lavish attention upon him. Female students rubbed his shoulders, fed him grapes, and brought glasses of sparkling punch to his lips. Two female professors crouched in front of him, giving him a blowjob in tandem. The image of what his cock looked like was still fresh in my mind. I desperately wished that he was one of the men roughly taking me.

  But what if he was the only one?

  If it was just the two of us locked in the sweetest embrace? Even by himself, he was sure to incite far more pleasure than the foursome did. He would be so masterful and commanding. I’d have no choice but to cum for him over and over and over until my heart gave out. Only then would I be replete.

  The look on Zion’s face made me wonder if he didn’t feel the same way. His expression was passive even as he drilled his cock deep into the two ready throats before him. He looked as if nothing those woman did could give him true pleasure. But his eyes, his eyes were fixed down on the field where I was being taken, like he couldn’t look away.

  My body tensed, all of my holes clenching at once in preparation for my biggest orgasm yet.

  “Zion,” I whispered.

  And then I was taken away into the warm, gushing darkness.

  Chapter 23

  How badly do you need it?

  I skipped the get-together after all the competitions came to an end. I didn’t have any real interest in the food, or the drinks, or in talking, or in having sex. I was, for the moment, sated, and wanted to be alone.

  I made my way back toward the dormitory building. The sun was making its way steadily toward the horizon, though it wouldn’t be sunset for a few hours yet. It was a little after four. Yet, there was a darkness present that normally wouldn’t come until well into the night. Huge, imposing clouds were rolling in from the sea, heralding the storm to come. The sea itself had grown terribly rough, from what little could be seen of the beach across the valley behind Zion’s mansion. Waves crashed and foamed against the shore. The roaring was audible and constant, echoing across the walls of the valley.

  But even with the hurricane nearing, even with the darkness pressing in upon the island, the sun refused to back down. Its rays streamed down, abrading the clouds, pouring through the trees. The land was alternately cash with shadow, then light, a constant war that complemented my mood.

  It was soothing, in an odd way, like validation for my turbulent emotions.

  I put my hands in the pockets of my shorts while walking a garden path, through the abused flower beds. My shoulders slumped. My memories were heavy.

  My final orgasm at the competition had made me blackout. When I came to, I had been lying on a blanket and someone was cleaning me up using a wet, cool cloth. The touches were soft, gentle, almost platonic in nature; aftercare was important when it came to rough sex acts. No harm done, no hard feelings, was the motto. Still, my hips had arched up, my pussy trying to tingle with arousal despite being so sore and overused. My body seemed to be searching for gratification at every turn.

  When would I ever have enough?

  The crowd had still been chanting my name. The men who fucked me loomed over me, a wall of muscle, separating me from the prying eyes. Their lovesick expressions said they would always be there for me, would do anything for me, just to get another chance to fuck me. That was nice, but the man I wanted to see wasn’t there. He wasn’t in the crowd. He wasn’t anywhere. He had disappeared in the time between losing consciousness and waking up.

  I had been hoping to impress him so he’d come down here to congratulate me. Maybe he’d invite me back to his mansion. Having to confront that that was not going to be the case almost made my tears start anew.

  And then all I had wanted was to get away. I felt stripped and raw and wanted away from the prying eyes. I waved to the crowd and went to a shower area to get cleaned up and dressed. I’d planned to escape as soon as I left the showers, but a crowd had formed around me and I couldn’t. It wasn’t until everything was over that I could leave.

  I still felt tears ready to spring t
o my eyes at any moment. The medal around my neck was nowhere near a good enough prize. In some ways, it was the worst thing I could have received. It was a constant reminder that I had loved being treated as nothing more than a fuck toy.

  I looked up, surprised to find the room to my dorm right in front of me. I’d been so caught up in my internal war that the journey seemed to take no time at all.

  I pushed the door open, intending to head straight to bed. I was exhausted mentally and physically and emotionally. My ass and pussy ached. The sweet solace of sleep was all I desired now. In sleep, I didn’t have to confront my conflicted emotions. I could pretend everything was like it was before.

  I expected to be alone.

  That wasn’t the case.

