Bent to His Will: A Dark Billionaire Romance

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Bent to His Will: A Dark Billionaire Romance Page 4

by Piper Stone

  Why they’d followed in their father’s footsteps was fascinating. The limited conversations I’d had with the captain on the subject indicted a lust for power. Secrets. Hidden desires. I certainly didn’t have to spend months in the club to understand that every member had both. I wasn’t a psychologist, although I’d taken enough classes in college to know what the club’s customers were doing was compensation for something they were missing in their lives.

  Or they simply preferred to ride the line of right and wrong.

  Whatever the case, Club Darkness had been identified as using underage girls to provide perks for their highest paying clients. While I’d yet to see anyone who I believed was under twenty-one, makeup could certainly hide true ages.

  As well as scandalous actions.

  I laughed, thinking about my current wardrobe, the clothing I usually wore muted in color. I’d even had to learn how to walk in extremely high heels for the job at the club. Now I was dancing in them. I leaned over, pressing my face against the mirror. Life wasn’t simple any longer.

  I slapped my hand against the light switch twice before managing to turn it off, making my way back into the small living room. The apartment was little more than an efficiency; a single bedroom and bath, a galley kitchen, and the living room. At least it was comfy, light able to filter in from two sides. I’d fallen in love with the place the moment I saw it. I even had a view of the White House, at least if I rose onto my tiptoes and craned my neck.

  My feet were heavy as I retrieved my wine, moving slowly toward the laptop positioned on the tiny kitchen table. Exhaustion was rearing its ugly head as I sat down, fingering the spacebar, finally pressing down. The club’s website immediately popped up, the artistry as dark and foreboding as the location itself. Whoever had designed the site had been trying to appeal to the secrets and desires lurking inside.

  They’d succeeded. Even I’d been intrigued by the lure of a mind-blowing experience, although I’d learned that just because someone had money didn’t mean they were automatically accepted. The vetting process for new clients was almost as strenuous as anyone who craved working there. What I’d learned from the captain as well as during the limited hours I’d been employed was that the club was a hot spot for the rich and famous. They all had something to hide, dirty little secrets they didn’t want the rest of the world to learn about.

  No wonder the Dunmore brothers were so freaking powerful.

  If only I could infiltrate the inner circle, one of the brothers trusting me. I doubted that was going to happen given Gregory’s controlling actions. I navigated to the site’s ‘About’ page, studying the pictures of the owners. They were all incredibly good-looking, although for me, Gregory was truly a gorgeous man, his regal and sophisticated exterior barely scratching the surface. I couldn’t help but wonder what he looked like underneath his expensive attire and promise of domination.

  “Ugh,” I hissed and dropped my head, fiddling with the wineglass. Being attracted to one of the men I was hoping to arrest wasn’t in my best interest. Then again, I doubted I would remain on the case. The department couldn’t afford to send me back in given what had occurred. I could only imagine I’d be popped down to a street officer for my failure. If that was the case, I’d have to find a smaller place to live.

  I took a sip of wine, allowing myself to stare at Gregory’s face, the cunning smile he wore and his dazzling blue eyes a powerful aphrodisiac. Blue, the color so deep and enigmatic that they reminded me of sapphires. Only seconds later, I realized I was tracing his face with the tip of my finger. I jerked my hand away, almost knocking over the wine. It was as if the man had some kind of hold over me. That was just crazy. That was...


  My entire body ached from the thought of seeing him again, my nipples pressed so hard against my robe that they were in pain. He was beautiful, his dangerous persona only adding to his seductive nature.

  Oh, this was getting ridiculous. I snapped the lid shut on my laptop, chugging the rest of the wine. I refused to allow myself to fall prey to a bastard like him. I’d confess my sins in the morning to my captain then endure whatever punishment the department gave me.


  The word lingered in my mind as I walked away from the table. That would never happen again.