  Blanche sat on one of the couches, her arms folded and her face stormy.

  I sighed. You won a competition. You should be out celebrating.

  I didn’t feel like dealing with her right then. She had reverted fully back to her bitchy ways. She had promised to take me under her wing, but she was too jealous of me. That, at least, was the rumor that had found its way to me. My progress threatened to usurp her from her queenly throne and she hated it.

  I had no doubt that was the case. The way the story went was that one of Blanche’s friends had gotten her to admit her feelings after she was throwing a tantrum in one of the bathrooms. Mom had taught me that things spoken in anger were very truthful and shouldn’t be disregarded.

  What happened at Sports Day was sure to have soured Blanche’s mood even more than normal. She’d won her contest, but my success shadowed hers.

  I shut the dorm room door behind myself and headed past Blanche. I wouldn’t give her the time of day. That was something else Mom taught me. Nothing bothered a bully more than being ignored.

  Blanche jumped to her feet and strode toward me, jabbing her finger at my face. “Hey! Bitch!”

  I stepped back, holding up my hands. “What?”

  “Someone needs to take you down a peg. Do you think you’re the biggest slut at this school? I don’t think so. That’s my spot and you need to back off.”

  I dropped my hands and put them on my hips. “If this is about the competition . . .”

  “No. That was just the tip of the iceberg.” She glowered down at me, her face bright red. “If it wasn’t for us, your roommates, you wouldn’t even have a place at this school. Just because you had your slut awakening doesn’t mean you’re worth shit. Those other girls tapped out to make you feel good, that’s all.”

  Blanche smirked with pride, clearly expecting that her words would destroy my spirit.

  I shook my head at her, too tired to even bother feeling annoyed.

  She screeched and shoved me back. I hit the door and it opened. I spilled backward into the hallway. I thrust my hand out behind myself to keep from landing on my ass.

  “What is wrong with you?” I cried out, genuinely astonished at her behavior. I didn’t deserve this.

  “You! You’re what’s wrong with me!” Blanche yelled. “You might have everyone else fooled with your good girl act, but I see right through you. You cheated.”

  “I cheated at . . . sex?”

  “Either you cheated, or you’ve been faking being bad at sex all this time so you could have your little underdog story. Those are the only explanations. There’s no way someone like you could change so drastically and be so successful.” Blanche planted her hands on hips and blew out a sharp breath. “If you’re lying, you could be expelled.”

  “I have a right to be here just as much as you do.” I automatically defended myself. Unwise, but I was genuinely offended by her actions. I would leave when I was damn well ready to leave. I would leave when I had a plan in place. This insecure female would not intimidate me any further.

  “Leave,” Blanche said, dead serious. “Or I’ll make you leave.”

  I pushed up from the wall. “No. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Blanche screeched like an angry pterodactyl. Her shouts drew the attention of the few students who had also decided to skip the party and doors from other dorm rooms started opening. Students filtered into the hallway, eager to take in the drama unfolding between us.

  Blanche looked around at our audience and smirked. “I’m going to toss your ass out in front of everyone.”

  The attention emboldens her. Great.

  Blanche pushed me. Hard.

  I stumbled back and hit the wall again. Something inside me snapped and it wasn’t a bone. I was done taking abuse. I was done being nice.

  I stepped up to Blanche and shoved her. Hard. She staggered, almost falling through the open doorway. She gaped at me, not having expected me to fight back.

  I cracked my knuckles like I’d seen the tough guys on TV do.

  Blanche suddenly screamed and ran at me. She scratched at my face with her nails and yanked my hair. Catfight stuff. Little girl fighting stuff. My anger mounted. I wasn’t going to play her game and go back-and-forth with itty-bitty slaps all day. I grabbed her and let all my weight drop at once, dragging her down to the floor with me.

  “Get off me!” Blanche screamed.

  I thumped her on the back with my fist and her yell cut off in a grunt. She got her hands up behind me and pulled my hair again. She slammed my head back against the floor molding. Black spots filled my vision. She rolled on top of me and aimed her nails at my face again.

  I grabbed her wrists. Time seemed to slow. I was so very aware of everything that was happening. It didn’t seem to take any effort at all to yank her off me and leap on top of her. I grabbed the frilly little top she wore and ripped it. I pulled harder than I meant to and the fabric came completely apart in my hands. Her breasts popped out.

  Blanche writhed, enraged, and began to smack at me. Her palm hitting my nipple made me gasp. That was when I noticed, at some point, my pussy had gotten wet. Blanche kept striking at me, hitting my other breast, and now both my nipples were hard and tingling.

  Something took hold of me. I fought harder and harder, climbing her until I straddled her stomach with my legs clamped around her. No matter how she struggled, she couldn’t free herself from my grasp. I grabbed her breast and squeezed hard. She writhed and I squeezed harder. Her motions made my sopping pussy rub all over her, leaving trails of wetness.

  Blanche suddenly let out a moan and even though she was still struggling, I recognized the desire in her eyes. We had fucked often enough for me to know that fire.

  I pinched her nipple and rolled it hard between my fingers. She yelled out again, this time in pleasure instead of anger.

  I leaned over her, panting, out of breath. “You’re not going to get off so easily.”

  Her eyes went round. She had wanted to humiliate me, but she was about to find the shoe would be on the other foot that day.

  I raked my nails down her body far more deliberately than she had been doing and tore off the rest of her clothes. Her skirt went down easily and she wasn’t wearing any panties. I yanked off my torn top and maneuvered around to get rid of my pants. Someone behind me oh-so-helpfully pulled my pants down the rest of the way for me, meaning I didn’t have to let go of Blanche.

  Still holding tight to her as she wriggled and bucked, I positioned myself to scissor our legs together, fitting our pussies against each other. Blanche went limp and started to moan.

  I straightened up fast and slapped her across the cheek, hard enough to leave a red mark. “Oh, no, it’s not going to be that easy. You wanted a fight and you’re going to finish it. We’re going to settle who belongs here.”

  The fire returned to Blanche’s eyes. She started to buck up from her position on the floor. I rammed my pussy on hers and yelled, “After today, you’ll know for sure I’m better than you!”

  Blanche screamed out at me and braced herself on her hands to fuck even harder at me. I met her with hard thrusts, trying to drive her into the ground, make her submit to my control. She grabbed my legs and wrenched us around to be on top
. I took her clit between my fingers and rubbed it to death. She shrieked, legs shaking. I twisted us around to get back on top and kept slapping my pussy on hers, our wet lips crushing together. The thrill of dominating this bitchy roommate of mine kept me going despite being exhausted from all the fucking I’d endured earlier.

  Blanche convulsed underneath me, her cum flooding against my fingers.

  I wasn’t done. Far from it. She deserved everything she was going to get.

  I grabbed her hair and pulled her back down when she tried to stand. I held up my hand, my thumb folded against my palm, showing her what I meant to do. She tried to close her legs. I forced them apart and thrust my four fingers inside her I rammed her hard, without mercy, until she had another orgasm. Her yells and cries took on a weak, incoherent edge.

  I forced her onto her hands and knees and smacked her ass, over and over in the same spot until she’d have a bruise to remember me by. My other hand stayed busy, rimming circles around her ass and flicking her right on her red pucker.

  Blanche flopped down onto her face, her ass still up in the air for me. “Stop!” she wheezed. “Stop, I’m done. I give up!”

  You’re done, but I’m not.

  I stood up. Blanche tried to follow. I shook my finger in her face and shoved her back down to her knees. “Make me cum now,” I commanded, spreading my legs to show her my red-hot, swollen womanhood. I heard gasps all around as the other students realized that I hadn’t cum even once during the entire display. Like Zion, I had used sex to accomplish a goal, used it as a means to an end.

  At my demand, Blanche recovered energy from somewhere. Her demeanor changed. She hurried to press her mouth to me and grabbed my clit with her lips, squeezing; she knew what I liked and what buttons to press to send me to orgasm quickly. I bucked and squirmed on her face, grinding my clit deeper into her mouth like I would if I had a cock. Blanche grasped my ass and dug her nails in, giving me the pain I needed to come to orgasm while her tongue fucked over my clit and lips.


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