  * * *

  I sat in the horribly uncomfortable chair as my captain stood staring out the window of the abandoned warehouse. The chill in the space was biting, the shadows playing off the limited light ominous. I’d been there twice before, the location only known by a limited number of people. For some reason, today it felt more foreboding.

  Fidgeting only produced a wretched recollection of the night before. The pain remained, a reminder every time I moved or walked of what I’d endured the night before. I was sick to my stomach, the silence worse than being told what I could expect.

  Or what I would face.

  Captain Snelling turned abruptly, moving to the aging desk and sitting on the edge. “Tell me again what Gregory Dunmore said to you to make you believe that your cover was blown.”

  I remained committed to my decision that I wouldn’t tell him about the way Gregory had handled me. Besides, the captain had told me to be prepared to experience difficult activities. Gregory was positive I wouldn’t be able to handle his overt actions. Fuck him. I could handle anything.

  Plus, you’re intrigued.

  The words had played in my mind more than once.

  I rubbed my fingers through my hair, trying to sit up straight. “He accused me of telling him lies. He said that he knew I wasn’t who I pretended to be and that I could go back to my organization and tell them that they weren’t doing anything criminal inside the club.”

  He rubbed his jaw, staring blankly over my head.

  “I know I’ve messed up and I’m sorry. I wish I could change things, Captain, but he’s very clever.” And the most formidable man I’d ever run across.

  The captain laughed. “Detective Sutherland, do you honestly think I didn’t have a firm understanding of the kind of men the Dunmores have become? I knew their father years ago, another ruthless bastard who always managed to escape from any finger pointing while obtaining his wealth. The power he wielded was unprecedented. I’m actually surprised he hadn’t been murdered earlier.”

  “So, you’re saying he was murdered?” Did I see his upper lip twinge? The file had only listed the parents as deceased with no details.

  “The coroner’s report listed both he and his wife’s death as a tragic accident, but I have my doubts. Of course, it was a relief to dozens of influential club members that he was gone. The thought had been the club would close, which it did for almost two years. Then one day, it reopened, bigger and better than ever before.” Captain Snelling huffed as he shook his head. “Or so I’ve heard.”

  “And they’re using the same blackmailing tactics that their father used?”

  “From what I’ve heard, yes. Supposedly, there were actual ledgers from days when the grandfather began, shifting into color photographs then thumb drives. Of course, after Richard Dunmore’s death, there was utter quiet. Either the boys didn’t know what their father had been up to or didn’t care. Then everything changed. The club reopened and the scuttlebutt around town is that people are more nervous than ever. My guess is that there isn’t a man in this town who isn’t terrified that Richard Dunmore didn’t take his secrets with him to the grave. If that’s the truth, then the Dunmore boys hold more power in this country than the president of the United States.”

  I shifted in my seat, realizing why Gregory had been edgy as fuck, as if he was well aware enemies were on the horizon. “That means their father’s enemies remain.”

  He nodded. “Without a doubt.”

  “Why would anyone put themselves in harm’s way all over again if they were so afraid?” A nagging began to pool in my stomach.

  Captain Snelling laughed. “You don’t seem to understand the lure of sex.”<
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  The comment forced a wave of heat to build along my jaw. “Oh, I think I get it. I’m just surprised that such powerful men wouldn’t tend to their proclivities in private.”

  He didn’t seem to want to answer me right away, his eyes studying me intently. “Deals are made behind those hallowed walls, Detective, the kind that make or break fortunes. That’s the huge draw to the club and what helped make the Dunmore family extremely wealthy. The sex and dark entertainment are merely... dressings.”

  I shuddered given his explanation, but certainly gathered a better sense why the Dunmore brothers would have extensive enemies. I had to wonder whether the information regarding underage girls was nothing but an attempt to destroy the club once and for all. “Fascinating.”

  “Yes. His sons are a chip off the old block, if you ask me. In my opinion, Gregory Dunmore was baiting you, Detective. The sooner you begin to see through the bullshit played by true mastermind criminals, the better off you’ll be. This is your first undercover assignment, however, and it’s understandable that you don’t have the nuances yet. You know, the lingo and the ability to grasp bullshit when you hear it. That comes with time.”

  I was confused and inched closer to the edge of the seat, my heart beating rapidly. “I’m not certain I’m following. Are you trying to tell me that you don’t believe my cover was blown?”

  “Detective Sutherland, if your cover was blown, you wouldn’t be sitting here today.”

  A trickle of fear skated down my spine. “I didn’t think they were actual murderers.”

  Shrugging, he pulled a manila file from the surface of the desk, peering inside without allowing me to see what he was looking at. “I think the Dunmore boys are capable of anything, especially if they’re pushed. They certainly don’t want their worlds to crumble. Within months after the club reopened, two prominent citizens who had been rumored to be long-time members disappeared, their bodies turning up on the shores of the Potomac River.”

  “And you think one or all three Dunmore brothers just decided to kill them,” I scoffed.

  “If their worlds were threatened, absolutely. They have far too much to lose. Expensive cars. Mansions. Vacation homes.”

  “All purchased legally from what I can tell.”

  He chuckled. “Don’t play naïve, Detective. Things aren’t always as they seem. Richard Dunmore was also into various criminal acts, let alone the fact he enjoyed threatening the upper echelon of society every chance he had. The legacy he left is tainted in blood, secrets, and lies. Sadly, no one was able to pin anything on him, and various law enforcement agencies supposedly tried. Why would I think his sons wouldn’t be just like him? They are perching on a goldmine of information. I assure you that one day, they will begin unraveling our beloved city.”

  ‘Supposedly.’ That meant the captain believed certain members of one or more law enforcement agencies were members. All with something to lose.

  “So...” I asked, pushing. He wasn’t telling me everything. I wasn’t certain I could buy that Gregory was capable of murder, although if they truly were holding secrets from years, even decades before, I doubted there was a single member who hadn’t thought of eliminating the issue. From what I’d observed, I doubted Gregory would get his hands dirty. He’d hire someone to do the work for him. However, I wasn’t certain what the captain was saying was accurate to any degree. Other than noticing the son of the mafia lord of the Gasini family crime syndicate at the club the night before, there was nothing linking the Dunmore brothers to crime syndicates or corporate extortion.

  Or blackmail.

  Of course, everything of that nature went on behind closed doors.

  “So, what I’m telling you if that you will go back to Club Darkness tonight and call his bluff. As you have already been told the day you were hired, this case is on a need to know basis. Very few people have any idea what’s going on and it’s going to stay that way. After our meeting today, you will remain entirely undercover. That means little or no communication. I will find a way to contact you if necessary, but from now on, I don’t want you at the precinct or even at this location.”

  “Why so secretive?” I dared to ask.

  “There are reasons, Detective, including the fact that there are informants everywhere.”

  “I truly find it difficult to believe that the Dunmore brothers suddenly became notorious crime lords.”

  He chuckled as he glanced around the empty space, taking a deep breath. “I’ve been doing this a long time, longer than you’ve been alive. I’ve worked my share of homicides that have fueled nightmares for years. I’ve seen criminals with the kind of talent that is truly exceptional. I’ve known several crime syndicate families up and down the East Coast. Every monster I’m describing is dangerous, but there are only a few that fall into a certain class. Eloquent. Intelligent. Cunning. And they have enough dirty laundry on members of this city to burn it to the ground. Those are the truly dangerous ones. Do not under any circumstances underestimate the Dunmore family.”

  There was a hint of admiration in his voice, as if attempting to take them down was personal. “Understood, Captain.”

  “You need to find out everything you can about their operation. While I believe they handle a lion’s share of their corporate business at the club, it is entirely possible they have a second location. We need everything from who they purchase their supplies from to their member roster. I need pictures of their clients. Talk to the other dancers but be careful. You can’t trust anyone. Anything that you can provide will boost this case.”

  What that told me was that the department had little or nothing that would stick in court.

  My nerves were on edge, the thought of going back to the club almost suffocating. From what little I knew of the offices, they were impenetrable, security cameras everywhere. How the hell was I supposed to break in when it seemed all three Dunmores were always there? Let alone the number of bouncers they employed would make discovery almost certain. I’d spent enough time around a few of the big burly men to know they were always watching.

  “I don’t know if I can do that, sir. I’m just... From what I can tell, they are extremely careful in everything they do, watching over every aspect of the club. There are secret rooms, closed-lipped employees, but no one talks about what goes on behind locked doors.” I couldn’t even express the words or the fear that had remained since the night before. Sleep hadn’t been an option. Every time I’d closed my eyes, the image of Gregory’s face had flashed into my mind.

  Leaning forward, he pressed his hand on my shoulder. “You are more than capable of doing this, Detective. Why do you think that your resume was selected from dozens of others from all across the country? You’re intelligent, an excellent observer, and you certainly fit in given your background, although I hope you took the coaching about your wardrobe seriously.” He smiled as if to ease my tension, even though he glanced down at my attire. “It may take some time, but every scrap of information will help to build a case against them. These assholes need to go down before they start the kind of political and tactical mess that can’t be cleaned up.”

  A blush cresting on my cheeks, I followed his gaze, chewing on my inner cheek. I’d thrown on my usual uniform, a dark blue suit with a plain blouse. I’d never wanted to stand out, at least not for my clothing. “Of course, Captain.” My earlier feeling that this was entirely personal was shoved into a tidy package in the back of my mind. I was a keen observer and Captain Snelling wasn’t entirely happy about the situation.

  “Excellent. Make no mistake that while Gregory Dunmore is considered the more ruthless of the three, both Michael and Christopher are merciless in their own ways. They are also extremely close. If they are threatened, they will come together as a family. If you don’t feel like it’s safe to secure physical information, use the burner phone I gave you and take photographs, emailing them to the address I gave you. No one will be able to trace it to our department. Any document you can get you
r hands on as well as clear photographs of the members.”

  It was the second time he’d emphasized taking photos. From what I’d learned, that particular activity could prove highly dangerous.

  “Duly noted, sir.” My nerves were increasing with every passing minute. No one had taken the time to fully explain the operations of an undercover field worker. I was beginning to understand, growing even more uncomfortable. “I’ll get you everything you need.”

  “I know you will, Detective. As I said before, hopefully this will be the last time we meet until the case has been concluded, or unless there is an emergency. For the time being, you are Valentina Foster, a woman with a difficult past, which is really why you need the job at the club. I took the liberty of changing the lease for your apartment to reflect your new name.”

  “What?” No one had told me that part of the plan. I didn’t like it at all.

  Captain Snelling nodded. “If I hadn’t been able to do that, you’d be required to live in another location, devoid of your things. I’ve also taken the liberty of having a team alter your apartment.”

  “Alter, sir?” What in the hell was he talking about?

  “We weren’t entirely certain that you’d be able to go through with last night, which is why I made the decision to wait to alter some of the necessary details in order to keep your cover from being blown. Don’t worry, the furniture stays, but your personal items will be stored, including pictures and any documents that might lead to your real identity. We’ve replaced what we could, including bogus pictures of family and friends as well as an entirely new wardrobe for when you’re working and when you’re off. Memorize this list but make certain and throw it away when you do. The cheat sheet is vital.”

  I stared down at the group of papers before snatching them from his hand, my stomach churning.

  “I can tell you’re uncomfortable, so let me put it to you this way, Detective. We were close to getting someone on the inside last year, although not as an employee. The paperwork and investigations were extensive, so much so that even though we believed we had an airtight persona built around the detective, we were wrong. One thing we missed twenty years ago in the detective’s past and he was rejected. One thing.” The captain held up his finger for emphasis. “Don’t put anything past them.”


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